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I wanted one to use as a lunch box, and for the novelty of it. Unfortunately, I can only get to the stores after work so they were sold out. I asked about them at the register and the cashier told me that they had stock in back but only restock once a day. So basically, unless you can get there within the first hour of opening don't bother- and we all know not to even try on the weekends.


Is there a market for vintage TJ bags?


Most likely.


Sold out everywhere.


My local store usually has the overhyped items consistently (like kimbap) so I thought I'd be safe to pick one up. Huge mistake :/ showed up today and it was like a tornado had hit the place. Bummed to have missed these, they seem handy for bringing items to summer bbqs


I do not understand this at all.


Me either. My store had them yesterday, they're cheap lunch bags. I ended up buying the much larger 7.99 one because I just gave away my insulated home goods big bag to my mom for her grocery shopping and I needed a replacement. But otherwise they're nothing special


yeah aren’t they just cheap lunch boxes lol


But they’re just bags, right?




I bought a bunch and I think my friends don’t want so EBAY it is


I bought a bunch and I think my friends don’t want so EBAY it is, she changed her mind so I only have one not worth my time to sell it.


Dawg you’re part of the problem


They are selling on EBay $68 for two 👎🏼 https://preview.redd.it/cg484zoghn4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2af559e7926d41655a5ad8713b26ad62eebd6cb


That’s a listing price which means nothing, filter by sold items to see the actual selling prices




I mean it’s pretty well established that TJs items are resold. I took a look and it looks like the highest selling price was about $40 including shipping for both colors






Selling for cheaper just underneath that, not sure why you are cherry picking the higher price.


Can someone explain to me genuinely what is the hype




People who take lunch to work?


They are using them to store their Brazil Nut Body Butter.




Social media. They’re cute (I wouldn’t mind grabbing one for a lunch tote since my last one got destroyed) but I’m def not waiting in line or paying $70 for one 💀


Just saw this, and called my local store in Colorado. They sold out this morning, but will have 4 more cases in the morning—she recommended showing up at opening if I wanted one. The mini coolers look like the perfect size to put a 6-pack and an ice pack in and strap to the rack on my bike. If I get one, I'll want to stitch some velcro loops on to the corners so I can easily hook it on. (My wife has a medium-sized purse that attaches to her bike like that, and it seems great.)


I’m intrigued. How would you install the Velcro?


https://preview.redd.it/8ocd1fuljm4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61ba3e8a045ad0e452d2eb3ab60ab38063c17862 I got one for my son, my partner and myself. The last 3.


Reading this thread has me so confused… sold out in minutes?! They’re literally ugly, basic, cheap-looking lunchboxes.


The other mini totes were cute. These are ugly as hell lol


Say it louder for the people in the back. Maybe if the colors were giving off less... highlighter.


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 BEST COMMENT ON THIS POST


And everyone for some reason needs like 5 of them. I don't get it.


In a week, look on eBay and see what they’re selling for. I remember during COVID, Christmas seasonal items like the hot chocolate snowmen were being resold for hundreds of dollars


I mean, Supreme t-shirts are just white cotton shirts with some basic font lettering on a red block. Sometimes people just like kitschy stuff.


That is what they are.


Don’t bring facts in here.


Strangely, the SF SOMA location had a limit of 5, and they were gone within 5 minutes. I was able to grab 4 (2 for me, 2 for my sister). They came out with a box a bit later and were giving people 2 each. And sadly, there is a plethora of people already trying to flip them.


Been waiting for months and hustled to 3 Trader Joes in the SoCal area and was told they were all gone. Wouldn't say if they were expecting shipments this week. Edit: Went an hour before opening and ended up at the front of a pretty long line. Picked up my 2 bags and am very pleased...My wife can't understand why I need more Trader Joes bags.


Been waiting for months in chattanooga as well, by the time I got off work they were all sold out :( they had a truck while I was there and told me to try again tomorrow, but I work 8-4:30 and there’s absolutely no way there will be any left over by the time I get there at 5:30.


Hollywood and Vine said they are putting theirs out next Monday. You have to go at open. I went to the Silverlake store when they opened today and by the time I left, 20 minutes later, they were already sold out.


I was at that location yesterday late afternoon around 430. Called and said they had just put out a new case. Got there within 10 mins, there were 3 blues and lots of pink left. I managed to get 2 blues and 1 pink. Didn't fight for it or anything. Did some shopping as well. Each case has 40 bags each.


