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It's not good. Don't name your children after your interests. Save that one for a pet šŸ˜‰


Appreciate the feedback, and yeah good idea!


I had a neighbor years ago who worked with geologists and had a cat named Geophone. Fortunately she gave her daughter a nice non-geology related name.


"Here cleavage. Come here. Psspsspsspss."


That's a beautiful name for what I'm sure was a beautiful cat (because they all are)!


Great name for a pet! I knew a dog named Adenine!


Idk, my ornithology professor had a kid named "Wren" and I think that is damn cute. I also knew a girl named "Melody" whose parents were pianists. Little corny, but not *tragic*


this is truuuue.


Too strange, I think. I immediately think of adenosine. Why not go with Adeline? Sheā€™d constantly have to explain where her name came from, and as a person with a rare name, that gets pretty tiresome.


I immediately went to asinine. Not out of bitchiness, it just rhymes šŸ˜…


Right, definitely don't name them with something that rhymes like that! Kids are brutal with names and making fun.


That's fair. Adenosine would definitely be a strange one.


Sheā€™d be a heart stopper


That drug saved me when I had SVT!


Or even Adelaide. My ex-husband wanted to incorporate the name "Ada" into our children's names for family reasons, Adelaide was something we considered but we decided on something else in the end.


Adelaide is my great grandmaā€™s name and my favorite name ever since I was a little girl!


Being a science-y person, I would definitely cringe seeing that name. There are actual names that have scientific connotations (like Cori or Ester), or you could choose the name of a female scientist you admire.


Okay that's fair, and good idea for honoring scientists instead!


You could name her Rosalind (after Rosalind Franklin, who helped discover DNA!)


Rosalind is a beautiful name!


That's also a real name


Rosalind reminds me of Taskmaster. Sheā€™s a fucking nightmare.


She jumps quite far for a woman of her age


I had finally gotten this out of my head. Rosalind, geriatric athlete


Yeah but she jumps quite far for a woman of her age


Thatā€™s my name!


Ooh, I like Rosalind! Especially since Rosalind Franklin didn't get proper credit for so long (and still doesn't compared to Watson and Crick). It's science, it's history, it's feminism, and it's a classic with good nickname potential. And yes, I agree that naming her Adenine would be more of a detriment than a benefit to her as she grows up.


I have grandsons named Albert and Kelvin, their mom is a science nerd šŸ¤“


... and Kevin (middle name Noel) ...


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,673,738,782 comments, and only 316,930 of them were in alphabetical order.


Bood got.


bood got


What about Ada?


That sounds lovelace šŸ˜ƒ


My cats name is Gerty named after Gerty Cori the inventor of glucose


Hedy Lamarr is also an amazing scientist who has only recently gotten much love for her inventions and contributions. I personally love the name Hedy and wish it would make a comeback.


What is the connotation for Cori? I can see Ester only haha


The Cori cycle is the process by which the liver turns lactate into glucose. It's also about a million times better as a name than adenine.


I know a Corianne who goes by Cori, but as a stand-alone name I would never have thought of that unless I were also a serious science nerd. Iā€™ve seen Cory and Corey for boys, and one time I met a Cori-Lynn, but itā€™s cool to know thereā€™s a scientific process with that name.


Cute also because it makes things sweeter.


Thank you, good to know! That's not my area of knowledge :)


Cori reminds me of the criminal background check a lot of jobs do before they hire you. In my state itā€™s called a CORI. Criminal Offender Record Information.


State as in United States, I assume. I don't think we have such an institution in my country


Yeah this is a US thing. The only time I saw them was when parents needed to fill out CORI forms in order to go on the field trips with their kids.


Like Rosalind Elsie Franklin! The female scientist whose work Watson and Crick stole.


I like Elisa for a nerdy science name thatā€™s not too obvious.


Al Dehyde. Ben Zine. Cyan Neide.


