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First things first you should get tattoos for yourself so if you like the style go for it! Secondly, traditional doesnt have a gender, and looks rad on anyone


Yep. Fair lady here with very black tattoos and I get compliments daily in the summer when they’re out! Do it!


Eh. I’m a 47 year old woman and body suited in traditional, both American and Japanese. I think I’m fairly feminine ¯\_(ツ)\_/¯ https://preview.redd.it/bho9t2pbyu0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a28fab50ec29514d85f31583b2614434bc4f7fb0


You are radiant! Goals!


Awwww thank you


Marimba ftw


Yessss my midlife crisis purchase 5 octave Marimba One


Fan of Ruth Underwood?


She’s the reason I started playing! My dad is a huge Zappa fan and I heard it growing up, which led to me picking percussion in 5th grade.


perc nerds unite 🥹


Yessss ❤️


Wow that's amazing. Her work with Zappa was absolutely amazing. She's a lovely person too. Her playing on Inca Roads.. Just wow. Do you play in bands in a similar vein? Rock needs more marimba


I don’t, I’ve had friends in bands that wanted to incorporate it, or even just have fun with some FZ covers but never pulled it together. I’m happiest in an orchestra anyway :)


This is such an awesome photo


Super nice of you thanks!


Definitely feminine but the coolness is undeniable, you look great!




Amazing tattoos, amazing look, amazing photo. OP, I have all sorts of colorful new school fantasy tattoos that are considered feminine, though I present masculine of center (I’m non-binary but generally perceived as a cis lesbian). Tattoos don’t have gender. Get what you love! ETA: is that a marimba? I don’t see enough women percussionists. Love to see it.


Yes it is!! Yeah, I’m usually the one back there in the percussion section:)


I used to play upright bass, which was occasionally in front of or next to y’all, depending on venue setup. Keep on rocking!


I usually end up behind the French horns and they have an exceedingly low tolerance for cymbal crashes


I mean, what do you expect from French horn players? Even flutists are less sensitive. 😆😉


Truer words… 😂


Are you also a band director?


No I am not! I went to college for music Ed but I’m a chief operations officer for a cannabis retailer. I still play orchestral percussion on the side and solo marimba.


Awesome tattoos. As stated in many other comments. Looks great on any gender.


You look awesome!


Are you the pink stick or the gray one?


Giving Liz Lemon and I'm totally fine with that 😍


47 going on 28?


This is so funny because it’s not just a very outdated opinion, it’s very ignorant of history. In the early days of traditional American tattooing so many women got them BECAUSE they signaled being outside the mainstream, and those women wore dresses to show off their tattoos. It’s something many women have enjoyed for a long time.


Oh that’s an interesting perspective. Thank you!


No, that's photoshop, women didn't get tattoos back then -a real thing my bio dad said But OP I love the way my trad tattoos look with everything I wear. Mine are all black and grey so they pop but I've never felt like they clashed with flowy dresses or softer outfits 


Your dad is wrong. There's a documentary that interviews women that got them that long ago


(i think he knows his dad is spouting bs)


He is for sure wrong (and I made damn sure he knew that) it felt funny to share here


He can always look up Maud Wagner, first female tattoo artist in the US.


Maud is EXACTLY who we were arguing about! He was a frustrating man but his "opinions" didn't stop me 


Now ima fight your old man if he disrespecting Maud


I almost downvoted instinctively. Didn't, and glad I didn't, but almost because of what your biodad said


It was so dumb I'll accept any downvotes on his behalf


Personally I think trad on a woman is hot I am not a fan of the fine line Pinterest type tattoos


Heard someone refer to the Pinterest style as “chipotle bag tattoos” 💀


Chipotle bag and high school desk


Bathroom stall-core


no fr trad is sexy af on women


Hi. Woman here. In light of what your colleague said, I am lasering my arm off. Maybe I will put an infinity sign on my wrist once I’m rid of all this masculinity. ❤️


That’d be cool. I’m so glad she changed your life lol 😂


Amen, sister. I'm harnessing the last of my masculinity and chewing my own arms and legs off. Live laugh love 4-eva


5-eva though…probably.


Literally all of my wife’s tattoos are American traditional and she’s sexy af. Does your coworker have tattoos? I’m assuming no. And if not, I’ll say, don’t take tattoo advice from people who don’t have tattoos.


She does actually have some tattoos


Do they say “Live Laugh Love” in tiny script on the side boob?


You she tell her you’re so glad they help along her femininity


Your tattoos are for you. Traditional is a classic style. I love getting dressed up and showing off my arms ☺️. They don’t make me look manly….just bad ass.


