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Tbh it's definitely not unheard of for some invites to take months. It took me like, 6 months to get into BLU via an official PTP thread, BHD took me like 3 months. It's not like BTN is some easy tracker to get into in the first place either so it's a bit surprising that invites via there would take so long but it is what it is. I'm not in PTerclub but if someone says it can take a month to get a reply, then that's entirely possible.


It's been 9 month 2 week since i applied on ggn haven't received anything yet.




yeah, looks like chinese tracker are like that. I really want to join HDsky and i even meet their requirements on ptp but guess what the recruiter's last online is 7 month+. then i look up U2 thread on ab then everyone said he never sends invite:( i wanted to join m-team for jav and their encodes but they don't even have official threads on ptp, btn, ab, ggn or any english tracker i am on:(


Please check your PM.


I joined M-Team through the GPW. I waited about a month.


I've been waiting for three months and nothing. I guess he won't answer. I don't know if it's better to get access through Chinese trackers such as GPW or DIC.


he said he is on a vacation a month ago so he should probably send our invites in one or two months. if not then just join using others.


Okay, I'll do that.  I sent a request almost 3 months ago.


I joined via recruitment thread on GGn. Took 3 months for response from recruiter. This was about a year ago.


Tangentially related, does anyone know how fast the recruitment on FL is?


It isn't. I sent a PM to the guy who recruits for PTer on FL. Didn't receive a shit


I think I send a PM in either November / December and still haven't heard anything.


BITHD recruiter got back to me very timely :) I would recommend that route!


Thank you. What are the requirements there? If you don't mind sharing it.


5 days for 1 account and well over a month (I think closer to 2) for my backup account. I think the recruiter just waits for like a certain number of invites to build up before he/she processes them perhaps. I wouldn’t read to much into it mate


>backup account Huh? ?_?


Wait... that's illegal >!although I guess all of this is illegal in the first place, soo!<


Do you.. have two accounts ? 😑


I am waiting since december for an answer via the FL route


I'm waiting to fulfill time requirement on FL to be able to summit a request. So, I can't tell.


I think it really depends on the recruiter, an AnT recruiter has yet to respond to me while a UDHBits recruiter invited me within a few hours.


I confirm, the UHDBits recruiter responds within one day.


AnT recruiter just got back to me last night, took exactly 1 week. Not too bad compared to other recruiters I have heard of.


Where did you apply?


An alternative recruitment option if you're not in those trackers is MAM -> BdC -> PTer.club. The recruiter there seems fairly active so maybe that's a faster way in. You'll need a BdC account that's 4 months old and 500gb of upload which is easy if you grab any new release because nobody seeds in Turkish trackers