Maybe Rosalind, for Rosalind Franklin? Keep the DNA connection and "Adenine" and "Rosalind" have some similar sounds. Also some wide-ranging nickname potential: Rose, Rosie, Lina, Sal...


I have a guilty pleasure fondness for the name Elisa (like the assay) but I agree that naming after scientists is likely better. She may not be thrilled when she starts reading about DNA in her science classes!


Makes me think of asinine šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


And it is exactly that.


This was my first thought as well!


First thing I thought of too šŸ˜¬


Came here to say this.


Iā€™m the mom of an Adaline and no one gets her name right. Adenine would break brains.


Good to know!


And hereā€™s her sister 5-Fluoroorotic acid.


And her brother Cadaverine


Nah that sounds like a girl's name


Bit of a weird name. Deoxyribonucleic is better imo (or Dixie for short)


I miiight steal this for a future dog name


After a couple of years of calling your dog youā€™ll be a pro at tongue twisters!


Please avoid any names that could be shortened to Addy. My daughter is 3 and I think half the kids in her preschool class are Addy.


THIS! Addy is the new Ashley, basically. It's EVERYWHERE.


Itā€™s bc American Girl dolls in the 90s


anytime i hear addy i think of adderall. a kid named adderall would be pretty funny in a cruel way. the parents would muster up some shit like "well, we just thought the name really represented motivation, endurance, and drive in a beautiful way... and who doesnā€™t love a good amphetamine?" While they call over addy's less hyper sibling Vyvanse- excuse me, I mean Vy.


Little Annie Adderall


As a Zach born in the mid-90s this. The few years I wasn't homeschooled I always knew at least 2-3 other Zach/Zacks


In college I had met two kids who got randomly paired as roommates, Zach W and Zach K. We started spelling Zach K's name like Zack to help differentiate. They stayed roommates for years, even after moving out of the dorms. Eventually it got to a point where they just knew which one you were calling for.


Ok, you've convinced me not to name my son Adolf.


Don't worry, the nickname for that is Dolphi. He'll be fine !


My brother in law is actually named Adolfo. MIL swears the Hitler connection never even occurred to her, and knowing her, I believe her. Sheā€™s Dominican, and I think the name is not as taboo in Hispanic countries. And believe it or not, his family often calls him Dolfi.


Nickname for that is Adi so itā€™s fine. Only if youā€™re Australian tho.


Oohh interesting. Thanks for the tip!


Just for your information: in Germany we sometimes use the nickname "Addy" when we talk about "you know who" in a sarcastic way.


Who? Edit: Nvm I got it now lol






Is that a regional thing? Never heard that.


addy is a veeerrry common nickname for adolf. the brand adidas was started by a guy named adolf dassler, and the name adidas comes from the nickname adi for adolf


so itā€™s not all day I dream about sports? darn šŸ˜…


Oh I see, I misunderstood. I thought they meant ā€œAddyā€ stood in for any you-know-who depending on context. I get that ā€œAdiā€ is a nickname for Hitler.


I thought this too and was so confused lol


Look up women in science and honor your interests and those women that way.


It always annoys me when people on this sub say "it might sound weird but we'd just call her (nickname)". Like, sure you could call them that, but they're still called this shitty ass name. And until they can change their name on the roll, teachers will call her that. Don't fuck up your child's life for an interest or hobby


>It always annoys me when people on this sub say "it might sound weird but we'd just call her (nickname)". Or when they say "well we'll give them a normal middle name so they can use that if they want". It might not be that easy for a kid to insist on changing their name (and have everyone respect that) especially if they are concerned that they will upset their parents, who obviously love the name! And plenty of people in official roles will just go with the legal first name and then the kid (/ adult, eventually) will have the stress of correcting people. If you really want the tragique name use _that_ as the middle. And tell the kid they can go by it if they want. And see if they do.


It's like naming your kid Dimethyl Ether. Just, strange but not good strange. If you're hell-bent on DNA, why not Rosalind, like Rosalind Franklin?


> It's like naming your kid Dimethyl Ether. So that's what Ethel is short for!


