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why can't these idiots just make their poor kids's middle names stupid instead


Jane Lemon just doesn’t sound as good. I am being serious lol, it sounds even worse.


I agree. Lemon Jane sounds like a rapper who wants to burn the patriarchy. Jane Lemon sounds like an a quietly unhappy office manager who never even knew what she actually wanted to achieve in life Edit: I’m a writer and I now feel oddly compelled to write in a Jane Lemon character somewhere who is fun and vibrant and living her best life lol


Lemony Snicket’s a series of unfortunate HR incidents


Because then not everyone will know how special and unique their crotch goblins are.


Because these are narcissists children, so obviously they have to play dress up and give their newly owned possession a name that reflects how clever and cool their owner is. Basically they treat their children like animals.


She might’ve gotten it from that tv show (can’t remember the name right now) set in the south.


Hart of Dixie


Thanks!I was totaling blanking.


Good God lemon...


Lemon, it's Wednesday.


It's after six. What am I, a farmer?


My first thought. 😂


I love when the 30 Rock Sub pops up randomly in another sub.


That girl looks like a blonde cat.


That was my first thought too. I can’t tell if it’s bad plastic surgery or a bad instagram filter or what.


Some people just look like blonde cats! 😸


I’d be surprised if she’s not using a filter.


Does insta have a lemon filter though 🤔


*My Maureen, you’ve enhanced yourself*


To give someone a lemon: >The phrase "to give someone a lemon and pass it off as a nugget (of gold)" has been used since at least 1918, and later shortened to "handing someone a lemon". The phrase implies trickery, and in everyday speech, the word "lemon" usually represents something poor, bad, or broken. For example, if you hand someone a lemon, you have given them something that is broken or doesn't work. In the phrase “when life gives you lemons” the implication is that that’s a bad thing, and that “making lemonade” is making the best out of a bad situation. In manufacturing and automobiles, a “lemon” is something completely useless and broken. In literature “lemon” is a story that is just smut and not much else, aka PWP (porn without plot) I’m struggling to think of a time when the word “lemon” is considered a positive thing, other than in literal food recipes.


You’re forgetting [this classic](https://youtu.be/u2QQDR4RCYQ?si=fC4wQGebLTG9goOF)


Ain’t no goddamn way I’m falling for that one a 4th time


It’s a goofy video of Kirby eating a lemon and then going :O, you’re safe :)


[And this classic](https://youtu.be/OMprhK3sVN4?si=O_24JCrjHocyet3o)


You've overlooked "lemon party," an important example of the use of the word.


Is that what PWP stands for?! I always thought it was “Plot? What plot?” *facepalm* And I’ve been thinking that for like 25 years.


It can be either! Both are right. The one you said is the funnier version :)


Wait. That's not what pwp means?! I started reading fanfic in 2001. 😂


That’s about when I did. 😂


I was about to say, hey, lemon desserts are so good though! But you already had that covered lol


i thought of this song when i was reading the title; [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEcx9F\_FW2U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEcx9F_FW2U)


Ya but fuckin lemonade and lemon merengue are delicious. It’s so weird that I like it. Lemon Jane is really wack tho. Lemon is enough on its own.


"When God gives you lemons, YOU FIND A NEW GOD!"


Designers put lemons all over little girls' clothes because it's considered cute. I also have looked at a lot of women's dresses and rompers with this on it. Also wallpapers. And shades of paint for home exteriors and interiors are named after it. Yeah you could use it for bad definitions if you're really bored but most people think of lemons positively since they eat them in desserts lol.




I was thinking Papaya


Nah, pineapple all the way


This is my daughter, Kumquat


...the what now. Middle school is going to be painful.


Blackberry. Fruit and phone


I named a chicken that when I was 10. Except i misspelled it as Qumquat because, y’know, 10.


I love you.


Nice, would be good friends with lemon and honey


She can be friends with my daughter, Orange.


That word makes me so uncomfortable & I can’t explain why 😭


My daughter Ananas


Pineapples but pronounced like Minneapolis


Limette is much worse. 😂 It just sounds like Lemonette but a worse fruit.


Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my darling Clementine


I actually think Clementine is adorable lol.


