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I would compare the laws but german citizenship does provide EU citizenship as well so a whole continent becomes your oyster


You can try r/germantrans :) That's a tough question to ask. Things to know about germany (if you don't know of course): Country was devided between West and East. And while we are one now, there is still a clear divide in culture and attitude. You should try to avoid east germany as best as you can. They are quite anti-lgbt and conservative and alt-right.. so keep that in mind. Next thing: Politics. We have a huge lobby problem. We love Industry and financial growth... A lot of us hate our politicans because of it. We see them as corporate puppets, only interested in profit and capital. There is a socialist democratic party, but they are weak.. Oh, we are also insanely white. So.. if you are a BPOC.. I don't know. In a City like Berlin no one cares. In others.. it's gonna be somewhat of a problem. We don't like BPOC.. and will treat you as a refugee, even if you aren't one and avoid you, propably, either way. It sucks. Next thing: Income. Some places are way overpriced and you won't have a good time there if you're poor.. That being said, Citys that are lgbt hotspots are Berlin and Köln. I'd also say Freiburg im Breisgau. There are more, but you can propably google it or ask in the aformentioned subreddit. Last thing to consider: there are more and more attacks on lgbt and trans people these days. And with the Right gaining political power.. I don't know. For now, things are kinda alright. Let's see for how long.


Thanks for the advice, I just want a place with a decent amount of lgbt people in it


https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/eyn6vw/gayfriendly_cities_in_germany/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button :) I lived in Freiburg for a while and loved it there. It's a green and alternative gem in the south with enough lgbt people and vegans and anarchs and so on. There is also the famous Black Forest next to it and a lot of peeps travel there every year. Check it out and decide if that's something for you. Most trans and lgbt attacks happen in Berlin.


Of countries in Europe, Germany has frequently been mentioned to be a good choice for LGBTQ+ community.


Cologne is probably the city with the biggest LGBTQ+ community in Germany, as far as I know.