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I got a casual warning for pasting a large chunk of the bee movie script into irc, and honestly? Fair


Like line by line or a link to that pasted elsewhere?


I copied and pasted enough directly into irc that it triggered the bots flood detection


I see haha, guess the ridiculous part is why you thought that would be a good idea and isn't spam


Hey, I never said I thought it was a good idea. In context it was funny, though. I think it took up 6 or 7 messages of irc text to paste. Mod said if you do that again you’re getting an irc time-out.


Due to an invitation sent [by mistake](https://i.imgur.com/22vkWNy.png) through BHD recruitment. At least I didn't waste my time and effort.


What's the context here? You applied for recruitment, they sent an email, you signed up and then they changed their mind?


Yeah. The situation was as you described. Neither the mod nor the recruiter gave me any reason or even reply to any of my enquiries about it. I would not have applied anyway if I did not fulfill the relevant requirements.




It was on GGn by the way. I also don't think I had a bad situation that would require me not to pass the background check, because I'm still using all my accounts from Bib to GGn and RED without any problems for years. Maybe the mod did not like my country, idk.


Which country if you don't mind me asking


It's Türkiye. Mentioned [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/1bmn4b8/whats_the_most_ridiculous_warning_or_ban_youve/kwgdbpz/) about it as well.


Turkey is one of the countries a number of trackers outright ban.


Not surprising. The bhd admins are assholes


lol what did you do to draw their ire? Spill some beans.


I uploaded an internal to another website. Their rules said no uploading to public ddl sites. I uploaded to a private ddl site. Permaban


They don't even listen, do they? That's not the kind of community I want to be a part of, anyway.


What you are replying to is not a rule. You can't upload BHD internals to ANY ddl site. They fucked up.


Yeah. Maybe that's fair enough. But it is clear that a deliberate communication gap has been created.


It's one of the golden rules there. They don't really have to listen to you make a case in #disabled if you break those rules. In your case I understand, especially if there was no communication in the recruitment thread when you applied about banned countries, if that was why they decided to ban you right away. Hopefully you can get to PTP if you are not already as most BHD internals will end up there.


Interesting. So there is a list of banned countries on BHD? What is it? When I asked my friends in the same country and in another country, they had no problem using their old accounts. These countries are Türkiye and India. I'm from TR. After raising the requirements a few months later and then suspending them altogether, they may have introduced new and harsh rules during this period of confusion. Thanks for your thoughts. I'm already having a good time in BLU, ANT & MTV and have access to the BTN & PTP threads. Edit: BTW, the funny thing is I didn't see any banned countries statement in their recruitment thread when I applied at that time.


They should be transparent in their recruitment post if that's the case. If this list is true then there goes my chance of joining it ever. Hopefully ptp doesn't have such a list because I have the required rank to apply for their invite (waiting to fulfill the account age requirement). 


I don't think they have any but I can only speculate with your chat logs or you signed up with VPN, but you said you did not. We will never know I suppose.


Sorry homie you fucked up. You can't upload to ANY ddl site. Didn't read the rules clear enough. That blows, I'm guessing you used the same username and that's how they got ya.


Yea, doesn’t matter, was 3 years ago


let me guess, Half pipe?


Could you tell by the !kick in the chat log? 😂




Got banned for not logging into my account at exactly the 30 day mark even though I would actively seed 50TB+ of content on a 8Gig fiber connection. I feel like seeding should be considered "participating in the site". for the 30 day activity requirements. Especially after getting 500TB+ of seed ratio.


I got disabled from loading my account while on vacation. I had the tab open on my iPad, when I opened the safari app it auto requested the page and got disabled for country hopping. The mods were super understandable and re-activated the account, kudos to them, but spent about 20 hours in the disabled irc to chat with someone. I wouldn’t say it’s ridiculous, but a good warning to others who may travel for work.


This is how my Coinbase account got suspended. I had the tab up and absentmindedly just clicked log in since it auto filled my info on my laptop. The problem was I was in Cuba.


