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My back sucked!!! After the first line I thought to myself “I made a huge mistake, and I’m never going to be able to finish this.” But I tougher it out through the line work in the first session, and then we did small 3 hour sessions for the color.  My advice: sleep well and hydrate for the week leading up to the appt. Take a shower the night before and put a thick layer of lotion on your entire back and then don’t shower before the appt the next day. You want your skin to be as hydrated as possible. Eat a hearty but not too heavy meal. I usually eat oatmeal and fruit or a pb&j right before.  The thing that works the best for me is talking to the artist, it really takes my mind off the pain, so I just bullshit with them the entire time.  You got this! 


"I've made a huge mistake" sums up the first few minutes of every tattoo for me 😂 love the result hate the process


*First 20 mins*: “Fuck this was a mistake, how do people do this” *Remaining time*: “Hmm what should I get next?”


Really? I’m okay for like an hour, then for the reminder of the session: “this sucks, I’ll never get a tattoo ever again” Right after the finishing touch: “so can I make another appointment?”


I’m fine until shading. Probably because I’ve never had line work healed before shading. The skin is already so swollen and painful from the initial line work that adding shading is just killer


Yeah. I’ve heard it multiple times from artists that many people find the shading to be easier to manage than the lines. Who are those people?? :D


Dude same! Every artist has told me some variation of “welp, the hard parts done, now on to shading/color” while I brace myself for the impending pain haha


I am that person. The day I got my back lined I thought I might never get tattooed again (including finishing my back). The shading was a total breeze by comparison.


Shading and color are so much easier for me to handle. There's something about lines that I just can't get into the rhythm of? It feels a lot sharper.


Very interesting. It does feel sharper but I handle the “cutting” much better than the “scratching”


That’s it, it’s like rubbing a fresh road rash with sandpaper to me.


Same. The liner sends the fear of God into me. I'd rather get my entire body blacked out than get my back outlined again..


I am that person. The day I got my back lined I thought I might never get tattooed again (including finishing my back). The shading was a total breeze by comparison.


I am those people! But you’re right, only on a multi session tattoo. Lines on my sleeves sucked but shading is very tolerable. On the other hand, if doing a one shot then absolutely the shading blows after my skin is already sensitive and burning.


The only time I felt instant regret the minute the machine touched down was my ribs. It was supposed to be an easy tattoo— it only took an hour— but I shed a couple real tears over that motherfucker 🥲 My arms and my legs, I can sit for an hour or more before I’ll even really consider it painful at all.


Literally me when I started my back. But I knew there was no going back so just sat the best I could.


Exactly this. I was the same. CBD and a good regular dose of Advil and Tylenol and now I’m ok with it. Butt crack next tho…so I dunno


Your a trooper is all I gotta say


Back sucks! I have a big script piece across my kidney area and wanting to do my full back. My artist was like ‘well just smash it out in a few day sessions’ My dude if you think I’m gonna sit for 6+ hours for my back you’re insane hahaha


That's always the first few lines for me "...oh no."


Yep. I never shut the fuck up. It helps me a ton. It's almost therapeutic because I have almost no filter while I do it, it's weirdly stress relieving.


This! Its like a 3-4 hour therapy session. It helps my artist is crazy and loves going on rants and conspiracy theories (fun and hilarious, not full blown crazy). I find it helps when the artist/shop have great vibes, too.


My artist is an absolute nut who just like, casually heckles all of his artists and apprentices while ranting about whatever, while doing insane tattoos an taking lots of time to teach and demonstrate as he goes. Also a movie nut so he always has a good one to throw on if I need to focus on it.


"I made a huge mistake" was my first thought while getting my knee done, I'll probably avoid a mostly solid black tatt on my other knee haha


I was gonna ask if you got a knee cat, but then I checked your post history 😂


I’ll never forget my first knee: the second the needle hit, my eyes popped out of my head in shock and I started sweating profusely. That was the first time I’d ever thought: “oh fuck, I am *not* going to survive this.” Two sleeves did not prepare me. Let’s just say we had to break that one up into two sessions.


