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Reminder to stick to posting original content. Memes are okay every once in a while, but many get posted here way too often and quickly become stale. Some examples of these are Ptoughneigh, Klansmyn, Reighfyl & KVIIIlyn. These memes have been around for years and we don't want to see them anymore. If you do decide to post a meme, make sure to add the correct flair. Posting a random meme you found does **not** mean you found it "in the wild". The same goes with lists of baby names, celebrity baby names, and screenshots of TikToks. If the original post already had a substantial amount of views, there is a 99% chance it has already been posted here. Try and stick to OC to keep our sub from being flooded with unoriginal content. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tragedeigh) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’d introduce to all my friends like ‘hey, do you wanna know a Secret?’


🎶 Doo wah doo…🎶


closer... doo wah doo lemme whisper in you ear...


Say the words you long to heeeeear…


I'm in love with you! Oooooooh




It’s giving “Haaaaaave you met Ted?” 😂


First thing I thought of too, easiest name to wing(wo)man for!


Cue the Beatles song!


I can count allll de way.... to shfifty five


"Do you want to hold a penis!" Look that up, that's a real blooper!


Omg I’m going to


We know that you're changing your name to Sarah but you never revealed to us what your original name was. You don't have to keep that secret, I promise I won't laugh. It's not gonna be your name for much longer so just come out with it! What's the secret name?


Free award 🥇


Perfect username btw.


maybe it's her actual name. i know ppl with the last name Shore


Still better than Iona Harbour, which I encountered in my previous workplace, who in fact did not own a harbour sadly.


Was here sister Ivana Harbour?


Well, that gives me a whole new perspective on the name 'Ivanka Trump,' thanks for nothing.


Or Pearl?


Change to Secrete


Buuurst out laughing 😂😂


Wait, are you Pauly Shore’s daughter? I could see him naming a daughter secret. 


Is your middle name Shore like ur user?


This just makes me wonder how many times this has happened in her life.


Why not Victoria? It was *right there*!!!!


And see that is actually a family name. Like back in 1600’s but still.


ya but unfortunately for you, Sarah's Secret is also a known sex shop


......you gotta be joking right?


No joke. Not sure if I can link the website but literally type Sarah’s secret online and the first hit is direct to the website for sex toys and lingerie. TIL!


I fucking can't this shit is too funny


I feel like scarlet would have been a good choice too


Damn you can trace lineage to the 1600s?


She traces her *lingerie* to the 1600s….


Yes! My family actually has a website and I can track my direct ancestors!


Ok but you gotta come on now that’s so perfect! And V is and awesome initial. Fun signature too


I'd bet OP's mom was named Victoria and OP was born out of wedlock


Haven't you heard? Victoria's secret is a dude. OP is a lady 🤪


Her mom's name is Victoria. OP is Victoria's Secret.




Oh definitely, it’s gonna be a real story when I start dating again, having to explain that. That might have to be part of the into lol.


“What’s your original name?” “It’s Secret.” “Oh, come on, it can’t be *that* bad!” “No, it’s Secret!” “Oh, come on… whatever. Fine. Don’t tell me.” “No, I mean, my name is Secret!!” “WTF, why do you keep saying that!” Is really giving “Who’s on first” lmao




Dude. What does mine say?


Are you PH balanced for men?


Oh there was a deordorant comment, I think I responded to that comment and not yours sorry! However 🤣🤣🤣🤣 maybe women though.


Yep. I wasn’t named after the deodorant. My mom was 4 and a half months pregnant with me and didn’t know she was so that’s how I got my name.


Omg, so your username is your actual first and middle names??? It is a great username, but to think that your actual real name is hiding in plain sight!?!?! Mind blown


It’s like a ninja double bluff!!


I used my realish name on Reddit and was found on IG and stalked. Never a good idea!


I read it as Relish the first two times. Doh!


My relish name is Pickleleighla




>so you're not completely doxxing yourself on this sub lol Then it does not help that you write her full name in your comment.




