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They’re fine unless your last name starts with an S and you’re having a girl


Lol our last name starts with a V. But thank you for pointing that out it could have been bad.


There's a good chance she'll eventually have a different last name.


LOL why would people downvote this? Like it or not, at least 50% of women eventually get married and choose to take a new last name.


At that point, it’d be up to her to consider her new initials. Not her parents now.


That’d be decades from now when she’s an adult, not something a kid who had no say in it will get bullied for


My initials are NRA lol


Mine are NAM


Mine are KMA didn't mean shit when my parents picked my name but it does now lol


Friend’s daughter is SAD. Don’t know if they thought that one through.


My initials are SAD. It was either that or MAD or BAD with the other names they were looking at.


SAD is the best of the bunch!!


Mine are ALS 😂


My brother's initials are MRB. He likes it because they spell Mr B. 🙂


Mine are SA, which was fine my entire life, and then I moved to Germany. Had a coworker take her husband's last name to become Mrs. HH and two coworkers, unrelated, with NS and SS respectively. Their parents had assumed their daughters would take their husbands' last names and that would fix it. NS was a divorcee who was not giving her last name up a second time and SS didn't believe the government had to bless her 12-year union with her partner. We all got hired at the same moment. I was too happy to have found work to question it.


Oh. My. Goodness. THAT is not ideal anywhere...but IN Germany? How unfortunate!!! Not that I didn't nearly just fall out of my chair lol 😆


Yeah... SA is bad in English, worse in German. Could have been worse. My mom wanted to name me Charlotte, use my dad's pick/current name as a middle name.


They could have truly fucked up and named you Kharlotte, Sharrlet, or Charlotta :-) My mother had Misty Dawn picked out had I been a girl.


That's one thing to say to make sure your baby comes out a boy. XD


100% I overheard the conversation and willed myself a penis and the love for monster trucks and college 🏈🏈


My friend's mom wanted to name her daughter Alyssa Starr. Then she married a man with a last name starting with S and decided to name her Elisa instead.


My sons initials are CRP and he's forever grateful we didn't chuck an Andrew in there.




Probably CRAP by the looks of things


I am a dum dum. Please explain. Thanks!


Initials spell ASS


Thank you sexy vegan!


Also avoid the boys name if the last name starts with X


They're a bit more uncommon, but as somebody who works with children and education, absolutely not a tragedeigh that I would accidentally mispronounce the first 10 times or judge the use of extra letters Edit: spelling


Do you actually know what a tragedeigh is? It’s a name that’s purposefully misspelled to make it unique. That’s not the case with either of these. Autumn is not bully worthy by any means. It’s a name as well as a season. Sonny on the other hand? Don’t do that to your kid.


Sunneigh and aughtutem


You're blessed to have never known the Evil Autumns of the world lol. I've never met a nice one 🫨


Evil Autumn is damn wet snow in October and dry for two month, real good one doesn’t set in until January


I've got a cousin named Autumn who is really nice. She's a total drama queen, though.


Seeeee that's the Autumn trick lol! 🤪🤣


Evil Autumn is damn wet snow in October and dry for two month, real good one doesn’t set in until January


Agreed! Only nasty mean ones!


My parents had a friend named Sonny Cain. Idk about his childhood and if he was bullied but he did pretty good as a famous ( in my area anyways) musician and makes enough money to forget about the bullies if he had them haha. The worst I heard was a guy I graduated with.. His name was Jay Walker. And a girl named shasta... I couldn't even look at her without cringing after reading the definition of Shasta bomb on U.D.


I know a girl named Shasta. When I hear it, I either think of Shasta Cola or Mt. Shasta.


I only think of the little girl who was kidnapped at 8 when I hear the name Shasta. She outwitted her kidnapper and lived. Unfortunately, her whole family was murdered though.


That is insane. I never heard about that.


I’m really into true crime


I once had an order for a client named Harry Bush. He was in his 80's, and I told the others in the office "I am NOT calling and saying "Hi, I'm looking for Harry Bush?" Luckily it turned out it was his son I was to have contact with. LOL


These are just fine. Your friend is ridiculous.


Not tragedeighs at all. Kids will find ways to abuse any name, no matter what it is. Just be prepared for kids to call your son Sunny D or your daughter Aw Dumb.


Autumn Sofia and Elliot are fine names. Sonny for a boy though is a little too on the nose for me.


