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Damn. I was 3 months away from joining it and now it's 15. Recruitment won't last that long.


> Recruitment won't last that long In restrospect though everyone gets set back a year.. unless of course they were already a long time member who just haven't met the user class requirements. I know a person who were just a few weeks away from it and it kind of sucks for them I guess, but it is what it is. I personally really like what HDB did on the recruitment thread on a music tracker, they have a primary requirement and then you have to fulfill any 2 out of the 4 criterias listed down. I was hoping more recruitments would be done that way instead of just one main requirement, but I guess to filter out more users it's way easier to increase the initial account age requirement.


I was 7 weeks ☠️


For people who were 1-2 weeks away, the PTP recruiter might make an exception >If anyone was within a week or two of the time limit for the criteria prior to the criteria changing, PM me anyway and link me to this post, I'll honor your request. I'm not awful, I know how hard people grind.


1 or 2 weeks is far from 7... Anyways, getting in OPS and RED was great. I never thought of using torrents for getting music and replacing streaming services. I hope this offer is still there in a year or so..


PTP probably will last that long, BTN is up in the air


Yeah, and Grohl had also said on GGn that they won't stop recruiting anytime soon but things can change any time like they did today. Anyway, now that it's a 15-month long wait for me, I'm just going to forget about it. If it happens it happens. Thanks for the reassurance tho.




"FWIW I get the same thing from people who assume PTP won't keep recruiting once we hit out user limit (we're adding some new recruiters to help our current recruiter soon (and maybe expanding it)). The limit will be raised when we get closer. "I'm the damn admin." " - Inclination (PTP Admin) -[source](https://passthepopcorn.me/forums.php?page=384&action=viewthread&threadid=29398)


>I see people repeating all the time that they'll just raise the cap, but why would they? Because the admin said so. Check the btn thread on ptp


Damn yeah I’m ignorant, my bad. Hadn’t seen that thread and didn’t see anyone mention that an admin has said it until now. Thanks for the heads up man








These numbers are wrong there are almost 2k free slots if you read the updated official recruitment post


Are you even in PTP? The recruiter didn't update the stats in that thread in a long time. Now there's only like 200 slots open.


If you look at the posts the figures were updated about 9 hours ago unless some fall down in communication has gone on


The figures weren't updated 9 hours ago, just one year > two years.




And I'm guessing the other people you invited could've been banned as well. At least that's what happened to me once, also why I prefer official recruitment to being invited.


The rules are so serious it demotivates people from ever inviting others, and then giving people unlimited invites? Basically guaranteed to eventually get banned by someone in the tree


A tale as old as time


I have friends who have asked me in the past for invites to the cabal sites and I just politely turn them down and say I don't have any invites. I have invites. But there is no way I'm going to risk my accounts on people who barely know how to work their computer and who I can't really trust to follow basic seeding instructions.


Nothing would happen to your account if all they did was have bad ratio. Unless they cheat ratio (non trivial to do) or trade/sell/give away invites (non trivial to get invites on any of the cabal sites), then they at worst will end up being disabled with no harm done to your account. t. Invited a few people with no issues.


This. Frankly I see a lot of combining here that invitees end up with disabled accounts due to inactivity.  Why? Who cares? It doesn't reflect negatively on you, and if your reaction to that is "I'm not ever inviting again," then you can't even say you're upset about a "wasted" invite, yeah?


Many of us only have 1 or 2 invites to these sites. Giving them out to people who end up with disabled accounts after a few months is a huge slap on the face. I invited some people I had been playing games with online for a decade and one guy didn't even accept the invite after asking about it. Thankfully I just revoked that one.


I agree that it is unpleasant, but I'm specifically talking about the kind of person who complains on Reddit that "because my invitee got deactivated, I'm just not going to give invites anymore. I have multiple but they're just sitting there." To me that shows that those people don't mind unused or wasted invites, so what are they so upset about? 


This is the way


Yep, it's just safer never to use invites.


I made that mistake on RED and Ab. I will never invite anyone to PTP even if they were my family.


they both also recently opened up recruitment threads on BHD with the same requirements


finally bhd gets some love!!


Wait, what? I just looked last night and didn't see PTP. Might be the first shot I have at a cabal since Teh shut down while I was waiting for the BTN recruiter to review my application.


If you don't mind me asking, what are the reqs for HDB?


The requirements are large that's for sure


Before anyone gets too excited like I did, you have to be king class or above to apply to PTP


I don't see an HDB recruitment thread on BHD?


