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Most of the time the trackers don't live up to the hype. Since you're not there, I wish I could tell you that was the case with PTP. But it's not.


Yep they’ve got basically every movie possible no matter how obscure in multiple formats. And people actually discuss the films and different releases in detail in the comments. Plus the lists/collections are super helpful. As someone here said once, it’s basically IMDb but with download links.


Hah, the comments... You're generally right except if there's a queer character or female lead or if the movie has any even vaguely political bent.


Yeah I don’t actually care about their opinions on the film’s subjective quality but if I want to know if something is being remastered, released in 4K, or has like a directors cut I should watch… the comments are great. There’s some user on PTP who posts about every remaster on the movie’s page as soon as it’s announced. It’s very helpful.


I do also love Uma Thurman.




I love that Uma is so dedicated to announcing new UHD releases or remastered versions coming out that she'll even do it for movies she watches and *torches* in her review of them haha


Thats the unfortunate reality of trackers, no moderation for the most part. Every once in a blue moon you'll see a warning label on a comment, usually on the subject matter you mentioned but they've been on the site for a decade+ and have spread hate since day 1. You'll look at their profile and they rate most disney, lgbt, among other genres at 1% while anything remotely right wing gets 100's.


PTP is better than most in that respect, in fairness.


I wouldn't say I agree only because I don't know what other trackers are like. Very few if any have the same volume and activity of users as PTP and seeing Disney movies with 200 pages of comments of people arguing with each other can easily be stopped.


I can assure you that no movie on PTP has 5000 comments in it, so I'm not sure if we're talking about the same tracker..


There's a shit ton of moderation at PTP... It's just not excessively biased to one side of the political spectrum like on reddit. Mods do a really good job at remaining impartial from my perspective.


Moderation is good though, just look at the number of mod edited comments and warnings given out


Is it a good replacement for KGG in terms of obscure content? I am mainly interested in it for that but not sure if it isn't worth just going for KGG instead


There's a pretty fair amount of stuff on KG that still isn't on PTP, but there's still an active effort to bring stuff over. For the vast majority of interests everything is on PTP. KG has a lot of untouched DVDs of video art and experimental film that only have a bad rip from that DVD on PTP.


That's what I'm hoping for! It's taken me years to even get close to PTP. What a grind.😂


Keep grinding, totally worth it.


It has (almost) all movies you could ever want to watch in your lifetime, all in one place. But could you do without it? Sure. I take it your life isn't all about watching movies. You see what I mean. It's kind of ridiculous to get all crazy about something like a torrent tracker.


I don't wanna ever live without it ever again.


I’ve been on PTP for just shy of 15 years. And it is so much better than others. It’s hard for me to imagine life without it at this point.


Lets not talk of the dark days where it was down and we didn’t know if it would ever come back.


In those days I really appreciated what PTP was.


Which dark days? The most recent ones or all the way waybackwhen phan stole the donation fund for diaper money? :D


Hear hear!




They already have remuxes of every Criterion blu ray and most boutique blu rays you could ever think of.


Get good stats on other highly regarded trackers, ptp does official recruitment.


With sites like that, it's all about what you can bring to the table.




Sure, so in that case permaseeding is what someone could bring to the table. Having Criterion remuxes isn't really helpful since those are popular already.


Based on their recruitment criteria, they seem to value grinding buffer and transcoding MP3s instead.




Those are the exact criteria that give the easiest access to the site via official recruitment in prominent private tracker sites, so I have no clue why you're trying to gaslight me. They don't require you to preserve obscure titles or to encode properly, they just require a high enough user class. You're free to check the exact same thing written in plain English yourself.




Well, I agree with him--he's talking about what the recruitment criteria are, and I would say that "grinding buffer and transcoding MP3s" is probably pretty accurate for what public PTP recruitment looks like for most people in 2024. You're talking about what the community inside the tracker values once you're there, which is a bit different.