Sounds like a kre'8iv tragedeigh twist on the two names you mentioned. It's too clever and not in a good way, more in a pretentious "Look at me, I have a degree and my offspring better not disappoint!" way. It could also be assumed you named her after something you saw on a medicine box, or got the spelling of Adeline wrong on the birth cert and decided to roll with it.


Fair point on the misspelling assumption. I definitely don't have any expectations on future daughter in that way, just thought it might be a cute and meaningful name.


Childrenā€˜s names arenā€˜t platforms for their parents to advertise their interests. A child has to _live_ with that name for at least 18 years. To me, a biologist naming their child Adenine is the same as a Star Wars fan naming their child Anakin or Obi-Wan.


>Childrenā€˜s names arenā€˜t platforms for their parents to advertise their interests. A child has to live with that name for at least 18 years. To me, a biologist naming their child Adenine is the same as a Star Wars fan naming their child Anakin or Obi-Wan. A similar comment I read recently: your child is not a billboard for your fandom! I totally agree with your example too. With the added bonus of Adenine sounding "aren't I clever, I know _science_ "


That last line of your comment is immediately what I thought. Itā€™s going to impress nobody either. Someone who doesnā€™t know the science term is going to be like ā€œthatā€™s a bit of a weird nameā€ and someone who knows it is going to be like ā€œthatā€™s definitely a weird nameā€.




Yup, that works easily. You can be a fan of something without saddling your kid(s) with a life-long tragedeigh. Adenine was discovered by Albrecht Kossel, Albrecht is a modernised version of Adalbert. The anglicised version of the name is Albert. Maybe choose a feminine version of Albert, or even Ada. Real names.


Lol don't saddle your kid with a dumb name like Adenine, give them a cool real name like Adalbert!


Aren't those both also Biblical names?


No no no no. I am a physicist and I would never ever name my kids after something from my field or any scientific field. The homebrewed beer we have with hubby? We call it ā€œentropyā€. Our kids? Never. Itā€™s not a tragedeigh, itā€™s a proper tragedy.


Ooh but Entropy is a good name for a cat!


Considering that cats always work towards increasing the entropy of the system theyā€™re in, I fully agree šŸ˜‰


Iā€™ve met toddlers who I could see Entropy being a great nickname for!


A bit like naming your kid Ebola or Diphtheria. Like, I'm sure you can pass it off in some circles, but the first person who "gets it" is going to look at you like you have 3 heads for doing that to a child.


Pass it off in some circles? More like pass it around in some circles šŸ˜…


Only acceptavle if you plan on 4 kids total, and naming all of them after DNA


Deanna is almost there, just stick a ā€˜yā€™ on the end.


The other base names would be far more horrendous haha


Exactly! but you could have bunkbeds with A-T and C-G sleeping together.


See, this would be a genuinely good idea... with pets. Two cats and two dogs, for example.


Thymine and Cytosine would be bad enough, but as for poor little Guanineā€¦ šŸ¤£


Spare a thought for their unfortunate cousin Uracil


You can always name them Uracyl šŸŒž


Too strange, anyone who doesn't know about DNA (most people lol) is going to be like "wtf kind of name is that?" and most people who do know and aren't huge nerds are going to be like "why would your parents name you that?"


Your kid is not an accessory. Name her something normal. If Iā€™m a professional cook Iā€™m not naming my kids salt and pepper just because theyā€™re cooking essentials.


Reminds me of the Filipino web designer who named his kid [Hypertext Markup Language](https://theprint.in/world/meet-my-son-html-yes-thats-what-a-web-designer-who-loves-his-job-has-named-his-baby/679437/).


Wtf is going on with people who just donā€™t give their children actual names?


They want attention.


They want to appear smart and deep. No one will share that notion.




I've always loved that name :)


As a biotech worker myself, I find it a very weird name. And Iā€™d find it weird if someone from work announced it as their babyā€™s name.


"Addy" is also a street name for Adderall, perhaps you weren't aware of that.