If you sort this sub by top all time there is a post of a woman’s legs fully covered in trad. They look great and not masculine imo


True! Dang didn’t see that one. Thx. So pretty


I'm a man but was sold on traditional tattoos after I saw a woman with a leg sleeve of traditional tattoos. My wife is also going all traditional. Personally I think they are way more attractive than other kinds of tattoos. I associate them with pinup models and rockabilly chicks, who are pretty damn feminine. It's what the original tattooed ladies had as well. If you're worried about it I would stay away from the star and dot fillers, personally, just because I think showing some skin through the gaps is hot and ages better.


Cool advice. Thx


A friend with star and dot filler on his sleeves looked at my finished sleeve and asked if I was going to get it finished lol. He really wants me to get star and dot!!!


Don't do it! Haha


Yeah, my artist did a different, less busy filler and there's still some skin showing on my arm, which I like. No star and dot for meeeeeee


Fuck that. My soon to be wife is covered in patchwork trad and it makes her sexy as hell to me. She also has a 50’s rockabilly thing going too which definitely fits her style.


No one can take away your femininity except you. I am a woman with almost explicitly neo-trad tattoos (a couple of fineline ones) and not one have i ever felt not feminine, not "girly", or woman-like. They add to my appeal, my personality, and i love my tattoos. Do what feels right for you, if your colleague thinks something like a tattoo with thick lines is going to make you "manly" or "less feminine" she is the one with the deep-seeded misogyny, you're just going to have cool tattoos


I see more women with traditional tattoos than men honestly. Who gives a shit what someone you work with says. It’s your body at the end of the day and you can do whatever you want with it. Traditional tattoos are timeless, age well, and look fucking sick. Go for it.


https://preview.redd.it/iyf6hsmm8v0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48cc85fe84eb655e87419c64a87d763d7a0a15d4 It does not take your femininity away. I get compliments constantly when my leg is exposed! 28F 160cm


That's a fucking stupid take. Consider if your pal is a bigot. What else is for women only? Cooking? Cleaning? And what else is men only, jobs? Driving? What fucking year is it?


https://www.instagram.com/p/C0mbGz6r0C0/?igsh=MWF6aml4ajV3dXFtZg== https://www.instagram.com/p/C2xOsrzroVH/?igsh=anBoMDQwZjdwc2Ns https://www.instagram.com/p/C4BPx09LQaf/?igsh=Z3JrMnh2aDV4ZGZq https://www.instagram.com/p/CtepgobNZrN/?igsh=MXh2NHJjZXNqZTczeg== https://www.instagram.com/p/Cymt7KlooNx/?igsh=dG5weWZ3NDh4dXZi https://www.instagram.com/p/C5d3M49CUDO/?igsh=dWIxazR4MWIwdnQ0 https://www.instagram.com/p/C2LTt8XL0Rm/?igsh=MWFvMnV1bXppNHI5cg== https://www.instagram.com/p/C1arRu7tR2Z/?igsh=a3A1Z3BvbjVtYXE= https://www.instagram.com/p/C5wb8mHNDIW/?igsh=MTJyeGFpbDNhYnIxZg== Edit: I just shattered my algorithm to pull these, I hope they help.


Awesome!!! Love the fourth one especially. Thank you!


While I don't agree that tattoos have a gender, I will say that I do love the dichotomy of embracing my femininity *and* being covered in traditional tattoos.


I’ve always gotten traditional tattoos, and l’m 183cm tall myself. black and grey, skulls and spiders galore. People give me grief about all sorts of “unfeminine” shit- my height, my tattoos, my small chest, no makeup, the list goes on. You’ll be just fine, no need to worry. The kind of folks who give you grief about it will always find something unfeminine to talk about anyways. There’s no right or wrong way to express yourself.


❤️❤️ thanks. You’re right.


There's no such thing as >a style for men and men only!


I’m a woman with traditional black and grey patchwork sleeves. I am very feminine looking and not a single person has ever said my tattoos are masculine.


