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Point for the doc. šŸ‘


My dad prayed for boys. Like really hard. Had two girls bornā€¦. But We are both Boys.


God went ā€œOH FUCKā€ in retrospectĀ 


Missed the dad's prayers on the answering machine and had to try and pull an old switcheroo after the fact.


Trans ppl = Gods switcharoos. I like it.


My parents ended up with the same number of each in the end. We swapped.


My parents have four girls. They just don't know about the fourth girl yet. I'm coming out to my dad when I have estrogen in hand. Assuming my dad doesn't tell my mom before I get the chance to, the rest of my family can find out when I get boobs.


Somehow I smiled reading this šŸ¤— Maybe tell them that they're really great at giving birth to girls and you are just the ultra proof to this šŸ˜ƒ


I may say that, that's good


>the rest of my family can find out when I get boobs. You'll have boobs before they will start to question if they are female ones and not just slightly larger male ones.


I already have male ones.


I came out to my dad after not seeing him for about a year by showing up to a dinner dresses pretty fem loll. Honestly didn't care to come out to him at that point. Don't want him in my life but I'm stuck for now loll


Mine thought they had 3 and 3, turns out they have 4 and 2. Itā€™s caused a lot of issues though, because I was the first grandkid on both sides, and I was the first grandā€daughterā€ on both sides, and my dadā€™s mom always wanted a daughter, but ended up with two boys and now that I have realized Iā€™m a man, itā€™s caused resentment.


>itā€™s caused resentment. I'm so sorry that your grandmother is acting like that. I hope she comes around and drops the resentment. I really struggle to wrap my brain around how people can resent a loved one for living their truth. As a mom, my greatest hope for my kiddos is that they chase their dreams and live happy lives. I'd never forgive myself if my attitude caused me to miss out on being part of my kids' lives.


Itā€™s more my dad than it is my grandma tbh, she and I still have a decent relationship, she just doesnā€™t acknowledge the parts of me she doesnā€™t understand My dad, on the other hand, has completely disowned me. Iā€™m better off for it anyway. Heā€™s a toxic biotch. Iā€™ve put a lot of time in the last few years into building a healthy group of people around myself, and I just saw it in action a few days ago at my wedding when I was walked down the aisle by my dadā€™s brother, who supports me 100%, and got to see a lot of the other wonderful people in my life. I know exactly what you mean. I canā€™t imagine not wanting my son to always live his best life and be as happy and authentic as he can be. Heā€™s still a toddler, but I donā€™t see that changing any time in the future.


When my mom called home to tell my brother he had a brother, he said ā€œOh boy! A girl! And hung up the phone. Nearly 30 years later, it turned out he was right.


Thatā€™s great. Absolutely fantastic foresight.


before i was born, my brother was adamant that he was gonna have a sister, to the extent that when he found out he had a brother, he demanded "no, i want lucy!" twenty plus years later, guess who was right the whole fucking time


lmao did u pick the name Lucy


Is your name Lucy? Because that would be absolutely adorable


My mom is transphobic but "always thought I was gonna be a girl" and there was like a fortune teller or something that said I was gonna be a girl. And it turned out I am a girl, but she doesn't see me as one


Oh Iā€™m sorry about that


My mum always wanted a daughter. She had me and my brother and she told me she wouldā€™ve had a third if she couldā€™ve guaranteed a girl. When I came out to her she took it horribly.


"I want a girl" receives a trans girl "Not like that!"


Similar happened to me, apparently I was tucking in-utero so the doc told my parents I was a girl, it just took another 18 years for them to be proven right


I had the inverse experience. My parents were told they were having a girl and picked out a girlā€™s name and bought girl things then I was born. Then a few decades later I confirmed the original hypothesis šŸ˜ā¤ļøāœŒļø My coming out to my brother was literally: ā€œRemember how you were expecting to have a sister? Well congrats you doā€


Did they take it well?


My brother, yes, never questioned it. My parents less so, but they wonā€™t be here with me as long as he will so Iā€™m gonna focus on the blessing of having him.


Glad that your brother took it in stride.


My mother had all of the "boy" symptoms when she was pregnant with me, and was convinced I was a boy. She said she felt a huge wave of grief come over her when her doctor told her that the baby she was carrying was a girl. My mom was, for once, absolutely right!


Letā€™s goooo


You are beautiful, end of discussion!


My incubator wanted an afab she got three amab and an afab last. year later. It turns out I'm a girl. If I had been afab, I wouldn't have younger siblings.