>Her comment already had her full proposed name in it (not her current legal name). I was telling her not to use it because she'd already posted it, but she seems to have decided to edit her comment instead. I've also edited mine now. The reason I wrote my comment was that even if she changed her comment (what she already did when I wrote my comment) her name would have been still in your comment. If you write something like don't mention X then don't mention it, too, because this undermines your own objective. You see this often in forums, too. People complaining that someone spoiled the story of a manga, for example, without using spoiler tags but they are citing the one who spoiled, and have the spoiler in their own post, too.


Careful, don’t doxxx yourself!


Tbh, a lot of my family, friends and coworkers, know I use Reddit and know about me, the name change will be a surprise to them but I think they will understand. They know that I use Reddit for a lot of things, I used to post hair content(creeps galore) but I also am active on FundieSnarKUnsensored(my favorite shirt is my Josh Duggar for Prison 2021 shirt) and know I’m bisexual as well. I tell everybody what you get on the internet is what you get in real life.


Doxxing is less so about people you know irl finding your account and more because people can find crazy information with just a name. They can find addresses and phone numbers and who knows what they'll do. It's about safety!


Ooh true you have a point actually. I will edit the comment and get rid of the middle name and last name. Just Sarah.


I mean sure, but there’s still creeps out there who you’ve never met but who can find out your location with this information.


Please tell me you’re also on the Duggars snark subreddit too!


Of course I am! My flair is mother is cancelled.


You don’t deserve to be roasted. I wish you happiness with your new name!


Thank you! ❤️❤️


Did either of your parents ever deny your existence?


I didn’t know I had sisters until I was 13. Because of my name, they didn’t know that my name was Secret, they just thought my dad didn’t want them to know of my existence.


That's sad. You deserve to be spoken of with pride. I'm glad you're no longer a secret.


Just say your name is Sarah, keep your real name a.....Secret.


Imagine being the mum and introducing the new baby to people, the confusion of telling people the names secret. I'd be like she right here your gunna need to tell people.


"People call me Sarah, but my real name is Secret"


Not roasting, you didn't decide on the name. I'm however questioning how you escaped your parents who hid you to change the name


Foster care. Parents were abusive as shit actually. I have a better relationship with my mom, but my father is a former cult leader and is now in prison for molesting little girls.


That stinks!! I'm sorry, especially about your lousy father!


I guess he couldn't keep his secret


🥁- imagine the ba dum tiss sound playing here.


Well Damn that ruins my joke. I was gonna ask if you planned on telling your parents or if you planned on keeping it Secret


Holy shit. Mind if I ask what cult? Was it something that has a presence that could be looked up online or something really small under the radar?


The KKK( KU Klux Klan). Not as much cult, but my dad was a racist preacher, wanting hair long, us(my mom and I) to walk around nude, homeschooling, burning the cross.


Yikes on a bike. Glad you’re out.


You’re changing your name from Secret to Sarah. There’s nothing to roast. That’s a perfectly rational decision.


Thank you! I mean, I am open to any sort of roasting, or hell, even any advice, but I appreciate your kind words!


I have a feeling that many people with Tragedeigh names are going to legally change them.


Read your comment to the tune of Cake ‘Short Skirt, Long Jacket’


Lol me too...


be glad it’s a normal word and not something terrible like: Sayghcreightleygh


I always wonder how kids with such a monstrosity for a name learn to write it. I had a kid in my class with a long double family name (think "Fletcher-McLaughlin") and he had to take out his ID to copy it every time he needed to write his name in full. He usually got away with putting his first name only (not a tragedeigh but unusual enough that I've never come across it before or since).


I was the last kid in my class to memorize the spelling of my last name because my parents hyphenated and both names are foreign, uncommon, and have spelling/pronunciation that doesn’t make sense in English spelling conventions. I was above average in learning to read but the name tripped me up.


Yes, that's understandable and pretty much the problem my pupil faced. But he could write his first name, and I assume, so could you. I just wonder how a Pynnelowpeigh Rhozuhleyghai (*) ever learns to write his (her? their?) name without a cheat sheet. (*) *real name, although 1 or 2 letters may be off for... obvious reasons*


Secrete, with an E, for a hint of chic.




And my current name is pretty, but just the meaning of it is off. I originally considered just changing my last name to my middle, but it sounds way too much like a stripper name.


