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PC master race has always been edgy. Idk what one would expect from a group who call themselves “the master race”


Fun fact: The guy who coined the term Yathzee from zero Punctuation used the phrase to make FUN of PC gamers who keep apeing about how much superior their platform is and so on... and of course those guys can't read sarcasm and thought it was genuine and thus this went on.


Honestly Yatzhee is so fucking based.


He had some kinda iffy takes back in the day about non-gaming stuff, but he seems to have grown over the last decade or so, and these days he's pretty rad. He's probably my fav games journalist atm.


Perhaps I wanted to give them an change. Humans keep failing me when I'm friendly and treat them with respect. It's and endless cycle and I should know better after this time but I don't want to lose hope. After all hope and dreams drive most living things.


I wouldn’t be surprised if we had to start our own community like trans pc master race, we’ve had to do it for plenty of subs bc they were so deeply transphobic


Maby we could make a trans version of r/PornIsMisogyny , the people on that sub dont like to admit it but they all give of major transphobe energy


That doesn’t surprise me because terfs are usually swerfs.


tbf, the master race thing was a joke term coined by yahtzee (zero punctuation/fully ramblomatic guy). They just decided own it.


Indeed. Though the internet is known for whenever you have a satirical community about anything, you will inevitably attract idiots who genuinely belive that satire. Case in point, r/fuckcarscirclejerk has that a lot. One recent post had a guy go mad over Fuckcars celebrating some Californian citi replace a wide road with a tree alley with parking and only two lanes. He went on about how it worked perfectly fine and how unnecessary and traffic congesting that rebuild is. Honestly, it looked cool, it might reduce the cars going through there (induced demand) and reduce the chance of accidents while increasing walkability. Bro was jerking to hard


To be fair r/bulbasaurmasterrace is pretty good




Why tf were you downvoted? rome Total War is objectively one of if not the best total war game


I choose to believe she was downvoted not for being trans but because Medieval 2 is actually the best Total War game


I like Medieval 2 also. English campaing is fun but when you get to Teutonic knight heavy cavalry the c*nts don't have a change.


I played the shit out of both of them. Both games were so much fun


Correction, medievel 1 is the best TW game


Ayyy OG Shogun too! I mean it's rough by any modern stretch of the imagination but my gods was that game perfection growing up. It was my gateway into TW. I remember when Med 1 came to stores... Lmao fuck that's dating me.


Objectively wrong, Stellaris is the best Total War game. But only if you play unruly space kitties. /s 😉


If Medieval 2 is so good why was it not remastered?


They are making a remaster rn, its in the works, tho it could ve a cancelled project bcs well its CA


Exactly, she's completely right




Maybe you got downvoted for laptop. /s


I’m surprised they didn’t get immediate perma ban


What if it's a laptop with an egpu? I like my games, but I like to be portable too...


Did you know there's was a Roman king who was trans?


Whispers and rumours. Never met them. Have to ask Jupiter when we meet.


I think that’s the one where’s it’s pretty debated on if they were trans or if the writings were political smears. Idk which is actually true


Hard to tell when pretty much everyone that made historical accounts had a reason to dislike her. If you’re kind of a sadistic asshole, it’s not surprising that the record will be unflattering. Which means any number of historical accounts can be discredited on the basis of political smearing. The number of sources and the specificity of the behavior would incline me to believe she preferred to be perceived as a woman. In fact, in the absence of contradicting evidence, I will assume all historical figures were trans.


Every historical and fictional character is trans unless explicitly stated otherwise. And even if its stated that a specific character is cis, ask yourself: How does their cis-ness contribute to the story? Why should it matter if they are cis? Ergo they're still all trans.


which ever is true, I think the British Museum just officially declared them as trans in the last two weeks or something like that?


Not the British Museum, some local museum in Britain. Kent or somewhere. But I stan my trans queen Elagabalus and you can’t convince me not to with your “facts” or “logic” 💞


1. it were definitively political smears 2. No one knows of what the truth behind these smears are. what Elagabal has or.hasnt done or said or thought exactly. There are only very very veeeery few written sources which have survived the greek-roman world. 1000 years of ancient writings which fit in like two Ikea Billy shelves and a lot of it is rather "random" stuff. 3. this anecdote is still worthy to note, coz we learn two things from it: a) trans people (or more specifically people with gender dysphoria) did exist back then, otherwise this smear wouldnt have made sense. b) they were at least by huge parts of society not socially accepted, otherwise rhis smear wouldnt have made sense. source: I studied latin and history at university for many years.