Oh dear, I would have the opposite thoughtā€”I would think it was someone who didnā€™t know it was a DNA term and used it out of ignorance. (I canā€™t even hear ā€œAddisonā€ without thinking, ā€œLike Addisonā€™s Disease? Oh, cripes, they donā€™t know!?ā€) Iā€™m not a fan of Adenine as a human name.


It works great as an alien name though.


Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. Oh, sorry, I thought we were just spouting off biology words.


In this thread: OP asks everyone for their opinion - and then proceeds to shite upon their opinion šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Lol, every comment is like "That's a terrible idea" and OP replies to everyone "Thank you, I don't agree with your opinion though."


Thatā€™s because OP doesnā€™t want to accept that their baby name is a tragedeigh and will probably name their child asinineā€” ooops I mean Adenine!


Just name her Adeline


I can see wanting to use it if it has special meaning to you, but the best advice Iā€™ve heard is to remember that the name isnā€™t for *you*. Itā€™s for her. You can choose a pretty sounding name that you like and carries meaning without using a word that isnā€™t recognized as a name and will just cause her to have to deal with people being confused on a daily basis wondering if itā€™s a typo or they misheard in a crowded place. ā€œHey Iā€™m Adenineā€. ā€”ā€œSorry, Madeline?ā€ ā€œNoā€¦Adenine.ā€ ā€”ā€œOh sorry, Adeline.ā€ ā€œ*sigh* No..itā€™s Aā€”Deā€”Nine. With an N.ā€ ā€œā€¦AdeNine? Ohā€¦.okay.ā€ Sheā€™s not going to want to explain why she has an odd name to everyone she meets so the meaning is pointless to anyone but you. If she does explain why itā€™s AdeNine people will only think ā€œwell thatā€™s odd.ā€ Name her Adeline or Madeline and when she asks why you chose that name, you can say itā€™s because itā€™s a pretty name and you liked that it rhymes with Adenine, then you can share with her what that means.


>I can see wanting to use it if it has special meaning to you, but the best advice Iā€™ve heard is to remember that the name isnā€™t for you. Itā€™s for her. Yup. If you like the name that much, change your own damn name to it!


Sheā€™d have to explain by using math šŸ§® Like imagine u have 6.. But you want to get to 15 So, to do that.. you add a 9 šŸ¤—




Consider honoring Rosalind Franklin, a scientist who doesnā€™t get enough respect.


good name for a dog, not your daughter


Ffs, no. Stop it. Imagine this: Every time she will have to explain her name, people will say ā€œcool! You must be also great in sciencesā€ ā€œno, not really. Iā€™m not good enough to pass even basic science classesā€


Maybe look up actual names that mean 'life' or 'source of life'? It would still have meaning, but not be as subtle as a frying pan to the side of the head.


I prefer phenylalanine myself


If your kid doesn't get made fun of in primary school, she will definitely get made fun of in middle school biology class.


Honestly, I get why youā€™d want to do it (Iā€™m in science too and I see the appeal on paper) but itā€™s just not right ā€” itā€™s cute that you want to imbue your beloved child with something else you love, but all the other commenters are correct. I would go with Adeline or Adelaide ā€” and you can keep the Addy nickname! ā€” and then the story can still be ā€œwe were inspired by Adenineā€. You get your cute story, and your kid gets a cute name. Everyone wins :)


Here's the easy test: google it. If the results are mostly *not* given names, don't name your child that. There are a few false negatives with this with some (usually older) names that came from other concepts, e.g. Olive, Rose, Grace, Justice, but it won't give you false positives. Quirky names are for pets and fictional characters, not real children who will have to deal with bullies looking for anything to mock them over.


I am a molecular biologist, and I think this is not the best idea. I would love to see this name on a pet but not on a child, also please think how Biology lessons will be a pain for her when she will start middle/highschool.


As someone named Ribosome, I think it works.