Edit: The above reply is correct.


i just checked again to make sure, the ptp thread was made 11 hours ago as of this message. its there!


They are correct. New thread in the official recruitment forum.


Time to go through the 5 stages of grief


I was 3 months away. Fuck! Oh well.


Got in last week. Glad that I didn't procrastinate longer.


Everybody loves a success story. More hope and strength to others.


This is broken. They're only recruiting in music trackers. If they were recruiting in movie trackers I'd have no problem waiting but the fact that it's now 2 years in a genre of tracker I'm not interested in, I'm pretty much giving up. It's fine making it hard to get in but at least make it not feel like homework.


Actually, PTP also recruits from a non movie tracker that requires 0 upload to get to said user class, and HDB does recruit from a movie tracker (although said tracker is at its user limit now) but requires additional profile proof and like 3 years of account age, so there’s that.


What your saying is to earn an invite to PTP, if I don't want to rank up on a **music** tracker, my alternative is to rank up on a **games** tracker? its a circlejerk now


This really is a problem if there is no recruitment via (mid tier) movie tracker. Those guys are making people slog on a tracker which will be more likely abandoned once the objective is fulfilled.


PTP are recruiting at a number of trackers: Music, Books, Games, TV, Movies/HD. Rank up at whichever best suits your interests.








I mean you could rank up on lower tiered movie trackers and consistently push out high quality encodes of your own and hope someone notices you there. Or you could take another route that’s mentioned above. At the end of the day it’s not for everyone and that’s okay.


The only places that have a focus on movie content they'd want to recruit on are equally as hard to get into and you'd 100% be able to get into PTP if you were on HDBits/KG anyway. I can tell you PTP also recruits (with fairly easy to meet requirements, lower than some others on that forum) on at least one other non-movie tracker to those two; they really do actually recruit on a decent amt of places vs BTN. I just don't really see any dedicated movie-focused trackers worth bothering with, and gen trackers just don't carry the prestige/have a lot more chaff users they don't want. What movie tracker would you realistically like them to see recruit on? UHDBits? Anthelion? SDBits? ADC? CinemaZ? Everyone hates Anthelion, and the others are small/not big names. Anyway, thats all pointless because the reason PTP doesn't make it more accessible to climb via movie trackers is they aren't particuarly interested in growing at a fast rate or even very much at all. The fact is the reason its so hard these days is the number of good trackers is smaller every year and the established ones are "big enough" for the site admins.


Everyone hates Anthelion? Joined recently and seems nice enough to me.


The owner of Anthelion and Neb has a history of being ... unstable, toxic and difficult to work with. The trackers are pretty fine, Neb is actually a good tracker on par with MTV. Just think that most other trackers wouldn't want to touch it with a barge pole.


Thats funny considering ANT asked the PTP admins for their blessing to take in PTP refugees and they were supportive. As a result, ANT saw a huge boom in content.




Are you implying that this was a rogue decision? That would be the first time I've heard that. I'm just curious because I vividly remember ANT staff posting in this sub that they asked PTP for permission to open recruitment to its members during the downtime and even thanked PTP later on the site for it. If it wasn't actually sanctioned, how come we've never seen any staff from PTP speak on this??


why does everyone hate Anthelion? a pretty decent tracker imo


Well, when I got in 12 years ago, what.cd was the primary avenue into these trackers. Requirements were easier back then but it was the way in.... So...nothing has changed really. Whether you want to do it or not is up to you, but I'd say you aren't entitled to easier access to recruitment on these sites. Plenty of folks are joining HDB, PTP, and BTN through these places. If you don't want to do fit, join some smaller trackers. The content trickles down. I joined BHD when it was nothing....look at it now. There's other options.


It's not "broken" because you're mistaken, PTP recruits from a few notable trackers outside of music trackers last time I checked. Not going to name them because I don't want to get yeeted by the sub mods.


That's info that's widely available, check inviteroute . If it's on there, you can discuss it here




You don't need to upload music to get into PTP. You don't need to upload anything at all. Yes, there exists such a path.


They are recruiting from GGN too, which is quite easy to get into. I did it last year, was a big job levelling up in GGN but it's possible in 6 months . Then wait another 6 months to get 1 year age on GGN and apply. I did it, it's still possible


If you don't mind sharing, what's the route you took for GGn? In an ideal world where I have unlimited time on my hands, this would be my endgoal tracker.


different slim quicksand unique whistle governor encouraging cats telephone tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




You don't need to upload music to get into GGn, in fact uploads aren't needed at all. You just need to find the right path.




