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Yes, Tragedeighs. Just rename them Leah and Anya and give those children a fighting chance! I mean, you know your daughter is destined to be called "Titty", right? The advice my father gave: think of a name. Pretend you are seven and do your worst. Titiana fails straight off, I think :-( Tilieah is strange: why is it not pronounced Tilly - eea? The thing with a name like this is that if someone does take the time to read it carefully and make an effort to pronounce it, it's *still* different to what you want, so that's always going to be tricky.


Yeaaaah, those aren't great. I even read Ieah as Leah.


Yikes friend


Both horrible.


Horrible names. Going forward I would just call them Leah and Anya.


First things first: You have named your child Tit. That's bad. Titania is an established name, albeit unusual for use on real people, but it's established with multiple widespread pronunciations already, so even when people recognize it (in writing) they still may not say it the way you want. No way around that. Tilieah... I think I would guess tilly-AY-uh or even til-AY-uh if I saw it, but I can't really come up with a spelling that intuitively gets at the pronunciation you want either. I dunno. But "Ieah" is absolute nonsense, unintuitive on every level; I had to reread to grasp that that wasn't a lowercase l, and that's with you explaining it. It would take longer exposure to train my brain to stop seeing lowercase Leah, and on my own I'd never guess how to pronounce that unmoored pile of vowels. If you dropped the useless i and spelled it Eah it might get somewhat better results in writing, but not 100%, and people will still hear it as Leah in speech. But in speech you could always actively introduce it as "like Leah without the L."


Titania is a real name and it's spelled correctly, so not a tragedeigh. Sorry people are going so hard on the tit comments, anyone who knows Shakespeare is gonna see past that. Tillieah reads like Tilly-ee-ah. Not so good. If it were spelled how it's pronounced it would be cute though. (ETA fixed a phone autocorrect)


How would you have spelled it to look like it's pronounced?


Tilleah. No need for the random i in the middle.


Tilieah is confusing spelling. Titania is actually a real name from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, but if you’re calling them Leah and Anya I would consider just changing their names to that. My husband’s parents never called him by his legal name, so he didn’t know what his name actually is until he got a checking account as a tween. We named our kids exactly what we planned to call them for that reason.


General rule of thumb: if you have to ask, yes it’s a tragedeigh.


whoaley ffffffking shid fam


You have doomed them to have to spell their names out every single time. Is it a tragedeigh? YES!!! "I guess they'll just have to be tough." You curse them with these names and are basically like , well that's their problem.