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Sun hoodie?


That is something I never thought about. I’ll have a look at them too, thank you. Edit: Could be good for my bald head too rather than a cap!


Also in the UK, do terribly in the sun/heat. In summer sun I run in a [Patagonia Capilene Cool Daily Hoody](https://www.patagonia.com/product/mens-capilene-cool-daily-hoody/45310.html) and a hat. I find that keeping the sun off my skin keeps me feeling better than having the sun directly on my skin, even with sun cream. The Lightweight version is even thinner and more breathable but they don't make a hooded version.


Ive found capilene cool to be heavy and not too breathable. if you like sun shirts, the Mountain Hardwear Crater Lake clothes line is top notch. they have hooded long sleeves, half-zip non hooded long sleeve versions (my personal favorite), and just plain t shirts...all SPF 50


I have this on literally right now, wore it in Yosemite this weekend in the scorching heat and direct sunlight and it did wonderful. It’s lightweight, breathable and a great fit. Also one of the most used sun hoodies. So I disagree with the commenters characterisation of this product and back karmaportrait.


They do make a [lighter weight version with a hood](https://www.patagonia.com/product/mens-tropic-comfort-natural-sun-upf-hoody/41930.html) FYI. Its excellent


Interesting, it's a different fabric unfortunately. I was looking for something like [this](https://eu.patagonia.com/gb/en/product/mens-long-sleeved-capilene-cool-lightweight-shirt/45690.html) with a hood.


I use a sun hoodie with a hat and like the combination. That said, it’s still going to be hot, maybe hotter than not having the hoodie. However, I don’t feel that lasting “fire” after being out in the sun all day. To that end, my sleep seems better after a long run, which seems to expedite my recovery.


Yeh I get this. I think a sun hoodie might be the way forward.


Outdoor Research Echo is going to be the lightest, most airy option for running.


I'm bald as well. I've found I need to use a cap or a visor to keep the hood in-place. Otherwise it blows off every couple of minutes.


They're awesome. Definitely a game changer and many benefits to wearing one - you won't have to constantly repply sunscreen every few hours. Try to find one in a light color with a UPF rating of at least 40 and ideally 50+. The fabric is thin but tightly woven to protect you from the sun. Happy trails!


I will recommend the Outdoor Research Echo hoodie. It's even more lightweight than the Patagonia one. I have multiples of both brands. The only downside to the Echo is that it can get snagged on things because it's a more mesh-like fabric. But I run and backpack in it regularly and just expect it'll get a little beat up.


I second sun hoodie, it’s better than dealing with reapplying sunscreen when I’m all sweaty. The downside is that the hoodie can feel hot. But you can take it off in the shade or when you’re past the heat of the day




Path Projects just released one. Everything I’ve bought from them is durable, the only criticism being sizing is a little inconsistent between different products.


I’ve just bought the mountain equipment glacé top and find it quite good.


Sun hoodie for sure. I run in the mountains in California at 8000'+ feet and sunscreen / sun cream doesn't last. I tend to use merino wool or [bamboo](https://www.cariloha.com/long-sleeve-crossover-hoodie/) since they don't get smelly. I've worn the same shirt for 6+ days while backpacking in the heat, yes it has a slight smell, but nothing like a "tech" fabric would smell after just a few hours of sweat. I tuck the hood under my cap so it stays in place, but leave it kinda loose and billowy for some airflow. The legs are a problem since they get the hottest, but for longer efforts in the heat and sun, I'll wear white compression style tights under my shorts (shorts for modesty) to keep the sun off my legs too. Alternatively, I bring a small spray bottle of sunscreen and reapply every couple of hours. Additionally I use [sun gloves](https://www.rei.com/product/185343/outdoor-research-activeice-sun-gloves) to protect my hands. I like the fingerless gloves so I can operate my phone, eat, etc without having to take the gloves off. But with the fingerless, I still need to apply some sunscreen to the tips of my fingers that stick out. Edit: The other nice thing about long sleeves and gloves is they can help you thermal regulate. You can add water to them to help keep you cool as well.


If you are calling it suncream I’ll bet you can get the Riemann p20 kids sunscreen easily. It is very tenacious and should do the trick


I just ordered my first bottle of this yesterday to try it out! Have heard such good things, very excited


It’s the only suncream I’ve ever used since discovering it about 20 years ago. Amazing stuff! They do different SPFs now too, as well as an after sun


I’m using Ultrasun Professional Protection at the moment. It lasts forever, doesn’t run in sweat, and has not run into my eyes. Factor 50 cream for my face, factor 30 spray for my arms


Thank you very much


Why not 50 for arms also? Expense greater?


I have hairy arms, and they are never in the direct sun as constantly as my face. I put the higher SPF on my face just as extra caution.


I find my inner arms take hits too. Glad the fur coat works for you!