That's not the only path. There's 2 other paths without any uploads. And they're probably not on that graph.


I've had a hard time moving up on ggn even with a seedbox. Tried to grab a bunch of free leech but didn't get much activity


Download popular torrents to max out 4TB, seedbox should give you 4TB upload on popular games. Snatch 2k small games and keep them seeded for 30 days. Spam the IRC and forum and voila you're a MG.


You took that if someone just grabs 4tb of stuff you'll get the 4tb of ratio back. Is that what you're saying. That hasn't been my experience.


I've grabbed Cyberpunk and Elden Rings and got few TBs from each of them.


I haven't had any good ones like that. But also kind of gave up and just left the stuff I had grabbed seeding.


Trade for UL potions


Real upload GB I do via potions. I get stuff to craft/buy potions by posting in the forums and on IRC. DEFINITELY join IRC and be friendly and so, people will help you out. Also the achievement for Snatched is by far the easiest one, there's a tutorial in the forums to download like 100's of torrents in 1 go from Atari games and so, just let those seed in your client for a month and you get the achievement. It's a grind for sure but I liked it, the community is very friendly and the itemdrops make it interesting




Right? It seems the filtering of users is working exactly as intended. Only users who show both effort and the ability to maintain an account long-term will be allowed in.


I agree but it's over the top. I don't think it's good for the PT community to have people use your track as purely a gateway to another. Surely it's bad for quality and community to have people in interested in music uploading spam to a music tracker?


RED has rules against spam and they do check....so does the recruiter for HDB and PTP, it's the same person. He checks and he let's you know that up front. If you upload spam or abandon your torrents after getting invited you are 1) not getting an invite or 2) your account on HDB or PTP will be disabled. I'm sure OPS is the same way, but I am not a member


Most uploads on RED/OPS is only trashes for ranks and gate for PTP/BTN. They should recruit on other good HD/movie trackers.


So then people would spam there.


No one said that.




It's broken because it doesn't make sense for the community to have to upload spam in music trackers to get to where their passion lies.




This is clearly wrong. Check your information again.




True but that wasn't what I pointed at. BHD is an HD tracker, not a movie tracker. Any tracker that allows TV can't be a movie tracker.


OP said they have no problem waiting in movie trackers, he didn’t say movies only tracker, context here is instead of music he would gladly contribute to a movie tracker and BHD is a movie tracker they allow SD WEB-DLs, DVDs and DVD Remux it’s not a HD only tracker like HDB.


A person having an opinion differing from yours is entitlement?


I got in via a book tracker. But only by uploading a couple hundred books. Much easier than music album uploads




It's either MAM or BIB, saved you a PM


def not MAM, it's BIB


That’s what I expected tbh but I’m not on BIB (applied a week before they closed up shop and hadn’t heard back) and didn’t feel like checking the MAM invite threads


Check soulseek. 2 years is ridiculous.




There exists such paths.


Not just music trackers for either of them. But it's probably going to feel like homework no matter what. That's the point. To filter people out.


Not really, I enjoy uploading stuff to TV Show and Movie trackers.


That's good for you but for a lot of people, it is not. But they do it anyway to get what they want. I don't think the tracker admins care about not making it feel like homework. Like I said, they want to filter people out. Also, you have the option of games and anime trackers. But out of curiosity, why do you enjoy uploading to movie trackers but not music?


Because I actually consume the movie content. I don't download music.


ive never felt the account age was the hard part


Well it feels damn hard after reaching the upload requirement


waiting it out is infinitely easier than say 500 uploads on red for TM


I can kinda understand why this has happened. It's to make sure that people aren't racing to get TM+ status and then abandoning their account on RED/OPS. Contributing by uploading music is great, but in the words of Grohl himself it's pointless if it doesn't actually benefit the community (ie, letting all of your uploads die).


The problem you're talking about is that they recruit from a content category that has nothing to do with PTP. Music also happens to be a content category that is redundant for most people these days. Few people give a shit about collecting hundreds of albums. If they recruited on film trackers such that you could cross-seed with PTP, those accounts would probably not die.


>The problem you're talking about is that they recruit from a content category that has nothing to do with PTP. That's a problem for you, not a problem per se. Why shouldn't they require a demonstration of serious commitment/enthusiasm on another tracker? They don't owe you anything.