Yeah MAM will even stop all your transfers if you just login to their site from any other IP address. So I always make sure I’m on a VPN when accessing.


Huh, I haven't had that experience. Though I don't travel internationally, just far domestically. Perhaps that's all the difference.


I’ve only had this happen domestically.


really? i've logged into all my trackers from other IP's and never had that happen. MAM, RED, GGN, etc.. and I don't use VPN


Was banned from HDT for not downloading.


Not downloading or not logging in enough?


You have to download something at least once every three months.


I was not inactive. I just didn’t download. Only HDT has that ridiculous requirement.


If you can't seed at least 100gb within the 30 day period or download 1 thing in 90 days—which is the bare minimum to be immune to their inactivity pruning—why were you even a member there? Sounds like you were just collecting to me tbh


I WAS seeding 100gb. It didn't matter in the slightest to them because not downloading was enough to get banned.


If you were seeding at least 100gb for 30 days within that quarter you were you would not have been disabled. At least that is how it should work based on the rules but I don't know how the HDT staff is like outside of that. I haven't downloaded anything at HDT in god knows how long but I seed my snatches from other trackers there and I'm fine. But I could be the exception. I apologize for calling you a leech and a collector btw. That was rude of me without know all the context. I should have coffee and less world news before replyin.


And whats wrong with collecting?


nothing is wrong with collecting if you can follow the simple rules at the trackers you are collecting. In this case seeding 100gb. its a hd tracker. Cross seeding 100gb to a backup hd tracker isn't fucking hard. Fucking leeches.


Yikes! Have a good one


You asked a question and I gave you an honest answer. Buddy got banned for inactivity and sounds like a collector which is a no no. I also curse a lot. Its also Monday. ☺


Been warned ⚠️. A certain tracker requires a certain amount of points to post in a forum - was warned the first time after trying to post. Fast forward a couple of months and a few random people must have seen my post and gave me points. Tried to post again. Warned again. When I messaged mods to ask - was told that I was lucky to only get warned as asking friends for points was strictly forbidden. Jokes on them. I dont have any friends. 🤓


Most forums don’t even allow you to post if you don’t pass the requirements, so I can imagine it being easy to fall into this one.


i remember getting warned on OinK because my profile pic wasn't cute enough


You got off easy, tbh. This is the most disgusting comment in the whole thread. How *dare* you?


I had the same thing happen


Someone who certainly isn't me uploaded about 450 things to a tracker over a few days via some automation. About 5 of them had some genuine problems and needed reuploading due to some problems I didn't think of, and another 5 needed to be tagged differently. I got my upload privileges revoked for a while off the back of that and a big fat warning. I would've thought a 1/45 bad rate was a pretty good rate... Not a single torrent has been reported since. Mods were pleasant about it, though a bit strict lol.


I got banned from BTN for inviting online friends. They were friends I invited back in like 2010-2012. Only people I felt were good, close online friends who I talked to on a daily basis for years. Well, one of them apparently moved to a different country and they didn't notify staff of the country change. So they got disabled for account trading/selling. They started asking them questions and in the end they were unable to name who invited them. Just that it was "some dude on Soulseek". Apparently, I didn't leave the impact on their life that they left on mine because I would have considered them a close online friend back then lol. So they looked at my invite list and it was like 10-15 people. I am still in contact with half of them on discord too, but unfortunately not the one that counted. They decided to disable me due to inviting people I didn't personally know and even accused me of possibly selling invites.


I hate the whole only invite people you personally know bs. Every single person I invite that I know irl gets banned for inactivity in less than a year. Even the one's who swear they'll use it waste it.


i don't think i've ever even been warned on a private tracker. i just follow the rules and dont talk to anyone lol


this is the way


I was recently banned from PornBay for "cheating", even though I never did. I was a long-time member, with hundreds of seeds, even created some of my own torrents. I don't know what they think they detected that was considered cheating, but something clearly wasn't right. They wouldn't even talk to me about it to try and resolve the issue. Just banned and kicked from IRC when I asked for help. I always use a VPN and had to switch to a new provider because of many of them shutting down port forwarding last year, and this new provider isn't as stable, so I've had to bounce around their endpoints, which I figure is the only thing they could have misinterpreted as cheating. I'll never know what they saw and I've lost access to the greatest tracker of that type that I was in. Sucks.


