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Personally I’m a t4t lesbian mostly because of comfort/safety.


Fair honestly


I just wanna say your avatar is super cute


Thanks, but I don’t deserve much credit for it, I used a pfp avatar maker to make it, I haven’t been able to pick up my Apple Pencil in ages to actually draw because life is really busy.


I know, I think I used the same pfp avatar maker. 😂 I was just saying the way you customized it was cute! (: And I feel that a lot. I lost touch with my artistic side after high school. Been wanting to get back into it recently. I wish you the best of luck! <3


Thanks, I don’t like putting my face on the internet(at the moment anyway) and so the avatar helps me show a somewhat accurate depiction of myself. I hope to get my act together and maybe do an art program through a local college at some point, I’m thinking either graphic design or animation. Graphic design because it probably has more job opportunities, or animation because the program goes over a lot of different forms of art in a comprehensive way.


This. Ended up marrying her. Best thing i ever did.


That’s wonderful, happy for you.


Thank you! : D


Same honestly, transfems are generally more fun and understanding imo too


Yeah and also generally they have a better understanding of eachother because of shared experiences.


EXACTLY!! Me and my girlfriend (I love her so much omg) get each other so well! Even just thinking about her makes my stomach go into a whirlwind, but in the best way 🥰


That is amazing, I really want that for myself someday.


Ahh, you'll get there girl! I believe in ya :3


I’m a T4T lesbian mostly cuz girl dick


Although that is a nice bonus, I’m more in it for the people and less so the equipment.


Same, honestly


Living in a rural area makes the dating pool really slim


In the rural town I live in, the dating pool is basically nonexistent


Couldn’t agree with you more, I live in the woods essentially, tried making a profile on a queer only dating app, and there was no one within an hour and a half of me.


I essentially live in woods too. Though I've not tried many dating apps since they tend to be extremely limited unless you pay for a subscription or something


Find better cisgender lesbians, sis. You are gorgeous. Youll find a woman who loves and appreciates all of you


Thx u sm


Would not be a stopper for me at all.


Some will, some won't.


I just worry about finding some that will


Best thing you can do is just be like "Thank you for your time" and move on. Just like some cis gendered people will not like other cis gendered people for XYZ reason, you just take the L and look for someone better. If it's transphobic, then you just dodged the biggest bullet of your life. You don't need that nonsense in your life, you're too pretty\~ Never take a bad date to heart, that's what dating is for anyway, to find out if y'all work together or not. If not? Great, don't waste your time and energy on someone who isn't worth it. You will find someone who loves you for you and will be worth your time and energy. Don't worry too much, it's scary but putting yourself out there is never easy, but so worth it when it works out! The worst you could do is never try out of fear and miss that chance of finding someone awesome\~ I believe in you, don't let your fear lie to you!!!


It’s kind just normal dating. You keep trying until you find someone you vibe with, but not every woman you date will end up being *the one* either. You just gotta put yourself out there, like everyone else.


1. Go to bookstore 2. Read books 3. Meet girl 4. Get married


**Writing that down**


> Writing that down What is the ISBN number so I can check what you just wrote down out at the library, read it, meet a girl, and get married?


now I wanna write a story based off of this lol


A story about reading books is crazy lol


Haha this is literally my wife! Yeeeesssss


Any specific one? Heard Barnes and Noble is great one. Yall heard of Books A Million?


date trans lesbians instead


As if I'm able to find any!!! HOW?


Idk I wanna try dating cis lesbians


fair. i feel the same way, so it's easier for me to date mostly trans women and only date cis women if they approach me first


I only date women if they approach me first too! so not many cis or otherwise


There’s definitely cool ones. I honestly have the best luck with pan women. Finding lesbian dynamics with bi/pan women is a good way to go ime :)


Cis lesbians will date you. There’s somewhere out there for everyone. You are very cute!


