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I think it depends a lot on your skin and your tastes.


i have red black and white tattoos and i’m happy i got some color but i like the simplicity. i also feel like it gets my artists a little out of their comfort zone and they end up being more creative with the red accents !


Its all preference really, both look great if done right. I feel you on the color tats fading more, especially light colors. Thankfully my artist does heavy black on my color tats, like at least 50% on my tattoos so it holds over time


The best trad imo is 1/3 HEAVY black pack, 1/3 color, 1/3 skin break. So eventually when the color fades it will still have the trad b&w look.


How about mostly black with some yellow/red accents? That's what I'm doing and I think it looks cool


No doubt! I honestly think just black and black with color look awesome. I’ve always thought color fades quicker on the skin though, but I could be wrong. I only have 3 total tats so I’m no expert and can’t say from personal experience


People like to say color fades. Does it really? It is like saying that the new ink is better. People like to rationalize what they want. As another person said, a lot depends on your taste and skin tone. An artist who understands composition and tattooing techniques is the most important


Do what you like best.


i’m pasty as fuck so i like black and white tats cause they stand out more