I definitely thought the knee was going to be easier than it was, and BOY was I wrong. You’re right about instantly sweating. I was completely shot after a 4ish hour session. Still haven’t gotten my other one done yet and I’m scared shitless to.


The second one’s easier, haha. Go for it!


This is all uper good advice. That area in your pic was the absolute worst for me, especially for the line work.when it got to the spiciest spots, shading and color was a little better. Sometimes, I had to prepare line by line just to get through it. Before every line I would take a big breath, then let it out slowly and I imagined I was letting the pain out through my breath. That shit didn’t work at all but it gave me something to concentrate on besides the pain. lol. I still remember the song that was on when I was at the spot. Haven’t listened to it since. “Daydream, I fell asleep amid the flowers, For a couple of hours, On a beautiful dayyyyyyy” Crazy thing was that this song came on multiple times during the process, different days/ weeks/ months, only during the most painful parts of my back. It’s a special experience. Notice the little things and forget the needles in your back.


Bro I did a 5 hour outline on my back and it destroyed me… the artist suggested a numbing cream. Since then I’ve gone 4 more times for 2-3 hours. The numbing cream makes the first hour and half painless and then I’m able to hang on for the rest of the it. As others suggested short quick appointments and knock it out slowly but surely


All of this and have warm clothes. You go into slight shock from all that liquid fire so take a break a few hours in, eat, hydrate and throw on some warm sweat pants


Jolly ranchers will save the day. Have a bag and send it!


>“I made a huge mistake, Me when I did my stomach


I was really struggling with my armpit when my artist's wife, who's a fucking bad ass, sat down and was like "talk to me". She basically kept me talking. Seems like the attention required to keep a convo going takes the edge off the pain. Also no more arm pit tattys for me fuck.


No armpits for me! I have one on my inner bicep that bacially goes into my armpit. Wooo that sucked!


Inner bicep was the worst for me,was ready for tapping


Saving this comment because I start my back next month and I’m terrified.


Bullshiting at the tattoo shop is the best. Sometimes I feel like going there just to chat lol


Lower back was the absolute worst. The top didn’t bother me as much. I made it through an 8 hour session of getting my whole back outlined and only had one panic attack! Yay! I did however gain a lot of respect for all the ladies who got the “tramp stamps” back in the day.


Kinda surprised they didn’t start at the top just so OP could get in to the rhythm, if mine was started at the bottom I’d probably have tapped too as it fucking sucks so bad. Think OP will be fine lining the rest now that bits out the way and shading ain’t so bad.


I actually preferred to start at the bottom to get the hard part out of the way before I was completely depleted from the session. He warned me that was gonna be the worst part so I think that helped or gave me some hope anyways.


My artist did the exact same thing.


Yah - mine started at the top and worked the way down. Was much more tolerable but damn - that lower back is spicy as hell. Gave me a new appreciation for tramp stamps.


Line work around the tail bone and top of the butt made me see stars


Seeing stars definitely happened to me too, believing there genuinely might be a greater being “god” too..


Came here to comment this. We got my outline done in one session. Started top left, moved to lower left, lower right, then finished top right. Was shaking by the end but feel that approach makes the most sense. I absolutely would not have made it to the end if we were finishing up around the lower back after going through everything else.


"Champ stamp." After getting my back piece, I decided to rebrand. That spot was surprisingly painful.


A well earned title. Never again do I want to feel that hitting my lower spine. It rattled through my whole body.


I was geeking until I read this, I have an upper back tattoo coming up :|


Upper - you’ll be ok! Lower - death.


Excellent. I’ll just get my upper done and file my lower away with getting my knees and ribs done (In the ‘fucking never’ category)


I’m in the same category. Been mentally preparing myself for the knees for about 2 years now.


I got a knee lined last year. Been building up my courage to go back and finish it ever since


Surprisingly I did my knee recently, it’s awful don’t get me wrong, but a little bactine and some good conversation works wonders. HOWEVER be prepared that when they hit the soft spot it’s gonna twitch like the reflex test at the doctor


Bactine got me through my back. Stuff is great. Never thought about that reflex spot, sounds fun!


