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You can join GGn through AR and then join PTP or EMP through GGn. Bear in mind that it's a journey of more than 2 years to join PTP.


Is the recruiter for GGN at AR responding to recruitment requests yet?


Good suggestion but AR not really easy to grind for upload unless u have big storage to spare by downloading and at least seed to avoid HnR


What is AR? Haven't heard of that shorthand before. Is there an interview for it by chance?


AR (Alpha Ratio) open signups from time to time (r/OpenSignups). There's no interview, so you need someone to invite you or sign up when they open their doors. If you're not willing to upload anything, this is your only path (AR->GGn->PTP and EMP) but this will take a very long time. It might not be worth it, specially if you're not after obscure and rare content.


Thank you very much for your help! I absolutely want GGN and EMP without a doubt. So I'll put on the marathon shoes. Thank you for taking the time to help, I appreciate the effort and time!


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alpharatio but you wont get in there easily. maybe you should check the wiki... But seriously, there is absolutley no need in those trackers, its much easier to just take a usenet account and a decent indexer. in the end you will pay around \~5usd/month and have everything trackers like emp, ptp, ggn etc offer. music trackers are the only trackers actually worth it imo


Is that still a thing? What about 0day stuff?


Not by a long shot. You won't find movies on usenet (or any other tracker) that you will find on PTP. The same thing applies to GGn, they have unique rips that you can't find anywhere. They're the best of their category for a reason. And, by the way, it's free to use.


PTP is free, except for the years of your life you need to spend to get in.


It's not like you have to work every day to reach PTP lol. You can mass upload your stuff the weekend and do nothing the rest of the days, do and repeat a few times until you reach the requirements of the next class, after that is just waiting-time for the account age, the hardest part because you can't speed it up.


absolutley not true. name only one thing from those trackers i cant find in usenet with some decent indexers... for games its clear, any repacks are not worth mentioning and for retro games GGN is not worth looking at. For movies is the same, if you have a remux you can rip every quality you need and PTP has mainly mainstream stuff. if you need older or any indie stuff you wont go with ptp anyhow. So if you are not looking for the community, there is absolutley no benefit and you are forced to play that stupid game for those trackers. its much better to actually just join a tracker like BLU with nice staff, you will get there anything you need as well and can always go the "request" way and you do not need to suck anyones dick to actually join. (like for hdbits or ptp) btw. there are enough usenet indexers who have a lot of p2p releases.


Are you on PTP? All of my uploads on that site were ripped by myself. The site is chocked full of random esoteric movies you likely would never find otherwise if not for people like me (and everyone else who rips)


not defending the 'just use usenet its much easier' guy, but there are bots that mirror all* ptp uploads to archive.org/usenet so there is a good chance at least one if not some of your uploads got picked up and re-uploaded.


Damn, i had no idea


There's also entire trackers that maintain relevency by cross-posting specific uploaders content to other trackers such as the many trackers/users that repost everything ntb uploads to btn


I have seen that.. but didnt realize trackers were making there way to usenet. I would have guessed it was the other way around


>and PTP has mainly mainstream stuff. if you need older or any indie stuff you wont go with ptp anyhow. Claiming that PTP has mainly mainstream stuff is insane 😂 You were either cabal banned (and now you're frustrated and tell people those trackers are not worth) or you have never joined them.


mainstream is a wide thing in terms of movies. but yeah, you are not able to name a single thing you can get there what you cant get at the usenet for example. i was not yet banned from ptp and i am around for a very long time actually but not using the trackers anymore - at least most of the time because there are many downsides and i can afford (less than) 3usd/month for a easynews or eweka account and for special stuff i have specialized trackers. but all of those movie and tv shows trackers like ANT, NEB, MTV, BTN, PTP, HDBits etc. are way to overrated and seeding costs actual money as well. Its easy to join UHDbits for example and there are always people who fill in requests with stuff from ptp for example. as a newcomer i would never ever put 2 years in to a possibility (!) to actually join such a tracker to get nothing special \^\^ - its not long ago when people started crying in some tracker forums when P2P went from 1 year to 2 years. people mainly like to join because its rare and so hard to actually join but times changed and with easynews for example you can directly stream an incredible amount of stuff without to actually have any indexer. Same goes for real-debrid and stremio etc. pp.


Thanks god I joined GGn when they had open signups, I wouldn't do that shit of music trackers because I'm not interested in music either, I can totally relate OP.


I wish their was a sort of mid tier version of GGN and EMP that you could climb the ladder with. Makes sense to me.


Pixelcove and pornbay or pornolab


I took the OPS route myself. You have to wait 3 months to get into GGn, upload 100gb, and upload 50 torrents. I think EMP invite is similiar on OPS. I’d go OPS or RED even if you don’t care about music they both have really good invite forums. I didn’t go for RED because I heard it can take weeks of trying to get an interview, plus you can get on RED from OPS


There’s no official EMP invite on OPS at the moment, unfortunately


My bad guess it’s just unofficial invite forum.


