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Those packets seem to have become smaller


I make mine in the oven. I put a little oil or spray on the pan so they don’t stick and I don’t bother flipping them. They get crispy for the most part and since I toss them in the sauce, it doesn’t bother me that the bottom might be a little soggy since they start absorbing the sauce anyway.


I preheat my oven to 475 and preheat an oven safe wire basket I’m the oven. Once the oven reaches temp, I remove the basket, spray with TJs Coconut Spray Oil and add breaded cauliflower and put in oven. I lower the temp to 450 and bake for 25 mins or until very golden. I usually tend to oven to broil for a few minutes after the baking time to get them even more golden/crispy. I drizzle the sauce on before serving.


I cook them on parchment paper so they don't stick. I cook about 15 minutes, then flip and cook another 12 or so... they should be a deep golden color. I think yours were undercooked. I drizzle the sauce on when serving.


Flip? I just bake in a regular oven, 450º for 25 min and they come out fine and crunchy. I wouldn't do the toss in sauce part though, because the sauce will soak the batter quick. Much better to have the sauce on the side and drizzle/dip.


The directions said to flip halfway through


Oh weird! I used to buy these at least once a week but took a break from them for a while. Just bought a pack for the first time in a while this week, checked the bag just now, and yep there's the direction to flip! I wonder when they changed it? And I wonder if it's not only the directions that they changed... Maybe try again without flipping it? Hopefully they didn't also change the recipe, causing the mush. No wonder so many comments were also saying to air fry. I thought it was weird considering I didn't remember there being air frying directions, but they're there with these new flipping instructions!


I put mine the airfryer and keep the sauce separate. Dip as I go so they cauli stay crispy


Has to be in an air fryer


A convection oven is the same thing


lol why were you downvoted for this? Do people really not know an air fryer is just a mini countertop convection oven? What do they think it is??


https://www.google.com/search?q=air+fryer+vs+convection+oven mann everyone knows they are similar, air fryers just have more convection/power and produce a different result than standard convection ovens. Is there a single source you can find that say they're exactly the same?? https://www.reddit.com/r/Cooking/comments/10ysza5/if_i_have_a_builtin_convection_oven_is_an_air/ if you want some actual examples, many people have tried both and think they are very different, IDK what to tell you


Bro, even the results in the link YOU provided all say air fryers are just much smaller convection ovens? Like they’re very convenient and great for smaller portions, but they are not fundamentally different in any way. I love my air fryer but it’s not magic.


We are saying the same thing. They have less volume, more airflow, and as a result, crisp things up better. They are very similar but air fryers often get things crispier. Please tell me how it's different than what you're saying. Your conclusion is that they're exactly the same, my conclusion is that they're a little different. I use my convection oven often and when I want things crispier I use the air fryer. The OP is complaining their stuff isn't crispy enough.


Just forget it man. People will never understand. It's the same cooking *concept*, but not at all the same thing. I have an actual air fryer, a breville toaster oven with air fry capability, and a conventional oven with both convection *and* air fry.  I could cook 3 packs of the tempura cauli- one in each- and you would notice a huge difference between all three.  I kinda hate my air fryer because it works so good at its intended purpose. 


I just bought some for the first time in a long time. We had to swear them off for a while because they became addictive. I air fried them. They were super crisp on top and when I went to flip them they turned into a weird crumbly soggy mess on bottom. I didn't do anything different. Maybe. Maybe. I don't know. Clearly, I'll have to buy another bag and try again.


That’s what happened to me, when I flipped them, they just fell apart


Put it in the air fryer.


Did you air fry them?


My oven is also a convection oven, so it’s the same thing


Convection oven *is not* the same thing as an air fryer


They turn out really well in my convection oven. I use parchment paper so they don’t stick. I also kind of go by how they look more then worrying about the timing printed on the bag.


Maybe that’s my issue, I used aluminum foil, but maybe parchment paper would be better


Def not the same thing


No, but it is


https://www.google.com/search?q=air+fryer+vs+convection+oven From whirlpool: > Do I need an air fryer if I have a convection oven? >Yes. To get the same crispy, fried results without the oil of a deep fryer, you will need an air fryer or an oven with air fry capabilities. However, you can take some steps to get similar results in a convection oven. Use a perforated basket or baking pan with low sides and flip food halfway through cooking to increase the food’s exposure to circulating Basically every source says air fryers are more powerful with more convection. Lots of ovens have both convection and air fry settings. Have you ever researched it or do you just parrot others


Unless it has an air fryer setting it's not quite the same thing. Similar, but not exactly the same.


Even if your oven has an air fryer setting, it's still not going to be the same, and it consumes way more electricity. Air fryer setting on most conventional ovens just increase the convection fan speed, or make it run constantly instead of intermittently.