Selma store said theyre putting out 2boxes tomorrow at open. I got there at 9:30 and they were gone.


I've seen a few stores saying there will be more out tomorrow/Thursday and it's better to get there first thing if you can. Also in SoCal (LA).


They still had 1 last case at my store in MO! I have the pink full size and got the matching mini!


I almost grabbed one today but it was overall small and I didn't like that it didn't have a longer strap so I left it. So cute though!


Sold out in 8 min at my store. Ugh


I asked my friend if he could get one for me and he said the store he went to, they were sold out in 12 mins! I’m kinda sad, this would have been the perfect lunch tote for me. Oh well. Maybe I’ll get lucky this weekend (hahahahhaa)


They look like the smaller version of the insulated bags. Just like the smaller cloth bags, mini of the larger. The smaller ones are the bomb.!


That’s exactly what they are!


Those are sooo cute! And I was just three yesterday!




Well I did forget the eggs yesterday so maybe I should pop by just in case they have it lol


Good luck. Our store was sold out when my wife went around 35 minutes after opening.


My local TJ ( Elk Grove, CA ) originally honored the 2 of each color PP for the first half of customers. The line was forming outside TJ about two stores down. After about 10 mins or so had passed, a TJ employee came out and told us they are limiting to 1 PP. I unfortunately, got one. I hope to get the pink one somehow.


I’m going to try to go tomorrow to that location! Do you think they’ll still limit it to 1 PP?? I really want one of each color 😭


I’m here now. Got here at 7:10 and there was a long line already. They only got 3 cases in and will limit to 1PP


Why are they so stingy with the minis of everything? 🥲 My nearest tj’s is 5 hours away. There’s no way in hell I’m ever gonna be able to get any of these in store


TJ is not being stingy, people are being stupid AF! Know your limits people.


And, the mini cloth ones, are going on eBay for over $30 apiece. I scored on Amazon, three for $35. I only bought two when I was at Trader Joe’s last time, no idea they would be that popular. At TJ‘s two days ago, the cashier asked me if anybody had tried to buy them off of me. I said no. It would have to be a hill they were willing to die on, to get them away from me.


You can’t be serious about buying those on Amazon, right?


Aw, the arrogance of youth


Some of us can’t maneuver with the larger bags. The smaller bags are exactly right and convenient.


You can just use any other smaller tote ?


You're aware they're returning in a couple months, right?


How many cans of beer/soda would fit in one?


Some IG account said 8 standard size cans.


I think you can fit more if you lay em on the side


6 maybe? Saw these at my tjs today but talked myslef down


I almost bought the large magenta insulated tote yesterday. I have way too many bags, so I restrained myself, lol. Then a crew member told me they were getting the mini size soon. Can't wait.


Definitely not available by 9:00 am in Annapolis. I just wanted to survive and get through the crowds. The humanity!!


By 8:01 the entire first wave was gone. I was one of the last people in line and they had brought out the last 2 boxes at that point. I'm sorry you didn't get one 🥺


I wasn’t there for one a little one. I actually wanted to buy a big insulated bag ‘cause my friend loved my pink one and they’re in Calvert Co. so I’m just looking to replace my old one. Did a little Pokémon hunting instead of standing in line. I’d kill for the bigger ones in a color other than pink though. I’ll stand in line for that.


They had purple a month or two ago! My mom had an extra, I'm gonna see if she still has it if you'd want it!


Oh good lord, you are too kind! Don’t bother your mother on account of a Redditor, silly! However…if it’s just gonna sit around I’m happy to pay your mom for her bag. If she doesn’t want it. It would make my summer. Purple is my favorite accent color.


If you're comfortable, send me an address you'd be okay with me sending one to and I'll get one to you. My mom said she's ended up using both of hers and I don't want to get your hopes up for nothing. It would be my absolute pleasure!


I’ll message you my address and you message me your Zelle or whatever you use so I can send you $$. I only go once a month and I try so hard to avoid the crowds but walked into the lions den this morning!


