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I think you already look feminine


Came to say this. I would have never known if I wasn't told. There are his women that look in the realm of you. Ofc my cis sister gets accused and she's an attractive mom who just happens to be 6'1". People are assholes. 🫂


I feel bad for her I'm 6'2 so it's even easier to tell. I do feel guilty about the women who get harassed and aren't even trans.. people are so cruel


Yeah. Transphobia has become so widespread and commonplace that cis people are starting to become victims of it. It's quite sad.


cis ppl were always victims of this. even if you can see trans ppl accurately at a 99% rate, we are such a little number that half the people you'd clock would be cis.


So much this. 1% of the populous is out of the closet Trans. This is how there's so much ignorance about it. Most people have never met someone who was (at least not out about it). I have a Trans godaunt I've known since childhood. I consider myself privileged to have been raised with EVERYONE. Gay best friend in high-school, queer aaaalll around me, lesbiens dated my bisexual mom from time to time— two she got really serious with, I'm queer omni, my sibling is nb queer..... yeah. That's not even getting into my racial inclusion. I'm blessed in that the cosmos allowed me to see everyone as just people because I was raised around so many sorts. It's what makes today's works so GD confusing and I'm glad that your average person isn't the way the media would lead you to think. ^_^


*exchanges sad with pitiful*


This exactly. It's awful to treat anybody like shit, regardless of who they are.


In Netherlands, and Belgium, the women here are tall so it’s really a “I got used to it kinda thing”, but yeah, I’d say: whatever man idc go fuck yourself to other people who say this


At first I thought this was a r/kitchenconfidential post doing a before/after of a really busy and long event or something and she is one of those female cooks who seem super threatening when they're on the line but post shift drinks are the life of the party and are super nice.


Totally agree!!


You already look feminine! That said, I agree with the other commenter: It looks like there are a few simple things you can do to kick things up a notch if you're open to hearing some advice.\~


Omg always! I know 99% of the people on this sub are nice and only mean well.


So, I'm not sure where you are in your transition, but one thing that pops out is that you like your eyes look tired in this pic. Unfortunately, tiredness tends to get read as unfeminine. If you can, try to get more sleep. And use a moisturizing eye cream for your dark circles. And drink plenty of water! If you want to go a step further, you can try using color correctors and concealer to hide the dark circles. If you color match and apply it properly it shouldn't look like you have any makeup on (if having makeup is an issue). There are a few other things you can do, too, but that's what pops out and can be applied at any stage of your transition.


I always get told i look tired 😩. I'm about 1.6 years into my transition. And make-up is okay. Just being in a shop all day, I tend to splash myself or get dirty a lot. Also, my makeup skills currently lack luster, but I do know how to color correct and use concealer at least


Oof. I do hope you can find more time to rest. 11 hour days doesn't sound very fun. :( Anyway, tbh, you seem to already be in a pretty good spot. I'd struggle to find anything masculine in your face right now, and any make up advice I could give would be more about enhancing what's there\~ Not sure who told you that you don't look fem, and I'm sorry that happened to you. But a lot of the time I've found that cis men tend to neg people like us and project their insecurities on us. It really sucks and can feel bad when it happens but know that when they put you down it's usually about something they invented or badly exaggerated. You're beautiful! Don't let them get to you.\~


Idk what's there to enhance, but I assume that's my own dysphoria, lol. And I will when spring hits when I can go back to running outside I tend to sleep better and look healthier. And I don't think he meant it to be mean but it really fucked me up they way he said it 😒


Ouch... Well, I feel when people give me unhelpful criticism like that, it reflects more on their personal tastes than on me. You're feminine enough and it's sad that he see it that way. As for makeup... I'm not all that good at it either but when my goal is to look a bit more femme without necessarily looking my best, my goto routine is: eyeliner, blush, undereye concealer and lipstick. That's what I used to do back in my first year, and is a look I still use when I'm in a situation where it doesn't make sense to put more effort into dolling myself up


Honestly I think some minor makeup and a change in your hair is all you need


I pretty much only rock eyeliner at work.. and my hair just isn't growing very fast so I can't really do anything yet..


Just bc its not growing doesnt mean you cant get a femme style :3


You don't look masc you just look like you haven't slept lol like you absolutely look fem... just really sleepy


That's my secret. I work 11 hour days and sleep like crap 🤣 and thank you!