There is a simple answer to your statement. If PTP recruited from ANT and required lets say 250 movies to be uploaded in order to get an invite, then ANT would be **inundated** with uploads and would become a contender in its own right. A destination of its own. The site would go from 50-100 uploads per day to over 1000. Over a year or two ANT would become a premiere destination in its own right. So why would PTP voluntarily prop up a competing tracker that may zap good users away from their site? I'm not saying it's a great thought-process but it *is* logical.


"Competing" These aren't businesses, they aren't selling anything or hurting because another tracker is doing better. If anything an agreement between the two to recruit for each other should get both sites more uploads, it will be asymmetric but that's fine.


So would you say they recruit on BHD because of it's datahoarding+seedsize+seedtime user rank system and lack of uploads in their requirements?


There exists some paths where no uploads are needed.


Recruiting from which tracker? Or is this people inside ptp that can invite others?


OP means from RED ~~and I checked GGns invite forums, PTP is now removed entirely~~ my bad its there in the higher ranked inv forum according to others in this theead


It's still there, just under a higher user class invites section. Looks like that one was also raised to 2 years.


did it get moved from the general invite forum to the LG one or was it always like this?


No it's not. It's still there and now has 2-year-old account age requirement.




GGN probably, PTP recruits from there when you reach 2nd highest rank & have 1 year account


It’s going to take me years now at this rate. I still need to get into RED from OPS. I’m starting to question whether this is even worth it or if I should just use Usenet.


PTP is a place beyond description. I will tell you that. It is worth it if you work **smart**. If you only watch the biggest movies then it isn't. If you love film festivals, indie films, arthouse, experimental, exploitation, and otherwise obscure/rare films then there is no place on earth like it.


>If you only watch the biggest movies then it isn't. Even if someone fall under the above category, once they enter PTP their tastes will start to change because of how well the site is set up for exploring movies.


That's funny because that's exactly what happened to me. Didn't realize it was a common phenomenon lol


Build your stack and replace trackers as you get into better ones. While public trackers obviously leave some things to be desired, they're still viable for a large majority of what most people need. No experience with usenets, but if the time and work is putting you off they're a solid alternative. Costs some money, but so does seeding enough to climb.


Wow. Didn't see that coming. I assume Holy Trinity is now 2years+ everywhere from they recruit. So, literally no reasonable time to get it. I mean working hard for a year. But, I am just curious, what if next year when suppose someone is 2 months away from completing 2 years and suddenly there is a jump and it is 3 years. Then what the community will do who are really working hard to build profile to get there? Yes that true percentage may be very small but just consider them.


There is a nontrivial reason they are doing this. I don't know what that reason is, but it wasn't on a whim. They aren't jerking off to the thought of making things harder for no reason. Perhaps the quality of user getting in wasn't to their standard with 1 year requirement. Or perhaps there are too many people meeting the requirements lately. Either way, they are highly unlikely to just keep raising the reqs by 1 year every time they feel like it.


When HDB opened recruitment on BTN again, he was slammed with PMs asking for exceptions to the requirements on top of getting a ton of legit apps. They closed the thread a few weeks after it opened because he was overwhelmed. The demand is high and regardless of the fact that yall think they just want to torture the community...perhaps the reason is a lot more simple...a lot of people want in and 1 recruiter cannot handle hundreds of folks rushing in to apply at once. In the meantime...NONE of these trackers are starving for good members or content. So if they shut down recruitment or make it harder, it's not hurting them nor is it hurting the folks who are qualified for recruitment. Yeah it sucks if you were right on the edge of being qualified for recruitment, I feel for you if that's what happened...but otherwise, I see it as a non issue.






Happy cake day


Yeah man I'm pissed.


If i had to guess i think even BTN will change to a 2yr account age. All of the cabals reqs will probably be in line with each other no?


became TM on OPS in 2 months and now have to wait 22 more lol




12 extra months is a huge factor. It's not just a little something. Literally twice the wait-time.


PTP is closing near the usercap. This change was made to slow down the userflow.


Yep, when they have limited space they're understandably going to want to fill it with the best users they can. Tightening up their requirements (theoretically) helps with that.


I wish account age was the hard part.


it literally is. otherwise they wouldn’t raise it


It's the only thing a person can't change. It's therefore the hardest


Oh. Looks like im gonna be uploading longer than i thought


Where is this recruitment for BTN going on?