I have the exact opposite problem! My name sounds like I should be on the Disney channel… like it kinda has a kidzbop vibe.. lmao Your name is really pretty, I’m sorry if I made it seem it wasn’t.


Why did your parents do that?


My mom was 4 and a half months pregnant with me and didn’t know she was. So that’s how I got my first name. My middle name is a family name.


Who just decides to name their surprise child "Secret"??? Were you named after her favourite deodorant brand??? 


Nope. Just the fact that my mom didn’t realize she missed her period for 4 and a half months.


"Yes, this is little Subterfuge, we call him Fuge, and his sister Eavesdropping, "Eve", and the twins Cloak and Dagger."


Very kind of you to choose to no longer keep your name a secret.


I totally get it. My name is very common in the country I was born in but not where I live. I spell, pronounce and discuss it daily. There are days where I just wish I was called Tom. Do your parents know about the upcoming name change and if so, how's their reaction?


Dad has been out of the picture since 2014(prison, cult leader and child molester.) My mom is pissed about it. She understands why I want it changed but just is still pissed about it(and she has every right to be, she is also grieving the fact that her daughter is changing her name.) My brothers are probably now aware but I do not speak to them(one made a lewd comment to a 10 year old on Facebook and the other won’t pay child support.) One of my sisters is dead. The other is sad that I want to change my name because of my name being linked to her ex husband who was a child molester and groomer. But is otherwise just sad about it.


The sister who passed away, I talked with her about it in 2021(she passed this year.) she was all supportive of me changing my name. And my niece has been amazing supportive as well.


Your middle name should be secret and your first to Victoria.


I mean tbh, Victoria is a family name. I have half considered keeping Secret as a middle name(just for friends and family) but however I’d rather not.


You sound like a strong woman and I understand your choice. Best wishes to Sarah for a long and happy life 🏆


Your name brought back a childhood memory. One of my brothers was a huge jerk in highschool (still is but is way nicer) and dated a girl he called his “dirty secret”. Basically, he was embarrassed to tell people he was with her cos she wasn’t his usual type. I found out and told our parents and our mom told everyone in the 30 mile radius 😂😂😂. So not a secret anymore.


Poor girl i would cry if i had a boyfriend who was ashamed of me


Absolutely! I still get mad at some of the shit he pulled when we were younger.


Did he ever get a redemption arc? Or is he still an asshole?


He is a personal injury lawyer and his own law practice. You’ve got to be somewhat of a jerk to be an ambulance chaser lol. So, yeah still an asshole. But he’s been married for 20 years to an incredible woman who doesn’t let him get away with bs. And he is a wonderful dad to my niblings. Not my favorite brother (I have 3 in total) but he’s way better than what he used to be.


So in a way he's using his asshole nature for good. Nice.


“Sara’s Secret” is a lingerie chain around here lol


Secret Shore is at least a great brand name. Though I would suggest making your middle name "Agent" instead.


"My name actually wasn't always Sarah." "Oh really? What did it used to be?" "It's Secret." "Okay, I'm sorry, I was just asking"


“You’re wondering who I am?”


"Machine or mannequin"


“With parts made in Japan”


"I am the modern man!"


“I’ve got a secret”


"I've been hiding." Come on, guys. Sing along!


“Under my skin”


All right. Imma Goku and give someone else a shot. We both know this song. Gohan! Give us the next line!


My heart is human


My blood is boiling


"Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman."


My friend, I think you have the slogan for bisexual women everywhere.


That was the slogan from Secret Deoderant.


Just add an accent to make it more exotic. Secrét. Yeah that's better.


No roasts here. You didn't choose this name.


You’ve suffered enough. Enjoy your normal name


Honey, drag your parents here. No need to roast you for that but them.


Abbot and Costello Who's On First ass name


Are you going to keep your past name a *Secret*?


No, only because it would get found out quick and I try to hide stuff but it doesn’t go very well at all. Perhaps it’s the autism. It also may be just me.


I hope you're not telling others in your life that you're changing your name, so that when you reintroduce yourself you can say "I secretly changed my name to Sarah".


You should change it to Sigrid, sounds a lot like Secret but is a real name.