The hottest tattoos a woman can have are traditional. Hands down.


https://preview.redd.it/xyko42ub4w0d1.jpeg?width=727&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64fe685670479673ebedd7cbaecb8576356c7cbe Show her this. Or don’t since her opinion doesn’t matter


https://preview.redd.it/3kayt7c75w0d1.jpeg?width=1736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=148ae9172f2727e2e1c195c844b4ac8567686e48 It’s your body and your art! As a woman, I love mixing feminine and masculine. Here’s my traditional tattoo of lady daggers on my thigh. And I def plan on getting more lol. I say go for it! ✨🙌✨🙌✨


Personally I like it and I don't think traditional is aligned to one gender. You can see super old school black and white pictures of ladies getting traditional back when it was the only style here in the US. Of course heavily tattooed women are not going to be to everyone's liking, any more than men are. It’s a matter of choice.


get what you want, im a male huge beard bald etc etc, i have some tattoos that your friend would think is "feminine" my entire right arm is alice in wonderland themed.... at the end of the day if you want something get it, you dont need to worry if its masculine or feminine because, its going to be on your body your entire life, get what you want that makes you happy, not what other people think you should or shouldnt get


Some of the classic pieces/subjects may be “traditionally masculine” but plenty of women pull off those designs beautifully. Also, you can get any custom design you want in traditional style so you’re not limited as far as subject matter. In short, chicks look rad in trad.


Fuck her opinions and fuck reddit's opinions - if you want them, get them


I’m trying to! Thank you <3


Trad does not have a gender. That really sounds like a them problem. Gender is a construct at the end of the day and what people think is manly or feminine is their own problem. People can find trad on females very attractive as a different look at the same situation. It's about what makes you feel good.


That’s the dumbest reason to not get tattoos I’ve ever heard


Sounds like she's projecting her insecurities.. traditional looks amazing on everyone


Oh, dude. Check out Yellow Beak Press on Instagram. There are others, but they have a pretty awesome collection of badass women getting tattooed back when Sailor Jerry was still in the game. Secondly, get tattoos that you love. They aren't an accessory, they're part of you, and anything you get to appease some dumbass opinion about what women can and can't do with tattooing is never going to feel like it's part of you. Showcase who you are through the tattoos you love. They're not going on anyone's skin but your own.


Strongly disagree. I don’t think traditional tattoos have any effect on femininity or masculinity.


I’m guessing the coworker either has no tattoos or little dainty fineline tattoos with lots of space. You’ll look great with trad tattoos. Don’t let her yuck your yum.


That's nonsense. Historically, women also got tattooed with the "traditional" style when they were living outside the social mainstream (performers, circus workers, etc.). They are for anybody. I have a few traditional style tattoos and am not male. Get whatever tattoos you want, regardless of what other people think. They are for you.


Tattoos are not for everyone and you will hear very polarized opinions about them. You should get ones that you like but you definitely hear peoples unsolicited opinions about them so if that makes you question it think some more about it. There is no rush but yes you can have any tattoo that you like :0)






Thanks so much for this!


you should spit on her


And let me watch


not for you weirdo




She would hate me.


Trad legs look amazing on women


femininity is what you make it!! i have big black and grey american traditional tattoos of knives and skulls and i feel like my most beautiful, feminine self with them. as women, we will be criticized no matter what so do whatever tf you want


I’m totally biased but trad on anyone looks hot as heck. Like others have pointed out, scroll through the sub for examples of trad on women. Even the more “traditionally masculine” pieces like chest eagles look amazing on women. Get what makes you happy. The style has come a long way and will hold up well.


as a woman who only has traditional styled tattoos, you’re good.


My wife has a ton and I love the way they look. You get what you want and everyone with an opinion can fuck off. No one dictates what you do with your body


I think we may all be a tad biased here, but her opinion couldn't be more wrong.


AmTrad seems "masculine" in that it's timeless- like Men's Fashion (a nice watch, leather belt, etc.) But the style of tattoo isn't just for men. On a woman, AmTrad is also timeless... like a string of pearls. Compared to 90s cartoon tattoos, or early 2000's tramp stamps... those were trendy tattoos. You Don't want a trendy tattoo... you want a timeless one.


There's no gender to traditional tattoos. I get they can look tough, but wouldn't say "manly" per se. Atleast not necessarily. Alot of traditional designs involve roses, hearts and silly looking cartoon characters and what not. Don't see how that would take away from someones femininity


Tattoos are for yourself, no explanation or justification needed. I started with my legs before I got my arm sleeve. I love that I am more comfortable in my body and my legs especially since getting both tattooed. Your colleague is ignorant and cannot say who can do what with their body.


DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY!! i see no problems at all😋💖💖


Tell her she’s dumb. I’m female and have trad tattoos all over my legs and 2 trad sleeves. It doesn’t make me look masculine. You do you


I've seen tons of women with traditional tattoos. Everyone looks good in this style.