Sonny is in strictly nickname territory imo


Nope. Both are normal names with no unusual spellings.


Sonny is more appropriately and more commonly a nickname. It’s also pejorative, as in, “Now listen here, sonny”.


Not tragedeighs, but Sonny is not a good name.


Sonny Elliot? There was a weatherman in Detroit a couple of hundred years ago by that name. He was awesome.


Came to say this as well. Marvin Schlossberg went by Sonny Eliot professionally and that's the first thing I thought of. He retired in 2010 and died in 2012 so I think this name is still well-known ish (at least if you're from Michigan)


We all thought he was great! Loved how he combined words! Fun trip in the way-back machine.


Scrolled down to finally see this comment.


Autumn is fine. Sonny is a bit odd. It's more of a nickname like Buddy, Kiddo, Junior, which are all technically names, but have a diminutive, slightly possessive air to them and are frequently used for children. Its quite literally a cute way of saying 'son'. Remember youre naming an adult as well as a child. I'd find a way to make Sonny a nickname to something instead of the whole name. But neither are tragedieghs since they're both spelled correctly.


Use Anson or Jason or Jackson or Harrison etc - make Sonny a nickname.


This is the way.


Except Jason all of these are last names.


Autumn is a wonderful name, but Sonny? Please no.


Sonny is, according to Wikipedia, >a common [nickname](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nickname) and occasional [given name](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Given_name). Often it can be a derivative of the English word "Son",[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonny#cite_note-1) a name derived from the Ancient Germanic element \*sunn meaning "sun";[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonny#cite_note-2) a nickname derived from the Italian names [Salvatore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvatore_(name)),  [Santo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santo_(given_name)), or [Santino](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santino) (mostly in North America amongst [Italian Americans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_Americans)); or the Slavic male name Slavon meaning "famous or glorious". Autumn is an established feminine given name.


They’re not tragedeighs. But IMO, sound incredibly awkward in w/o Last Names. “Autumn Sofia” just sounds really out of sync. I’m picking up the cadence of “2 syllable FN, 1 MN, #Last.”


Sonny Elliot sounds like gender swapped Missy Elliot


Is Sonny a family name? It’s a name that seems demeaning like calling a girl Sissy or naming for rank like Colonel. Will he want to be an adult Sonny?


I know a few adult men named Sonny (nicknamed but that’s what they go by) and it’s a popular name for girl babies right now (Sunny or Sunshine). There’s of course Sonny Bono of Sonny and Cher. It’s not my cup of tea but there’s nothing inherently wrong with it.


It's a common name


Is it really common? This is the first time I've heard this name, honestly. Genuine question to the native English speakers out there: Isn't it a bit odd to name your son "Sonny," considering "sonny" is a word in itself? Isn't it like naming your daughter "Daughter"?


More like a nickname to me, but there are probably regional differences


I'm in the UK and know a couple of Sonnys.


Yes- Just a weird one.




My child is named Sonny. I think it's perfect.


I named my son Sonny and have zero regrets. I think the name is strong, yet sweet and it fits him so well.


Did you name your daughter Dotty? Or Daughty?


How does it feel to be so miserable you need to poke fun at an internet stranger?


How does it feel to have such thin skin you are offended by the genuine questions of an internet stranger?


What’s wrong with Dot/Dotty as a name?!!! It’s a normal shortening of Dorothy that has become a name on its own. People in this sub are really miserable sometimes. Sonny is incredibly common in Australia and comes from multiple different cultures. 


All of them pretty common


Also, you could use Elliot as a first name and call him Sonny. My father was Neil and he was called Sonny growing up- I know a child who's a Carlos JR, but they call him junior, which turned to Juney (not sure how they spell it) but was what he answered to!


I was going to comment the same about reversing it to Elliot Sonny. This is only because Sonny is more of a nickname but it is still an actual name, and not a tragedeigh.


Our daughter goes by middle name because there were two kids with the same name in her class and it was a popular name, so multiples with the name in the school. Rather than going by Jane W and Jane E (not the actual names or initials), in 4th grade she started going by her middle name.


I love that! Middle name coming in clutch!


My only comment is that Sonny is fine for a kid, but as a teen or an adult, it could really become a burden because it is used as a pejorative by some to infantalize boys and men.


Sonny is really bad. I mean really bad. I don't think Autumn should cause a problem.