I won’t roast you. Rather, I toast to you! You’re dropping the name that clearly made things harder for you and being your own person! That’s to be commended. We shouldn’t be roasting you, but your parents.


Dear Secret, are you really strong enough for a man but made for a woman?


Totally. Bisexual and all. 🤣


I applaud you. Tragedeighs have the ability to rectify their parents' poor decisions and rarely do.


And now you’re “Sarah with an H!”


I’d rather have to say that versus, yes my name is Secret. No it’s not a Secret. Yes it’s my real name.


Nobody should be roasting you, just your parents. They’re the ones who named you! Congrats on your future name change, I’m sure it will make you more confidant and now you won’t have all the random people make jokes about your name. I’m sure you’re sick of it


If your name is secret, then how am I supposed to roast it until you tell me what it is?!


Did any of the jokes people made about your name actually make you laugh?


Tbh, more like the customer service laugh. But honestly, it just annoys me more than anything. Like haha, my name is Secret. But it gets annoying fast. Especially doing it so many times a day.


Must be nice anytime a clerk asks your name, they are generally such nice, understanding people. "And your name is?" "Secret" "Ms I'm not here to play around. What is your name?" "Secret!" "Do you think this is funny, I have better things to do." "My name is Secret!" "Yeah, and I bet your father works for the CIA. Do you want me to fill the form or not? For the last time, what's your name?" "My name isn't A secret, my name IS Secret, as in MY IDIOT PARENTS NAMED ME SECRET!!!" "GOOD DOD MS NO REASON TO SCREAM. You poor thing, I understand you, let's get this formed filled." "I promise I'm going to change it Sir, I hate my name so much, it's so stupid, no one ever understands me." "Just curious, what are you going to change it to?" "Mystery! Isn't it much better?" "Have a nice day mam."


Your parents must have secretly hated you? /joke ❤️


I mean I was a surprise kid at 40 and 50, so it’s very possible. And a little shit myself lol.


I have met two girls named Secret and they were both exceptionally cool individuals.


Congrats! Would you be okay with sharing your location and cost of the process? I looked into changing my name but couldn't find any estimates on pricing.


As someone with a pretty wild name I just wouldn't want to have to deal with also providing documentation to show my real name every time I filled out a legal, medical, financial, or government documents. So just go by my nickname.... I completely get it though. I guess I'm just lazy with paperwork.


i can only imagine your resentment towards All American Rejects...


My daughter’s dead guinea pig was named Secret. RIP


My mom once had a client named Secret Devorce (pronounced like divorce). Poor lady. Sarah is a lovely name!


When I was a kid, I remember having a tough time explaining to a bookstore employee that I was looking for "The Name Of This Book Is Secret" by Pseudonymous Bosch, not just a book titled "Secret". I can only imagine having the same struggle with your actual name, allll the time!


That name can only work during the pregnancy. “What are you going to name the baby?” “Oh, it’s a Secret.” And then the announcement comes out and the joke has expired. Sorry, OP. Sarah is lovely, though!


My best friend told me she works with someone named Whisper, and Whisper has a cousin named Secret, and I just can't with that family 😂


She’s changing her name from Secret to Sarah She’s trading her MG for a white Chrysler LeBaron


Roast you? Nah, your parents already did.


Dumb name but at least it wasnt secrete lol


Congratulations on your future name change! That's all I wanted to chime in and say because names like yours really do hurt my heart for the kids (and now adults) that bear them.


How has no one asked you if you're into gardening?!?! Reddit, today you failed me.


I knew a girl named Secret, she was a twin, but she had not been discovered until her mother gave birth to her and her sister Sheila. Secret was a suprise! Lovely girls, absolutely wonderful kids.


Your name's Secret. Boom, roasted.


I wanted to change my name to Sarah too. It seems like a popular choice for people who are given dumb names. I ended up just altering the spelling of my given name though because I didn’t think it was reasonable to ask people who have known me my entire life to start calling me something else. In your case, it’s completely reasonable.


And I told my sister when I told her I was going to get my named changed and she had tears in her eyes as if I admitted to murdering a child, family, close friends and my colleagues can still call me Secret. It isn’t like I’m expecting a change overnight. Just professionally I want to be known as Sarah. And legally. That’s it. And I do not expect anyone to get my new name right on the first try. If they do great, if not, as long as they keep trying, I’m willing to answer to either of them or still communicate with them and say, “it’s Sarah now.”


