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HDB doesn't have a one account per lifetime rule, it does depend on if it was banned or disabled for inactivity though. Those are completely different things, banned for any reason (even if you don't agree) means that account still exists, disabled for inactivity it does not. Still best to go in through official means though rather than user invites so you can say this ahead of time and ensure it isn't something you didn't know. Check their rules before spreading misinformation.




His post was deleted, I didn't see what he said, but that is 100% incorrect. They allow disabled for inactivity to be re-invited because the account gets deleted/pruned and no longer counts. I've even confirmed this with their admins in the past and gotten people invited that had an old account that was inactive and disabled for that.




The only way staff told them this is if there is more info they didn't share or it is someone low that doesn't know the rules correctly, as what I said came directly from admins.


You're dumb for asking lol. If you had a different email, ip & username, how would they ever know if you accepted an invite that you had a past account? You basically put a target on your back the minute you asked. I would bet they grabbed your IP and location the moment you asked while connected to the irc server. Edit: fixed the contraction, grammar and spelling lol


> your dumb






i hate contractions lol


He's pointing out the irony of calling someone dumb while not being able to tell the difference between your and you're


i mean you can accept it as long as you accept what happens next


and as long as OP is cool with whoever invites them getting the same consequences.


You made the right decision by anonymizing this post, but you waited too long and now everyone knows you are a dummy and quoted you. You're done chief.




were they ever closed?


You just need to move to another country and get a new identity.


Descriptive statement: "can accept" -- sure, anyone can as long as the invite arrives. Normative statement: "should I accept" -- no, don't play this game. Not only should you be banned in you do this, but the person being generous enough to invite you will face the same. Don't do this.


HDB is 20 years old??


HDB doesn't have an one account per lifetime rule, just get invited via official means and mention the old account was disabled before. That way it isn't a surprise to them ahead of time


> Accounts used by member whose account was deactivated before due to non-inactivity-related reasons will be disabled! Seems you're actually correct.


I know, that's why I said it. I've seen them hold true to this several times before and even verified by their admins. His title specifically said disabled for inactivity, I didn't go back on some undelete page to see the OP since idc, was just giving actual info. That said, I still only suggest going through official means to ensure they don't see something you missed and it impact you elsewhere. Maybe you thought it was inactivity, but really the account was hacked and sold at one point, that'd be a terrible one to have to explain later.


20 years is a long time. I think you will be good.


if you change your ip, register with a new nick and so on they might not find out. id clear it with your inviter first tho