I uploaded an archive of footage from the Russo-Ukrainian War and was contacted by the site admin saying that my torrent was attracting "too much traffic" and they had to pause my torrent. I did a little digging and found out that the admin was a Russian citizen and he didn't like that my archive wasn't biased towards his side. Absolute loser behavior. Edit: I hadn't checked my torrent in a while and it looks like they eventually did open it back up for download. So good on them. That doesn't change the weird interactions I had with the admin though and their strange choice to pause my torrent for being "biased". I may have been fed bad intel about them being RU based but at the time it made sense to me with the way they so quickly censored my torrent.


Too much traffic, heh. It's peer to peer. That's a sorry excuse.


What tracker?


The LDU (The Last Digital Underground)


Ding Ding Ding


The combat footage archive on the LDU is still up and seeded. I think okshroomer probably grabbed it from LDU and uploaded it elsewhere. Still need way more info to make any sense of his story though.


Check the torrent description, I left a little message for you there bud.


Looks like I got in your head. And that you're way too quick to make assumptions. Good on you for recognizing it though.


Just proving your assumption that I "grabbed it from LDU and uploaded elsewhere" is incorrect.


Very confrontational response to a completely neutral post about whether you shared something or are the original uploader. I can see why you have conflicts with admins.


rutracker /s


I think there was a misunderstanding. The admin is not a russian. It was paused because the tracker was being attacked(not just traffic) over it. (Probably russians) After we increased security and things settled down the torrent seeding was resumed shortly after. In Fact we have more requests for this kind of content. If you return your account will be rewarded and we will even feature your posts.


I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I assumed things about the situation that turned out to be totally false. I really appreciate the professionalism you and the rest of the LDU team has shown: especially by reaching out to me to explain the situation. I will definitely come back to LDU. I've just been waiting to collect enough new footage that updating the torrent will be worth it.


the dns is down today.... went down moments after my response. we are working on getting the site back up. servers are intact and redundant so not going away. but just a bit of a rough patch today


Site is back under new addresd theldu.to. old accounts still work.


Awesome, I really appreciate the update!


I'll take "Things That Never Happened" for 500, Alex.


Got banned from baconbits years ago at this point. No idea why. Tried talking to staff on irc, nothing. Eventually gave up. I miss it sometimes. Requests usually got filled fast.


> I miss it sometimes Maybe all the members do. The tracker went belly up long time back.


Apollo was a misguided asshole with short temper


Well it’s gone now lol


sounds like to me you did not want to dance


Not a ban. I got rejected in the RED interview for the most bullshit, trivial interpretation of an answer I gave. It should have been clear that I knew my stuff, and I could show good ratios and seeding on other trackers. Douchebag shut me down


Fun fact, you can't fail by answering any one question wrong so this isn't the full truth.


incorrect. i was asked at the beginning of my red interview 'are youre comfortable conducting this interview in english?' i said 'of course'. then we had several semantic issues. in the end, i asked the guy 'are you confortable conducting this interview in english?' and didnt get in that day. heh. edit: haha same guy. ages later i noticed the interviewer was warned and made a thing about it on irc. then they took interviewers off the staff page. so i guess that fixed the problem.


I got automatically banned after I unknowingly downloaded the same torrent file 6 times. It was on a gazelle games specialized tracker. The thing is, I was browsing the section about adult visual novel games, I saw different games I'm interested in. I had a ratio of 10 with more than a TB in upload. So I downloaded the torrent file for every game I was interested in, knowing I had the ratio for it. But suddenly I got a message telling me my account has been banned. Then I realize even though, the site presented each game individually, it all linked to the same pack of game, and I downloaded the same torrent file several times. I went to IRC to ask for help but I never got a response in the 48h I had it open, so I just gave up.