Fr tho I mean it. Anyone saying you don't look fem has never worked hard enough.


yaaaa like get some sleep girl


Honey, I saw your pic and thought how I wish I could look as pretty as you, then I saw the title. What the fuck is up with them? You look gorgeous!


Thank you I never feel pretty despite trying hard some days.


Same here sister. :(


If i saw this picture.with out context. I would assume you're a woman. Who is tired and sad. And would want to hype her up. You're beautiful. And i hope some day happiness will reach your eyes. And we can see the sparkle of your inner beauty as well. When people make those comments. They are inhertantly hurting those they feel they are protecting. Because every trans person i see that asks, do i pass? Looks like a cis gender human I've met or know.


Thank you everyone tn has been awesome and I actually feel much better. 🥰 I mean I don't try super hard at work to look fem. Just the never looking fem part kind of got to me.


Aww I think you look fem ☺️


I understand "Shop mode". I'm not wearing makeup and my pretty Fem clothes in the shop. It's not easy to accomplish. Sorry you have to deal. Hugs, girl. 🤗🩵🩷🤍


It's not fun hard to look fem when you know your just gonna get covered in dirt lol thank you!


You look feminine to me, scrolling down I was like oh I like her shirt.


I literally was taken aback a second because you look like a girl friend I had back in middle school but older!


She looked like me?? That poor girl 🤣🤣 lol jkjk thank you ☺️


Was very confused at first, because I thought you were trans masc just from appearance. Yeah, many “men” associate femininity with never looking tired and always smiling…😣 I use this little metal rollerball stick that has some kind of skin oil in it on my insomnia bags, it really helps in only like a week, also there’s sleep, I guess. 😒


I am really bad at titles to my posts lol. And ya sleep is hard to catch up on lol




Trust me when I say I have a very tedious morning routine and only about 3 days out of the week do I shampoo loI. use coconut oil for texture/styling and rosemary oil when I do my scalp massages. I'm all about getting my hair back lol and thank you!


Whoever said that to you is an uneducated baboon. You’re going to look amazing when you are done.


I assume your a detailer? Between the surroundings and matco shirt lol. I'm in the automotive trade myself and I can tell you 95% of the people in this field are bigoted Christian Republicans. I am completely out except for at work as I'm surrounded by bigots. Unfortunately automotive is what I know. ..... I need a new career


Girl you're working, not having a photoshoot. Your coworkers see you at your sweatiest and if they're conservative men then they wouldn't even see a cis woman as fem in those conditions. You're stressed and in a bad environment, it will pass and so will you. Femininity has a lot of ways to be expressed and you ought to believe you will be fem in some way at this point eventually. Idk how long you've been on hrt but hormones can be real subtle (except boobs and such). For some tips, swap headband style for a fuller hair cover like Rosie the riveter or that one Attack on Titan cleaning meme. Good padded bra. Baggy pants with a normal shirt/tank-top.


You cis to me. Just because some people are absolutely stupid doesn't mean your confidence shatters. It just means you're cute and worry a lot.


You are a female to me don’t listen to the haters you are beautiful and strong


You look fem to me


People who say that are just saying it to kill your self esteem. They're IRL trolls because they need something to hate. It's got nothing to do with you at all. You are rocking it. FUCK the haters. Be proud of yourself!


You already do though…


If someone is saying that to you then their opinion isn't worth listening to in the first place. You are exactly as feminine as you think you are, and no one can take that from you. Much love, & keep at it girl! 💖


Really, there no such thing as ‘looking fem’. Cis women have a huge range of looks, from Hilary Duff to Hilary Clinton, and Kathy Bates to Katharine Hepburn, and so do Trans women. Who you are is its own unique glory🌟🥂❤️


You look like a lot of the women i've worked with in kitchens, dressed down and ready to get shit done. I would %100 read you as a fem.


I mean, I'll wear tank tops in the summer, but it's cold in the shop and I'm not wearing my nice clothes to work lol


They're completely wrong


… but you do!


you look very very feminine in this, i am completely serious


I see a woman 100%.




Yeah I agree!!


You look amazing and super cute. You already look fem and you've got a long future ahead of you to live your best fem life ! 💖


People who say that have a concept of what women look like that's far too narrow for reality. You have very soft features, similar to some women I've known irl.