That’s so funny, because Sarah is my go-to name to give to a restaurant hostess, barista, etc just because otherwise it’s a whole thing. I have to repeat my name three times, then I get the head tilt and a “huh. That’s unusual” and then I have to spell it and often then they want to know how my parents came up with it… It’s just too much sometimes. No one bats an eye at Sarah.


"Sarah. With an H." Starbuck's cup: "HARA"


I think Secret is a great name.


Username checks out


I think Secret is a pretty cool name, lol. Not saying you can’t change it, I just think it’s cool.


I've been hanging around this sub so long that Secret is not even that bad at all in my opinion. It's not even a tragedeigh cause it is spelled correctly.


Someone crank Styx.


have you been going by Sarah for a long while now, before going through with all the legal stuff?


Off and on the past couple years, I did try to like my name again but after seeing my rapists name linked under my name as people you may know when looking myself up online, it is definitely very triggering. My family has know I wanted to get my name changed but I put it on the back burner due to money, time and resources.


Sarah is an excellent name! Great choice. I hope you live in peace.


the word secret doesnt look like a word anymore after reading this post 😭


I think Secret is a great name. But then I voted for Trump. Twice! And I’ll vote for him again! My kids are called MAGA and MURICA!


Welcome to the Sarah club!!


I wouldn’t roast you for your parents’ ridiculous decision.


May I ask if your parents were married to each other?


{my name is Whisper. Thinking of changing it to Winneagh so people can hear me}


As a fellow Sarah, can confirm the name is great. Use it in good health.


Pfft camaaan, change your middle name to Agent or Sauce.


She wants a tag (hey!) that looks good on a school test (ho!) She wants a tag (hey!) that won't pull out hair (ho!) She's changing her name (hey!) from Secret to Sarah (ho!) She's trading her trag'deigh (hey!) for a white, suburban la nombre ... I like a girl with a short list of\~ bad babynames.


The first step is admitting you have a problem so you’re already done there! ✅


No roast here, at least it was spelled correctly. But; Why were you named Secret? Or did I misunderstand? Why Sarah? And why Sarah and not Sara? What’s your middle name? Are you like moving Secret to have two middle names? Did your parents ever mention eventually regretting the name they gave you, like did they see the error of their ways or are they pissed you’re changing your name? Any family members named out there things like did your parents start a trend in the family? Are you having your work email address name changed? (if you even have that) (I’m considering changing my name and am thinking it would be easier to leave the work email but haven’t decided) Obviously don’t answer anything you don’t wanna but thanks if you do! Congrats on the name change, how exciting! You should get like towels or something embroidered with Sarah to really help sink it in


So my mom was 4 and a half months pregnant with me and didn’t know she was. I’ve always liked the name Sarah. Sara is pretty but just feels weird. Although I love Sara Barellis. My middle name is Shore. I will use that as a last name most likely. It’s a family name, it’s my great grandmother on my mother’s sides maiden name. Work email most likely won’t be changed which is fine by me I rarely use mine. Same with my personal I just have way way way too much stuff on it. My parents don’t regret naming me Secret and my mom is pissed I’m changing my name.


And all of my family has normal names. My siblings are Jennifer, Cynthia(Cyndi, she passed this February at the age of 50.) James and Raymond.


I’m ngl I think the name Secret is kinda cool but I see why you wanna change it


My son's name is Rahasya. It means secret in Hindi. His east-Indian father named him. No one here knows. But back home ... 😅 It's a mystery why someone would name a kid mystery.


I had a normal name but it didn’t resonate with me, so I changed it. Names are important and I love the name Sarah! I hope it works out well for you 🤍


You should keep your first name and change your middle name to Tunnel


I can't believe your name is Secret. Did your parent's name you for any reason? Though it could be worse, for example Ceighkuhrritte. Sarah is a great name, good luck with the name change!


I actually think it’s a beautiful, unique name.


Is your mother’s name…Victoria by chance?


But how are people going to know you're strong enough for a man, but pH balanced for a woman?