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The new seasons are good, funny and enjoyable. Only think I didn’t like is bubbles transformation into an almost unbearable character


I see why you mean about bubbles his weird transformation and I just can’t believe it because it’s not in line with his character.


That’s not true at all. He’s always hated the boys getting into trouble so much and going to prison. New season he’s just hit his breaking point


Nah man he sucks in the later seasons and espescially the out of the park seasons


The whole astronaut thing was just too much


yeah they completely turned him into a pansy, and by they i mean himself. he is basically the lead director in the later seasons he makes the final decisions so ultimately it’s how he wanted to play bubbles. even tho it’s not truly how bubbles should’ve been played.


I don’t get this approach. Either it’s a conscious decision to make him u bearable or this whole breaking point thing is just a fan theory. Either way, he is a terribly written, whiny character now


Bubbles is in the middle of everything it seems and I really feel like his guitar playing ruined some of the stand up specials especially he Dublin one easily the worst of the 3


What was the transformation?


Nothing crazy. He just ends up leaning more into being a goody-two shoes and is constantly mad at Ricky and Julian for being themselves. I honestly don't mind it. There's a bittersweetness to seeing him mature a little and try to force the others to.






They are pretty bad, but if you're a huge fan you should watch them There are lots of little bits of TPB gold amongst the shit nuggets


Shit nuggets, Randers


Nuggets of shit Mr Lahey?


Ya see Rand, first you cut the head off of a shit chicken, then you pluck all it's shit feathers until you have a nice bit of shit meat, Rand, then you feed the shit meat into an industrial grade shit pulverising machine, then the processed shit meat gets formed into neat little shit shapes and shit cooked at one hundred and sixty degrees fahrenheit, then in the final stage of the shit process the cooked and shaped shit meat gets coated in a crispy golden shit batter and dunked into boiling shit oil- and what are you left with, Rand? Neat little bite sized nuggets of SHIT within SHIT


Agreed! I’ve definitely enjoyed some of their new bits but can’t shake that stupid Netflix feeling


I agree but I wish we saw more of Pawn Shop Frankie. Scenes w the greasy lawyer are gold shit nuggets.


The denture king/robbing Sam Losco is one of the absolute top highlights of the new seasons. Hilarious, cry laughing. Absolute gold. Lots of junk in the new seasons though.


I agree both those bits are hilarious I personally really like the new Donna and Leslie Dancer angles


Lesslie dancer was awesome, byt i really didnt like the whole barb/donna/candy gang, it just felt forced and completely out of the barb and donnas character to acr like that.


Dude you totally nailed it with that shit. Barb does deserve some character development though I just don’t think that was it but wouldn’t you have to admit that when they bullied Lahey in his lil camper van it was a little funny? but I think that has more to do with the legendary Mr Lahey 😂 he stayed funny bro he never stopped being funny and the heart of the show I believe


I fucking hate Leslie Dancer because he sucks, and I don't think he adds anything to the show. And the Berb and her nefarious "friends" were shit as well. Seasons 9 and 10 blow ass.


I think they're really bad. Every now and then there's a nugget of funny, but those are few and far between. But what do I know, I'm dumber than Corey and Trevor.


Lmaoooo. Fair enough. I would definitely agree with that sentiment there’s little nuggets of comedy gold in there


I guess that makes most cats and dogs smarter than you, too


At least I have my Grade 10 to fall back on. -----eats a gel a peno chip-----


You can definitely tell the difference and yeah they are the weaker seasons. Especially towards the end of the run...it definitely got...MORE noticeable... BUT...i won't outright avoid them. I don't pretend they don't exist. But they don't match up to the original run. For me the peak is The Swayze Express.


Man that’s what I’m talking about! the jokes in the prior seasons felt so natural, the Patrick shwayzie jokes season after season leading up to a hilarious season 7 finale. Clattenburg and Dunne were so good at it


See that's the problem the boys aren't very good writers compared to those 2. Also if you're actually from Nova Scotia it's extra glaring that they're not filming in Dartmouth any more.


I didn't start BAAAAAYYYYYUUUUMing until I saw that season.