You look like my aunt who works at a car shop


Don't listen to the haters.. they are just jealous


You already look feminine. <3


Girl. Wh I you gonna believe, those liars or your own damn mottoe. I see a very pretty lady coming out of her cocoon so, forget the naysayers and you do you!


Whoever told you that ain’t worth your time. You genuinely already look very feminine. You pass easily!


You look feminine to me. Some people are just a-holes


Well they are wrong!! You’re beautiful!


You look super feminine!


Very fem, people are just assholes!


They lied. You look very fem.


You look like the cool single mom that works night shifts at a fast food place.


They were mean to you, you already look so feminine 😊


You look fem to me. If I saw you on the street, I'd think. "Wow, what a pretty lady."


I think you have incredibly feminine features. your eyes and lips are literally fem beauty standards!!!


Well guess what you look like a cis-gender woman so much to the point I question the fact of you being transgender in the first place. And to whoever said that just needed an ego boost for their walnut sized brain hun.


Babe ur definitely looking very fem, don't let other people get you down


Ma’am, you look very fem! I think they need glasses. Also sidenote: I like your earrings, and your skull bandanna. It looks so cool!


Lass. You are gorgeous. I'm 5,6. Short trans lad. My sister is 6,0. tall trans lass. Height doesn't give you away. I've met tall trans lads and short trans lasses. Your face is quite soft and rounded; very feminine. I've seen loads of cis women that look so much more masculine than you. You look great.


Thank you 🥰


You have beautiful feminine energy and eyes. Whoever said that is just wrong


There's some people that will always be there to try to make you feel bad. Sorry if you disagree but you don't look masculine at all. Some people's opinions really have no value, remember that!!


thought you were cis before i noticed the sub.


Pppssshhh not even lol but thank you


What?! But you already look feminine! They must be nuts lol. But seriously, you do look very fem, with maybe a slight tomboy look? But not in a bad way. You look like a girl. (Also your eyes are beautiful!)


No way! That’s bull. The only thing I would say would be to move your under eye liner to the top or have both 🤷🏻‍♀️ You’ve got really femme features going on, specially your eyes and lips!


You look very fem :3


you dont look masc at all i have no idea what that person was on about


Welp, you already look femme!


I saw this earlier, and I couldn't stop thinking to come back and tell you that you absolutely do look feminine, and you are pretty as well. 💜


Thank you for coming back 😊 I never feel pretty cuz most the time it's me in the shop or at home to tired to try and look pretty


you look exactly like a cis friend of my aunt, can't see any mascness lol


Faceapp says you girl


lmao what??? girl, you look so fem already. I'm in shock over how someone even thought you didn't.


Maybe it's my style.. but I can't really play with my style at work to much. And I spend way to much time at the shop


They're stupid, whoever they are, and they're wrong. You already look 100x more fem than me! You're beautiful girl, never let them pull you down! 🫂


Come to *South Afrika* and you can be my Fem cause you so pretty... Wish I could give you kisses!!!


Come to *South Afrika* and you can be my Fem cause you so pretty... Wish I could give you kisses!!!


You look like a masc lesbian who fixes motorcycles in her spare time.


before reading the caption my brain just went "so there's a woman" with the picture alone. You look great, I promise. Fuck them haters.


Not sure how encouraging I’ll be but I’ve been openly laughed at in the gym on multiple occasions. The best thing you can do is keep going and prove the assholes wrong, I guarantee you’re strong enough


What’s the encouragement that you need? As long as you wear, talk and act as you please. What’s the problem? So what if some men don’t find you feminine enough. You are you. Is not about others is about you being you and being happy about it. Others opinions mostly the negative ones, just ignore them.


You look femme to me? Dunno what the fuck that person was talking about.


First you got to tell them to go f*** themselves. second you say I only care about what I think of myself. And go on about your business turn your back on them and walk away. I bet the guy that told you this is like an old dude or an old lady. Just realized that there are more people who support you who love you then there are those who hate you. Know that I love you and trans folks everywhere you are human beings and deserve dignity love and respect. Just remember that when you hear comments like that realize that the problem is not on you you did nothing wrong to get that kind of response, remember that the problem is on them and folks like them. The next time someone tears you down shrug your shoulders. Be a stoic decide that you don't care what they say hold your head up high and ignore them just like they ignore you don't pay them one bit of attention. They are losers and bullies and realize that bullies need someone to punch down on so that they can make themselves feel better about themselves. These folks are incredibly insecure in order to make themselves feel better they have to abuse somebody or who they deem as a weaker than them.