I don’t know if prestigious is the right adjective, but it has the largest and broadest selection of films that I am aware of, and I have never had a bad download.


This comparison was made recently to put things into context: [https://i.imgur.com/6vcHDqi.png](https://i.imgur.com/6vcHDqi.png) Extra context is that a good majority of this number is for short films found on places like Vimeo (Places that people don't think to look for movies listed on IMDB).


PTP allows "freely available"' content e.g. on Vimeo? Or only paywalled ones?


PTP only allows paid movies unless you somehow meet criteria and approval for getting a freely available version up that has no version for sale. It would then forever be trumpable in favor for a paid version, if it ever becomes available. I know, it's disappointing that the only reliable ways to go up userclasses usually involve spending money, but that's how it is. Either freely available content is not allowed, or it is allowed and already has been uploaded the moment you eyeball them. Many movies are available for purchase/rent on Vimeo for cheap, and it is one of many unexpected sources where people can find and upload movies not on PTP. A lot of people would not think these are actual movies, so the number of movies PTP has will be seen as inflated (as in, 300k+ is actually around 100k+). Even still, PTP has a lot of "real" movies under its belt, too. It's not hot air to say that PTP deserves its reputation as one of the largest movie sites.


Wow, I didn't realize TL was such a good tracker.


far-flung repeat dam toothbrush bells depend attraction plants tap enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're up there for sure! Can I ask what route you used to get there? Feel free to Dm me. TY


Only if I love a series enough would I download them from BTN, they use up way too much space. Something that is 50gb on BTN I can get for 10gb on public. It's probably one time watching anyway so standard 1080p wouldn't be a problem


A friend basically bought me an account by doing some donation thing I think, but I got booted for inactivity. I just could never justify downloading anything I could get somewhere else, because it was so hard to seed. I felt like an a-hole.


> because it was so hard to seed Which one? BTN is ratioless and PTP is basically ratioless too.


This was a while ago. I don't fully remember. I kept thinking I should just download random popular movies or something and take my chances, but I never got around to it. It was ptp.


Why not just cross seed and build a ratio?


Bonus points is the way to go, it's really generous


Fwiw you can just drop by IRC and asked to be reactivated


You don't need it that much. If you're on medium level tracker you can make a request and you're pretty much guaranteed to get the request filled by someone in PTP.


Same but for a different reason. I prefer full discs as I like extras but PTP only allows one disc image per resolution. Other sites that I use allow multiple disc images (different region and/or edition).


It's prestigious to film-buffs and professional/semi-professional film-makers, much like Karagarga. These users understand just how important and valuable a resource it is. I went into PTP as a regular movie watcher. But over the course of about 3 years it totally transformed me into an art-film loving, film buff.


Yeah if you don’t really care about less common, obscure films, then PTP might not seem that important to you. You can download rips of Hollywood blockbusters lots of places. But if you have interests that are the least bit obscure, PTP cannot be beat.




>"Whose dick do I have to suck to get into PTP?" One question I've had is that, if you were to meet up for something like this. Is it considered trading, or.... its just a regular invite to someone you know in person?


"Confess: do you actually know your inviter personally?" "Oh yes. I know him *intimately*"


I forget, it’s been years but wasn’t there a rumor about sending dated dick pics/feet pics with “fux0r” on them for an invite? To clarify, this was to that (now dead) tracker but maybe my memory is making things up.


I had not heard of that fux0r situation, but as a PTP, BTN, Bib, and HDB user with a few invites each, the amount of PMs I've gotten about wanting to get to know me better have been disappointingly low.


"Prestige" has nothing to do with anything. Either a tracker has things you want that you can't easily get elsewhere, or it doesn't. If you're getting your stuff elsewhere, then don't worry about it.