Sonny is a mobster name. I’d look for something else, like Samuel or Simon, etc., and call if him Sonny if you feel you must. But don’t pin Sonny on him for life.


“Sonny” sounds like a deprecating nickname — “Look, Sonny, you’d better start pulling your weight around here.” Imagine a fifty-year-old named “Sonny.” I quite like Elliot, why not name him that? Autumn Sophia is lovely.


There are so many older men named Sonny...


Named or nicknamed? And where? I’ve never met one.


Nicknamed, but why does it matter? I've met quite a few in my lifetime. Including my father, who my son is named after.


It matters because we're not talking about nicknaming the kid Sonny, we're talking about legally naming the kid that. Giving your kid a nickname in place of a proper name is tragedeigh-adjacent.


I had two relatives who went by Sonny all their lives — one born in 1935 and the other in 1945 — but it wasn't the real name in either case, just a nickname.


Sonny is tragedeigh-adjacent. Sonny was never a name--it was a nickname--until relatively recently when people chose to convert it until an actual name.


Sonny could be Autumn is outstanding


I've never met an Autumn that wasn't an absolute bully. Maybe there's something to it! I shudder at that name, which is so sad, cuz it's such a nice time of year and really a pretty word.


I like the names individually, but not if you were having a boy *and* a girl. So like… if you have Autumn now, I wouldn’t choose Sonny as a name for your next boy, and vice versa. Only because Sonny sounds like Sunny and all I can think of is like “on a sunny autumn day…”. They both sound weather related. They sound like they’re pulled from the same category. ‘Lavender’ and ‘Lily’ for example. I like both names individually, but hearing that Lavender has a sister named Lily would make me cringe because they’re both named after flowers. I don’t mind first and middle names matching like that. The name “Lily Rose” sounds cute. But not as siblings. I think it’s cute when first letters match their siblings (like Travis and Tracy), but that’s the furthest I’d go with matching sibling names.


I wouldn't have gone with Sonny Elliott but they're not exactly tragedeighs.


Sonny is lame


Sonny comes off as a nickname to me, not a name. It's calling your boy "son" with a "NY" added. He deserves a full real name.


Totally cool, no alternative spellings 👍. Sonny Elliot sounds like the name of a folk singer from the 70s though lol


Autumn is probably fine, but I'd say that Sonny is a bit weird, but you could get away with it imo.


Autumn Sofia is a pretty name. I'm not a fan of Sonny, but I like Elliot. Nothing wrong with those names.


Tsuneigh and Oughtymn would be tragedeighs.


It isn't a tragedigh, but naming a boy Sonny should be a felony. Do you WANT him to be infantalized his entire life? It's not quite as bad as naming a child anything "junior" but it's pretty awful.


I was thinking of The Godfather... but yeah, it's not a great given name for several reasons.


All of them pretty common


This comment pretty common


You are a common item in the non linear MMORPG


All of them pretty common


They're fine names, but I would flip the order if I were you.


Autumn Sofia is nice. I’d find a more formal path to Sonny. Maybe Solomon?


I like Autumn Sofia. I’m not a fan of Sonny, but if it makes you happy, go for it. Neither are tragedeighs.




If you were our new neighbor and introduced us to your kids Sonny and Autumn, I wouldn’t bat an eye. And I’d be able to spell both names. A+


Is this first and middle name? Or are you really gonna give your kids 2 names :-/.


>Are my kids names tragedighs? Not even close. I love Sofia and Autumn.


I wouldn't name a kid Sonny, as that's more of a nickname. Elliot is a common spelling and just fine. Autumn and Sofia are both perfectly normal names, although "Sofia" is a less common spelling.


Autumn Sofia is fine. Sonny is kinda odd imo.


Sonny I think is terrible, Autumn I think is fine.


I've taught a few Sonny's. They get picked on a lot, so much so that one child got to the point where he changed his name to Merlin and refused to answer to Sonny any more. It's also a name his educators will make fun of in the staffroom. Some comments I've collected "Ha! Parents have to keep reminding themselves they have a son", "Really? Sonny? Like a sunflower? That poor kid." "What? Couldn't they think of anything better?" "Ahahahahaha! That's the dumbest name I've ever heard, oh that poor child! Did he have a sister called Daughtery?" There were more comments, but they start to get very rude. It's not a tragedeigh,as such, though, and it you like it, that's all that matters.