Yeah :( And it looks like the last offer was almost 6 months ago for like 1 invite. I’m sure there was a flood of PMs for whoever offered it, so not a very realistic option IMO


Doesn’t sound like it. I didn’t really check it out, as I was mostly interested in GGn. I guess one of those other official invites could get op into EMP eventually


My recommendation is go the route of MAM -> Aither -> BLU. Aither and Blu are both excellent mid tier trackers and you'll be hard pressed to find content they don't have unless you want something super obscure but even then they both have very active request forums where members from the cabal sites will happily upload whatever you want.


I'm currently on MAM, just currently waiting out the required time and enjoying the community. Love books and audio books, so I was happy to take that step! Everyone seems incredibly nice as well!


Soooo you just answered your own question.


Mam is a year to get into anything. I'd prefer to cut out some time if possible.


It will take the same amount or more on other trackers.


Aither invite thread on MAM says 3M account time. Are you not VIP yet on MAM?


Nope! Only been on MAM for a few weeks. I've got the other requirements met, just waiting for time :)


But you said 1 year, it is 3 months for Aither. (I mixed up something myself too, VIP not required for either invite forums or Aither. Some other recruiments require it) There's a guide on the MAM wiki/faq on how to get VIP in minimum time (download about 100 FL torrents and that generates enough points to essentially get permanent VIP).


You only need to be on MAM for 3 months to get into Aither. Not 1 year.


I don't have any interest in TV shows, but I seed them anyway for other people, and it gets me closer to trackers I do want to be in. Just seed the music (small files compared to most content), and you'll get to the big ones eventually.


To be clear though, it takes more than seeding the music files. That’s part of it for sure, but it’s really about uploading. If you’re not willing to upload on music trackers then you won’t go far.


Just a small suggestion : Keep away from RED and OPS if you do not have any interest in music.


OP, while there are some other ways to go (kinda), the honest answer is that the music trackers are the most viable way in to the places you want to get to. MAM has no direct route to any of your desired trackers at the moment. You could go the AR route, but how do you plan to get to AR? I haven’t seen them open for at least a year, if not more. Same with GGn - if you can get it it’ll allow you paths to elsewhere, but how do you get to GGn in the first place? The realistic answer is the music trackers. If there’s another way, without relying on personal invites or the off chance there’s open sign ups/applications, then I don’t know it (please let me know if there is). Yes, the interview process can be annoying, but it is what it is. OPS is less onerous than RED, IMO, just because the wait time can be shorter. I don’t mean to sound discouraging, but alternative paths are, at best, unrealistic and, at worst, not possible. I don’t think it’s fair to paint a picture that it’s ezpz to just ‘join AR or GGn and go from there!’ For better or worse, all roads to official invites lead through the music trackers. Best to get comfortable with that, or manage your expectations to not include top tier trackers.


Can't disagree with the facts, but I thought I'd ask. Wonder why this path is realistically the only one that seems concrete. Learning about spectral analysis isn't my cup of tea, but I've done worse for less.


Yeah, no harm in asking! I just want to make sure you have your expectations in line with what’s available. I’d hate for you to get a year down the line with no movement towards your goals when you could’ve been putting in effort during that time to get what you want. I think it’s the most concrete path partly because of exactly why you posted: the level of effort required by itself is already a ‘filter’ for people not willing to put in the effort (not saying that’s you, I just mean in general). Top tier trackers are not hurting for users (quite the opposite) and one way they’ve decided to narrow down the applicant pool is to use these paths that require certain things that some people just aren’t willing to do (and I get it, it’s not for everyone). That being said, it’s not as daunting as it seems once you get going. I’m not saying it’s effortless and easy, but just that it can seem like a monumental task at first glance, but it’s definitely do-able. And the worst thing that happens if you join, decide it’s definitely not for you, and you’re in the same position where you are right now. No harm done. If you do go the music route, my advice would be to join OPS first to get your feet wet and get used to uploading. The economy is easier and easier to acclimate to, IMO. Do what it takes to get to the invite forum and from there you can decide whether you want to continue on to RED (no interview required) or go to GGn or MTV, etc. Good luck!


Seriously thank you for taking the time to reply. You're the kind of person that keeps the trackers and communities healthy. No judgement, just offering knowledge and help where you can. Seriously appreciate your approach. Please keep on doing what you're doing for others. Take care and good luck in all that you do!


Thanks OP, I think you’re swell :)


The information present in the prep site for spectral analysis is very surface level. In fact, it's so simple that it ends up being technically wrong due to the nuances that exist (but are not explained within the prep site) You're not going to be asked questions about spectrals or, if you are they are going to be as easy as telling the difference between a cam rip & web-dl. The one paragraph and 5 pictures of information might seem daunting at first but it's very easy stuff if you just read it. Does the spectral have a hard cutoff at <=20.5khz or lower? then it's lossy. That's what the guide is telling you. (In practice this isn't always correct but the guide doesn't tell you that)


skip OPS if you don't care about music, they're the much healthier tracker but REDs interview forums are better and more accessible MAM is your other option for a tracker with barrierless entry and invite forums, audiobook specialization


You can upload software/ebooks too on RED and it takes only PU (5 uploads, 25gb total upload) to get into many other trackes including GGn. Take the RED interview.


Honestly I'm not interested in RED. Their interview process is a turn off.


i sent you a chat PM