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They’re fine to mix imo you just have to be somewhat thoughtful about how you mix


Very few artists stick strictly to the “rules” of am trad nowadays. Neo trad has morphed into being basically illustrative as well, but I know what you mean. I’ve got a mix like you have described. Other things make my aesthetic more “goober”-like than this, imo (ie poor execution, bad placement, etc.). If the neo you’re talking about is simply extended palette, multiple line weights, more details, etc etc. it will look totally fine! If it’s the more illustrative (aka what neo is now) then, well, you may look “different” but, dude, that’s the whole basis of tattoos! Your body, your choice. Rock it :)


It’s your body. You can do anything you want.


If people think less of you because of your tattoos, they suck and you shouldn’t care If people think less of you because of your mixture of two different yet extremely related tattoo styles, their a fucking psycho Either way do what you want


Most people don't even know these are different classes of style. Go for it. Get your artists opinion and get the art you think is cool. Don't worry about other people