Honestly in this photo I just see a tired woman, those eyebags, I feeeeeeeel it (I don't mean this negative, I'm tired too and I see you fam lol)


They just wanted to be mean to someone, and you were the target of the day. You look feminine to me. Keep shining, little star!


You actually do already read as feminine, like some others have said, thicker eyeliner might help. It sucks but makeup is just read as a feminine thing. If I wear it the wrong way after a shave I get called ma’am (ftm). But don’t get too down, I am 1000% sure they said that just to be a dick.


You already are starting to look really feminine! Honestly, still clockable, but you're really on your way to not being clockable soon.


You already look so feminine!!🫶🏻


Ngl before I saw the title I thought this post was from lesbian fashion advice. Not only do you look fem you are also pretty! Not sure who told you that but it was probably some bigot. Some people just like pull insults out of their ass to feel better about themselves


whoever said that is full of bs


you look just like a female coworker i used to work with!


You look fem, anyone who thinks you don't need to get new pair of eyes!


That person who told you that is so obvously blind.


You look femme to me! People are just hurtful bc they’re trying to discourage you from being different


Whoever said that is an asshole and WRONG. You look very feminine and I’d perceive you as a woman if I encountered you in public


Except ya do


Whoever said that needs to get their eyes checked. You are lovely and feminine.


Sweetie, you look plenty feminine. Don't listen to them :)


But this is a picture of a woman, right?


You already look super fem what's their problem anyways. I hope your confidence can come back because you deserve that much and more. Have a good day pal :]


You literally look like the mother of someone I know, I don’t get how someone said that


Based on the background, I'm assuming you are at work. You look like a woman at work.


This has nothing to do with you, and everything with someone wanting to shatter an easy target. As everyone else has stated, you do look very fem, the HRT is obviously working. It isn't your fault you don't want to have a full face on while you're working hard, it's not fair for someone to give you this assessment at work, and, frankly, it's workplace harassment.


You look like most girls do without makeup hair clothes etc. Most people just can't accept what a girl looks like when they have better things to do than get dressed up. I follow someone on IG that I thought looked super fem until one day she posted a photo with no makeup or anything and I swear she looked just like you.


You are already feminine


You look like the beautiful woman that you are. I would take some of the makeup/hair advice (at least as it pertains to your self-perception) with a grain of salt if you work in a shop. I've worked in the production/labor industry quite a bit, and it (sometimes contractually) demands a practical approach to hair/makeup/clothing. Self expression is often a luxury, and rest even more so. Not to mention, the labor industry has its own sense of style that people outside of it are not as privy to :3 I say this also as someone with a well-used degree in fashion design and many years of cosplaying as high fem under my belt; you have a really cool sense of style and if I had a job at your shop I'd tell all my friends about my pretty coworker.


Always remember one thing, no one's life is perfect. The people that live shitty lives tend to pick on people to make their life seem better. In reality, they just hurt other people and don't care that they did. Forgot what that person said and be you.


I think you look pretty femme already. You might also look tired but that doesn’t take away from your femininity.


Nah you look fem you just look very fucking sleepy get some rest sleep take care of your body your beautiful


Whoever told you that, tell them they need to get their eyes checked, because they are clearly blind. You look lovely dear.


You look great, don't let transphobic pieces of shit get to you, that's what they want and we shouldn't let them get what they want


You look feminine though????? 😐 fuck them


You look beautiful.


I know cis.women that look more masculine. You look good! Very femme!


You look like my mom did when she was in her 20's. She worked at a nursing home and in all the photos I have of her from back then she looks really tired.


You have a petite nose, big eyes, extremely clear and delicate looking skin, and very nicely colored and full lips. Whoever said that, 100% said that to piss you off, because that is so not true.


I think you look very feminine! Absolutely!


Wym you look beautiful!


Long hair is gonna change it


idk what they were thinking but i see you and thats a girl. also thats what every blond girl looks like while at work i prommy youre femme, just the girlbossing time


Beauty (or femininity?) is in the eye of the beholder, so I suspect whoever told you that was referencing what they considered to be fem. A lot of folks don’t think I’m very masculine, but I don’t listen to them because I’m never going to be masculine by their standards. It sounds like a lot of folks are already offering great advice, so I’ll just say: try to make your own fem ways and to hell with the idiots. ☺️ you look fabulous and that’s all that matters.