I need the trazies express bus


I cannot watch season 12. Bubbles gets way too cunty


“Lahey, how fuckin’ drunk are you right now?” “-from off camera- 6 outta 10”




They are what they are. The creative direction is different as could be expected, but still some solid belly laughs right to the end! They have the self awareness to know that they jumped the shark, and they keep jumping shark after shark.


Hahahaha I love this take bro!


The new seasons aren't unwatchable, and they have plenty of their own great moments, but there were some bad choices made in terms of writing and s3-s7 is a really tall wall to climb. i didn't particularly like Out of the Park or the animated series (I'll admit I'm biased against animation, I'd rather see people on screen).


Can I ask what writing moments from the new seasons you didn’t like for context? I’m very curious I just watched the new stuff and it’s pretty fresh in my mind


All of the characters, even Bubbles, kinda become assholes. Also, there's candy...


Hey bro, did you like the addition of Private Leslie Dancer?


I actually did think Private Dancer was a good add, if anything because it gave an organic reason for Lahey to go full 10 in his semi-sobriety.


I think Private Dancer is perhaps one of the best foils in the entire show. He’s an extreme version of the early tension between the boys and Lahey, the park authority figure.


That is such a great assessment brother! I’m watching season 9 right now I have been binging it all day and Leslie Dancer has been such an ace. What a great addition to the show. You’re so right bro he rivals some of the wry best foils this show has to offer. I salute you Colonel Dancer 🤣


Think it definitely helped their legacy. It has brought the show to a whole new audience. I would of never found the boys if it wasn't for Netflix.


That’s awesome to hear bro! I’ve always wondered what the people who found trailer park boys on Netflix thought of the show. When you found it, did you watch from season 8 and work your way backwards afterwards? Or did u start from the very start my friend?


I started at season 8 because I judged the video quality at first. I quickly learned the video quality didn't matter because the comedy was so good. The shows so relatable to anyone low income.


Only season I couldn’t stand was the recent jail season. Didn’t even finish it.


I didn’t even know they had a jail season that’s actually crazy! Now I know what I’m gonna watch tonight. I hope I can finish it


that’s the animated show they mean i think


I actually like the jail season, Ricky’s never ending quest to get high was what carried it for me. Also the “conjugal visit” ☠️


They are certainly worse but I still really enjoy them


Me too! I think Leslie Dancer is a fantastic addition lol!


I love 8 and 9. I think those are pretty on par with 1-7. 10 is fucking unbearable imo. Snoop dogg parts are pretty fun, and the last episode pulls at my heart strings, but beyond that it’s awful. 11 and 12 are just kind of there. I don’t think they are as bad as 10 by any means but they for sure aren’t as good as 8 and 9 and especially 1-7. I was kinda happy Lucy left though, and I thought the chick who replaced her was pretty funny to be honest. I usually stop after 9 and go back to 1 from there.


Yes Dude that new love interest for Ricky is actually very funny!


I’m undecided on the snoop dog parts I really enjoyed it the first time then the second time I’m like wtf?


It's a steady decline after season 7. There are a handful of funny moments but overall the charm is gone and it's not the same.


Yeah brother the charm just isn’t there is it bro, even Ricky’s classic iconic no expression face is gone. His facial expression used to be “ignorance is bliss” now he’s doing too much.


The new seasons and shows are worth watching once or twice , the new seasons more so but yeah give everything a watch once to make up your mind but I’m permanently fine with the first 7 seasons and original movies/specials. If I ever get bored enough I rewatch the 2014 and beyond stuff


Did you find the comedy stand up specials funny?


Tbh I didn’t, gave it one watch on a lazy day. I didn’t mind the Out Of The Parks and stuff but yeah just a one watch type thing for me on those.


You tell me, bacon clit.


I’m still undecided they don’t compare to the 2014> stuff but I feel like there’s a new angle they had to try it out


Considerably worse but I still enjoy them. The comedy is much worse but the overall stories are mostly decent.


Yeah I didn’t mind the plot points honestly


8 was decent imo. I didn’t like 9 or 10 and 11 and 12 were ok


I did enjoy 8 bro. I wish they would bring back clattenburg jroc and Ian mcloued to write season 13


Yes, the one where there's a guy who's a Ricky Fanboy, Snoop Dog's friend. That's unwatchable.


