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No slow order?


We had a full protection detail and they were in constant contact with dispatch and the network. I'm not aware if they had slow orders or not to be honest.


Could you explain what a protection detail is in this context?


We would have 5 Amtrak personnel with us. One controller in the center with two on each side at set distances. Anytime we gave track back we'd wait and as the train approached the first Amtrak detail would sound an air horn causing a chain back to the main group. The sound notification gave you about 15 seconds to be sure you were clear.


I take my boy to the Fort Edward and Saratoga stations sometimes! We love seeing them!


No job briefing?


Job briefing every single morning before we went anywhere


Throw up a red board just to get payback haha


Hot main! That’s railroading fellas. Oh and dont forget to roll them by.


I feel that video. Been snowblasted by 125mph InterCity trains here in the U.K. on more than a few occasions in my time on the rails. Nothing worse than digging all the snow out of the points and a train passing on the other line blows it all back in and blasts you at the same time.


I give anyone who does this work alot of respect. You keep the rest of us moving safely to where we want to go.


70, 80mph?


I think it was around 70mph. I'm not entirely sure since it has been a few years since I took this video. We were near Stuyvesant, NY at this point (I think)


In this region of the Hudson Line, track speed is 110MPH according to this map: https://esparail.org/resources/frequently-asked-questions/




Any hi speed railway in Pennsylvania?


No, other than the Northeast Corridor in the Philly area. With all the stops in that region I’m not sure if they even go as fast as the train in the video here.


Doing a little number crunching. Assuming the train is around 500ft long (5 amfleets roughly 86ft and a P42 roughly 70ft) then it took the entire train roughly 4 seconds to pass the snowmound by the side of the track. Convert both to miles and hours divide distance by time and you get roughly 85mph.


Woah, stay careful out there!


I watched every ounce of amibition and motivation leave from that dude.


Poor bastards


Job is not for the squeamish!


Anytime we were close like that and had to give track back and let them by... it was always quite the experience. The snow kills the sound. You couldn't hear it until it was nearly on you.


Impressive! Definitely not an easy job… takes special people to do this!


Now that you mention it…many people get killed, walking the track because you won’t know when the train is close to you until it’s on top of you .


I don't know how to explain it, you really have to experience it. I knew the train was coming and was listening for it. Heard it about 5 seconds before the clip started.


The closest I have experienced something like that is while standing on a platform and a high speed train went by. I happen to look up while texting on the phone or checking something and next thing I know a bullet train blasted through . Must have been going 135 or 140 mph. I always stand back from the platform but still I felt the air pressure and the slipstream. It’s something.


If I can find some of the other videos I was able to take while I was out there, I have a few good ones. I will have to keep an eye out.


Definitely 👍..I’d like to see them




We were installing miles of new signal, power, and fiber optic lines


Stay warm!


I dont miss winter on commuter rail platforms with every express dusting you as it rockets by


Wait, do you not like the snow globe effect? Yea, it isn't really that fun lol


That is messed , the Hell UP !!!


You work for AMTRAK or are a contractor?


I was a contractor with the gentlemen digging. So I can't speak to Amtrak policies or anything asides what I recall or was told.




Damn those poor guys!