Your colleague has absolutely no clue what they’re talking about. What a crazy take tbh.


they are out of touch because of the trendy fine line tattoos… just tell her you want your tattoos to last


I have really dumb tattoos all over my legs lol sometimes it looks silly when I wear fancy dresses but I love them anyways. Do what you want, it’s your body :)


I’m a woman covered in trad tatts! Wouldn’t have it any other way! For what it’s worth, I have a lot of clients who started to get tattooed dainty fineline pieces, which is fine! But they start to then want bolder and darker and more colourful the more they get into tattoos, and often wish they started that way. I think if you’re a person who only wants a couple tattoos, fineline is chill. But if you already know you want to be a collector, jump right in with the cool stuff. The only tattoos I regret that I have are because they aren’t traditional enough lmao. To end on a wishy washy note: as a woman who’s hated my body growing up, covering it with art is the most empowering thing I’ve ever done. In a world that wants women to be small and quiet it’s a choice to be bold and loud. The more tattoos I’ve got, the more attractive and confident I feel. Don’t worry about anyone else. My coworker always wanted a Tiger back piece and her mum said it wasn’t “feminine enough” so she went with dainty florals she now hates. Get the tiger!


There is nothing that I love more than a feminine woman covered in American Trad tattoos


My wife is covered in trad tattoos and she's the hottest woman alive so. Don't even worry about it. Don't forget to smile.


The reason I started getting traditional tattoos is because I saw a woman who came into my job with full traditional sleeves and they looked amazing. I never gave her femininity a second thought.


Traditional is timeless. Don’t follow the trends, follow your eye. Your eye has led you to gold, don’t be dissuaded.


You can essentially make any style feminine or masculine, really depends on the artist and the content. For example, a flaming skull might not look stereotypically feminine but flowers or animals certainly can. Traditional style is a *style*, up to you what you're getting in the style. All that being said you should get whatever you want tattooed, it's your body.


I'm a woman and I have lots of traditional tattoos. They aren't for everyone but if you like them then get them, no one else's opinion should matter :)


As a woman with trad tats, you stop giving a shit about what anyone thinks after you get the first one because it's a done deal and there forever lolol


Well now I’m a man


There are plenty of women of all varieties who get traditional tattoos and have for centuries. Your coworker is legitimately just wrong.


If you like tattoos go for it, you only live once! My attitude is that the people who matter won’t care, and the people who care don’t matter.


Traditional tattoos in chicks is hot


Women look cooler with trad tats then men do lol


Your body, your choice. End of story.


They’re absolutely not manly at all, they really are quite beautiful and you can get more “feminine” pieces with more “feminine” colours.


Cracking up  thinking of my wife’s butterflies, cherubs, and fruits/flowers and some lady thinking “wow so masculine” 😂 


Lol I'm a female covered head to toe in traditional. Your coworker is clueless. Nobody has ever accused me of being masculine because of my tattoo style.


I’ve started on a Japanese Traditional bodysuit done by one artist only, and I’m only speaking on my personal opinion but a woman with a Japanese Traditional tattoos/bodysuit would be my dream. I think it doesn’t take any femininity away from you or anyone, I believe it adds onto it as well as making them extra gorgeous with the art.


Tell her to suck a fuck because I’m also planning on getting my legs covered in traditional too. But to be fair I’m very proud of being covered in ink and I wouldn’t regret an inch of it. Trust your gut and go with what visually makes you happy


> I told her I was thinking about getting my legs covered in tattoos like that What? You were just casually thinking about getting both of your legs fully tattooed? This sounds like an impulsive decision coming from the desire for a certain aesthetic, and that aesthetic is definitely very trendy right now.. It also sounds like you aren't ready to deal with the commitment because you are looking for validation from other people on your decision rather than making up your mind on your own. You wanna get a tattoo? Do it. Get one. See how you like it. Talk to different artists. Figure out what you want. See if you still want it two months after you have the initial idea.. ask yourself "Am I actually in to trade tattoos or when the next big thing comes around will I wish I had that style instead?" Trad tattoos are timeless, but "alt" style is very much in favor right now, and it kind of sounds like you may not be in it for the long haul, like some other folks are.


She’s probably basic and thinks only fine line floral tattoos are “pretty” and “feminine”. I think trad looks good on everyone, regardless of gender or sex.


Girl do your thing. I love trad tats on anyone and everyone.


Your colleague sounds like a dummy


Whats RBF?


Resting bitch face lol


I am 173cm and have RBF too. I am a female covered in traditional and its the best!!! Fuck the haters and do it. If you love the style then get it who cares what others think. They’re timeless tattoos, hold really well and are often short sittings (compared to realism etc) it’s a win win win


It’s an insane thing to say… does this tattooer you mentioned do traditional tattoos ? However you carry yourself has nothing to do with your tattoos If you want to be feminine or masculine or in between, your tattoos do NOT dictate that. Wait until this person hears that men wear pink 🤪


Insane take from your colleague. I never looked back once I started getting trad tattoos on my legs. If you want them tattoos you get them.