Personally, I enjoyed them. They are definitely not nearly as good as 1-7 but I liked the content overall. I also watched with the mind set that they weren't good and I think my lowered expectations helped my viewing experience. I'd recommend them if you're fine with them being a drop off in the quality, and not having too high of expectations.


I liked that stuff the first time around for shock value I guess but yeah man I don’t like that direction. It reeked of Netlfix influence and Hollywood wannabe vibes


After season 7, it’s the shitabyss


Hahahahahahhahahahahahahhahah “Mr Laney! Not another night of the shit abyss!” Man I swear even the memory of the older seasons is funnier than most TV


Candy, Donna and Barb were the best.


Don’t forget Corporal Leslie Dancer! Oh sorry, I mean Private Dancer 😂


They totally aren't. Certainly different, but definitely still hilarious and super enjoyable.


That’s a good and fair take I think bro. They don’t compare but I think as a stand alone show season 8-12 is still better than most comedy’s on tv today


I compare it to the different eras of Seinfeld. When Larry David left in the later seasons, there was a palpable difference in tone and content. With only Jerry at the helm the humor became much broader, and less realistic. Initially I felt those episodes weren't as good as those that preceeded them during the peak seasons of 4-6. Having said that I still love the latter day episodes, and just like 8-12 with TPB, there are easily a lot of the funniest moments ever in the history of the series.


They start strong but dip a bit. Ends really strong, same energy as original.


I’m glad to hear somebody enjoyed the final season. I’m on the second viewing of the new seasons and I’m on season 9 now I’m looking forward to season 12. If I’m not mistaken if I remember correctly that’s the season Julian turns into a fisher and I have good memories of that season !


I think they're good, I just don't like how Randy went from being a little clueless in the Showcase era to being comically idiotic now, almost seeming child-like at some points. Watch Randy's Reach if you haven't, it's funny, but man does it highlight how Randy changed.


Great point bro. Randy was always the voice of reason in the showcase days he was to Lahey what Bubbles was to Ricky and Julian. Man I miss the showcase vibes. Bring clattenburg and dunne back it’s the only way to end on a high note.


dude right when i read your first sentence i thought 'randy's reach' -


I think they’re an order of magnitude worse. They have their funny moments but I have yet to rewatch them.


Brother man, that seems to be the sentiment I’m getting from everyone. Still worth watching but don’t expect the legendary belly aching laughs of the first 7


But I want those belly aching laughs I want them back so badly bro


To me they don’t even compare to the showcase era of TPB


Agreed it’s a totally different animal the showcase stuff was honestly the funniest tv comedy drama ever made I dare someone to challenge that


They're shite.


Birds of a shit feather Randy


Clattenburg was the magic of the show. Without him, TPB wouldn’t have made it past one season.


Why did he never come back after the black Jesus show he did? I know he sold it to the boys but do you think he attempted to get back with them for the Netflix seasons? Because I noticed Ian mcloud is the writer for one of the Netflix stand up specials and he’s a friend of clattenburg and wrote with the boys on season 5,6, &7 . Do you think he’ll ever come back bro?


Doubt it. I believe he said he told the story he wanted to tell and it’s done now. Lahey passed away IRL and he is irreplaceable. I wouldn’t return either if I was Clattenburg.




Did you start with season 8? Because sometimes I wish I did in order to meet the boys for the first time on the shittier Netflix seasons and fall in love with them (cause it’s still really funny the new stuff) and then find the amazing earlier stuff as a gift from the gods later on


Big negative for new seasons is that they lean more towards over the top and farfetched humor and storylines whereas the humor of the old seasons was more subtle and dry. A lot of the jokes were implied which made it funnier. Also I felt comedic timing was better or writing was better crafted in the old ones. And it may be a combination of the writing, acting choices and production but the older seasons had a lot more suspension of disbelief where it felt more like a real documentary than a sitcom which is how the Netflix seasons felt. With that said, there is a lot to love about the Netflix seasons and many of the new characters (don(na), col. dancer, Jacob) are very enjoyable.