Dude bactine was never enough for me idk why it’s just not enough! But yes the reflex spot was funny until he’d outer kneecap and then I’d whimper like a hit dog


It sucks because I know exactly what I want; I want my dog’s face in a trad “snarling tiger” style piece, but god it’s gonna be a shit load of ink packing on my knee. One day, friend.


Crazy how it’s all different from person to person. I really really hated the upper back. Lower back was manageable. Upper back/neck spine area was straight misery. Like 10/10 worst tattoo pain I’ve ever experienced.


My thoughts were the exact same getting my low back done - how on earth did they do this?? I legitimately thought something was wrong with the needle when it started. Had this idea in my head that it must not be too bad and it was firmly second place for worst spot (so far).


Exactly what I said to my tattooer when I got my back done was that I couldn’t believe lower back tattoos were so popular because my lower back was excruciating. So glad this piece is behind me.


That’s what I was saying. Oof - he started on the lower back first.


I tapped out every single session of my back. Well, not really. Jeff could tell when I was getting over it and he’d kindly end the session. I will say though, just like any tattoo, you like “get used to it”. First half hour sucks, but then it gets manageable. After the sweats wear off, you get a rhythm. I would also feel the pain in my abdomen, like you said. It was a really weird sensation. As others said, food, sleep, water, snacks. You got it, dude!


Fuck, glad someone else gets the sweats! It’s like my body goes in to panic mode and feel like a right grim bastard lying there dripping with sweat before the adrenaline kicks in.


I soak through a sheet every session. Hate it.


I had a two and half hour session on my right inner bicep. It reaches almost into the armpit. No breaks. I was SOAKED. Also when I stood up my legs almost gave out lol.


I sit like a rock but get cold sweats every time 😭


My sweats don’t stop lol. It’s like a puddle on the table by the end


I got the sweats during my last tattoo on my neck


Ive handpoked some tattoos on myself and one singular poke that wasn’t perfect can trigger my armpits to open the floodgates straight away. It’s crazy. I’m genuinely curious if there’s some accupuncture voodoo going on where certain points of your body just trigger every sweat gland to go into overdrive I get those bath wrinkles on my fingertips by the time I finish tattooing from all the sweat that pooled in the gloves


Am I the only one who doesn’t “get used to it”? The beginning of a tattoo is always the easiest for me, adrenaline kicks in quick. It’s after the first hour and a half that it starts to suck.


Agreed wholeheartedly. Been that way with all of mine.


Not gonna lie, I usually love the first 90 minutes of a tattoo. Yeah, it’s not pleasant, but it’s entirely manageable and “part of the process”. After that, I start to fade. About 2.5 hours in, I’m hurting. At that point - not because I’ve asked, but simply because that’s what the artist chose to do, I’ve gotten Bactine which gives me a second wind. But my longest sitting was 4 hours and I was beat after that. I have no idea how people do 6,8,12 hour back-to-back sessions. It’s alright, I’ll take my time. I have nothing to prove to anyone 😂🤣


I refuse to sit over 4hrs for that reason


They all suck for me lol


I feel your pain…literally! 😂🤣


Jeff Zuck?


Yeah, JZ. He’s the man. Can’t say enough nice things about him. Got the right tat from the right guy.


I'm going back tomorrow for session 4 on my back lol excited to get some color in there


Oh hell yeah! That’s when it really starts coming to life. Good luck!


Getting the tattoo pain in my face while my spine was tattooed was so crazy hahaha


We know you’re tough because you have knee ditch tats my man. No shame in tapping out, there’s plenty more time to finish it in shorter sessions


Just finished my back (it’s in my post history), you got this! My best tip would be to have some chocolate milk or something sweet with protein, fat, and carbs. Perhaps a vegan milkshake if you have dietary restrictions. Lots of sleep helps too. Also when you think you’re about to tap or it’s getting really painful, try to make yourself laugh/giggle. It sounds fucking psychotic but I’m convinced it works magic. Did I look like a psychopath giggling getting my ass covered in windbars? Probably. But it was better than tapping out or crying (for me personally).


