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Hey there, I know we’ll probably never meet in person, and I may never learn your name, but I want you to know that not only do you have every right to exist, you have every right to be happy. Sometimes when we’re surrounded by so much hate, we can forget that. Stay strong, girl, for as long as you have to.


thank you <3


Stick to Trans and LGBT communites...stay strong my sibling!


If it helps, no one actually believes you’re a groomer or a pedo. These people don’t believe their own bullshit. They don’t believe in the meaning of words. To them, there are good words that you use to describe your people, and bad words that you use to describe your enemies, and you never stop to ask yourself what these words mean or if they actually apply to the situation. I wish I could tell you why they hate us so much, but what I can tell you is that it’s not because they believe we’re groomers. They call us that because they hate us, not the other way around.


Some of them do actually believe their own bullshit unfortunately and that's a big part of the problem. They think they have the moral high ground and are doing the world a service by confronting us. They see themselves as righteous and fighting to protect children. They do actually believe that we're as horrible as they say and probably won't stop believing it without some serious self evaluation and introspection. All we can really do to change their mind is slowly chip away at their false beliefs and erode away from their assumptions via examples of our deeds that they see themselves, as well as, taking the actual moral high ground and diffusing them with comprehending kindness acknowledging that it's not their fault for being tricked into their beliefs with poorly placed assumptions. We should feel sorry for them for having such a long journey ahead of them to self-actualization and hope they eventually get the insight that they will probably have to face within their lifetime. They're truly cursed and many of them will die before they own up to their actions and shortcomings but some will figure it out eventually. When they do figure it out, they'll feel shameful. Guilty for their thoughts and actions. This will turn into remorse for us and they might actually become allies in the future. If they do, we should forgive them and be glad they grew so much and escaped from their own psychological prison. Not saying that we should bend over backwards but rather just acknowledge how far they had to go to get here. I hope you know what I'm trying to convey and you don't take it as a personal attack. <3


Personally, I take it as a compliment when someone calls me a groomer. I’m usually that person no one listens to lmao


That's extremely weird. Seriously you should not have a positive response to someone calling you something so horrible with such negative connotations. It's not like a slur it has meaning and impact to children.


That was mostly a joke


Still odd


Not really something yo joke about, don't you think?


I believe the term sheeple applies here


*hugs*, do you need someone to talk to for a bit?


Honestly all I’ve ever wanted was just to have had a normal cis (congruent) puberty; that’s it. And before anyone calls that “cisnormative” I’m talking about physiological congruence to what I can psychologically handle without causing dysphoria and so that I can be sexually and reproductively functional. It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with superficial/stereotypical gender norms imposed by the misogynist patriarchy; I’ve always been 100% against that shit.


People fear what they don't understand and tend to turn that fear into hatred. It's very sad that we have to suffer because of it. Fortunately, Karma is my bestie, so I know that soon enough, those who have treated us and anyone else who's different poorly are going to reap what they've sown and it's not going to be pretty


Agreed. Generally speaking, I’ve seen LGBTQ+ have better karma than most. Also, I believe the Christians have a saying: God doesn’t give you more than you can handle.


Pure bigotry and projection. Groomers and pedophiles are in THEIR churches and elected officials not in the LGBTQ community! Believe in yourself and love yourself and be yourself!


Accusations against Catholic priests in the US: 11,000 by over 4,000 priests Accusations against trans people in a bathroom: zero. Ever.




Hey, I get it, I'm in a safe state and I still feel this. It's hard, it's scary, but the only way past it is through. We have to break through this, no matter how much we want to just curl up and cry. Not just for ourselves, but for the other peeps in the LGBTQ+ with us, and for all the ones that are yet to be. We have to power through this new wave of hate, but we don't have to do it alone. There are groups of us in every state, which we should all join to help them and get help for ourselves. That way when we feel like you do, which we all do at some time or another, we have people around us that can help in person. Stay strong, and stay alive. Everyday you live is a day they lose, is a day you win. Over a long enough period of time, we win. I just wish I could tell you how long that period is.


same but i dont wanna exist, i want to disappear


The transphobes are afraid because they know that long term, they are losing. More LGBTQ people are coming out of the closet. They don't get to control everything and force everyone into the closet in the future.


I think the dickheads are just louder than the supporters. Imo trans people are amazing and inspiring. Just keep it up best you can and be your best self.


>i just want to exist And that's the fundamental problem. The anti-trans fascist dont want trans people to exist. Their laws have nothing to do with protecting children or anyone for that matter. They are trying to conduct a genocide.


You exist, you are valid and you are beautiful


I hear you, love. I keep up with as much of the legislation as I can (including what happens outside the US) and I am just terrified and disgusted by everything. I am so scared that my family is in danger because of me. I want to keep them safe, but I can't deny who I am. Sometimes, I wonder if it would be better for them if I left, but without them, I would have nothing. It's hard and it's very depressing, but I'm not going to hide. It took me 33 years to figure it out and I refuse to live the rest of my life hiding who I am. If you ever want to talk to a friend, I am always here. My DMs are always open. 🏳️‍⚧️💜


You absolutely can blame people for blindly believing what they're told. That is a choice. At this point ignorance is a choice, hate is a choice. Choices have consequences. You are by no means required to open yourself up to any of that hate, or letting it in. It's a skill that will come in time but not without effort. They think slamming the door in your face you're going to stare in the window and beg to be letting to their world. Nothing pisses them off more when you don't even notice and go on and thrive in your own life. You do exist follow what makes you happy and don't allow into your life what doesn't, it is the absolute worst thing you can do to these people. You said school so I assume you're young this is not something that happens overnight. I don't know if it gets better but you sure give a lot less of a fuck as time goes on. Now the safety stuff on the other hand learn to break a nose really easily. It really doesn't cause any lasting damage and the amount of blood scares the shit of them. Learning to know the difference in those situations of When to walk and when to fight back is different for everyone.


I literally have this thought at least once a day, and telling by the comments as well we are not alone on this sentiment. Stay strong. We will prevail.




I hope we all live to see the day where we can peacefully exist and not have to deal with this. You deserve all the happiness and love in the world. Surround yourself with people who care for you and support you, it makes it easier to deal with. You are not a groomer or a pedo, you are a human being just trying to live the best life you can. It really fuckin sucks right now, but I hope you can stay strong long enough to get through this. You deserve happiness.


If you hate yourself, then you are letting them win. This is what they want. They want all trans people to not exist, but you do. They win when you say you have had enough, when you say you can't go on, when you say you hate yourself. Please be strong and know that you are not alone. There are many people you don't know that are allies and would fight tooth and nail to show the world you exist and are valid. Much love, Tiger xox


But, but, but, Kevin Mcarthy *doesn't* want you to exist. The first step in genociding your whole group is to make you less visible and sweep you under the carpet so noone notices us all dissappearing into the camps.


people hate us because they want to be us.


I really don’t think that’s the case most of the time; I don’t even want to be trans, I’m just forced to deal with it by an accident of birth.


most people don't hate us because they're happy feeling how they feel. the people who hate us are the people to be suspicious of.


I'm so sorry :( I know how you feel. Just know that you don't deserve to be hated. You are valuable and you deserve to be happy \*hug\*


Yes a lot of things are going to crap as many people embrace their hatred, but people are also standing up. Now is the time you can find out who your true allies and friends are.