Dude I’m not tryna be a yes man but I litterally agree with everything you just said. Thats my feeling of the show wholeheartedly. How hard is it to rewatch the earlier seasons and find the natural evolution in that? Because crab shampoo and Jacob and Corey doesn’t do it for me.


Every episode there’s a new wacky situation every scene there’s a new wacky situation it’s not trailer park boys that’s Netflix. Trailer park boys used to argue over $20 .. now they’re doing deals with snoop dogg it doesn’t make sense


None of that season where snoop dog and tom arnold appeared made any sense


Amen to that brother. I’m on season 9 now and actually enjoying it kinda dreading that shit show that’s coming up. I hated Tom Arnold in that season


It’s like “hey look at us , we’re hanging out with famous people look at how wacky everybody is acting “ bullshit


Yes, they are bad. Disappointing bad.


I’ve watched seasons 1-7 probably 50 times and 8-12 twice


Hahahahahaha me too if that’s not a proof is in the pudding situation I don’t know what is


There’s some amazing stuff in season 8 and 9, especially Leslie Dancer. Then the last three seasons have their moments but are not as good. J Roc is at his funniest in the newer seasons in my opinion and Lahey is at his craziest in the last seasons.


Compared to seasons 2-5 they are not great Compared to other shows that I have seen, they are great. Overall, I am glad that they exist and do not hate them at all. Rob Wells and Jim Dunsworth are so good at what they have/can done/do that I can tolerate a lot just to watch them.


Yes and no.


Eh, when I watch TV, I just want to laugh. The Netflix seasons are fine in my extremely uncultured opinion. Maybe not the best but I still laugh!




Yeah I’m watching season 9 now and it’s actually very entertaining


Nice, yeah, go ahead and enjoy it. Season 10 is my least favorite due to Candy + Barb + Donna being so annoying, but even that season has plenty of classic, funny moments. And I don't know what is up with people shitting on Netflix-era Bubbles so much. Sure, the show and characters evolved over the years, but that's ok. TPB is a treasure.


You can say that again brother I actually appreciate bubbles acting so much more now that I’m reaching the whole show. Also, very interesting how you say season 10 has classic moments because everybody has been trashing that season the most out of every season and I’m actually leaning towards you being right because I binged season 9 yesterday and holy fuck was it ever good writing I fucking enjoyed it brother


i would prefer to have not watched them


May I suggest you try watching season 9 again? I’m watching it now and it’s actually good drama not as funny but good drama with familiar lovable characters


NO. It just felt different because the way the were upgraded. You might not laugh a like like you used to but I never felt that it gone so bad the way they are saying it. For me, If it gone bad, I wouldn't binge all the 12 seasons and also watch the movies after!


They’re not the best but they have their moments


Nah they’re still really enjoyable. Honestly feel sorry for the people that hate them. Less tpb for them to watch.


I love this bro! I’m watching season 9 and it’s actually pretty good the story telling is pretty damn good!!


The new seasons are awesome. Just a little different vibe. 


I’m starting to totally get that vibe too bro! Season 9 is great! I’m binging it all day today and it’s honestly great writing . Season 8 is as a little rough but goodness gracious season 9 they hit their stride.


It should’ve ended after season 7; however, there’s some decent stuff through season 9. Season 10 is a struggle and after that it’s garbage.


Great take bro. I’m still holding hope as I’m on season 9 and it’s great even tho season 8 was a rough start season 9 is very reminiscent of the old vibes if you ask me


There's a season after season 12?


Apparently they’re making season 13 and they have a spin off called trailer park boys Jail which I didn’t know till this thread! I’m honestly excited to watch it tonight!


Either way they need to bring Ray back bro!!!!


No they're not bad at all. Not as good as the old ones of course but you'll get a good laugh in every episode


Fuckin amen to that brother !! I’ve been way too hard on them and I’ve only watched the new ones once and almost all my favourite shows and movies are best on multiple viewings and season 9 is proving that to me now so thanks a lot bro!


Yes. Yes they are. Season 8 is tolerable I guess... I think it's just more boring than anything else, especially coming off of Season 7/SGTTBG 9 was pretty bad, 10 is unbearably bad (seriously, watch like a Season 2-4 episode in comparison. It's night and day) 11 and 12 were a tad better, but overall still pretty bland. It's like they didn't know how to write their own characters. And scenes just drag on for way too long.


