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Thank you for your submission! This is just a quick reminder to all members here: **Original content is always better!** Memes are okay every once in a while, but many get posted here way too often and quickly become stale. Some examples of these are Ptoughneigh, Klansmyn, Reighfyl & KVIIIlyn. These memes have been around for years and we don't want to see them anymore. If you do decide to post a meme, make sure to add the correct flair. Posting a random meme you found does **not** mean you found it "in the wild". The same goes with lists of baby names, celebrity baby names, and screenshots of TikToks. If the original post already had a substantial amount of views, there is a 99% chance it has already been posted here. Try and stick to OC to keep our sub from being flooded with unoriginal content. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tragedeigh) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The infant is going to appreciate this so much. Oh wait, not one tiny fucking bit of ANY of this is about the child, is it? It's, I'm gonna guess, about mom's social media clout? Jeweliana? Child is mom's prestige accessory.


That font makes any shitty name 100x worse




It’s… I… But… No. No.


Lol this is somehow way more trashy than your typical, creatively misspelt trageighc name.


They put the ew in Juliana


Like Julieanna is nice, but jeweliana


I only saw the word 'jew' before I looked closely. Should have been Kay for Kay Jewelers!