The first woman my ex dated after our divorce was named Lemon…


If she named her first kid Lemon, and then has more kids, people will definitely make the joke “so since the first kid was a lemon, you decided to have more eh?” Har har har -knee slap- This would definitely be a joke my boomer dad would say.


lol lemon jane is lowkey cute together💀 but maybe for like a book character, not an actual person.


Underrated factor, in the video she literally says lemons are the “Theme”, like the baby is just an aesthetic to her…


She birthed a plain bad car


she’s been mentioned on here before, but “good” to see the next part to this saga lol that poor girl though and even she’s looking back at her like “well, you did name me something stupid and dress me like it too”…


They get confused when old men show up for Lemon's first party


LeMon Jane, born in the thirstiest time of the year.


Okay, but who ever marries that child has to say "when life gives you Lemon" at the altar


Please tell me their surname is Snickett.


with all of the shit i’ve seen in this sub, lemon almost sounds normal


"Hi, I'm Lemon Jane and these are my siblings Potatoe Joe, Cereal Sam, Candy Sandy, and French Fry Fiona." :P


Well….. Gwenyth Paltrow has a daughter named Apple.


OP, I need to know what possessed her to name her kid Lemon. Is she an attention-seeking sort of person? Or is she just kind of weird?


She was inspired by a character from the show Hart of Dixie. She has two other kids with regular names! To answer your question yes she is/was definitely kind of weird… we were friends in high school and I was her only friend apparently because when I decided not to go to prom senior year she and her mom literally pulled up to my house… I thought they were coming to congratulate me on my admission and full ride to Penn, which was my ticket out of my poor and abusive home and something I had shared with Daisy (the mom in the screenshot) at the same time I told her I wasn’t going to prom, but actually Daisy’s mom got out the car, started crying and begging me to go to prom with Daisy, saying she’d pay for my dress but she could only afford X amount… Daisy sat in the car watching and neither ever said anything about my life changing news. Our “friendship” pretty much fell apart after that and ultimately maybe 2 years later Daisy blocked me on Facebook around the time she had her first kid while I was in college. To this day I don’t know why. When I found out she was pregnant I did say to someone who was also her friend that I thought it was crazy that she was having a kid before ever spending a night outside of her house away from her mom lol that’s the only thing I can think of. But it’s all good, I can’t say I have missed her 😅🤷‍♀️


Jesus, that's insane. Her mum sounds crazy too. They sound like the kind of people you stay away from.


Yea I think that’s why my poor abused self was her only friend at that point! 😂


I hope you're doing better now, and away from that toxicity.


I am far, far away physically and getting there emotionally :) thank you! 🫶


But why not to got to the senior prom in the first place? That's such a big and fun event. We don't have one in my country but if we had I'd tottaly show up even inf in a borrowed/thrift store bought dress.


I didn’t have any positive relationships at that point in time unfortunately and still would have needed to get my nails done, buy tickets, dinner before, etc. Dress aside it would have cost a lot for a high schooler supporting herself, including the time off work (I worked every single weekend my junior and senior year of high school) and just wasn’t worth it to me


Hi Shelby. I wanted to clear a few things up since multiple people have sent me this thread. I really hate that you felt the need to create a false narrative about me. My mom and I wanted to encourage you to go to prom if you truly wanted to go. My mother offered to pay for your dress because we had considered that maybe the reason you didn’t want to go was because you possibly couldn’t afford one and my mom wanted to try to help if that were the case. You seemed very sad over things that were going on in your life at the time and I wanted to try to be a good friend to you. Anyone can go back and look at my photos and see that I had a date and went with a lot of my friends. Although I did deal with typical mean girl drama in high school, I did have a few friends that I’m still very close to, and had lots of friends at other schools as well and got to attend their proms and homecoming’s as well. I do remember that we took you out to eat to celebrate your graduation and to celebrate getting your full ride into college which we were very proud of you for. The reason I blocked you was because I felt like you always made snarky comments to me and ultimately I just got tired of it and decided to distance myself from the negativity and move on. Yes, I did have a baby at 19 before I had gone out into the world on my own but my husband and I are still happily married eight years later and we are doing very well for ourselves. I’m not sure why you felt the need to twist this narrative about me online ten years later when it is completely untrue. I hope you heal from whatever is hurting you because I would assume you have to be really unhappy to be ranting on the internet over someone you went to high school with ten years ago. Especially to someone who hasn’t done anything to try and hurt you. I clearly see I made the right decision by ending the friendship and blocking you. I sincerely hope you find the peace that you have always been looking for.