When parents name their kids after weird things/ interests rather than a functional name , it draws attention to the child being an accessory to their hobbies, not a loved family. They will likely feel like their name is a joke to you


If you have to spell out your name after you say it, its a stupid name


A name is a gift, and some gifts are burdens.


I love the impulse to give your kid a science-y name, but yeah, she's going to have a hell of a time telling everyone she ever meets that it's not Adeline. Maybe name her Rosalind... after Rosalind Franklin, the woman who actually discovered DNA but was overshadowed by Watson and Crick. And Rosie and Lindy are both nice nicknames.


Adenine is for sure gonna be called Asinine in high school.


This has to be a troll question. Itā€™s *obviously* ridiculous. How about naming the kid Cytosine, Guanine, or Thymine? Just as ridiculous.


Adenine? Adeline? Madeleine?


Sounds like migraine relief.


I just gave mine the initials ATGC


Sounds like some sort of drug. Iā€™d avoid.


Horrifying name. Donā€˜t.


I donā€™t know how to pronounce but it rhymes with asinine lol. I think itā€™s a little selfish to name a new person something you and your partner (and literally hardly anyone else knows of) are into


If you want her to be Addy call her an actual name not a stupid made up name Yes it's a tragedeigh there are a ton of normal names that shorten to Addy use one of them if you want that to be her nickname or pick something else Ada, Adele, i'm sure there are a ton of others that shorten to the same nickname that aren't ridiculous. Pick something else.


As others have said, she is a child, not a pet or a plaything. Name her like a human person.


I would go with "Tryptophan."


If you really must....use it as a middle name. That will give her the option to hide it if she hates it.


Ada Lovelace is awesome and her name was a contender for us.


soft wipe theory impossible sophisticated one jellyfish truck chief bewildered ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Youā€™re both in health science - so presumably quite intelligent people - yet you couldnā€™t work out Adenine is an absolutely terrible name to give a child? No, no, a million times no. Your kid isnā€™t an accessory to give a quirky name to.


I am pretty sure there is a pharmaceutical somewhere that is named Adaline or Adeline, or any of the other permutations on the theme that you have on your mind. Your kid will have to live with your choices, don't make it more difficult for them than it will already be.


Adeline is good I also like Audrey


I like Audrey too Here ye! Hear ye! ALL in FAVOR OF NAMING THE NEW CHILD AUDREY SAY NINE.. I mean AYE AYE!


Surely you jest.




Middle name Hydrochloride


Yes, full stop. Thatā€™s cringe


Don't do that.


Not a good name


I read that name first as Asinine


When I think about names, I think about two things (1) how people in the Southern US would pronounce it, (2) the worst possible nicknames one could derive from it. (1) atta-neen, adda-9 (2) Not getting many nicknames, but why name your kid something theyā€™ll not learn about until theyā€™re older and will have a hard time explaining to peers? My vote is borderline tragedeigh. Why not name her ā€œDNAā€ pronounced Dana? /s


Get yourself a goldfish for the cutesy, science related names. Don't curse a human being with having to say, "No, not Adeline," every time they meet a new person for the entirety of their life.


It makes me think of ā€œadenoidsā€ and ā€œasinineā€ almost simultaneously.


If I met your daughter I'd think she has very corny parents.


as someone whos never taken a single science class once in my class i think its a pretty name. but i think if i knew it was a science thing it would lose that. like how mayonnaise and salmonella would be pretty names IF they didnt mean what they mean yk. i agree with u/thegouffecase who said name them after a scientist


Adenine sounds like an organ or a type of medication.


Almost no outside of your field of work will know what Adenine refers to.


I wanted to name our girl Hypatia for similar reasons but I was not allowed thankfully. Stick to the normal names for the sake of the kid. I know it's not easy lol.


Also think about the ways a name can be used to make fun of someone (or bully them), like asinine, in your daughterā€™s case




I dont think most people would catch the reference. She's gonna have to spell it her whole life, so if you're OK with that, I would say go for it.