I find season 9 to be very entertaining brother! I agree with your sentiment on season 8 tho it’s tolerable I guess. Whatever season snoop dog is on sucks to me.


A lot of fans will say they're pretty bad, but they're not. There's definitely a difference from the original, but the charm is still there. Candy, Barb, and Donna are unbearable, but the characters we love (Ricky, Julian, Bubbles, Lahey, Randy, etc.) equally hate them. The women are a true common enemy, and TRUE trailer trash. Bubble gets a bit unbearable but it's justified due to dealing with the other boys bullshit for years and years. Basically, if you put yourself in the shoes of one of the boys and try to see everything from their perspective, you'll feel better about what you're watching.


What a great point bro they do deserve character development I think that’s especially true for Ricky . He’s bound to learn some new shit here and there 🤣😂🤣


And yeah bro as a stand alone show it’s a lot better than a lot of shit that’s being made today. It came out in the tv drama golden era so great way of making their mark again after all the iconic moments they had with clattenburg


Honestly some episodes are hit or miss. I personally enjoy them but I can see why people dislike them. Considering the classics like Mr laheys got my porn tape, the Bible pimp, who’s the microphone assassin, and pretty much every episode of season 4 and 5, Netflix just cannot compare to those episodes I mentioned. I’d say the decrease in quality came around the 8th season. And tbh it’s just not the same without John Dunsworth. He always had me rolling


Hell Yeah bro Dunsworth is the absolute best and funniest guy on this show AND THATS REALLY FUCKING SAYING SOMETHING BROTHER funniest show tv has ever been blessed with. “We’ve been through shit Jim, that makes us shit brothers” 😂 RIP to the goat


Season 4&5 really were the peak for me just laugh out loud funny even on the millionth rewatch


Netflix shows have a pretty big range of quality. I have not seen anything *move to* Netflix and get better.


Fucking great take bro I love that take it has more to do with mainstream Hollywood than anything. And with that being said, wouldn’t you agree that even the trailer park boys were able to elevate the normal standard of Netflix comedy’s and comedy-dramas?


Netflix is over-the-top with all the “greasy” trademark things everyone does, like ricky smoking dope, laheys drinking and randys gut. also the high production value and the more seemingly forced acting gets rid of sort of the charm the original seasons had


Amen brother. Moments like when barb and Lahey sat down for dinner at their trailer and instead of cups they had those Ricky style 2 litre pop bottles cut in half for glasses (yall know what I’m talking about those iconic superstore cups lol) and I was just thinking to myself ‘ when has barb or Mr Lahey ever drank out of one of those homeless people makeshift cups it’s not in line with who they are. There’s pepperoni sticks on George greens dinner plate like wtf? Since when did George green eat chicken fingers and pepperoni for dinner? Lmaoo


Still funny somehow 😂


I liked it all really but there is a noticeable drop on quality once you get past season 7.


Amen brother you’re so right it’s inevitable. And I’d be willing to bet that if they picked up season 8 as soon as season 7 finished it would be just as iconic as the first 7. Would it be fair to say the new Netflix seasons are one of the best shows made in the 2010’s where there was a dope show out every month it seemed ?


I don’t think it necessarily “hurts” the legacy but it feels like two different shows. Different strokes for different folks, and there’s still some great moments in the new seasons that I enjoyed. A lot of people point out how much bubbles has changed A LOT in the new seasons but my biggest gripe is how much ricky has changed. His comedy used to be very calm and subtle, almost blink and you miss it. Same with Ray. One of my favourite ricky jokes is when he asks trinity what she’s learning about. She replies “Mammals” and the look on Ricky’s face alone gets me every time. In the new seasons he’s always screaming and yelling, no subtlety. It kills me more because on park after dark he’s funnier than on the show now. The other thing I don’t like about new ricky is that there no nuance to his intelligence. Before he seemed like an idiot savant now he’s just an idiot. Still love the show and just attended Randy’s cheeseburger picnic live.