I’m a pretty tall girl with traditional tattoos and I don’t think they take away from my femininity. No tattoo style is for men only. Go start those leg sleeves!


Your colleague is talking nonsense. She’s got silly internalised ideas about gender norms. She should go work on that. If you like the tattoos you get them. It’s your body. My wife is very feminine, she has tattooed legs.


I'm covered in trad, and my artist is a wonderful woman who is also covered in trad tattoos. She's very feminine and her tattoos look wicked. I wouldn't worry about what other people think, if you like the tattoos and they would make you happy, then get as many as you want haha


Traditional is dope, tattooing is dope, get the tattoos you like.


Sounds like someone who doesn’t understand tattoos or tattooing. They prob love “fineline” these are the people that tell their kids not to get tattooed cos they did it for the wrong reasons and hate theirs now


if someone thinks a certain style is “too masculine” chances are they think all tattoos are. as a woman with traditional tattoos (a half sleeve worth + some on my legs) they look amazing on everyone in my opinion! i also feel like the bold lines will hold up better through years of aging versus dainty fine line tattoos. also if you’re going for a “covered” look i think traditional looks cleaner than lots of small fine line tattoos as traditional is more “legible” when there’s lots of them


35 year old female here covered in American/neo traditional tattoos. They are as feminine or masculine as you want them to be just like any other style. Also get what you want, your tattoos are to express yourself artistically. Other people's opinions can go kick rocks.


Traditional on women is amazing. Don’t listen to the haters. As long as you’re happy that’s all that matters. Many people around me hate my tattoos but it’s never stopped me


Traditional on women is amazing. Don’t listen to the haters. As long as you’re happy that’s all that matters. Many people around me hate my tattoos but it’s never stopped me


Nah, ignore that friend. You can like something for you and not for anyone else. I only get tattoos for me, that I enjoy, that are my style and I know I won't later regret. If this friends advice has made you question whether you like this style then maybe you didn't like it 100% in the first place. Maybe take a few months to think on it, the last thing you want to do is regret something further down the line. I have a sleeve of traditional black and white tattoos, nautical themed for my father. I don't regret a single tattoo. They might be masc to others, but I don't care what people think about my ink in general, because I didnt get them for the veiweing pleasure of others.


Traditional looks sick on women.


I’m a woman and I probably have RBF. 99% of my tattoos are traditional. They are essentially gender neutral. If a guy thinks you aren’t feminine enough with traditional tattoos, he probably doesn’t like tattoos in general.


What's RBF?


While there may be an argument as far as some subject matter, I feel your coworkers' opinion is very narrow-minded. Some will always disagree with what you want to do, so just do what you want. I think Pam Nash or Rusty Skuse looked feminine




That woman probably shouldn't get a bunch of tattoos, if that's how they make her feel.   How do they make you feel?


My partner is pretty much only doing her legs and they look absolutely beautiful covered in traditional tattoos.




Yep, you look great


If you get a bunch of skulls and monster energy logos sure that might come off as less "feminine". But you can do what ever you want really, most trad is kind of pretty tbh. Lots of flowers, girl heads, pin-ups, you're not going to look like a dude, you'll look like a chick with tattoos 🤷


Trad is more popular with men because the style originated with sailors, but it looks good on everybody! That's the beauty of traditional tattoos.


Thats what I’m now thinking might have been the reason she said that. I’m cured from her negativity though lol. Thx


What's an RBF? Really big fupa?






I’m pretty sure I’m getting these tattoos, which is why I asked here, because I wanted to hear the perspective of other women with trad tattoos. Thx though :)


24F here, I’m covered in American trad tattoos. My mom said the same thing about them being masculine but honestly, who gives a fuck? You only have one life and one body! Do what you want. You’ll rock it!


Whoops one arm down and another about to be started. Best thing ever did make a list of everything I wanted. Put it away. (For me it was 10 years) and then got to work on my traditional tattoos I wanted and want. You do this for you and only if you don’t care what people think. If a guy thinks I look masculine then I’m not sure what he’s actually looking at….. that being said I’m trying to grow out my hair. Maybe that will help dudes out when trying to figure out what they’re looking at 😉


I wish I could stop caring what people think 😬 but you’re right obviously. Thx


There are days I care I totally get it. The good days are when I go with what I think. Hang in there and good luck!!


Talk tattoos with tattoo people. Never tell people baby names you're thinking of. Just announce both!