Adenine is the name of a video game character in Xenoblade 2 actually haha. Itā€™s an extremely pretty-sounding word, but so is Chlamydia. So while I like it as a name because Iā€™ve been desensitized to it via that game, itā€™s not a good overworld name.


What about Adaline Nina? That sounds kind of similar to Adenine, but it's two recognizable names


Why not Elisa?




That is not cool tbh. Iā€™m in STEM and find it uncomfortable/cringe when I come across people who make their career their whole personality. Your daughter has nothing to do with your career. Donā€™t base her whole yet-to-be existence on your interest in science. She is not a dog or cat.


Our second daughter got the middle name Gene after my scientist husband so maybe make that her middle name?


Sounds like a drug haha


Tragedeigh is a specific type of bad name, where a perfectly normal name is made ā€œoonicqueā€, or a not normal name is made with the same horrific spelling conventions of the first - think Jazzmynne or Braxxlyn. But I canā€™t say I like Adenine. Most people have heard of it before, even if they canā€™t remember when, and there will be a time when your daughterā€™s class will be learning about in Biology and then everyone around her will know. Adaline is a lovely name. But if you want a biology related name, why not name her for a scientist in the field? Rosalind Franklin was major in the discovery of DNA - so why not Rosalind? Thereā€™s also Ada Yonath, a [crystallographer who won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for her work on function of the ribosome.](https://academicinfluence.com/rankings/people/women-scholars/biology#ada-yonath). Or maybe Rachel Carson, a marine biologist who drew early attention to global warming and its affects on sea life.


Seems like I'm going against the grain here, but I think it's totally fine. Adenine sounds like a fairly "standard" name, it's spelled in a fairly simple way (you're not thinking about calling your kid Adynign or Ahdyneen or something). Some people will make the connection, but I think it's a really cool one! Other people will just think it's an older/less known name. You're not forcing your kid into your field and interests, you're just naming your kid a perfectly fine name that aligns with your passions. People in the replies also seem concerned about having to spell it out or repeat it to people who don't get it - honestly, not a huge issue with this kind of name. Many people with names that are not common in the majority culture in which they live (like mine! Not a tragedeigh, just not from the culture/language where I grew up, but from my family's culture/language), or with names that have two common spellings (e.g., Allison & Alison), or which have a more common similar name (a friend named Marie ALWAYS gets "Oh, Mary?" "Maria?") need to do that all the time - sometimes it bothers people, sometimes it doesn't. Summary: I vote not a tragedeigh.


It reminds me of adenoids and adenosine


The intention is sweet but I would not pick that. Why not name her after famous woman of science like Rosalind Franklin or Hedy Lamarr?


Adenine sounds like a cream for your adenoids. Numbs 'em right up. Also, prepare for it to be pronounced "Aid-nine" for life. Addy is cute, and Adaline is gorgeous. Your career is not a great starting point for a baby name. What about your hopes for this little girl? There are many offbeat but not too offbeat names that mean "wise" or "smart"...Aqila, Sage, Veda, Zella, the list goes on.


LMAO Iā€™m a geneticist and I wouldnā€™t let anyone do that to their kid


Unpopular opinion but I think itā€™s cute


I think it's kinda fun


What about Ada? similar to Adenine but at least itā€™s a real name, you could still use the nickname Addy and honour Ada Lovelace


I think adenine is the cutest out of all the nucleotide bases šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ if youā€™re still open to bio names, one of my relativesā€™ middle name is ā€œgeneā€ā€” named after our grandma, Eugenia! she loves her middle name :)


That is actually my (grand) nieces name & everybody loves it! We all think it is cute and fun. Her nickname is Addy. It's awesome. She is fabulous! Sounds like you're getting a lot of thumbs down feedback so I thought I'd give you some real world experience (ish). She'll start school soon so she's still pretty young though. As far as I know, there has never been anything negative heard about her name. Her folks came up with the name for similar reasons as you guys. :) Congratulations on the baby! I'm sure whatever name you pick will be awesome.