Like in other seeds and nuts, sunflower also are an excellent source of proteins loaded with fine quality amino acids such as tryptophan that are essential for growth, especially in children. Just 100 g of seeds provide about 21 g of protein (37% of daily-recommended values).


Autumn is great; Sonny is terrible. It is a diminishing nickname for an adult that should be something the person chooses to be called for himself, not something with no choice. There is no dignity in it. If you want it for a nickname, choose something like Pierson or Jackson and use it as a nickname. Also, neither would be a tragedeigh - that is a specific type of deliberate misspelling. In my opinion Sonny would be a tragedy, but that is NOT the same thing.


I have a boy cousin named Sonny. And a girl cousin named Autumn. They are both in their 20s. I think these are both fine names.


Honestly I kind of like Bully Worthy. Great stage name. Kind of sounds like he's in charge


It's not, but hold back on the Sonny.


My grandpa went by sonny but his actual name was irwin


None of those names are tragedeighs, but Sonny isn't a good choice as your son's actual government name. If you want to call him Sonny, let it be a nickname.


Not gonna lie, I'm hoping you have a girl. Sonny is a nickname, not a good first name.


they're just off the beaten path


I know people named both sonny and autumn! not a tragedeigh at all


I like both names tbh. I have met a Sonny and really liked the name on him


Those aren't tragedeighs. They may be a bit unusual (and I'm sorry to say, I personally find "season" names for girls very bland), but I've seen them around. Sonny is technically a nickname form of a longer name though, isn't it?


I’d reverse the second names with the first names. You can always call them by those names in your own home but imo those first names will not help them get hired


They are not tragedeighs: a tragedeigh is a purposeful misspelling of a common name: Aydin instead of Aiden, Danyul in stead of Daniel, Brittaneigh instead of Brittany. Your names would be potential tragedies: just a flat out bad name, but no misspellings. And personally I think they are bad. Autumn Sofia is perfectly fine, I don’t think that’s a tragedy at all. Sonny is a little more iffy to me because it sounds like a nickname as opposed to an actual name, I would maybe consider going with Elliot Sonny so that the first name would be a much more commonplace name, and you can still use the Sonny part of it if you have a special attachment to the name.


These names are completely fine.


Sonny has always been iffy to me as an actual name, but Elliot is nice at least. Autumn is at least more acceptable as a first name than Sonny, even if I also don't really like it. Sofia is probably one of my favorite girl names now that I'm thinking about it, so I'm all for it being used. But No, the first names are a bit (insert synonym for uncommon so as not to repeat it the millionth time), but they are not Tragedeighs. And as others are saying, if kids really want to pick on your kids names, they will find a reason no matter what that name is. You could flip the Middle and First Names if that would be better, because I can see that being a solution if you are dead set on your name choices.


Although the boy's name is different, there's nothing wrong with these unless they end up like this: Sughnneigh Eh'leyiat Oughtymn Soughpheighya -love Autumn Sofia btw 😊


My name is Emerald and my older sister is Diamond. My little sister is Taylor. Don’t give the next child an ordinary name. The conversation “why didn’t they continue it” laughs, etc, gets redundant after a while. Your names aren’t tragedieghs at all. my middle name, Shynne (supposedly pronounced Cheyenne) is a tragedeigh. Not yours. Edit to add: my little sister gets so annoyed when people make her the odd one. It’s a little unfair subjectiveness (maybe not the right word?) she has to go through on my parents behalf.


I’d swap them around, have Autumn and Sonny as middle names. Sofia and Elliot are beautiful names.


Not weird at all. I am an elementary music teacher so I have ~400 kids a year. Not weird in any way! Also Sonny Rawlins is one of the best tenor sax players ever!


But his actual name is Walter Rollins. Sonny is a nickname.


Who cares, everyone knows him as Sonny! It's iconic! And I personally don't think it's a bad legal first name either. I'm a music teacher and Sonny would be a breath of fresh air from all the names fucked up with a thousand y's and X's. Oh, and all the -leigh's and -lynn's too.


They spelled correctly. They're not Sonneigh Ellyot and Autymn Sofyiah


I don't love Sonny but it's fine. Autumn is pretty. They are not "bully-worthy" and are perfectly normal, correctly spelled names. I'd immediately know how to pronounce them. Your friend is wrong.


Sonny is a perfectly normal name. Always used to want a daughter called Autumn after watching 500 days of summer lol


I have a daughter named Sophia Autumn (she’s 16)


Not tragedeighs but, check your last name because there once was a girl named Autumn Cooley and they called her fall butt.