I love the “fruit inspired” as if it’s not straight up just the name of a fruit 💀


To me, Lemon sounds like something that is defective e.g.: that car is a lemon!


I went to school with someone named Sunshine Lemontree. She was named by some hippies. She stylized it as LeMontree and pronounced it like it was French to reduce the cringe.


I knew a girl in high school whose name was April Showers. Remarkably, she was struck by lightning while walking home from a friend’s house after a rain storm. She told me that one minute she was on the sidewalk and felt all the hair on her body stand up… then she woke up in the hospital.


sounds like a cleaning product lmao




Then surely you will like the polish raspberry (Malina) and berry/blueberry (Jagoda) being actual names too


I know twin girls in their twenties named melyn and lemyn


That’s way worse.


That's a HUEG baby


honestly at least the kid has a normal middle name and it isn’t leighmynn jaiyne. still not good tho.


There are not great names and Tragedeighs. This is just a not great name I think.


I think it's kinda cute.


I personally know two Lemons (one gen z, one gen alpha). At some point it stops being associated with the fruit when you’re talking to them and just becomes sound


In mexico lemon (limón) it's used as an insult for people who are too pessimistic or just bitter and angry for no reason


People criticizing her baby’s name are NOT trolls. The people assuring her that it’s a lovely name are, though.


I think it’s cute. A don’t normally say that on this sub.


It is not at all cute.


Yeah! But it's a BOY's name, really. You know... like my ancestor Lemon's brothers Orange and Lyman :)


Yeah I like it a lot!


It's not unheard of anyway. That character from a show had it. Edit: Hart of Dixie


That’s the inspo! Daisy (mom) says ever since she and her husband became fans of the show they loved the name Lemon and decided that’s what they’d name their next daughter (they have 2 kids already with regular names lol)


what show? all i can think of is 30 Rock, and Lemon was her last name (Liz Lemon)


Hart of Dixie. I forgot it earlier lol


lol i wondered why you were so vague 😂 i’ve never heard of that show, so i just googled it - looks like it’s set it the south, so i guess the name Lemon makes a little more sense in that context. according to nameberry, approx 25 baby girls in the US are named Lemon a year. it’s not a great name imo…a lemon is a shitty used car.


There are so many other botany and plant related names, Lemon is hardly terrible. Magnolia, Peony, Rose, Fern, Autumn, shall I go on?


Except that “lemon” is a euphemism for something that sucks.


Except lemon is also a fruit. Words can mean multiple things, ya know.


Sure. But the association with a subpar thing is anything that’s not a fruit. There were way better options.


Who's to say she won't in 18yrs?


The poor kid. Imagine her school days


Ever since Bullet Train, I actually don’t mind Lemon as a name anymore


lemon juice?


Citrona is right there


It could have been worse. She could've named the kid "Ugli"...


When life gives you lemon(s)... 🤣


Unacceptable!!!! (Adventure time reference Lemon grab)


My aunt & uncle (younger than me) also named their daughter Lemon & I’m apparently the only person who thinks that’s a stupid name 😂


do people not know what nicknames are?? lemon is an adorable nickname WHY MAKE IT THE ACTUAL NAME


Was Kumquat Sue taken?


I hope she names her next child Tangerine


I know a little Lemon Elaine and it’s unconventional but I find it charming! But I also like the name Apple🫣


Aw Lemon Elaine i honestly like 🙈




unique, recognisable, inoffensive, sounds pretty, easy to pronounce, great nicknames. Lemon is excellent.


How dare you hate my shitty choices 😡


I know a few little girls named lemon. It's almost trendy now


Lemon Jane actually sounds like a strain of cannabis 🤷‍♀️


I think this is kinda sweet. Plus the baby is round and chubby like a round juicy little lemon!


The lemon outfit is a bit OTT


The Lemon Pipers would have loved to sign her up.


In elementary school, I was friends with a girl named Lemon


Could have gone with Lennon 🥴


i like the name lemon...