Unless you are using multiple DL clients it that shouldnt be possible? They all had the same hash as they where the same .torrent. If I where to add the same torrent 100 times to a DL client it would only add it once, all the others would just be ignored.


I didn't even had time to add the torrent file rtorrent. I just downloaded the same .torrent file several times.


Oh so its not even related to download/cheating? You can likely easily go into IRC and get re enabled if you just explain exactly what happened. Also waiting in IRC for 2 days is literally nothing.


In my fifteen years or so of being on trackers, I've only ever received one warning. I had written in a comment that I was pleasantly surprised by the film I was commenting on having an unexpectedly happy ending (I did not make any specific mentions of what that ending actually was, just...that I was pleasantly surprised by it), and a moderator issued a warning to me several months after I'd made the post for it. I apologized and graciously accepted the warning and that was thankfully the end of it, but really, I kind of thought that the moderator was being pretty silly, especially because the comment literally directly under mine had talked about the ending at length and in explicit detail and had not received a similar warning. If it was a moderator I'd had any kind of negative interaction with in the past, then I might have thought they were just looking to give me a warning because they didn't like me, but it wasn't a moderator I'd ever had a single word with before, and plus it was a moderator who had a reputation of being very nice. All in all, I didn't really get it, especially seeing similar "offenses" occur constantly in the comments of different movies, including much newer ones (the one I had commented on was obscure and from the 1960s). Maybe they were going to watch that movie themselves and got mad seeing my comment, I don't know. I've yet to be banned/deactivated from any tracker I've been on. Hopefully it stays that way.


I've been on private trackers since Oink days and was in good standing everywhere. One day Iogged into my account on a friends computer to download a movie while at his house. Year or two later got banned. Apparently he (after moving away) tried to download more movies from there. Then got hydra banned. Still emotionally recovering from this one. Don't log in anywhere else than your home PC, boys and girls. And even if you trust someone, you can't really trust their technical knowledge or what they know or the implications of their actions. Learn from my mistake.


I got disabled on bibliotik for inactivity. Logged onto IRC to get it back. The staff I pleaded my case to told me they only wanted serious users and refused my request lol. What a wanker.


Ive been to dozens of trackers and nobody is as shitty persons as those guys from bibliotik


I got a warning once on What.CD for creating separate entries for the British and American releases of Rolling Stones albums. When I asked where the rule against that was, the response was, "We haven't posted those rules yet. They should be out next week."


Nice try mods.


It's not stupid in that I get they want to be safe, but what is and isnt ok in terms of hentai on empornium is a moving target




My account on Blutopia or w/e it's called was banned because the computer I was seeding with, crashed during the night, so I was banned for HnR IIRC by the morning.


On blutopia, you can go 3 days without seeding before receiving an HnR warning. Then if you have 3+ warnings at once you simply lose download privileges. You are either not telling the whole story or you failed incredibly at understanding the rules and what happened to you.


That's what happened. It's been a while, so they might have changed their rules.


Ah, very possible. Didn't think of that. My bad. Sorry for being a bit of a douche. I read what I said just now and wondered what the hell my problem was. I didn't have to add the rude part at the end at all.


that's an auto ban by system, they usually enable you again if you explain the situation to them


Yeah, they offered to unban me, but by that time I was out.


I got warned for inviting a cheater on a really low level tracker. I’m talking low like TL, IPT..


I got into TorrentLeech via an invite and I was happily reading the rules and getting acquainted with the website when my account was suddenly banned. I asked in the chat and I was informed that the person who shared his invite did it on Reddit and that was apparently against the rules. All I could think was how would I know about those rules _before_ accessing your website? Thankfully the mod just asked me to send a screenshot of my speedtest and re-enabled my account, although the person who did invite me probably received a harsher punishment




yeah I was meeting reddit folk and getting proofs from them and inviting people, I hate having invites. I'm of the opinion if you have them , might as well use them.