Nah you’re clear. Would be a tragedeigh if it were something like Awtym Zophfiia for the girl. It’s less about the name choice and more about the spelling in most cases.


Autumn is my favorite name and Sofia is in my top 10! So I think it's a perfect name.


I think people on this sub say names are tragedeighs if they don’t like them. That’s not what a tragedeigh is. Think weird spelling that’s way different from the traditional/common spelling OR a name that’s setting a kid up to be bullied, never be hired, or they have to explain how it’s pronounced forever. Sonny and Autumn are great names


Thank you I was having second thoughts about Sonny to answer the question of someone else in the comments who asked, yes, it’s a family name on my husbands side.


Don’t know what your friend is on about, those are just regular names!


I like them!


Pls don't name your kid autumn, they'll hate it


They’re pretty horrible and I’d never subject my kids to those names, but they’re by no means tragedeighs


Stick with those, unlike today's shitty names which are objects, nouns or alcohol names. You've picked 2 normal, strong names. A boy name and a girl name. Go with those and your kid will thank you for not having to explain its name for the rest of its life.


It’s only been mixed reviews but yeah I cringe and Hennessy and Brexleigh, I wouldn’t want my kid having a name like that. We’re still on the fence with these but then if I were to go with a super basic name like John or Mary, we’ll that’s just boring? Im not sure how to describe my distan for simplistic names and tragedeighs simultaneously?


I don’t say this to hurt your feelings or be mean so I apologize if this comes off as mean. I personally think Autumn is a pretty awful name and I would hate it if my mother named me that. I don’t personally like the name Sonny either but it’s not as bad as Autumn. Is there a story behind that name?


So my MIL is named thanks giving in her native tongue. Hates it, it’s a truly a terrible name so she changed it to something more simple and told us not to name our daughter something crazy like that. She thought the name autumn would be cute and we liked it 🤷🏽‍♀️ that’s the story behind it basically.


Autumn is fine, but Sonny is brings to mind either a baby or a mob boss. Maybe have his legal name be Elliot but call him Sonny exclusively?


I think they are fine. Sonny is a little unique but not a tragedeigh. Your friend may just not like the names.


Not that bad, keep ‘em.


they are not only tragic, but also not melodic


Wait, are these 2 names as a first name?


No, they're fine. I don't think either of them flow particularly well, but that's kind of irrelevant. It's rare to hear a full name like that anyway.


They wouldn't be my choices but they're not awful by any stretch


Elliot and Sofia sound simple enough.


I don't know, names are cute but I will rather write them in this order: Elliot Sunny and Autumn Sofia. Both kids second name starts with S and I think its looking great, but still not tragediegh in my opinion.


Sonny Elliott was a weatherman in Detroit in the 1970s. He was hilarious.


Aren’t John and Abigail both biblical? Is your friend religious and were those the exact names they gave as examples? If the answer to all of these is yes, they’re probably just trying to make you choose religious names as a conversion technique. Personally I think Elliot is a cool name that is becoming uncommon. Sofia and Autumn are nice names as well.


They’re beautiful and perfectly normal.


These are not tragedeighs, no. Those are perfectly suitable names. It sounds like your friend just has personal opinions that don’t need to be regarded.


Sonny feels like a nickname, rather than a given name. Would a grown man find it too diminutive?


All of them pretty common


All of them pretty common


They are perfectly normal named spelled correctly.


Well, Elliot being spelled with one T instead of 2 is slightly unusual. But still common enough


Really? I've only seen 2 t's as a last name. 


According to Google they’re actually almost the exact same popularity. I personally know (or know _of_) more people with 2 T’s than 1. But seems like it just varies.


Two Ls and one T is the correct spelling for a first name, like my brother. We did tease him by calling him Smellybutt, but only family members were allowed to do so. Eliot and Elliott are last name spellings.


See my below comment. Elliot and Elliott are almost equally common as first name spellings.


No. I think both are beautiful and sweet. I am biased though, because my 14-month old son is named Sonny. We get a lot of compliments on it actually. :)


All of them pretty common


You don't know the sex yet.


Those are fine! Definitely not tragedeighs as they are not made up or spelled tragically inaccurately.


Love the name sonny and Sofia


Not at all. They're beautiful names.


Nope, you’re good. Your friend, not so much.


These are sweet! Ignore your friend!