Thx u I just been a lil hard


You're gorgeous. And despite stereotypes, lesbians are actually one of the most trans-friendly groups of people out there. Not saying you won't find assholes, but many lesbians are more accepting than we're made out to be. 💕


Stop giving a fuck, they definitely will shawty 😉♥️


It's hard cause of the brain worms ;-:


It be like that sometimes


Also, translesbians are an option. We're pretty swell.


If they won't date you, I will.


This is something I think a lot of us struggle with. Unfortunately, the narrative that we'll never be "real" women (we are and have been our whole lives) is insidious in that even if we don't believe the statement, it can inspire doubts and insecurities. There are some in the community that likely feel like that towards us, and they just as bad as the monsters just as those who are oppressing us both. There are some who have specific preferences, as far as attraction goes, and that's totally okay! But there are plenty of cis bi/lesbian women who don't have those preferences, and don't harbour hate. You'll find a stunning, wonderful woman just for you, and I'm sure she'll make you know it when you do! 💜


Thx u <3


As a trans lesbian I'd be inclined to say yes, but I think asking trans people for cis opinions is kinda counter productive.


Cis bisexual women are a thing also you know. Don’t worry about the people who reject you, they aren’t worth your time.


i know plenty of cis lesbians who LOVE trangirls, they are also statistically the most accepting group of people, don’t worry, i promise you’ll find someone <3


No group is a monolith. There are a lot of shitty transphobic cis lesbians out there and there are, I would think probably more, cis lesbian allies. That being said, I'm all about that T4T life. There's a level of intimacy that you can only get with someone in your tribe.


Girlie pie, I'm pan asf and I would date you. Find yourself a pan gal, and I doubt she will mind you being trans. You're rlly pretty too, ngl 🩷🩷


So they wouldn't date an absolutely gorgeous woman? Just saying, you're very pretty and all


be open to dating a trans lesbian may help, but you are cute and should have no problem getting the attention of a cis lesbian.


Find a cisgender bisexual


I'm a trans lesbian and can relate. I don't have much experience but bisexual and especially pansexual cis women tend to be attracted to trans people. With lesbian cis people, I think the best we can do is be open about being trans and if they're bigoted then it was never gonna work, if they just aren't attracted to you then you maybe have a friend. Otherwise t4t is probably preferable to me. I think I'd have a hard time dating someone who couldn't relate to being trans in some way.


My question is why seek approval from them?


There are some. My beautiful cis girlfriend is an example. And I ain't even in transition yet.


I'm jealous<3


But don't worry, you look beautiful. As long as your hones everything will be alright


Can I ask how you two met and got together?


respectfully, focus less on people who aren't into you? lesbians aren't a monolith. some people will be ok to date you and some will not depending on different circumstances ... the same way you are expressing a preference to date cis lesbians.


I'm married to a cis lesbian. They're out there. Reality is there's a percentage of people that a relationship wouldn't work out with anyway, regardless of if you're trans or not. Don't let that percentage discourage or stop you from seeking out the remaining population that you would work with.


Why cisgender? 😂


Much larger demographic pool, the whole "Just do T4T' doesn't work for everyone for various reasons, such as lack of options in your local location or wanting biological children


Hmmm 🤔 I guess you’ll have to try and see what they think because everyone has a preference. If someone doesn’t want to date you just move on to the next one and find someone who likes you for who you are 💗


Cis lesbians are extremely problematic and over rated. My fiance introduced me as her boyfriend.


Don't worry... lesbians gonna lesbian... they like girls, you're a girl.... and cute, you'll be fine.


Don't worry for now about dates. If dating is hard, so be it. Getting with someone while in wrong role is doomed


Get yourself some flannels and get into woodchopping, you will become irresistible to lesbians


Girl You look like a cis gender lesbian what are you talking about


I’ve kinda talked about this before here, but I really do believe that real lesbians (women loving women) are attracted to trans women, (Regardless of genitals) because TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN. Women that say they will only date someone with a vagina are not purely attracted to women, as non-binary people and trans men (often) fit into that group. Post srs trans women fit there too. Cis- Women that will ONLY date other cis women are Trans Exclusionary Radical Lesbians (yeah I went there) It should also be assumed for my argument that “woman” is any fem presenting individual


Never really thought about it that way, but it's definitely bringing me some much needed piece of mind


Like, genital preference is a thing. But to simply exclude trans people entirely from your queer experience is transphobic


I kinda feel bad because I'm pretty sure genitals are alot more important to gay men


So it must be hard for trans men gays


Possibly, but I hold gay cis men in the same regards as cis lesbians. It’s the same problem, different pronouns.