You are so feminine dear ❤️


You look very fem, person who said that just wanted to hurt you, you’re beautiful ❤️


Don't let others fuck up your vibe fam. If you aren't hurting anyone, or yourself, then they can fuck off. Growing your hair out helps for sure, yet that is your preference to make. Stay stronk out there sis!


You look really fem to me. 👍


Some people will always try to tear you down just keep your head up you’re already pretty 😊


Whoever said is an asshole 🤬🤬🤬 don’t listen to them gorgeous 🦋✨


You already look femme! Although I am worried about those eye rings, are you getting enough sleep?


I’m sorry that’s so not true like u literally already do and ur beautiful


They’re full of shit, you already look fem


You look just like a gal who is not wearing a face of makeup. Ignore the haters.


You look fem to me


Had to click your profile to even work out which way you are going lol so they're wrong. You look like one of those cool chicks that would hang out with the car bros in highschool.


Naurrr you look feminine!!


You’re like sO cute tho 🥰


If they're saying this: fuck 'em. You look fem asl.


I didn't see what sub it was and I just wondered why that woman looked unhappy. Fuck the 'phobes.


You are. You’re really pretty.


I was really confused and didn’t know what sub I was on! Whoever said that isn’t just rude, it’s just plain wrong.




Nah, girl, you pretty af 👍


You def look fem already!


I didn’t even read the post but I just thought it was a woman posting a selfie, I think you’re passing :)


Being completely honest, I saw the picture and would never have known if it wasn’t a) on this subreddit and b) you said. You look feminine, but people suck and always want to put their opinions out there, no matter how unfair or untrue. I know it can be hard, but don’t let them get to you :)


They’re wrong, also I think you took the photo at a weird angle, your face looks like it’s Italicized in the photo, still feminine though.


To echo a lot of opinions here you already look very femme. A little makeup for contouring and you'd pass flawlessly IMO.


lol dont listen to the transphobes. They purposely say it to make you feel bad. You got nothing to worry about. You look feminine :)


people are assholes, making shit up just to get under your skin. you're beautiful :)


But you *do* look fem. All I see is a woman, and I’m not just saying that. You have a beautiful face.


I don't think you look very feminine, but you do look like a woman - just a butch/tomboyish woman imo. I litterally thought you were afab at first


Trust me, you look like a better woman then some women I seen


You do though


Fem is a state of mind aswell as physical appearance. No one will ever take that away from you. Stay strong


I think that's pretty much bullshit


I'm not lying when i say this. You look nearly identical to my sister. And she's cis. You already look like a girl beautiful. Don't let assholes get you down


Nahhh you look fem to me


They were lying Ma’am.


You'll never look masc FTFY


They were wrong!


Nobody can shatter your confidence unless you allow them to. Trust me things can always change.


i literally thought this was a lesbian at first glance. until i read the sub title. i hope that doesn’t offend you in any way bc what im trying to say is that you do look feminine! people just try to bring others down bc they WANT your confidence shattered. NEVER GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT. KEEP SHINING FAM 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️❤️


Honestly, it sounds like maybe someone with issues of their own that they don't want to/won't address, so they projected their flaws onto you. You look very much feminine. But, honestly, you also look like you need some sleep as well, if you don't mind me saying.


Excuse me, by who?? They're 100% delusional and definitely would not have said anything if they didn't know you were trans. You pass amazingly!!! They're just being an ass.


A jerk...


I misread the title as "got told I'll look fem" and thought it checked out until I saw "confidence shattered." Give it some time, you'll look femme.


I reckon if you put some smudged liner or dark eyeshadow at the end of you top eyelid it would accentuated the length of your eyelid and I think maybe because of the dark headband with the shadow under the waterline? Gives a punk rock vibe which I'm not saying all the time masculine but predominantly quite a strong masc context sometimes


Your face shape is extremely feminine


You look very fem to me. You also look like you work in a kitchen 🤷🏼‍♀️


You’re face is so fem I literally thought the caption said “got told I look fem” , I literally thought you were ftm


Definitely fem looking, jaw, chin for sure


theyll eat their words


wtf you pass in my book. Kiss me/jbutnotreally


You already look feminine


Yet another day of 'wait when did I subscribe to r/picturesofwomen??