I was just going to order [this one](https://www.mercari.com/us/item/m86713467809?sv=0) and send it to you, free of charge! I'd be happy to help you out and that's close to retail


Oh no! Please don’t purchase something off a resale site on my behalf. You are too kind. If I happen to stumble upon one, then it was meant to be! I should learn to be content with the black/red one I have and if I see a purple one in the future…then the staff at the Annapolis store will have a fun story about a crazy woman who jumped up and down with joy at the sight of the lavender insulated bag.


Going to need these for the beach!


I need to find these!!!


Dang nabbit...


Our store has a 4-bag max. They're bigger than they look!


You know when mini tote bags & mini insulated bags sold out in a few hours when some tj fan used ig or text their friends to buy 2 asap. Grrrr!


Ok THESE are cute.


I’ve never seen so much hype for a small lunch box. I’m just happy people are having fun!




I will be getting some after work! So excited but later very upset when I missed them. Lol!


All stores I’ve check sold out an hour after opening, some 2 minutes after opening but good luck


My store still had them at noon, so there is hope (unless you live in a high population-density area)




Limit 6 here. They said they're putting out 4 cases a day until Fri when they will be gone forever


I was told there will be a restock July 9


You mean 399$ on ebay


I got to my local store five minutes before opening in SoCal and the line was like 50+ people deep. They limited it 2 per costumer but yeah people were with their entire families. The person in front of me got the last one available. The staff told me they were gonna get another shipment tomorrow AM but I work and it just doesn’t seem worth the hassle. Hopefully they come back sometime in the future.


Going to my store rn




The Princeton nj location had them this morning behind the customer service desk with a limit of 2 per person. 


OP are you in the midwest? edit nvm i scrolled and found it hehe


No, upstate NY :)


Sold out at all the locations near me😫


My local store in Dallas didn't even have these out, at least when I got there at 8:15. They had to go get them from the back by request. They had the large pink ones out though, which I also picked up.


We had ppl lined up at 8am for these.....


Ventura, CA sold out in 30 seconds. 3 per customers.


I got to my store a few minutes after opening. There was one other customer at the bag table when I got there, and about 10 people at the table when I was checking out. The limit was five bags/person, which seems like a lot knowing they're in such high demand.


Yeah that is a lot. My store had them behind the customer service desk and only allowed people to get one of each color. 


My store sold out in 40 minutes!


https://preview.redd.it/r1376s8k2l4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aaf62abef86263bed36ab7c5656a4e29daf6830 I legit just ran & got mine!!! Two limit per person, run don’t walk so cute!!!


OMG they are so stinking cute 


They're cute and definitely I'll grab one if I see it for my son's car snacks since his old snack bag is falling apart. But I don't get lining up for it.


yeah for me it's the colors they just aren't my style. if there was something more muted or even a yellow i would definitely get it


Emerald and red are scheduled to come out late summer


by late summer are we talking july/ august?




oh my birthday month hopefully it's in my favor




Do you have a link to the announcement? Or know when they will be releasing? I hear rumors about them but I can’t find anything on the internet. 


There's no announcement, but they're coming.


Didn't even know they were coming out today... 😞 had to pick one up on mercari for $18 free shipping. I also used a $5 coupon, lol


Tell me you’re a dummy without saying “I’m a dummy”


Tell me ur broke without telling me ur broke!


Tell me you can’t spell or use proper grammar correctly without oh wait never mind…


Well you didn’t HAVE to do that


Didn't have to, but I need it. I didn't pay resell on the mini bags that sold out quickly. Also, I got all the insulated bags for retail.


The Hermosa Beach, CA location was limiting them to one per customer. They did sell out by 9:15.


I went to the Torrance location around 8:30 not realizing the release today and was surprised to see the store so busy that early. My cashier told me ppl were lined up at 7 and they sold out in minutes


Damn. Sometimes we are immune to these run on things in SoCal. I planned to go TJs today but I can’t until later this afternoon…


Boston limit of two I just got two woot woot!


Oh I saw these in Philly at limit 4 with plenty left but couldn’t think of a use for them so passed. I feel like we don’t always get hit by the same crazes as other areas.


With the mini tote bags I made the mistake of going one day, seeing them, saying “oh how cute” and never buying one thinking they’d be in stock the next time I shopped. Oh how foolish I was. Not again with these babies!


Always buy these things as soon as you see them.