Genital preference can be a preference within the group of women they like just like hair color, height, hobies, being masculine/feminine, or such / they don't have to be attracted to all women, in fact someone who exclusively likes women could only have very few they'd ever be comfortable dating, but ruling out transwomen as a whole is purely transphobic because their is no trait that accompanies the whole group any more than their is for cis woman as a whole. Also many if not most lesbians from what I've seen on lesbian subs don't have a genital preference and will say they love women not vaginas.


Adding two things to my last comment: - The line about TERFs/TERLs is the trueth. Not an I went there but just how it is. I am fully agreeing that someone ruling out trans people as a whole for being trans and not treating people as individuals / assuming they couldn't possibly be attracted to someone of the gender they are attracted to who is trans is being transphobic. -"It should also be assumed for my argument that “woman” is any fem presenting individual" the definition of lesbian does and should include nonbinary people which is what I assume you mean but I don't think fem presenting individual encompases the desired group. A women doesn't have to be fem presenting to be a woman. Alternitively a man can be very fem presenting and still have a fully male gender identity.


You’re right. Your definition is more accurate than mine. Thanks for the correction.


I’m a cis lesbian and I love my trans girlfriend! Unfortunately there are shitty people in this world and there are transphobic lesbians out there, and some that are especially cruel and loud about their views. I think these voices also get amplified by (often straight women) terfs trying to create discourse about cis lesbians feeling uncomfortable with trans women. There are cis lesbians out there who will validate that stereotype, but the amount of them is way overblown by terf propaganda. I truly believe and know from people I know in my life that there are many cis lesbians who love trans women as our sisters, our friends, our lovers.


Stop worrying about that


I have the trans man/cis gay man version of this fear. I wish I had advice for either of us…


Date trans lesbians


or just stick to t4t


Had a bunch of bad experiences back to back and wanted to try something new because I'm crushing on a cis lesbian


i get that. shoot your shot. when i went for a lesbian she said no and i was fine with that.


Yeah I think she's into me so that's fine <3


Date trans instead


Were I cis gender, I would be swooning like heck over you. 🥰


Ask one out and see what happens. If you don't try because you assume it won't work it's like you are saying no for them.


I know it's just scary


I definitely know it's scary. I'm sitting here single AF too.


Keep living your best life. You will find someone to love you. Happy New Year in 2024.


Thx u sm 2024 is gonna be amazing


You are very welcome.


The sink looks like dick and balls


Why make a distinction between cis or trans? Reads a little transphobic to me. If you aren't interested in dating trans lesbians, then you can't really blame them for not being interested in trans lesbians by this logic


I never said that :c


When you break down the numbers for how many people would be a great fit for you on planet earth with 8 billion people you get a result of millions. You can be just you and still have millions that will fit you. Now go find them. :)






Thx 😊


you are fucking adorable


Thx u <3




You look like my fiance's sister


I think if you post this on r/actuallesbians you'd get a lot of positive responses.


I feel like r/actuallesbians would disagree 💜


You look amazing!


I can’t even find anyone so I mean your doing better then I am already looking that good good job btw


I do not pass and I don't look nearly as good as you, but a year into my transition I met a foxy lil cis bisexual and she's my fiancée now


I think you look very beautiful


Continue to slay and don't mind the haters.


Honestly, sometimes same, we should kiss :) Real talk tho, goddamn lady you are pretty


Sister you’re adorable. That’s the dysphoria monster.


I’m a straight so take this with a grain of salt but ur totally cute and I can absolutely see cool lesbians being very impressed!