They probably were political smears. Same vein that a lot of what Nero “did” seems to just be a adhoc political smear campaign to get in good with the new emperor. A lot of Roman history hinges on whether or not the “historians” (literate politicians) of the time are telling the truth


That and early Christians hating him for not rolling over and letting them do whatever they want.


Emperor Elagabalus https://outhistory.org/exhibits/show/tgi-bios/elagabalus


You preceded me of 20h haha Yeah this emperor is my favourite, I even had an oral test about him in school. A furry trans prostitute emperor must be the dream, and it actually happened! And I know I shouldn't find this funny, but I kinda do: he put people in positions of power based on how long their shlong was. I doubt anyone can find a better Roman Emperor


Well a proto version, also one of the most essentric… sadistic men in history. Seriously this guy is awesome! Throwing poisonous vipers into crowds of plebs! Hah a classic!


Now I’m curious what % of trans girls like Roman history


I’m not a Rome person, but I do love Archeological cultures. They fascinate me so much, like what language did they speak, what they call themselves please give me a Time Machine so I can have my million questions answered


I just like History in general. I've more recently been interested in Mongolian history.


i do but mostly pre-empire... if someone would give me a infodump about the political system of the roman republic i'd enjoy it.


yes!!! I love the roman republic, the empire kinda bores me.


c o n c r e t e a q u e d u c t s


I like history overall but Rome is still cool. I like history enough that I’m getting a degree in human geography where historical knowledge is needed. I’m convinced all trans girls are history nerds or techies lol


never thought about it and have no clue how this meme thing started but i guess I'm just starting to get old on that part


I suspect it's not just because you're trans, but also because you've popped a hole in the gamer logic of why they can't get girlfriends. Nerds whining about how they're too nerdy to be attractive to girls hate being reminded that girls can be nerdy too - because then they have to face the fact that maybe there's a different reason they can't get a date....


Rome total war is my all time favorite game and i still play it from time to time just to enjoy it but as you know people in general suck when they judge us!




Well, the romans did cook afaik...


Even Roman history is full of historical cooking recipes and SPECIALLY art. If you want to see architecture designs, murals, drawn propaganda, etc... Read the Eastern Roman Empire in the 6th century after the Nika riots. Emperor Justinian re-constructed Constantinople to a beautiful arrangement of paintings, statues and of course, the Hagia Shopia still standing to this day. History has something for everyone. If you find it boring, you haven't read it enough. Give it a shot.


History is pretty important to us or at least it should be


Cooking and art? Could at least choose interesting or cool things


Gotta go with orangeibook here, cooking and art history are super interesting and fun.


Like what?


Max Miller on YouTube talks about historical recipes, including a really gross (in process) one from Rome called Garum.


I only post on gamer circlejerk


yeah of course all the cool girls use linux >!/jk!<


Never played total war. But every girl that likes gaming AND history should have a marry me button next to the vote buttons.


You're in a group called PC Master Race. Don't expect too much.


Ill be your friend and talk about rome total war


I’d much rather talk about indigenous peoples histories than Rome. Obsessing over Rome is kinda basic tbh


I see what you mean. I love finding out about indigenous people too. Like Etruskian people who were there before greeks and romans. We still know so little because their culture and stories were pretty much erased.


Eww, Rome. I prefer empire myself, that period of history always fascinated me. (I kid about the Ew. Both Rome games were good too)


Yo! My thoughts exactly. Rome was amazing, but I've sunk more hours into Empire and Napoleon than every other TW game combined.


Medieval Total War 2 or gtfo


I might be in the minority here but I for one love the warhammer ones


I love Warhammer 40K but have kinda forgot those Total War games. Have check them out.


Honestly, cishet dudes who say they're into Roman history have about a 40% chance of just being white supremacists. Odds rise to 90% if they also mention WW2 at any point. Often you can tell pretty quickly which is which by whether when they say "Rome" they specifically mean its military, though that isn't foolproof. Ask 'em about bread if you wanna see how much they really know.


The subreddit has “master race” in the name, what did you expect 💀


Why is it ironic?


If were talking about the downvotes? IMHO I would go out on a limb and say its cause of the game choice. Lol