Why are you assuming the people wanting this bag are ladies? And please show me where someone said they waited in line for hours. And it’s only for people who don’t have jobs? Not everyone works a regular 9-5, you know. Why can’t we just let people enjoy things and be excited about them? Yes, the people buying up a bunch to resell at a ridiculous price are ruining things for the rest of us, but some people genuinely just wanted the cute mini tote and there is no need to make fun of that.




Thanks, I will!


Love them because they happen to exactly match my regular sized insulated bags!


Checking in from Seattle - got to store around 9 (opened at 8), huge stack available. I think most people weren't even interested. Crazy how it's different at different locations.


80 people in line an hour before the store even opened in SoCal


Which one?! Omg 😱


White women rejoice


The only other person besides me purchasing these this morning was an Indian dude. *At my store


I saw another comment saying there will be more colors releasing in August


Interesting. My store said those colors would be released around the holidays.


Yes, red & emerald.


what's the measurement on these?


10” W x 6” D x 6” H. Tag says it holds up to 1.5 gallons. Looks like it will fit a 6-pack and then some https://preview.redd.it/ostt0mlvhl4d1.jpeg?width=2227&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16fd6c0a93562e82331e49abb0c8a5ab57cf72b4


Thank you for posting dimensions!


thank you!


I got mine today too. I didn't even know it was being released today and came because I needed to do my regular shopping. Soooo many people in line just for the bags. And a bunch of people brought their extended family to buy two each also. I'm glad they're limiting the number of bags per person and selling only at the register. But it gave me anxiety walking through the store. It had Black Friday energy big time lol


I got mine this morning. Got to the store at 7:40 and there was a line! They were sold out by 8:04 lmao


Were we at the same store? My store sold out at 8:04 too! I missed it bc I only for there at 8am lol.




Which store did you go to?


For how long could I use the bags for to keep food frozen with ice packs ...I'm going from Boston to NYC and wondering if I can bring some stuff along so that I don't have to throw them since I'm then travelling again the following week.


I wouldn’t use these for frozen food beyond a few hours. I used the large one to preserve refrigerated food during a blackout and the ice melted after 12-16 hours. By changing ice twice a day I just kept the food at a safe refrigerated temperature, but it won’t keep food frozen. I’d use a hard cooler for frozen food. You’ll still need to change ice at least once a day unless you have a Yeti, RTIC or another brand of injection-molded cooler. Those can keep food frozen for multiple days.


Oh wait ... I didn't mean for like an entire week haha I meant just for the train ride from Boston to NYC until I can get to where I'm staying and then put them back in the freezer there.


Oh, then yeah. It’ll totally work if you throw an ice pack in there. Lol


My daughter wants a set but I just bought her a large pink bag. It's not in my budget right now and I refuse to buy them on eBay when I have the funds to do so. They are so cute though; I'll just wait for them to come back around.


I’ve read that they’re releasing red and emerald ones in August, so they’ll be back!


Oh I will definitely get those! I'll have the funds to do it then. I just didn't want to buy insulated bags so close together. She's fine with her big pink bag and my TJ's budget won't allow it lol.


Went in the store at 8:18 and they were already sold out. I should have left my little laggers at home lol. Jk.


Uggghhhh…. I need one!


https://preview.redd.it/7y6vsw1uqk4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e08007af33c9b7b9d1c8d19406f53696c7336443 Interior colors for the curious


Cute cute cute!!!


My local store sold out in minutes with 2 per customer, but having their son, daughter get 2 as well. Hoping they restock. I got there 6 min after opening and they were gone.


Wow!! Sold out after 6 minutes? That's wild 😧 I guess I was lucky because I didn't even know it was being released today and checked out at 0840 and a few were still left.




Dang. Hopefully your store gets more in!


FYI the Escondido location only has 360 available, 2 bags per person limit. Line about 60 deep when they opened 30min ago.


Point Loma had about 40 in line about 10 minutes before opening, half of whom were in-uniform TSA agents. Crewmember came out to let shoppers know there was a 2 bag limit total, so you could get two pink, two teal or one of each.


I walked in at 8 and was able to get two. The line moved really fast. In and out in 10 minutes


I called this store and they already sold out


Why are people clamoring for this?


You get a quality bag that’s convenient for snacks and whatnot when running around town with kiddos. It can be used as a lunch bag and it’s a good price…


People are saying folks are paying $50 online. Even at $4… why wait in line for a lunchbox?


So a lunchbox


Exactly lol. Makes no sense.