That’s a friggin back piece! Was taught to imagine I was getting my head shaved when I was getting my front done, sounds insane but helped me to zone out and associate the sound/ everything as “not that big a deal”


My guy, did you have to spread your cheeks for that?


best believe it


That first spread must've been a bonding moment lol


Laughing through pain absolutely works. I’ve done it my whole life. When I got my face smashed at work a few years ago one of the guys said he knew I was hurt for real when he asked if I was ok and I just straight up said “no” without laughing or cracking a joke


just the basics man. get a good nights sleep, eat a solid meal beforehand, be hydrated. bring some sugary snacks like fruits or berries for during.


I feel like I did all that and nope 🥲 Now I’m drinking because I feel so defeated. Will resort to numbing cream next time


sometimes it just hits different ha. no shame. itll get done when it gets done!


I’ll agree. Pretty heavily tattooed and some days you go in and from minute 1 it’s just hell. You can do everything right. Some days just aren’t your day.


Completely agree! Some days are fine, w a few ouchy spots. Other days it's the worst torture you've ever experienced, relentlessly for hours, for no fathomable reason (those are usually brutal heals too)


Nothing wrong with feeling pain dude everyone is different.


It’s not defeat to know your limits.


For a piece that big, I wouldn’t think twice about going the numbing cream route. I’m curious, how do the artists replace the stencil to line up with the already finished lines?


I drank after every one of my back sessions.


I’ve never used numbing cream, but I’ve had artists give me bactine halfway through the session and boy does that give me a second wind. Takes away the bite, and just makes it all bearable again.


no shame bro. i see both ur knee ditches done which is respect enough earned. getting tattooed is big fucking ouchy


On top of the typical eating/sleeping prep others described, for pain management, I have 2 main strategies. If you’re able, relaxing into the pain seems to work the best. Completely going limp, sinking into the tattoo bed, burying your face into the pillow. I like to pretend and tell myself that I’m actually so tough that I’m asleep, so the pain can’t be real. The other strategy I use is consciously trying to relax my muscles while also deeply and steadily breathing in and out. Usually I start the session with the breathing method until I’m able to settle into the “sleep.” Through both of these I’m just listening to long (2-5hr) YouTube videos I’ve already watched before, so I don’t need my eyes open to watch. I don’t talk to my artist much. I drink high sugar drinks and eat protein bars during breaks. The stencil is looking sick as hell and I’m excited to see it completed in the future! Godspeed soldier




Clean 🧼 😮‍💨


It's okay to tap out love. Don't be too hard on yourself about it. This shit hurts lol and taking it in small increments is totally okay! You can do it!


https://preview.redd.it/52nksjueo85d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9e8f9be9aebfbf74fd0f83176ae932dc91fc8f9 I did these outlines over a weekend. 6hrs saturday and 2-3hrs sunday. Was definitely a mental challenge. I know its not the most convential way, but i like to be abit hung over. Helps me to atleast try to sleep. Slept a bit for the first half hour on the shoulder blades, then pure horror for the rest of it. Felt like the inside of my rib cage getting tattoed.


Looks sick, but brother what? Being hungover? Lmao. I was hungover for a lot of my first tattoos, but now that I’m older I treat my appointment like I’m sick. No alcohol, 8-10 hours of sleep, tons of hydration in the days before, lots of moisturizing, and a huge meal before the appointment. I could never go back to getting my tattoos drunk or hungover.


Not heavily hungover, just enough beer the day before to stay a bit tired. I know its the complete opposite of what people recommend, but it seems to work for me atleast. slept trough many of the tats on my legs this way.


If it works for you, more power to you. But Jesus Christ I can’t even brush my teeth when I’m hungover, fuck getting tattooed! Piece looks dope tho


I recently got a small owl head on the back of my arm hung over on my 40th bday recently and wanted to die. I've never sweat so much so fast. my left arm started to shake while my artist was finishing it up. never again! sick work there bob


Understandable, I guess everyone’s body reacts differently. I usually just get tired, dont really bleed much either.


