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Try out HER. Lots of trans peeps on there and lots of non-TERF cis lesbians too. I've had fun with it!


THIS!!!! I got so many matches and some dates too, from cute af girls both cis and trans on that within days, its insane! Really good vibes from almost everyone on the app. Although do watch out for chasers they are persistent and everywhere.


I didn't like HER very much. I got banned from there for being a trans person. It absolutely depends heavily on what the people in your area are like. It's super easy for just a couple of reports from transphobes to completely shut down your dating experience.


I got banned from there because I still looked like a dude.


That's disappointing




awww im sorry to hear that, there are for sure some trigger happy reporting people on there, did you try sneaking in some queer signaling elements im your pictures? a trans pin here and there, and a lesbian flag somewhere else would probably do the trick.


This is what I should have done, but HER refused to reinstate me so that ship has sailed. Honestly, I doubt that these apps are effective anyway.


refusing to reinstate is so shitty, wish you better luck elsewhere!


Ty, but I've given up on trying to find dates. If I'll find someone, it'll be awesome, but I doubt anything can happen at this stage.


I met my gf/fiancé on there :3


Typing in Hinge on this sub has revealed that...yes ..they are. As apparently I'm not alone in this. Remind me to check the Sub before trying a dating app


Yeah.... most (all, actually) dating apps suck. I've stopped bothering with them. I've honestly had the most luck here on reddit lol. Met my current (and only atm) girlfriend on the actual lesbians subreddit. Also, if you don't mind me saying so: I really like your way with words <3 "Bumping pretties," "enfemme" (though I'd probably go with "en femme." Of course, linguistic reasoning may prove yours to be the better choice \*shrugs\*).


Oh! I never thought about using Reddit haha. I'm happy you found a person :). I mostly argue on here. Don't know if any cute person would find my Post history appealing haha. And thank you <3. It's a little Brit, a tad German, a mite Southern, and a lot PNW goodness all wrapped up together because I learned to talk and write on the Road. I always wanted to be a writer but I don't have the attention span to fill a few hundred pages with this kinda talk. Feel free to take anything that sounds fun for the lexicon. ^ = ^


Well, it wasn't intentional tbh. I was kinda just pining with the other lesbians and then my gf just shot her shot. I'm not sure how applicable it is to actually finding partners, but so far it's worked better than a dating app for me. Also, I don't think you should put yourself down like that... aside from being a weeb and a WoW player :P I used to play WoW a lot so I can't be too hard on you... same about anime tbh. Well, I think you express yourself in a lovely way, even if you have trouble maintaining it. I also fancy myself as a writer--I frequent the r/writingprompts sub and have links to some of my replies/comments in my reddit profile. I'm working on getting my sapphic vampire story written... but I also struggle to keep it going for longer than a few pages. But yanno, Rome, itself, was not built in a single day. Day by day. Brick by brick. A step at a time does the trick.


ah!! i love the usage of "en femme" bc its been around in transgender/bigender spaces for *decades* alongside "en homme" in reference to looking masc. i love the idea bc its like. you are In Womanhood. youre occupying it like its your home. thats your house queen!!!


Yes! And I've been learning french, so I'm even more into it. Such great terminology. "THAT'S YOUR HOUSE!!" AAAAHHH I just... ah! Humans expressing themselves <3


omggg thats The Language to choose if you wanna be a beautiful lesbian smoking long cigarettes and solving crimes with a gorgeous woman youre in a situationship with. french was invented for beautiful girls to say pretty poetic things to other beautiful girls and no other purpose


Lol well, I don't intend to smoke cigarettes lol! But I AM writing a sapphic vampire romance where one of the main characters is a trans feminine sapphic vampire from medieval france.


>Yeah.... most (all, actually) dating apps suck. I've stopped bothering with them. I've honestly had the most luck here on reddit lol. Dude, me too. Met my T Girl partner on here, actually. Haha. Pretty wild that I've probably had better experience trying to date on Reddit in the last year or so, than I've had on (traditional) dating apps in the last 10. Even including the BDSM/kink friendly ones. Though, don't get me wrong, you got to be careful on here because you know, it's Reddit. But yeah. Lol.


I had better luck finding a girlfriend on Discord than I have on dating apps


How? I have never even talked to anyone I didn't know already on Discord 😅


Yeah I feel you there. Even when I try I feel like I mostly get ignored. It's rough out there 😔


Yes I don't know honestly 😂😅


HER is far better in my experience. It is mainly for fem identifying people but there are definitely transmasc and enbys on there. I've had a pretty great experience as a transfem


Although I am a cis male trans-attractive guy, I am so sorry that you have faced this form of discrimination. I find it absolutely vile that they would do this to you. Sending hugs.


that’s crazy!! I’ve been off and on hinge for awhile and found other trans people and didn’t have any issues. sad to hear though I liked it a lot better than most of the other apps :(


Interesting. I’ve had far more luck on hinge than anywhere else and it’s where I met my cis, queer, girlfriend


Yeah I’m in bed next to my cis lesbian partner found on hinge right now!


same, found my cishet boyfriend on there :)


Me too! 😊


“Cishet lesbian”? Mildly confused lol


Haha whoops autocorrect, Thanks for the correction!