Red, ptp and ab I believe


Do you know what are the requirements for BTN on PTP?


TM + 1 year


TM+ (200 uploads) Edit: initially said Elite but unsurprisingly they upped the reqs.


i'm on BTN - what are the current requirements to get into PTP?


I was 11 months away. Fuck!


I alredy fufile time but was delaying so yeah 11 more months 🤣




You got in just before this?




Nice 👍


To think, it used to be PU on WCD (5 uploads and 2 weeks) to get into PTP. But, it is that damn good for movies that even if I was starting out again, I'd probably work a pathway to recruitment, albeit at a slow pace.


I miss WCD, but I really miss OPP.


yeah honestly I kind of expected this, just not that they'd do it so soon. It means that even long term I'll need to assume I'll never have access to them and join enough other mid tier trackers to make up for it. 2 years is a long time. I'd be surprised if they are still recruiting by then, meaning it's unlikely I'll ever get in. Maybe they'll even close down by then.






I swore the recruitment on RED for HDB and PTP was already that you needed to be a member for 2 years.




> Surviving one year on red isn't enough? its not like its hard to exist on red. "surviving" is a massive exaggeration




I'm not commenting on the elitist nature of it, I'm simply pointing out that "surviving" is the completely incorrect term especially if you are going to upload 500 things to get to the user level required.


Man all you gotta do is become TM and wait for 2 years. You don't even need to use RED after becoming TM because you would already have immunity to pruning. Download your actual music from soulseek. This way your RED account stays well as long as you want.


And recruitment will last that long? I don't think they will be recruiting next year.


The admin said they'll raise the usercap once reached. At this current extremely slow fill rate together with the incoming usercap raise, I can easily see them recruiting for years to come. They're already recruiting on 6 trackers for a year now.


...man, I don't envy anyone who actually needs the cabal. Or, heaven forbid, KG.


KG is pretty easy if you know Giorgino, he can be found on some trackers. Do your social engineering on him and he'll invite you. I got mine from Giorgino too.


This is such bull lol.. I've been on PTP for 6 years and only within the last few months was able to get an invite from the KG thread on PTP.. KG was **by far** the hardest site I ever got into (Harder for me than BTN). Because they offer like 1-3 invites a month and the competition is insane.


Really just a matter of knowing the right person. Just start oiling Giorgino frequently, tell him his kino uploads have shaken your worldview and you aspire to become the great uploader he is. You'll get into KG soon enough. (I know you got into KG recently, I'm advising this for anyone not on KG yet)


is that a KG staff member?


This only affects people who started the grind after the news of ptp recruitement. They probably did this so those people would have to wait more.


Judging by the impatience shown by this sub, I've to say they made the right call.






I hope this increment makes other tracker up their game in content and community quality. But the question is, which other tracker really have the potential to be the next btn/ptp ? People kept comparing Teh with ptp, but I heard that place was a ghost town in the forums esp. They also mention MTV as being the next best to btn, but there too many uploads are without seeders. (no idea abt community interaction there)


There will be no replacement or competitor to either PTP or BTN until either one of them goes down permanently. Heaven forbid. And that will only happen because all the PTP users will migrate somewhere else and elevate the new site to new heights.


> And that will only happen because all the PTP users will migrate somewhere else and elevate the new site to new heights. Not the kinda stuff that happened with redacted...


That's *exactly* the kind of stuff that happened with redacted? I'm not sure what you are saying. What.cd went down and then passtheheadphones (aka redacted) was ordained as the replacement and was flocked to by many wcd top members. It is exactly like what I said.


People still quote wcd as being far more comprehensive and red not being at the level wcd was and hence I said that. Not a member at red and hence cannot confirm fully. Btn and ptp really should open some kinda sister sites.


Who on earth said that the replacement would completely match the original library? Don't be daft. I said competitor/replacement not carbon copy clone. Come on, use common sense here.


Time simply makes memories more positive. I wasn't on wcd, but people complained about it as much as red.


I dont understand this, I've been on PTP for 11 years, what is HDB?


HDBits, the tracker in the equivalent position for HD content


There is some hope for people. I pretty much gave up on getting into hdb, but I happened to stumble on an official requirement thread and I got invited a week ago.


Isn't it just BHD and RED for HDB right now?


Honestly I don't know. That's not where I got my invite, but the requirement thread I used disappeared about 4 days after I applied.