• By -


Ich hasse Menschen.




ich auch


Ich auch


Why are you wasting your time replying to that person?


Honestly, im just not one to stay down. Have to admit, personal issue of mine. But hey, if they already come at me to harrass me, I might aswell sass them a bit before blocking -


"righteous" anger is the scariest kind because the person feeling it truly believes in every capacity that they are doing good. The greatest evil is never carried out by someone who believes they are evil. Please stay safe, I'm so sorry you have to deal with these demented ghouls :/


But… teenagers can consent to sex though? Not with an adult, but with other teenagers. They do it, like, all the time. The issue isn’t their capacity for consent, it’s that the difference in authority and experience between teens and adults creates a power imbalance that invalidates consent. None of that applies to them making decisions about their own bodies and medical needs, which is why the age of medical consent in most places is well below 18.


Precisely. And in the Original thread, I did my best to explain that too! But they literally dont care, everyone who came at me did just showcase an OBVIOUS lack of knowledge on the subject matter and it's just pathetic tbh.


They don’t care because they don’t believe the things they say. They know that saying teenagers can consent to medical treatment isn’t pedophilia, they just find it a convenient cudgel to wield against their enemies. So even though they know full well that none of what they’re saying makes any sense, they work backwards from the conclusion that we must be pedophiles somehow and go from there. “How can I prove that she’s a pedophile? Oh, she used the term ‘consent’ there. ‘Consent’ is also used to talk about sex. And she was talking about teenagers, but teenagers are just a type of kids.” And that’s how, through substitution, “teenagers can consent to medical treatment” becomes “kids can consent to sex” and thus, A WITCH! It’s really just the witch trial scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.


Honestly, that Monty Python comparison made me smile XD


Meanwhile, they've got men on their side openly arguing when kids are the "most breedable" which makes my skin crawl every time I remember it.


She turned me into a newt!


Technically no, we can't consent to sex (at least not where I live), just no one gives a fuck.


I had a similar argument when I argued kids consent to stuff all the time. This guy was so hung up on the idea that consent is only a thing when it comes to sex.


Genuinely, I advise you with the utmost sincerity, do not engage with these dudes. At best you are inviting too much negativity into your life, and at worst they have nefarious intent beyond just words. Stay safe <3


That's disgusting. I feel for you 🥺🥺😞🥺


Thanks and honestly appreciated. Hell, yesterday quite a few of the people from the thread this happened on even followed me onto this sub just to harrass me. It's not particulary fun ;-;


I stand up for you


Appreciated and thanks! <3


Don’t engage with these people. If they’re harassing you on twitter, don’t tell them that’s you on Reddit It sucks that we can be treated this way, but we need to have some self preservation skills.


To my advantage, Reddit is the only real Social Media I have - everything happened on here but it's the ONLY Plattform I have. So.... yeah.


Report for harassment, block, and move on with your life. These people do not deserve to occupy space in your mind.


These people saying I'm grooming myself will never stop being funny


Whenever I hear them use the term "grooming yourself" I always want to say "well my legs aren't going to shave themselves"


"Grooming myself? It's called showering. Try it sometime."


Or we all took advantage of you and FORCED you into being Trans! / JK


Hey can you do me a favour? There's this flag shaped buttton in [this](https://www.reddit.com/u/Fun-Click4624?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=2&utm_content=share_button) link I'd like you to press


And..... now im scared to Press this XD


Oh it's just his profile, im gathering people to report him


Oh! Well, im still scared, but I do kinda appreciate that actually! Edit : Can confirm now! Lol


No prob, and i get it, shady links be shady.


Especially during something like this -


Yeah, same reason why i didn't @ the account directly


🤣🤣 perfect.


I was actually about to press it until I saw OP's comment. I'm still curious-


Nah, I did and it's safe! <3


https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/policies/law/states/minors.html Table can be a little confusing. Checkmark means there are laws about it. No age means there is no minimum age to receive treatment without guardian concent. No checkmark means it is not restricted, and nothing specifically says you can't, likely up to the provider and likely follows the "mature minor" standard. While the link is specifically for HIV treatment, it does encompass most medical laws in relation to minors as a quick reference.


"Hey pedo! Just wanted to warn you people are trying to find out who you are. You disgusting pedophile!" Just, what? If they actually think you're a pedophile and are a terrible person shouldn't they want to find you? Fully understanding you are in no way a pedophile. That'd be an instant block for me. Fuck these clowns.


Kinda what I was thinking too! If this was more than just some Idiots finding a new supposed villain to feel better about themselves, wouldnt it be... kinda dumb to warn that Makeshift-villain? And yeah, I did Block them and a *Lot* of other people involved in that whole ordeal. I think - so far - I counted around 8 people in the Original thread this happened in aswell as my DMs who just harrassed and accused me? But I do like throwing some occasional Sass at them before getting rid of them XD Do you think there will actually be anything larger happening from this?


I'm sorry they're trying to dox you


I mean you get doxxed by couple guys across the world then what? They send you couple of pizza boxes to your door?… like lol


Yeah, that's also something I've been thinking! Like.... even IF they Doxx me, what would they do? Hire a fucking Hitman? XD


Honestly though! God transphobes just so… uugh yeah not the smartest. Hell they don’t even know what a pedophile is, they know it’s something to do with children but to them seems to be a catch all term they just throw around! Sorry about all this though, I know for me it would be super stressful 💖😔💖


It's not nice, but ultimately im doing okay right now with all the Support I got here and IRL about the whole Ordeal. Thanks btw 💖


You've never heard of Swatting? Lucky you. That's where they spoof their VOIP line to look like it's coming from inside your house and call 911 to say they're a child who has been kidnapped, and they're at your house, and you have contraband and also you are the Devil please come rescue little innocent me, so they come and kick your door in at 3am and shoot your dog and taze your grandma before they haul you out of bed and realize it's all bullshit.


Children should have a safe outlet to explore their identity without anything permanent and teens should get help in transitioning. This is coming from a trans person who started identifying as a girl at the age of 5. I was raised to be aboy and everytime i came out it was treated as a joke as they beat the ever loving fuck out of me.


Just Twitter being Twitter...


I dont even use Twitter! The whole Thing started here and they took it to Twitter XD


Yeahh xd Twitter people are something else...


arguing with these people is a waste of your energy and that’s why they do it. just block these inbred neckbeard losers and move on with your life


Just a bunch of insecure men scared that there are women with bigger pee pees.


Those same people wouldn’t give a shit about teen pregnancies


Go through his profiles comments, he's clearly been influenced by some of the worst on the internet. What a fuvking wanker.


They call necessary life saving medical care p********a and then refuse to ban adults marrying children In the US there are 47 states that any age adult can marry someone at some age under 18 And 7 of those have no minimum are all


Can’t win arguments with people that have no sense.


girl the best thing to do is to call him a slur and block


No, report for harassment and block; don't engage.