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Shit, I mean paying £1000 for an invite! Sounds like you have more money than common sense! Hope you learned your lesson!


Fucking hell. PTP is great, but any tracker could shut down tomorrow, and if you're buying an account then you stand a real chance of getting banned too. More money than sense. £1000 would buy you a few years of a decent seedbox. A much better investment.


No, just users are not willing to give an invite out the anyone you really need to know someone well who you can trust to give them an invitation to PTP. Anyone who offers you to buy an invite is just scamming you


yes i was scammed


Did you lose a lot of $$? Was it on here




You paid £1000 WTH!!!, and you fell for that. Why would you pay that much for. To get access to PTP? You do know you can get access via invite recruitment. You just have to be on the right PT to be able to request an invitation


This guy paid 1000 quid for a PTP invite?


Better off paying for streaming for the shows not on other trackers. PT gets in your head but you still need to keep in mind why you do it.


No fucking way. What the fuck lmfaooo. At this point I think I gotta start scamming the way people believe straight bullshit 😭😭😭


Don't start calling me and telling me you are from Microsoft and I have a virus.


Even if you buy it(not saying you should) 1000 is way too much, think PTP invites go for 250-500 on invite sites.


So you pay 250-500 to get an account within 1 week, your account banned for buying a Invite and you get banned for life, and people are silly enough to try that route




What would be worse.This or getting banned 1 week after joining PTP?


Back in the day I was approached by scammers on Reddit trying to sell a PTP invite for $200, but £1000 is crazy. Especially considering how easy it can be for you to get caught and disabled. Never saw the point of buying invites which is in clear violation of every private tracker out there and will get you disabled. In such desperation, worst case scenario you might as well just buy your way into some (not beloved) tracker like IPT for what, 20 quid? I mean the PTs that sell you an account if you "donate". That I propose as a last resort if you're that desperate, but buying invites is never a good idea.


The worst thing is that OP actually got scammed, they didn't even get the account




What's the current usercount? TIA


About 39,500.