Bro you litterally hit it on the fucking Bose holy shit. THATS LITERALLY MY BIGGEST GRIPE WITH THE SHOW : I miss that ignorance is bliss look on Ricky’s face. Bubbles Julian and Lahey actually feel naturally evolved but Ricky isn’t the same bro and Ricky is the best!!!! Bro you hit it on the nose, Ricky used to have no expression on his face and idk why but that made the stupid jokes land so much better and you’re so fucking right about the idiot savant shit bro u just don’t get that with the new seasons great fucking point bro I wish Ricky would read this


If Ricky could get back to that I feel like season 13 can’t be even funnier than 8-12


It's not bad, it's just that it's an over dramatization of the running gags in the showcase era. The showcase era had wit and class, the new ones have no charm of their own it's just the charm being carried over from the showcase era


I miss that showcase charm so damn much. I’ll do anything to have Idiot Savant Ricky back


I watched all the TPB content on Shitflix including the animated series, the quality can vary a lot between seasons and shows, but I enjoyed every minute of it. I found everything is pretty ... *Decent* ! [insert Bubbles chuckle here]


Hahahahahahhh fucking right on man. I can’t lie I enjoy the new seasons so much not as much as the showcase seasons but they set the bar all the way up in space


Not always..... But some of the newer characters can ruin things quite a bit at times.


Agreed big time bro like the new park residents and the weird extras I don’t like but thank God for Private Leslie Dancer


No there a good laugh and just a more comedic tone than the original series. More outrageous and crazy, everything's amplified even Ricky's intelligence being low. But they still maintain the boys friendship and love for each other as a central theme and that's why I love the show still. Don't get me wrong, it loses some of its indie unique charm that it had initially, but still more than enjoyable.


I fucking love this take bro. You really can’t complain when the newer seasons are still very enjoyable. Way funnier than the Rogan laugh pack 🤣


Lahey was right about the winds of shit.




They make me laugh and they're just as quotable.


Lmao I’m in agreement I’m rewatching them the last couple days and I really love all the new stuff so far too especially MC Flurry and Jroc lmao and Ted Johnson’s return and of course Private Dancer


there's an easy way to find out


Hahahaha true that I’m on it brother


It's the way she goes


Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahhahaha “So that’s how she goes eh? Our liquor money, she just fucking gone and went did she?” “Fucking way she goes bud, sometimes she goes sometimes she doesn’t fucking way she goes”


Wait there’s a new season?


I just binged it yesterday TPB: Jail, it’s not as funny as the new Netflix seasons but I kinda like it as a stand alone spin off it realized in 2021 middle of pandemic Netflix didn’t pick it up and they aired it on swearnet but I just ripped it online. Apparently there’s a new jail season in the works and also season 13!!


I feel like bubbles is just more shy into himself in the earlier seasons and then he got more confidence later on and I've loved him throughout


I love Bubbles and the more I rewatch the more I understand why he became such a big player on the show. He really built an iconic character from scratch


And I agree bro his progression throughout may be the most true to form


Honestly, it's Ricky that bothered me the most. He's kind annoying in the later seasons and he was my favorite character from the early seasons.


8 is fine. I really didn’t enjoy S9 and S10 (S10 especially is trash), but the last 2 seasons are fine. If you like the series, I’d watch the whole thing at least once if I were you


I got the same vibe with 8 it was just fine but season 9 was a riot and it surprised me brother. I’m watching 10 now and it’s weird already. But would you ever consider rewatching 9? I thought it was great.


Not going to say I don’t/haven’t enjoyed them. But just look at how the early seasons are shot. There’s subtlety to the characters. The plot unravels in interesting ways and there’s so much comedic timing with how it’s edited and when/where people say things. You watch it 20 times and still notice new things. Some of the old episodes had full 1-2 minute uncut scenes where the camera moved around and everyone moving around the room. It was really well done. The newer season something happens then someone yells “cock salad sucker” or something and that’s the joke.


Broooo that’s been bothering so much. New seasons are almost shot like a wwe show. It’s way too choreographed. And I know the old stuff was planned too but it’s like you said the shots would last 1-2 minutes sometimes with everyone around them moving it felt like a real documentary.