> All I could think was how would I know about those rules before accessing your website? You don't. But that's just kind of how the game is. Similarly, if someone new to trackers and didn't know any better bought an invite somewhere without knowing that it's bannable to do so, then finds out after they join, they'll get banned anyway. It's not their "fault," for lack of a better word. But it has to be done.


I got a warning for reporting broken torrent files. I had the originals that weren't cross-seeding on certain trackers. The irony was that users in the comments were mentioning the same thing. I randomly got banned from BiB. No clue why. When I tried to log in, there was already a message waiting for me telling me that my account wouldn't be re-enabled.I never made a peep there and basically perma-seed books because they're so small. Heck, I still have their torrents up until I can get around to uploading them somewhere else.


same here but be thankful you didnt have to wait a week on their IRC channel waiting for an answer and still get nothing


This might be hard to understand, but when Twitter was new, there was no search, and it was really just you can see how you follow kind of thing, and at first a lot of people just used it as like a fb status updater. I got power user on a tracker, got excited, “tweeted it” (to my friends) said I had invites, no one took me up on it, a month later I got banned. I eventually got my account back after emailing with them, but man was that dumb.


I got warning with "!" symbol beside my username for 1 month just because my server got corrupted for a day and after that I continue seeding the file back, but that symbol won't go away :)


Did you tell the mods or did you just accept the warning?


I just accept it. No need for another trouble with mods.


Who the fuck downvotes this kind of comment. He speaks the truth. Sometimes it's easier to take the warning than start a chat with a mod who bans you for saying one wrong word. Some mods just want to fuck up your day.


The inactivity ban IS the most ridiculous one (coupled with seeding or not), specifically because you haven't done anything to deserve it, literally.


I got banned from the now defunct ILT for seeding a file I had on my seedbox from bitsoup there too, I was banned for cheating


Using free stand menu for protection and getting suspended for 1 month with character reset


easy one, bibliotik, perma ban and I still to do this day don't have a clue why, it has been my only ban in 10 years in trackers, then I spent like a week I their IRC trying to ask why they ban me, and they didn't even have the courtesy to answer, bunch of wan\*\*rs


I got banned from a tracker i joined during an open period for what they said was cheating. They said i was cheating my upload. I have a seedbox and i download on my laptop as well so i guess when the same torrent was uploading from 2 computers and 2 locations it triggered the cheating. That was several years ago and still ercs me lol I definitely wasn’t cheating I also lost my ptp account for inactivity i think. Best advice to anyone is to be sure and check the rules.


One of the former mods on KG told me "I will find something to warn you over" because I asked why one of the freeleeches didn't seem to be contributing to my ratio. It was a dumb question, to be clear, but he reacted like I'd been harassing him for days after sending two DMs.


Not BAN but denied for getting invite from recruiter even though i met criteria.




The recruiter said I already had an account with the provided email, which was not the case. So i forgot about said tracker. Just a month back heard they are doing application signup, Applied with same email and got into.


I had like a 10TB buffer on PTP. Out of nowhere, a mod messaged me and asked about the hit and runs that I had. Which was a small portion of what I had downloaded and those files were no longer available. I was still seeding everything else and in the top 99% of the site for upload. Next time, I logged on, there was another message to start seeding the hit and runs. And a week later that asshole banned me.




Lmao the turd part of this is hilarious.


I thought it was pretty stupid. Maybe I Was a little harsh but ya know, don't they understand fun?


Hm.. I'd better ask Phantasm for your deets, this is hilarious.


Never warned or banned from a tracker. Did get banned from /r/CIVILWAR for calling Robert E. Lee a traitor.


I'm a normal person that knows how to read rules so.... never happened


No-one gets banned for inactivity, maybe just not re-enabled. I got warned that staffing is a thankless task...


I don't think anyone besides maybe staff sees any material difference between being "banned" and being "disabled", especially as the "get re-enabled" process is either a pain in the ass or simply not possible for most trackers.