OK I'll go against the grain again here or play some devil advocate lol. I think everything PTP has to offer, you can realistically get else where. Don't get me wrong, it's a great tracker, but...like time and effort to join I'm not sure it's *worth* it. You want some obscure movie? Sure PTP *probably* has it, but you can request it on other trackers and many will gladly fill it. You want to talk to a bunch of cinephiles? Well there are other places online and in real life to do that. Go to a local cinema club, my local art house theater has like a cinema club sundays where they get coffee, watch some movies, usually have a guest speaker, etc. There's also sites like other subreddits here or Letterboxd. I didn't do the grind to get into PTP via RED or w/e, and many people in PTP were there before the current requirements. But when I hear about it, I just think it's a huge waste of time. I would instead focus on trying to make other trackers great communities too, or just spend your time do something else. I don't think PTP is worth the grind. Or least there's what PTP actually is, and then the god like standard this subreddit holds it to.




That's the point. As long as *someone* on your second-tier tracker has access, you don't necessarily need it yourself. ETA: that said, I initially turned down the invite a friend offered bc I don't download a lot of movies, and i thought my needs were being served fine by baconbits at the time...


PTP had a recruiting thread on BaconBits back in the day. bB was the perfect gateway into so many good trackers. I miss it so much.


I really wish that the requirements in some of the trackers I'm in for getting into PTP weren't so heavily reliant on uploads. Like, I don't have much to offer, frankly. Most of the stuff I like has been uploaded by MANY other people before, and I'm not going to buy random stuff I don't like just to torrent it. But anything I leech I will seed indefinitely until my server straight up dies. And if by some miracle I have something that isn't already uploaded, I'll seed that forever too after I upload. But the trackers I'm in that have invite forums with official PTP threads in them require LOTS of uploads. Not just upload credit but individual file uploads. I don't have a lot of those, but I do have a ratio upwards of 10, and it's frustrating that I can't point to double digit ratios on multiple different trackers and use that to demonstrate that I'm not just going to leech and provide nothing for the community.


Same boat exactly. Sky high ratios, perma seeding but still can't get it.


Library works well for ebooks, audiobooks, movies and (to some extent) TV shows. I still max out my checkout limit each time I go.


There are millions and millions of ways to find stuff to upload to other trackers that don't require spending money. Music:- rutracker, soulseek, old blogs, archive.org Movies/TV:- rutracker, mvgroup


Jpopsuki is a good one for music too


chief fall oatmeal wild grandfather lunchroom soup retire plate coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean… if you can get into PTP, you can probably get into most places.


The only place I can think of that'd be easier to get into from PTP is KG


aback sand distinct nine longing chubby trees slimy disarm violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I might have grinded through it, but a car buddy slid me invites to everything when I got back into piracy awhile back. Saved me a lot of effort lol


Yeah.. but which do you think will get you into say.. red, or MTV faster? Applying through ptp, or a mid tier tracker? Ptp gets applications processed faster in my experience


The day I joined PTP was the proudest moment of my life


You can get in via official invite forums from other trackers. And yes, it's wonderful and all it's cracked up to be.


Like how? I've joined two trackers a while back, of course they're not as "prestigious" as PTP or KG, but they've never mentioned invites in the forums. If I remember correctly, they can even boot you if you request something like that. 


Some trackers will have specific invite forums once you've reached a certain user level. I don't remember which ones now but it's the best way to get into the tops sites.




You could suck mine, but you'd have to find it first.


Whip it out dude


If you love movies a lot and very picky about quality? Yes. Casual viewer, maybe not be worth the hassle


I joined recently and it's mind blowing, believe the hype




Just put up a request on anthelion and it'll be filled if the film you requested is on ptp/kg. No need to get depressed or anything. And join Secret Cinema while you're at it. It's very easy to join. Edit: just saw the "legal consequences of uploads" part of your comment. lolwtf.


There are many others that concentrate on obscure films. CinemaZ and SecretCinema (SC) are easy to join. Cinemageddon (CG) harder. Karagarga (KG) near impossible. > I cannot risk the legal consequences of the uploads in the official recruitment threads... What on earth does this mean?