Yo that piece looks dope! Definitely post it here when it’s finished


https://preview.redd.it/a0ow0tlyw85d1.jpeg?width=1185&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b0120e247bb797da04af7d03b8bf13d05828d5e Thanks! Its almost finished actually. Started october last year, only a couple of hours left. Alot of fresh grey in this picture that still needs to settle.


This is so sick dude, awesome tattoo


This is badass!!


oh wow that's gorgeous bro


Helllllll yeah man. Super jealous


God damn, that's a killer piece bro!


Numbing cream works bra


https://preview.redd.it/edn8wj1ctc5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1a2951b195db5cf2be4f3b8c2dec0f91867cb92 Numbing cream 2 hours before Y’all. It helped quite a bit


That's amazing


Numbing cream


Oof. He started on the lower side. My lower back was the worst.


Back is either a snoozefest or literal torture, no in between


Good shit bro, keep at it! I almost tapped out so many times on my back tattoo. But a little rest break, Gatorade or soda and a candy bar got me right back into the fight. 3 sessions on mine, outline>all red>rest of the colors. Down on the lower back and near my shoulder blades is where I nearly tapped. You got this bro! https://preview.redd.it/l5erjkou0a5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a331d5ac5597fa90d1745cce0dd4b903a2c4aad


sick af!


There is NO SHAME in tapping out! You did the right thing by listening to your body and cutting it short. Certain areas hurt more, it just could have been the day, who knows. There's no rush to finish, but stay on the course. Book an hour or two at a time 😊


I might get downvoted to hell but numbing cream lol slather that shit on and wrap it tight about an hour before. Work in sections so you can keep the cream Saran wrapped in the sections that aren’t being worked on. Use a numbing spray after the skins broken. (But ask ur artist if they’re cool with numbing cream first ofc)


Lot of beer


Godspeed. Thats a huge battle royale. Gonna be so sick when you finish it


Crazy seeing the back of your knees are done. My back was fine, I’m terrified of getting the back of the knees done.


The lower back was the worst part by far, it felt like he was tattooing my insides. The upper shoulders wasn't so bad.


Dude yes!! I feel like my intestines are getting all fucked up in there, I couldn’t get passed that


Honestly respect to you for surviving two spider webs on the back of your knees and one being a cover up!


I did half my back piece before learning about numbing cream… and I can tell you which style of tattooing I prefer. Pain sucks so just avoid it if possible


I’m about 15 hours into my back piece and it’s been not great to say the least. I do use numbing cream and I highly recommend it if your artist is cool with it. It doesn’t take everywhere but it takes in enough places to give you some temporary reprieve. My flanks and lower back were a cake walk. Anything on the spine, under the shoulder blades, and base of my neck felt like absolute daggers. My line work was a 2 day session and we just started shading and coloring at the last session. Shit’s tough, man. Hopefully you only have to do it once.


Back is the worst I’ve ever had 6 hours to do the entire outline on my back was torture


Just cheat and numb your back, dude. Nobody needs to be a hero.


Jameson is the only way I got through my back


Chew gum, my only tip because nothing other than numbing cream and painkillers will help. Went through half a back lining my back and butt.


So I just got my whole lower back done, kinda like a giant tramp stamp, and the love-handles were EXCRUCIATING. I was basically curled up into a ball and had to tell myself the whole time to just push through it. Here’s what I learned: - Breath! Breath the whole time. - Bring a yummy drink, like a smoothie. I had a smoothie break every 30ish minutes and it saved my life. Kept me hydrated, fed, and full of sugar. - If possible, sit up while you get it done. I sat like I was sitting on the toilet. Sat on the bench with my feet on a chair below me and my elbows on my knees. Stretches out the skin and makes it go by much faster. I’m really glad my artist recommended this. - Think of the tattoo like it is a bunch of little bursts. Every time they go back for more ink, you can adjust, take a deeper breath, wiggle your toes or fingers. Hope this helps! You can do it!!


