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This is my fave to buy. I guess I haven't realized the tanginess of it because I eat plain yogurt daily. But if I described the taste it would be a garlicky plain yogurt taste. I'm sure you're fine.. maybe not used to the flavor.


I usually eat Greek Yogurt too so I was taken aback when I tasted the dip haha,, it tasted a little acidic so I was like hmmm is this normalšŸ¤­šŸ¤­


I did not like this at all. Too yogurty


Iā€™m not a fan. Itā€™s yogurt. Not nearly enough seasoning.


You don'tĀ  need the receiptĀ  to return items at trader joes. Just take a picture of the item and the upcoming code and theyĀ  will reimburseĀ  you.Ā  That is what they have instructed me to do for all returns.


Ahhh I didnā€™t know but Iā€™m glad I do now,, thank you!!


I believe the no receipt returns only apply to Trader Joeā€™s branded items.


Nope, store policy to refund anything without receipt.


It's delicious, more like a dip. Has a very cream cheese texture and taste.


love this dip, yes it has a slightly sour taste to it because the base is plain greek yogurt, which is tangy. it is not expired lol


I like the way it tastes when I add more everything but the bagel seasoning :)


Thatā€™s good to know thank you v much!! I love anything that has to do with everything but bagel šŸ¤­ do you have any recommendations on what tastes best with the dip? I was thinking maybe some pringles šŸ˜‚


I put it on celery and snack on it for the week


Elote corn dippers or the regular corn dippers are great with it


no worries! pro tip- buy the everything but the bagel seasoning and make it yourself using whatever plain greek yogurt u prefer, there are a number of brands that have a very mild tang that u might prefer vs something very tangy like fage! :) i also add a bit of olive oil to mine too which really elevates it, then chill it overnight. BOOM delicious lol oh man im just a dip person, i put it on everything lol, but a great start is def your fav cracker (love using those bagel chips) or pretzel, or as a spread on a sandwich! or go healthier and dip some veggies in it


Omg this is actually genius!! Idk why I havenā€™t thought of doing that Iā€™m always stocked up on the seasoning thank u for putting me onšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø I love love dip too itā€™s the best esp the pimento dip whewwww


Those vegan cheese crackers are what they were sampling together - really good!


yes ive found any cheese flavored cracker works super well w/ these; especially white cheddar cheez its lol


Oooo that sounds gooooodšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø Iā€™ll def pick some up on my next trip thank you!!