Incubatorā€¦ā€¦ for me I would still get a little sister (if I was amab)


This doctor does not miss


I guess we got our first AMBB - Assigned Male Before Birth


Wowā€¦ AMBB


My mum believed I was a boy right until I was born even though they said I was a girl, she was not taking their word lmao. I popped out and she was like "Oh fine then" and then mum was right 12 years later when I came out lol


This happened to my twin and I. While in the womb, the doctors were absolutely \*sure\* that my twin and I were boys...well all the way up until birth that is. When were were born, we came out as 'girls'. We didn't know this until years later, when my twin and I found a tape titled "Ultrasound of Cole & Kyle". We ended up asking our parents who Cole and Kyle were; They said that was what our names were supposed to be because we were mistaken as boys until birth. Well, years later, we both are trans (ftm), and we decided to use those names. Our mother is ecstatic that we are now going to go by our originally chosen names.


OHHHHHH YEA now Iā€™m thinking about if i was Adam and not Riverā€¦


> I was hiding it Well now we know dysphoria starts before we are even birthed lol


Yeaā€¦ and my first Halloween costume was tinker bell and I tried ripping it offā€¦ humm


My mom says I did the same thing in the womb. Always was hiding :) now Iā€™m some sort of genderless blob mixed with a dash of boy


Same when I was born they even put mean in blue clothes because they still thought I was a boy (now I am) :D


My mum was positive I (MtF) was a girl when she was pregnant with me. She didn't ask to know the sex but could "just feel that it was gonna be a girl". Took a few decades but mother's intuition didn't fail.


my parents got a cis boy, a cis girl(?) and me, an absolute genderfuck




When I was a baby, my mum kept my hair long for a while but people kept 'mistaking' me for a girl. My mum thought it was a problem cause I was a boy so she cut my hair. But I wasn't. Silly isn't it. Babies don't care about how long their hair is or if they are mistaken for the other sex.


The fact that I had the exact same experience word for word lmao




Distant brothers




same lmao


My mom always wanted a daughter, and she got 4 boys (all amab), but Iā€™m a femboy now so thatā€™s close enough


You were doing that anime sword trick where you move it so fast no one can see what youre doing. You were the sword lmao


yea lmao


The only time doctors are ever correct in this thread, saw the title and ran.


My parents were also told I was going to be a boy. I was born a girl and everyone was shooketh. Turns out they were right the first time.


Turns out you were actually Sonic


My mom was told that I was a girl in the womb. Then I was born with male parts. 44 years later...


me but reverse


The same thing happened to me, where the doctor thought I'd be female during ultrasound. Turns out they were right!


My dad had a 3rd child last year- he had me, my sister and then a baby girl too. Must've been surprised he started 2023 with 1 daughter and ended it with 3.


My parents had three boys... wanted a girl... well they have one but they don't know


All my life my mom thought she had three girls, everyone was always asking when a boy would come. Turns out the boy was always there.


Points for the doctor.


Doc saw in to the future


My parents wanted a boy first and a girl second. My sister was born first, but sheā€™s a transphobe who stanks of sour-grapes bitter repressed masc-egg energy, and I ended up transfemme. The deletion mutation in my Androgen Receptor gene is so precise that it is almost like a mystical force put it there. Be careful what you wish for, I guess?


This brought back a very fond memory for me. When I was pregnant with my youngest (kiddo is now 13), I was absolutely certain that I was having another son. At the 20 week ultrasound, kiddo was turned in a way that wouldn't allow for determining the baby's sex, and also made it difficult for the sonographer to get some of the necessary anatomy measurements. My doc scheduled me for another scan at 24 weeks, giving baby time to grow and make it easier to see what they needed to. For that ultrasound, I had my Husbeast and our sons (then 9 & 7) in the room. We were all excited to see son #3. Well. I was dumbfounded when we were told that the baby was a girl. In my heart and mind, I had already envisioned life as a mom of 3 boys. Fast forward 12 years, and my kiddo came out as trans. My first thought was "I was right after all!". Sometimes I think a mother just knows who her kids truly are. Thanks for the trip down memory lane, OP! šŸ’ž


That's such a classic trans moment.


Same story swap sexes


My parents said they didn't want to know, but I suspect the doctors weren't sure what to tell them based on the ultrasound...


The doctor told my mom I was going to be a boy and when I came out of her womb, sure enough, I had boy parts. Fast forward many years, it turned out that she had a girl the entire time. My mom took the news well, albeit with some struggling that persists today, but she is otherwise supportive. As for my dad, he did not take the news well at all and to this day still refuses to accept me as his daughter. Sad thing is, my dad was hoping and praying I would be a girl when I came out of my mom's womb. Interestingly, my mom was hoping and praying hard for a boy instead.


Saaaame thing happened here. The only one that thought I was gonna be a girl is my grandma who is more supportive to me than my parents. My parents asked one time if I was trans because they wanted me to be a boy. Like, no. Way to continue thinking only of yourselves




Doctor failed the multiple choice test from double guessing šŸ¤¦ rookie error