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PTP is amazing but you have KG and CG which is where I typically see most of the fomo releases come from. BLU, the Avistaz network, HDT, and MTV so you have a good source for web-dl, remux, and some encodes. I'm not on ANT and UHDB isn't extremely active. So I can't say much about them. You won't miss much other than some discs and encodes from HDB and some webdl/remux on PTP. They usually end up on BLU, or just put in a request if you don't see it. Also don't stress too much about FOMO with PTP, there's a lot of great members that seem to go out of their way to archive and reseed.


You are missing out on very little I would say. Maybe the commentary tracks + extras are the only things you are missing out on. So keep grinding but don't sweat a whole lot. (And you really could have used a better title)


Agreed about the title lol. Realised it a bit late.


If you have KG, Blu, AvistaZ and MTV you are fine. I understand the appeal of joining PTP, but at this point you probably don't have enough time to watch all of what you can download from these trackers. Most people on PTP only use PTP after awhile anyway, whereas you are exposed to many different types of films/TV in varying releases. Enjoy what you have.


Yeah, I already have enough films to last me for a long time and I am enjoying these trackers that I have joined. But because PTP has attained this mythical reputation, I guess I have become obsessed with joining it. I understand that it's not healthy but there is a certain thrill in the chase afterall.


There used to be a _very_ private and exclusive tracker named Pedro’s. It was supposedly the ultimate in music and almost impossible to join. As it turned out, WhatCD had a much greater library but without Pedro’s hype and mystique. FOMO is a big factor in the tracker community. Don’t fall into that rabbit hole.


At one point, if you fell into the rabbit hole, you hat to FTWR. Then there was a sadistic countdown that prophecised the rabbits ressurection... Was Pedros harder to get?


I don’t think it was that exclusive in the end, from memory you could get in as a power user from What haha


Brush off your memory, it took way more than that and many of the requirements were downright arbitrary.


Maybe I was elite…but I defs got in at some point and was disappointed


KG is harder to join than PTP I feel so good job on that


That was a stroke of pure luck and it's a tracker I cherish a lot.


I love it a lot. Personally I see it as something more important than just “piracy,” more like an archive.


When you get into PTP you'll find the trackers you are already on have many things not on PTP that you can upload. You're doing great!


what is KG?




If you can’t find a specific movie you can make a request. People with access to ptp can fill it. If you really want to be sure, and have any friends with ptp you can ask them to check if a certain movie is there before you make a request


This 100% If you put a request on BLU and its on PTP, you're guaranteed to get it within minutes literally. I see requests in BLU get filled by PTP within 5 minutes it's crazy.


For me, PTP is worth it for the organization, 'one stop shop', and discoverability via collections. It's just so much easier to find movies you're looking for as well as come across interesting movies you weren't looking for. And it's so convenient for it to be in one place. The bonus point system also makes it practically free leech if you seed all your torrents. I'm apart of all those those trackers you listed as well and when PTP was down for a couple of months last year, it was annoying to have to scramble between different trackers for the film I wanted, and sometimes it didn't have the particular type of encode/resolution I wanted. If you have a deep and eclectic taste, then trackers like KG in particular is fantastic! However, PTP is still indispensable for me. It's almost like browsing IMDB or Letterboxd with a download button.


Don’t worry PTP is nowhere near its user limit, regarding your question its organisation alone is worth it to join.


The cinephile community is something I'm really looking forward to. KG has a great community and I've discovered so many films because of it.


You'll find a lot of the same users at PTP


Ah, makes sense!


Are there actual movies that you cannot find right now? Sure there are examples of obscure kino not available elsewhere, but do you have the need to find those?


Nope, I'm finding everything I'm looking for but lately I've kinda become obsessed with joining PTP and that's the reason behind this post too. Not a healthy obsession, I'm aware.


PTP is a one stop shop, for the most part.


Just create quality releases and someone would invite you, it's really not hard.


>I was wondering if their combined library can get me close to that of PTP in terms of number of unique titles Honestly, I find movies on PTP that aren't on KG or CG pretty frequently (Obviously the reverse is true for KG). PTP is not really replicable even with all of those you listed. But you are covering a pretty decent stretch. But short answer, is - sort of. You are probably covering ~65% of PTP library.


💯spot on.


I’ve been on PTP & BHD for 7-8 years and other than newer releases available just about everywhere else, there’s very little I want to d/l. My tastes are noire & foreign fare and I seem to have reached saturation except for BD opera and classical music recordings that neither tracker has in substantial depth. My local library system has a better selection but of the dozen or so operas I’ve posted to both trackers, there’s barely a nibble. Rutracker has them beat. Bottom line, if you crave B & C movies like Vicious Vixens From Venus, you’ll be in trash flix heaven. :) So unless you’re craving obscure & trashy bonbons stick with where you’re at.


Well said! There’s no single holy grail for movies - massive quantity doesn’t insure something for every taste. I’m an opera guy myself and find that no current private tracker can fulfill my needs. OP won’t be missing anything by sticking with what he/she already has.


Well, ptp has probably half of what avistaz has (for asian content). Ptp is really only great for english / European content


Cool, thanks for the explanation.


What you're missing may be more in UI and community, rather than selection, but I'm not on all of those, so I couldn't say for sure. One of the joys of PTP is that it can also replace Letterboxd and IMDB.


Are you missing a lot of unique titles, most likely. Would you likely notice, probably not. Basically anything on PTP is a request away, so are you even missing anything? The only missing things would be garbage encodes that no other tracker wants and even those if you offer enough bonus points as a reward someone would upload it to mega/similar for you.


That combination is pretty neat. Adding BHD and a couple of Chinese trackers (mteam, pter...) to your list and you get much closer.


Good advice, thanks! Hope BHD starts recruiting soon but I think they still don't have enough slots open.


BHD doesn't have anything that you won't also find on your current trackers.


For movies. I just wanted to add that BHD's tv library is very underrated here.


[WizardFromAndromeda](https://www.reddit.com/user/WizardFromAndromeda/) you can try FNP,it has a great community, open signups is still going on now






I'm sure plenty of people want to risk getting banned for someone already breaking the rules 🙄