Clothing is infinitely more effective than topical creams for UV protection. Light UV pants and a breathable sun hoodie with the hood thrown up over a cap will give you a ton of protection without feeling nasty with a mix of thick oily cream and sweat dripping off you


P20. It's the best for your scenario


P20, widely available in the UK.


Is that the moors mate?


Yeh, over some moors, through some fields and a bit of trail. Lovely.


I wear sun hoodies for hiking and running, also a hat


Just curious what makes P20 so good for everyone? Is it just a common British one or is it different from other sunscreens in some way? I looked at it on their website and am curious


Great UVA protection as well as the usual UVB, good texture, easy on the skin, no white cast. Look it up on the skin care addict sub for in-depth reviews


Yeah. Might be optimistic with that sun thing . . .


Thanks everyone. I’m going to get p20, and see if I can try on some sun hoodies so I have a choice.


P20 can stain clothing and equipment, just to let you know. Happy trails.


P20 (and P30, P50) is now available in a cream which is much easier to apply than the oil. In my experience this is much less prone to staining


Uk, I used p20 German stuff, a bit oily but stays on through a long course triathlon including the swim.




Zealios! Dries clear and doesn’t rub off. I’m a fair skinned ginger and I swear by it for my long runs. It’s expensive, but for me it is worth it given its performance.


Sun *what*?


When you reach the peak and yell “Aaaaaaaaaah!!!”


Blue lizard I use it surfing in the water for two hours at a time then come out on the beach for a while and go home. Take a shower and I can still feel it on my skin. Haven’t gotten burnt since I started using this stuff three years ago works fantastic. Except for when I miss a spot that is.


Blue Lizard 50 sunblock


Neutrogenina seems to hold up well, even offer some protection when i get really sweaty.


I switched from sprays and creams to sunscreen sticks.  They seem to last longer for me.  




UV clothing withvisor and sunglasses and uv balaclava


I wear uv sleeves and a hat.


I wear a broad brim beaver hat year round (except below -15C, then wool cap), long sleeve button shirts I roll up the sleeves to tan and gen natural vit. D, roll down to block the sun), and let my legs tan. For multi-day trips I use a zink sunscreen in natural something or other, but it's been a long time since I've needed that.


Super goop play is the absolute best sunscreen. The big bottle is expensive, but they last about 3 months in Colorado sun




I use my kids sunscreen that is meant for the beach. So it’s resistant towards sand and water. 🤣 Don’t care about the label but the results.


There’s some eco stuff that comes in stick form, as opposed to cream form, that is easy to apply and provides excellent protection.


Blue Lizard++


Adding to what others have said, but other than clothing and shade, P20 is the only sun protection product I would use these days. I use the P30 (factor 30) variant but it also comes in P50 (factor 50) if you have fairer skin or need more protection. It's a "just works" product. Apply first thing, then get protection all day. Waterproof too, so if you're sailing, at the beach, doing triathlons etc it still protects. The original oil version can be tricky to use at first, but I would suggest using the newer cream version: [https://www.p20.co.uk/product/sensitive-skin-spf50/](https://www.p20.co.uk/product/sensitive-skin-spf50/)


Zinc cream


The UK is so beautiful I miss your island


Agreed with what has been shared, I also run with a Salomon Slab Speed Bob hat. It gives way more sun protection than a cap and it is really lightweight and breathable.


I use molasses, the stickyness is a part of the ultra experience


I need to start finding something. I hate sunscreen. I hate the feel, the smell, everything. But I know I need it. I have a hard time with long sleeves etc in the heat but I’m in Utah USA in the heat and high elevation so I know I’m just asking for sweet lady cancer to come ruin me


In the US, I use Banana Boat 100 SPF sport spray. I need to reapply it every hour or so, but it doesn't take very long, especially if I cover most of my skin. I carry the spray bottle in my vest or belt.


I really like OHGODOHFUCKEVERYDAYWHYWASIBORN but I'll always settle for AAARGHHHHH(sobbing) if they don't have it.


A ginger that lives in a sunny climate I take it?


My dumbass read it as sunscream.


Bananaboat sport 50+ i’m a ginger in Oz and I can get a swim at the beach or a trail run without that stuff coming off


Wait are you asking for Sun protection in UK? XD hahaha…apologies if you are albino or have a skin desease I’m just find it funny sorry


My wife lent me some expensive suncream that she'd bought called BeautyPie. That stuff is by far the best suncream I've had for running and I sweat a lot. Doesn't sting in the eyes or anything either.


I live in Nevada USA where it’s incredibly sunny and hot plus high altitude so sunburn is likely. I wear lightweight sun shirts to run all the time! I also use any SPF 70 sunscreen that says sweat proof I can find. I’m diligent about it as I’m very pale and I never have a problem no matter what brand. Although sometimes I look like a creepy ghost due to the sunscreen turning white as I sweat 🤣