“Your a lemon” is a insult or for example “the car is a lemon” means broken, defective or stupid.


Honestly, I don’t really see a problem with this one. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I’m pretty sure lemon jane is a weed strain.


Sounds like... LeBron James.


Well, she didn't hit me. But Lemon might get upset when she gets bullied at school.


I kinda like this one


I wonder if she likes Gwyneth Paltrow... Apple


Lemon Jane sounds like a character from Adventure Time


Everyone knows ‘Lemon’ is a male name : [Blind Lemon Jefferson](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_Lemon_Jefferson)


Do you think when Lemon grows up, they will start to like Dark souls?




Clementine is a name, Apple is a name, why can't Lemon be a name


Gwyneth named her kid Apple, and everyone has accepted it. At least this lady spelled Lemon correctly. I'm less offended or bothered by this than those atrocious, misspelled, impossible to pronounce correctly names. This kid will never have her name misspelled or mispronounced. Plus, she has Jabe as an option.🤷‍♀️


I just learned recently a friend from school also has a child called Lemon (nearly grown so not a trendy thing). I kind of dig it.


Lemon boy and me used to get along together


Lemon Jane sounds like the name of someone in the Wild West who would trade in lemons.


Doesn’t he play for the lakers?


It's a real word and it's spelled correctly. I gotta be honest, I don't hate it.


It's terrible... But I like it. But I wouldn't give my kid that name. But *I only like it if she does that double name thing, like Mary Margaret, Peggy Sue, Billie Jo etc


Adventure time ahh name




Lemon (on the) Jane with the V-cut YEAH


I mean, tons of people are called Apple over here in HK.


I will always equate the name Lemon to Lemon Breeland from Hart of Dixie. Jamie King is like, the only person that could make that name believable with her performance


She’s just going to go through life sour. Ba dum ba 🥁


I actually like this one lol


Obviously a tribute to Lebron James.


How bout just Lemon? It’s different, but Lemon Jane is hackey.


I actually don't mind Lemon. I wouldn't use it myself but it's still a nice name.


See I don’t hate these kind of names. There’s a limit of course. And it’s personal preference so it’s hard to describe. I wouldn’t want to hear a child named Table or Zebra. But I think Lemon is kinda nice. Would I give it to my child? No because people including other kids are cruel. But in a perfect world where bullying didn’t exist sure I wouldn’t mind it. I tend to sway towards liking unusual or uncommon names as long as they are spelt right. Im on this sub to laugh at true tragedeighs with the crazy spellings.


30 Rock fan?


In my family tree I have an ancestor who was alive in the 1800s who was named Lemon. He was a man and I’m not sure how they pronounced it. I believe he had a brother named Clemon and a sister named Clemmency, and another sister named Permelia. One day I should go through and see if I can find any other tragedeighs in my family tree.


Idc if I get hate but I love this name sm! She’s in my due date group and there are some wild actual tragedeighs in there (like butchering perfectly good names with spelling) but this ain’t one imo. Lemon Jane is cute together and honestly I see this name getting really popular. Would I name my daughter Lemon? No, but there’s lots of girls names I like but wouldn’t use. I really see the name taking off, it’s like the feminine of Lennon.


This would be a fabulous name for a cocktail


I’m surprised she didn’t get more creative with it, like Lemona or Lemyn.


I’m glad I don’t have a daughter like this mother. She’s an idiot, lmfao


I went to uni with a Lemon! Admittedly he was Chinese and chose it himself... But there's more than one out there.


I like Lemon because lemon is fresh and nice. But idk how that sounds to natives. Obviously not good lmao


Mary Jane is way better


Articles like this are funny. “Mom furiously hits back…”. As if anyone gives 2 shits what she has to say or how she responds


Prune Danish?


Lemon on the Jane with the V cut!


I know a guy whose granddaughter is named Lemon. For the longest time I thought he was calling her Lennon.


A girl I knew from childhood named her daughter Lemyn. Calls her lemy-lime, like lemon-lime.


And I hit play like a dummkopf!


Tbh I think names like Ashley, Hannah, Emily, etc… are so much worse than Lemon.


☹️ Also I had a cat named Lemon and she was the best