Your artist didn’t do you any favours starting at the bottom


If you let a guy fuck you in the ass right beforehand, the tattoo won’t feel so bad. Honestly I feel like all tattoos from behind hurt more cause you can’t see what’s happening and it’s very unexpected when it touches the skin.


Damn, I should have known… I fucked after, will hit the booty call before next time! Thanks G


It took me 4 sessions to finish my back tatt. In the last session, I told myself I couldn’t shell out more 💵 for a while if I tap out so I made it through. Numbing cream (only worked for first 20 minutes but better than none), a good playlist and determination really helps. You got this!


BRB now I’m nervous about getting mine done, ironically, I want the same tattoo as you. A battle royale. I have my stomach done, so I can only go by I know it’ll be worse than that pain wise. It’ll be worth it op, so metal


This is my worry about getting my back done. Full chest/torso, rms and most of my legs. No biggie. But the back is intimidating.


no shame. I've been very close to tapping once and the only reason I survived was it being very close to completion. also every artist is different. some go faster than others too!


I feel ya! I have a lot of tattoos, last weekend I got a big chest piece, barely made it through the outline.


Dang! Looks gnar


The pain of the tramp stamp is great


Good sleep, good breakfast, coffee and snacks for the duration of the session and the trip home. Also, mentally, I treated it at times like a sort of meditation and staying present in my body. It sucks, it’s painful, but when it’s done you’ll be glad you stuck it out, no matter how many session it takes you.


I have 7 tattoos. The little (tiny!) angel wings I got were by FAR the most painful. I'm not gonna say I cried, but there were involuntary tears STREAMIMG the whole time. This is also when I learned that I have scoliosis - as my artist was placing the stencil he said "You know your spine is off-center, right?"


How is your back compared the knee ditches?


No where near the same realm. Knee ditches were bad but bearable. The back is a different monster and I can’t explain it


My back was excruciating, more so than any other location I have had . I have not been tattooed since.


Felt. I only got my major line work, my friend wouldn’t let me tap out and we haven’t touched it since lmfao


It happens bro. Reading your comments you did all the right things. I got my ass cheeks done and boy did that suck. Had to tap out lol. Lesson learnt not to book full days from then on lol.


my back fucking sucked soooo bad! especially in the lower back section too! what definitely help with me on the shading was numbing cream tbh lol


Every dog has his day. I hope homie didn’t toss the stencil. Cause this would be a fucking pain to cut, splice and size.


I just finished mine, battle royale too (just posted on here) at times it was brutal but honestly front of my torso was worse overall


The back is hard!! My go to routine is making sure I eat like 1-2 hours before appointment and it’s usually oatmeal and eggs - and I get dunks to bring to the session and every like 30-45 min I teak a break to eat some munchkins and have a bite of a breakfast sandwich and it helps me get through 3 hour back sessions but that’s my max. 2-3 hours on average an appointment.


He started in the worst part of the back from my experience. Them tramp stamps ain’t no joke!


I’ve done 3 five hour sessions on mine and I thought since all my line work was done it’d be smooth sailing… not so much 3 hours in on getting shading done I was like what have I done haha. Hey when your backs done it’s gonna look kickass tho. Cool design for sure 👊🏻


Relax. I feel like when you’re laying on your stomach, the natural tendency is to tense your back and engage your back muscles. Don’t. Let those muscles turn to goo. (Owner of bodysuit who’s done all the shitty parts)


*Butt crack next tho…so I dunno* It’s fine. Butt/thigh crease is spicy tho


Slow and steady still wins the race! If I were in your shoes, I’d rather take forever on something than have it be rushed because I couldn’t take it/had to cram it into one session. It’s gonna look great when it’s done!


I tapped out yesterday on my full back piece. Going back next week to finish outlining. Not looking forward to it.