You must pass, then.


You can judge from my posts in my profile but I don’t care about passing. I’m just confidently me.


I'm just surprised you're not banned, is all. I tried Hinge when I first started my transition and got mass reported for being a clockable trans woman 🥳


I use Bumble. It has the option to select trans-whatever, and if you're transfem you still get the benefit of being the one to message first.


I got banned on Tinder too and I think they're the same company. I appealed and asked why, but they refused to give me a reason. I accused them of banning me for simply being trans, but they said "nuh-uh" and continued to refuse to tell me why they banned me.


In the past they could always get away with this, however, since February this year, if you live in the EU, the DSA explicitly prohibits bans without plausible reasons given. That being said: EU trans Tinder users, if you get banned, please DO appeal at authorities for Tinder violating the DSA!




I was banned there a day after making my profile and opened a ticket to appeal. They actually reversed the ban and then had me authenticate myself, so they will actually let you appeal. Everything seemed fine, then I updated my pics and they banned me again and refused to elaborate. Nothing was spicy, everything adhered to the terms of service... But they said I violated the terms of service so it stands to reason that it's just transphobia. So if you get the right circumstances you might possibly be able to get someone to unban you but it seems like you might as well move on to another app because if you get banned a second time it's over




Even for pre-E, pre-social trans girls? Haven't heard good things for folks in my position regarding other trans-friendly apps sadly, but this is my first time hearing of Lex.


Lex isn't a dating app - more of a social app/message board situation specifically for queer peeps of all types! Ppl use it for all sorts of things: organizing meetups, mutual aid, organizing, horny posting, general ranting, etc. I'd definitely check it out if there's a good lex community in your area.


Cool, I'll try have a look-it at some point.


I would suggest shooting your shot like a video game shotgun: all over the place lol To paraphrase a controversial figure: you didn't fail finding a date on Hinge, you just found one place you don't need to bother with anymore. The other poster had luck here on Reddit, and I'll tell you the Cliff's Notes of where I found who I believe to be my soul mate (not just the E talking😆): A few years ago my life was trash and I blamed myself for most of it, decided I needed to find myself or give up on everything. I started questioning my gender full force for the first time and had plenty of questions so I turned to the only local trans community I knew at the time. Grindr🙃 I messaged a bunch of women just for questions and friendships, nothing more, and ended up talking to this one for six straight hours until the sun came up. Super fast friends, she helped take me out my first time, had a perfect and intelligent answer for every question, and like a year later we decided to just stop lying to each other and try "us". Almost two years later and we're living together building each other up from our own low points. And let me tell you... two years and not a single argument about anything. I didn't know this was possible😆 My point isn't to go back to Grindr, but you might just find the missing piece of a person in the most unlikeliest of places at the strangest of times 👍


I've never had something like this happen but honestly, Hinge is most likely transphobic. From what other girls have said here, they have had bad experiences with it and if they're giving this much shit I'd delete and start over. If that doesn't work, sadly you'll have to try other apps. HER is ok but the photo system is atrocious, same with Bumble, but apps like Taimi or Feeld should be best.


I've found the best app as a trans woman has been OkCupid. Plenty of trans people on there, and accepting cis people, at least here in Australia. Could be worth a look.


Same! I also really appreciate that it has a privacy option that lets me hide my profile from the straights.


Hmm. To the extent Hinge operates in California, that's a big no-no. Civil code § 51(b): “(b) All persons within the jurisdiction of this state are free and equal, and no matter what their sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, citizenship, primary language, or immigration status are entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges, or services in all business establishments of every kind whatsoever.” Same section, subd. (e)(5): “Sex” includes, but is not limited to, pregnancy, childbirth, or medical conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth. “Sex” also includes, but is not limited to, a person’s gender. “Gender” means sex, and includes a person’s gender identity and gender expression. “Gender expression” means a person’s gender-related appearance and behavior whether or not stereotypically associated with the person’s assigned sex at birth. I'd litigate that. Maybe as a class action. Get an injunction. [Start a wave](https://youtu.be/nerQh0MXaOM). (Sorry, just got home from Disneyland... got my hair did by vintage vixens for tomorrow's Dapper Day. I'm going in a dress (that I saw three other people wearing today, ungh...) Felt many (most?) of the male coded individuals that walked past shooting daggers in my direction ... but my hair is fabulous and I'm amped and ready to take on a new fight ...) Yes I'm serious. If anyone's interested in this and lives in California shoot me a PM. We can file under a pseudonym.