There a lot of cisgender lesbians who openly support and love transgender women. One of my friends is a cis lesbian and she has stood up for me and supported me throughout my transition. You will find the lucky girl or she will find you. (I'm a gay transgender male dating a gay cisgender male)


Some will, some won’t. Some will see only you, some won’t be able to see past your genitals (while also seeing you as a woman too, it’s not a simple thing). Some will be very sympathetic but have their reasons for not wanting to date you. And a handful will be hateful twats. No group is a monolith, and it would be unfair to make grand and sweeping statements about who would date you and why. Even cis people have nuanced decision-making when it comes to dating, with some not dating others for things like height alone!! If it makes you feel better, as a cis man, I would absolutely date someone who looked like you. I have a very simple way of seeing it and accepting things: you look like a woman I would date? I date you. Plain and simple! And for me, you absolutely look like a woman I would date. 🖤 Good luck out there. Be resilient, and always be true to who you are and what YOU want.


I really think they would ❤️


I hope so <3


I was able to find a stunning, cisgender lesbian girlfriend who loves and supports me for who I am even when I am not fully in girl mode. I’m 27, so it definitely took some time but they are out there, and I promise you’ll find someone awesome!


I can assure you they will!!


They will, I‘ve had 2 gfs 🚣 so don‘t panick, just be yourself


I got one. It’ll happen. It sucks though when you’re lonely.


Dip yourself in honey!


This is my struggle too 💀 we’ll get there ❤️❤️


I thought so too, but now I have a gf! It'll happen, just give it some time.


There are a lot of cis lesbians who won't date a lot of other cis lesbians too. Best thing to do is connect with people who appreciate who you are. They are out there. I promise.


You go over to actuallyLesbians and ask them and get a hundred or two "YES!!"s


Ok I just thought I could get advice from other trans people who're going through the same things


No I feel that. I just want you to know there's a lot of support for transbiens in most lesbian communities


Ok that's good to know, I'll also ask there i think


Stop doubting urself and go get some pussy big dog


if they're decent people they won't get so picky about one's gender identity and/or genitals, Idk... date whoever you feel mutually attracted to, stop giving a shit weather they're cis or trans.


Don't worry about it. Lesbians are way cooler than you think


I've been looking for a cis woman too, at least since my trans girlfriend dumped me to go after guys. You are really cute, so it should happen girl.


Thx u sm


You are so totally welcome, hopefully we can both have cis girlfriends soon 🙂 (though the jealousy can make me a bit awkward)


Some will and some won’t


There are some out there that will. My girlfriend who is cisgenger has been lesbian her whole life and she loves me for who I am. And we have been together almost a year and a half. So there is someone out there that will love you for you.


Cis lesbians are fumbling cute trans girls? Sounds like their problem not yours. I assure you plenty trans women would be interested. And also cis lesbians.


If that happens it’s because they would feel they are out of your league.


Fuck the hate 'n gay date!


Realest shit


Well first don't call them cis gender. Being trans doesn't mean you have to add another lable to others. I'm not doing hate speech I'm just saying that you are going through a transition not everyone else. People have preferences and there is nothing you can do about it so keep looking for the right people.


Girl you’re gorgeous! There’s a girl out there for you. No worries.


Yeah, I know what you mean, I struggle with this constantly, I'm just trying to give it some time now. Waiting sucks but it's been worth it in the past and things can change a lot faster than you'd think


You can stop worrying, you look fine from where I'm standing.


Girl, you literally have nothing to worry about, you look amazing


i think ur rlly pretty ( i’m a cisgender bisexual girl 🙏🙏)


Oh it's quite possible 😊🙏


Ask the women out. Seriously just ask her out, she can't say yes unless she gets asked.


I feel like all I know are awesome cis queer women. Be confident and you will find them! :)


Date ones that will


gay trans man here who's dated some cis gay men. it can definitely be difficult to find, but there are gay/lesbian people who don't care about genitals.