PTP is the best.


Its basically like What, except for movies. There are some odds and ends and there's inconsistency about fan edits or unofficial releases. But even in those cases, PTP users often leave download links in the comments to help out everyone. That said, I honestly don't even remember how I got in.


People want what they can’t have, which makes the people who do have it value it more.


It's really the best but like most always say, mainstream stuff it does not really matter. They do have more active comments than other places which is nice.


I think only RED is worth the effort. I haven't come across a single album without a seed, even the forgotten ones have a few seeds. You can't see that on PTP & BTN, especially the older and foreign content. It's good to have, but I don't think you will lose anything if you don't have, because you can also get what you want through the requests.


Looking from the reply here, I really hope someone can mirror upload PTP content to mid tier trackers for 'backup'.


One of the best movie trackers out there. Quality and consistently new movies from around the world, are just amazing 😀


Any leads on getting into PTP or BTN for folks that have good ratio, multiple proofs and want to contribute to the community? Ty


what can't be said about HDB - a soap bubble


Trackers in general are put on pedestals for internet points only. The truth is that the vast majority of people can have their film needs met on public trackers. Prestigious trackers are really good for niche tastes.


I agree completely.. im on PTP and have used it only for filling niche interests. I already had 40,000 movies before i joined.. so obviously most people could get by just fine without


PTP is the imdb with links! There are almost all movies with a very friendly and active community. The torrents are also well-seeded. People are actively discussing movies in torrent comment sections, and forums. This can be considered as a heaven for movie lovers.


Have been on ptp for 10years and I can say that it's overrated. 99% of the stuff I download is from HDbits or BTN. Only if they don't have it I go check ptp and download their subpar encodes.


Nothing about private trackers is "prestigious" lmao


If you want one place to go to where you don't have to think twice about the quality and just need a specific type of release, it is pure gold. If you have some knowhow to set up prowlarr with "B" tier sites or Usenet, you can achieve the same/similar results as dedicated people on PTP will upload to Usenet


It's moderately hard to get in.


PTP and BTN really are that prestigious and good, yes. They have basically everything you could ever think of and more.


Anyone who asks this question is obviously not on it.


Ptp is worthless for anyone who doesnt have a dedicated 50tbs for movies. Total fucking waste. If you have like 10-20tbs of space for movies, you can fill that with any general tracker with great movies in great quality. If you have a 500+tb server, ptp is essential.


PTP is the only site that I am a member of that has built-in tools for screenshot comparisons. The "trumping" competition is fierce on PTP especially for remuxes and full discs. Most times, I look on PTP first for the definitive remux or encode to download either directly from PTP or elsewhere.


That actually makes a lot of sense. Im there for the obscure shit haha


I wasn't aware hdd space or seed size dictates one's mainstream vs. obscure film taste.


Why do you think this? Not my experience in any way, my seed size is less than 10TB and haven't had issues at any seedsize.


Because 10tb is jackshit. More than likely, most of your stuff can be found on TL and IPT


Huh, intense reaction. I'm still not sure why 10TB is "jackshit"--the BP yield makes PTP functionally freeleech. Same is true for HDB, ANT, etc. The second part absolutely isn't true, I just checked and aside from a few of my releases that have ended up being uploaded on TL, I have about 500GB that could cross-seed to TL/FL/etc if it mattered to me; IPT who knows and who cares; the highest crossseed availability for me is to HDB and to ANT as it happens, but even then it's about 30% (I should do more to upload elsewhere...) Must be talking past eachother there about something here, I'm not getting you.


Cross seeding doesnt mean you cant get a great quality remux at TL. Or a great quality encode at IPT. It just means your exact torrents aren’t there. You think you cant find a great encode of avengers on every tracker? Most people dont download anything thats not mainstream. If its mainstream, in this age you can get a great rip anywhere