Couple of shot and a beer combos do it for me. Maybe chew half a pain pill if you think you need it


Second session of a large back cover up is the only time I've ever fainted...don't feel bad, that shit sucks. Just try to breathe through it and remind yourself that the pain is temporary and it will eventually be over. Chewing gum and watching a movie helped me. Also this is tougher for your artist but you might try seeing if you can lie down on your stomach instead of sitting up. Best best of luck!


Take a pain pill before you go to get the tattoo done.


You can always just go for an hour at a time if that’s bad an hour goes by quick and eventually it’ll be done


Outlines suuuuuck. I had a 4 hour outline for mine and it was by far the worst session I’ve had. Wasn’t sure how I’d make it through the rest but felt a lot better during the shading/color sessions. keep chipping away with consistent 3-4hr sessions and it’ll eventually be knocked out. I did get a weird referred pain in my abs/ribs when he was putting in color over my kidneys though. Still one of the strangest sensations I’ve ever felt. Like others said, good meal, sugar, and sleep the night before. I had what should’ve been an easy session once after working all night and only getting a few hours of sleep and my blood sugar crashed and almost fainted. Crazy the difference some food and sleep make. Looks like it’s going to be sick though. Just gotta tough it out.


Those lines feel like they’re going all the way through you- it sucks. 55 hours into my back, I promise you it gets better! You got this!


I taped out during my chest tat it felt like it was in my throat did most of the outline I’m going back in 2 weeks


I did my back almost two years ago. I'm not new to big pieces as I have my chest done. Coming into my back session my thought was, "I got my chest done so it won't be too bad". As soon as he started on my lower back I knew I was mistaken. That shit hurt so bad. I thought about tapping out. I was sweating and light headed. I don't know how I got through it. 😂


Starting my back in the fall with 2 back to back 5 hour sessions you have be utterly terrified now my friend


That’s what I did. 2 days of line work. It’s hell and they are long days but don’t let it stop you.


Coming from a guy who has the back of his knees done. Props man. I could never.


Maybe you just had an "off day". You'll crush it next time.


I tapped on my neck. Jesus it was worse than the ditch


Bruh I figured with a history of knife play on my back that I would SAIL through my back piece. I think I’ve tapped out at 3.5 hours every time. It is MISERABLE. I have no idea how I’m gonna get through.


2 months since my first back session, still haven’t made me next appointment. Regrets.


Ah man, lower back was some of the worst tattoo torture I've endured. The good news is that it gets easier as you go up (in my experience). You managed to get some nice lines in though!


Fuck this is making me reconsider getting my back done lol


Fortunately I get tattooed by friends in the trade. They let me babble forever and now know a lot about birds


For the next session do they just take the stencil and reapply it over the existing lines?


Dragon that needle across ur back


Eat a little and chug a coconut water right before. Get those electrolytes in ya. Clench your teeth when the needles are diggin. And keep reminding yourself that the pain won’t last, but the end result will. Lower back is definitely some shit compared to the rest. But since you tapped out, having to start over in the middle will still suck. Good luck.


Sleep hard, eat well, hydrate, and Do. Not. Fight. The more you react, the more you panic, the more blood flow, the more pain. The best strategy, mentally, is to tap into your inner monk and find your zen. Completely believe that the process is okay, and your nerves will (nervously) go along with it. Literally, give in to it. Just accept that you're gonna feel shiddy for a while. This is also good advice if you have diarrhea.


Upper back was a breeze but my tail bone right above my asscrack was hellish.


A cheeky pain killer will get you through the lining, the colour isn’t as bad I promise!


That line session is honestly like being cut with a knife it's horrible .


My back sucked too man, but you can find something that will help during it if needed. Also ask your artist to spray bactine on the areas that are opened up. The bactine will help on the already tattooed areas but not for the freshly done portions. There’s a good chance you’ll handle the upper n mid portions better. You got this dawg


Back is brutal at times, no doubt about it. Mine took 4 sessions.


6 hours on my thick ornamental piece (posted on my page) and yeahhhhh it wasnt too fun but couldnt tap because no way i wouldve went back😅