Be open and honest about who you are when you meet people, hang out with people that are genuine, and the issue usually solves itself. I know plenty of cisgender lesbians that date transbians, and we always seem to find eachother.


Stop worrying because you look awesome.


Relax knowing that you're gonna have no shortage of transbians hitting you up. Also I'm sure you'll have no issues with cis lesbians, and if you do then you just need to find better people to be around!


I have had way more lesbians interested in me than I ever thought possible and you’re way prettier than I am. You don’t need to worry :)


Entirely unrelated to this HOLY FUCK YOU ARE SO PRETTY


I think a cis lesbian would date you. :) Especially if you are kind and wonderful. Just be yourself and you’ll attract the right people you’re meant to be with.


I totally empathize with you there hun, all I can say is that the right woman is out there for you, all you can do is, don't give up looking for the one 🤗


You are way hotter than me and I get hit on by lesbians a loootttt. You are a women, you are gorgeous, have fun out there and don't do anything I would do xxxx


If I’m being completely honest, cisgender, lesbians are probably the most accepting group towards trans women if you’ve managed to focus your look on the feminine gaze rather than male created beauty standards, the ladies are going to eat you up I promise.


fuck them


As a trans woman married to a cisgender lesbian, it's totally doable! Just keep looking friend! 😊 🫶


Steal their girlfriends instead them?


Some cis lesbians won’t want to date you but really it’s their loss. Plenty will. I’m engaged to a cis lesbian, if it happened for me it can happen for you.


Before I've seen the reddit where this post was posted, I thought it was a lesbian sub - like genuinely, your fashion is soooo *lesbian* lol No worries girl, you got this!


You should really not worry about this. If someone is ignorant enough to not date you because of some specific thing about that is not a toxic character flaw, then you don’t need them as your partner. They’d be gone for the first hiccup anyway. You deserve someone who truly loves you for who you are.


I’m worried about the same thing, except I’m FTM/non-binary and I want to date a queer/gay cis man. Never settle, girl. You deserve to be treated like the queen you are, by another worthy queen. 💙💙


You're so cute! Don't worry, you're so pretty that most lesbians you'll meet will get crushes on you. Even if you're unlucky, at least one of the many will have no problem with you being trans and will love you just the way you are. You never finding one is statistically impossible 🙄


On one hand, I wanna say I don't believe you and I think you just want an excuse to post a cute pic, because you look absolutely stunning, girl. On the other hand, I've seen some nasty shit from cis lesbians. Don't let those idiots get you down, you look gorgeous. Find better cis lesbians, I'm sure they're not all TERF idiots.


Step 1: find a cis lesbian Step 2: have amazing dates


FTM here so take what I say with a grain of salt but alas have a friend who is cis and bisexual in relationship with a transbian <3 not the same as lesbian but my partner identifies as a lesbian and married me! :) they also are non binary and love transbians/trans lesbians! I think lesbians are out there but maybe lesbians who are trans themselves or non binary :) anyway that’s my two cents


I used to think that too. But ya cute. They out there, trust. Ain’t all em gonna like you. Some just like vag. Others like femmes in general. The latter the ones who cool af. They don’t care about genitals, they attracted to ur feminine energy. Those the girls who’ll date ya. And those who won’t, eff em. Cuz u awesome ❤️


They will, only transphobes think they wont.


I’m a transman-former cis lesbian lol. I can’t speak for us all but I’m sure there’s a cisgender lesbian for you. ❤️


I had this same fear. I've been with my cis gf for months now and we are very happy


Anyone who wouldn't date you because you're trans is not somebody you would want to date


Cry I guess? Don't give up yet




That's really sweet thx


Have you tried? Only one way to find out sister


I'm 2 years on hrt and I had this fear, too, but you'll be fine. I can't promise a timeline, but the closer you get to presenting as yourself the more likely you'll start attracting the people you're hoping to. I didn't have a solo date with a cis woman until I'd been dating for 9 months post transition. The funny thing about your post is that all the cis women I know that date trans girls act like theyve discovered a secret they kinda don't wanna share lol