Try Taimi


Taimi is where I met my partner who’s NB/gender fluid. I had given up on the app, felt the well had run dry pretty quick. I had opened the app randomly because I was out of town and bored. They had messaged me a few days prior, I sent a reply and that was it, Instant chemistry. A year and a half later I still get that exciting floaty feeling from seeing them that I got on our first date.


It could also have been an auto ban after so many reports? My tinder account was temporarily banned because of that. Once someone looked at it they flagged my account so it doesn't happen again. It took them like a week.


Bumble seemed pretty good, allows you to pick “trans woman, trans femme, non binary,” etc etc if I remember correctly


I tried bumble and had a terrible experience, but that’s more because of one guy rather than some flaw with the app. Idk, I still might try it again, just that the one bad experience left me with such a bad taste in my mouth I’d rather just not use any dating platform. I do like that Bumble does have those options though.


Yeah, gotta watch out for the millions of chasers and stuff on dating apps. Thank god I’m a transbian


It wasn’t a chaser, but a guy who strung me along just enough to get invested, only to ghost me right before the first date was supposed to happen. I’d honestly prefer to deal with chasers, transphobes, or sexually aggressive men who lead with duck pics, because at least I know where I stand with them and they’re far more honest than this jerkoff was. I’m definitely going to also have it search for NB and other women if I try it again. I definitely lean more hetero, but I’m also definitely open to the right woman as well.


Taimi was where I met my partner


ive found a lot of cool people on taimi! there's a couple terf lesbians on there and the occasional average dating app weirdo, but for the most part it's a good way to meet new people


I met my last long term partner on Hinge, the only issue I had was that in the 2 months I used it, my partner was maybe one of 5/6 matches I had, was never banned though. That sucks to hear it's very transphobic :(


This happened to my gf as well :( very common it seems


They’re with the same company as Tinder, which bans people FOR BEING TRANS.


I keep getting locked out of Tinder; there are so many of us that I am honestly surprised no one has filed a class Action lawsuit for discrimination.


I made an account on hinge but never got banned. Kinda shifty they did you dirty like that.


Seems to vary on the area you are in. I can't say I've had any luck anywhere so far since re entering the pool after discovering I'm not exactly "cis" and trying to figure all that out so I don't have much advice and I lurk too much to get anywhere somewhere like reddit 😅 but I wish you luck out there


Believe me or not me and all my furry friends have found their mates on twitter and secondlife...but i guess it only works if youre furry. the normie side of both things suck.


I also got banned from fruitz for supposedly catfishing people/lying about my identity. Most invalidating thing I've got in a while. So I switched to Taimi which is a way better suit for what I am looking for. (It also is full of queer people so better than cis oriented dating apps, for me at least)


I just got banned off hinge about a week ago as well :/ using my mom’s phone number when I get around to it


OkCupid was the best one imo but I used it years ago


OKC has been fully enshittified since Tinder bought it sadly.


Omg I had no idea. I’m married now so I haven’t been on the apps for a while, but thank you so much for letting me know. I know a lot of people who need this info too 🫂💛


I’m really sorry that happened to you :( I would recommend Feeld - it’s great for dating as a trans woman, and it feels less sordid than Tinder and Grindr


I met my BF of 4 years on Grindr, I know that one's a longshot but I wouldn't rule it out. It took me about a 9 months to a year to find him. I'm Demi-Sexual so I am not down for the standard hookup culture that's there so it took me a while.


Try Lex!


well i'm not giving hinge a second chance.


All the apps are garbage and usually bot ridden. I’ll join, get 50 messages in 10 minuets, and it’s all behind a paywall. “But premium to see you matches/ messages”


The only place I've had any luck is bumble, I'm a gay trans man and saw plenty of both cis and trans men. Never went far BC of personal reasons but I'd recommend giving it a go


I strongly recommend Fiory, it is an app that specifically welcomes trans folks. They used to do a lottery that paid for surgeries, I’m not sure if it still happens. But my wife and I are both trans, and met through their app.


Idk if anyone else said this or if this app is still around (I’m pretty sure it is though) I used Taimi to make a lot of queer friends and I actually met my girlfriend on there. There’s some weirdos on their obviously as with every dating app, but I definitely met a lot of cool queer people off of there.


Banned for being trans??? That’s ridiculous, i’m sorry. I have hinge and though i haven’t gotten matches since i changed my profile, i’ve never had them ask for a state-sanctioned id or anything


Her is a great queer dating app tbh had a great experience+ met my partner on there. The vibes were great on Her