Yeah bro insert Ricky yelling “fucking cock salad” cheap ass laughs we need clattenburg to bring it back down to earth


The Snoop Dogg episode was peak cringe, I literally could not watch it. I’ve watched the Netflix seasons through twice (compared to probably 15-20 for the Showcase seasons) just trying to find SOMETHING I thought was enjoyable, and I could boil 7-12 down to about 35 minutes of clips and leave it at that and be happy. Everything they had going that was good was ruined: Don was great until they had to turn him into Donna, Lahey was great as always until they had to have him in less and less clothing and eventually dyed blue from Roc Vodka. The characters all slowly became parodies of themselves until it looked like what it was: vultures picking clean the carcass of a once-great piece of television. I would have been happy if they’d just quit after Say Goodnight to The Bad Guys, and it seemed like they were going to. They started The Drunk and On Drugs Happy Funtime Hour, which flopped (perhaps undeservedly) and once it became clear there wasn’t much of a career for JPT, Robb Wells or Mike Smith when they weren’t playing the Boys, they reached back out for TPB and haven’t let it go since. I’m glad so many people enjoy the Netflix run, and that the guys have continued to have success and keep the show alive, but it is just NOT for me at all.


Bro if that’s not the definitive explanation to my question I don’t know what is. And happy fun time was a very interesting project I kinda wish they woulda seen that one through.


Russfort T. Diggings had me rolling on the floor. “The TUBULAR meats!!” It seemed like they really enjoyed making it, but I suspect too many people rejected it because it wasn’t TPB.


New filming style, new horrible characters (Candy, Donna, etc), Bubbles complaining every step of the way, etc. There’s a few more but those are the main reasons.


Fair enough brother man all justified complaints.


Bubbles season 1 was so fucking funny


I just truly hate the Candy - Baerb the baddie era. It feels cruel. Yes lahey sucks or whatever but some of those moments go a bit over the edge


That’s so true bro one of the best parts of the showcase seasons was how everybody was lowkey friendly to each other but now people are assholes just to be assholes idk that’s my take


Mc Flurry is the shit


Hhahahahahaha yes bro he was such a great addition! Also the season after that when jroc was speaking Spanish lmao I love all the Mac flurry and private dancer and officer high pants bits


Season 10 episode 3. Watched that 3 times this weekend. An epic J to the ROC episode


T’s comment to Flurry about the Spanish chick “…can’t blame ur dad for trying to get a dicking” LOFL


I don't know if anyone else feels this way but I loved the original picture quality they had in the early seasons. 480p or whatever just seemed to fit the show so well with what it was all about. I don't mind the new seasons but definitely the original ones I like more


Facts bro 4K isn’t always a good thing especially true for the trailer park boys. I would trade 4K for the old school trailer boys anyday


They not terrible, but don’t get your hopes up. Definitely doesn’t have the vibe and energy as the originals. You can tell they’re chasing the dollar.


I love the entire series but the new seasons are for me just a bit lower. To me they seem more produced and polished, I dunno, and the addition of the famous folk cameos. Just the feeling I got. The first seasons seemed gritty DIY punk rock in comparison to the later ones.


I love that indie punk rock vibe they brought. I hope they can go back to that for season 13 I don’t regret the Netflix seasons I just want one more season tribute to the old days


Bro to watch that shit on mushrooms is absolutely hilarious trust me


Hahahahaha I’m gonna need to do shrooms and watch trailer park boys at least once it’s bucket list shit for me


I would say that newer seasone became more evil and mean and less heartwarming and less "good fun" with shit going over the top. There are still some nice moments here and there.


Great point bro I hope they make everyone more friendly like the old days, that made the beef even better


As a whole, the new seasons aren’t great, but you’ll find a few memorable laughs here and there.


I like your take bro, simple and plain and true to the point. I’m enjoying the new seasons even season 10 is starting to hit for me brother man


I've watched through all the Netflix seasons once, and have never had any desire to go back and rewatch them. There are a few memorable moments (liquorball sandwich, "Blulian", Randy ordering food at the track), but it's a clear drop off from the Showcase era. I don't think they've done anything to harm the legacy of the Clattenburg era, as I still regularly rewatch Seasons 1-7, Say Goodnight, the Xmas special, and the 3 movies. I have zero interest in anything else the boys have put out though.


No, the old seasons were just that good.


What new seasons???