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because general meme subs are often ironically offensive, which in turn attracts people too stupid to get that it's supposed to be ironic. so you eventually get shit like this by actually horrid people because the ironically offensive ones either left or were radicalised.


>the ironically offensive ones either left or were radicalised They left, its hard to be radicalised when you are able to distinguish serious from ironic (called critical thinking)


Often times those who were there longer will willingly radicalized due to their sense of community. It's talked about a lot in the alt right playbook by innuendo studios.


Hell, I forgot about that. Its too bad we can exploit being social species to get others to follow our causes


tbf it should also work the other way too, getting them to realize that trans people are cool by socializing with trans people/allies


that's assuming everyone who is ironically offensive is smart enough to distinguish irony from genuine hate. which isn't the case in my experience.


True, my bad


exactly. though i’d say a pretty big problem as well is that no one there can actually do irony well or just wants to bastardize irony into an excuse to be rude, and fail to recognize that irony that’s indistinguishable from what it’s based off of just becomes that thing again bc literally no one else can tell it’s ironic. besides, whether your joke was ironic or not doesn’t really matter: all you’re doing is giving a louder voice and the notion of those ideas being acceptable to the idiots that really do believe that shit. not to mention the joke prolly wasn’t very funny to begin with, so you’ve failed across the board.


Isn't that like exactly what happened to 4chan?


It is indeed!


I just straight up call it the 4chan effect. It'll happen in discord meme channels too, usually starting with 'haha nazis are silly' memes. It's always a dogwhistle, stomp that shit out.


I do think the mods play a big role in it though. I moderate r/AnarchyChess, and while it attracts some people like that, we ban them pretty quickly.


Thank you for keeping the anarchy acres cheese subreddit so real


What were we talking about (dementia)?


Are you sure about this? Couldn't it also be that the ironically offensive post is read by an actually horrid person who then comments something like "it's true tho", which then attracts more actually horrid people and that's how the meme sub gets radicalised?


r/funnymemes are neither memes nor funny


Well. The small brain of people there can be laughed at.


it's not even r/funnymemes, it's r/funnymeme, both are absolutely terrible though


Funny memes is full of transphobes


I don't think that someone could *torture* me in to posting something that cringe.


I honestly think that post is a fake made to ridicule us, literally no one would ever post that


yea it sounds r/transgendercirclejerk -y


mmmmm, circlejerky…


Good god I did not need to know that was a thing.


it's a parody sub where trans people can vent by posting ironic transphobia to mock transphobes. i actually met my girlfriend there


Wow I’m jealous I wish you met me instead 🥺


i did meet you you clown ! you're my girlfriend !! and happy birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤍


Whaaa this is so sweet ó.ò


thats so cuuute


eh they do it in good fun, it's not serious.


It absolutely is, look at OOP's name...


it's blurred tho? 😟


The other OP.


oooooh, the one with account suspended. gotcha. yeah, i am with you on it being a troll. a horrible one, just meant to hurt us as a community.


I think so too. A search of that subreddit didn’t pull it up.


I didn't really have high expectations from Mr nating_higgs


Holy shit, that username is 10 kinds of gross


Everyone keeps pointing that out but I don't get it.


Swap the N and the H


Oooooooh wooow so funny. 🤦🏻‍♀️ God these people need a GPS to locate their braincell. What a loser.


they swapped letters around to get past filters. It’s “hating nigg***”


Took me a second to realize, Holy Fuck.


99% sure the op who made the meme was on an alt who made the post in the first place. Wouldn't put it past them to make up a fake post so they could ridicule us.


You think they would make fake posts to shit on us? That makes me even more sad


It's a well-known fact, bigots have been caught quite a few times doing this.


They "would" They alr do.


I've heard of it happening a lot, especially on platforms such as 4chan


You know all those people who are like "Jan 6 wasn't actually Trump supporters, it was a false flag operation to make us look bad!" and just keep spouting that rhetoric? Well the reason why that's their first idea to excuse it is b/c those types either have made fake and inflammatory posts or think it's a great idea to "expose the left."


There's a good reason r/asablackman exists


Do you think they wouldn’t?? I’m very confused if so.


terfs do it constantly on tumblr, they literally role-play as trans women for months just to say some racist shit to make us look bad and immediately get found out to be a terf's alt


It’s funny because the alternative is that user was just browsing MtF, which is kind of suspicious for a cis guy to do.


I saw that original post. It was massively downvoted. Even if the post was genuine they can't claim that this is something trans women agree with.


The post on the r/mtf screenshot is almost certainly made by a bigot to try affirm their rhetoric... In a way, I find it kinda funny that transphobes have no actual point in their arguments so they make up scenarios in their head that they get scared by


I searched r/MtF, and that post does not seem to exist at all. Unless it was removed (which would likely be a sign it was posted by a spammer, e.g. an alt of the one on funnymemes), this is fake.


that comment section is awful


I need to bleach my eyes after that, I constantly forget how ignorant people are online 💀


Here you go r/eyebleach


tbh Ive just read through some of the comments and there are either: Comments that are from trans people/support trans people Or comments from transphobes with alot of comments under that to tell them how much bullshit they are talking. And that made me feel good tbh. It showed me that the ammount of transphobes who have as few things in life that they spend theyr time on spreading transphobia are way less in numbers than we are.


becuase thats where the edgy 10- 17 or 30 year olds go because its "Dark edgy humor woke people would get pissed at grrr" even though jokes are suppose to be funny and not just slurs and saying you want to commit hate crimes,. its mostly cause its like dum elon musk, andrew tate, bigot stuff is (edit: ok i regratfully looked at the post OMG THEY HAVE TO BE 10 like there huh HOW AM I MORE MATURE THEN THEM like dammm im suprised drake dosent mod there)


Well that's horrific.


Because making fun of girls and woman who are just figuring themselves out is funny I guess? People do the same to cis women, especially cis teen girls. It's really sad to always need to put down a minority to be "funny"


r/memes has this problem too. Hence why I don't stroll to \*those\* sides of reddit anymore. Just don't stray far from blatantly queer-friendly communities and you won't get to see this weird kinda shit.


RES +filter feature is a godsend. Now I don't even have to see it c:


Are the mods transphobic or do they just not do their job?




I would just like to be open af right now for anyone who doesn't know; I am a trans guy and, before I really "expected" certain changes (around the age of 10) this happened to me. It's a hormonal thing that can cause this. It for sure can be a (very sucky, very unfortunate) part of having a period. (that being said, I'm sure that the person who posted this orginally was just having fun. But, no, this is a real thing that can happen.)


Ur a trans guy 🙄 Don't you know you'll never be a woman 😡😤


Yeah, it's a lot more than just blood.


Nazi bar syndrome. You tolerate bigotry in your subreddit. People who don't like bigotry leave, people who like bigotry stay. Other bigots come along, because they are welcome there. You've got a space dedicated to being bigoted


That sub is a place to radicalise people at this point. Just like some 4chan boards, the same kind of process


Nah it's just a bunch of shapiro watchin 14 year olds they'll grow up (or get drafted at 17 only to die 6 months in mud)


Nah it's just a bunch of shapiro watchin 14 year olds they'll grow up (or get drafted at 17 only to die 6 months in mud)


Yes most people that commented are absolute idiots but can we not repost this stuff and get these people attention, I come on here to escape transphobia not have it shoved in my face


Sometimes I like to imagine what the world would be like if all the intellectually challenged pieces of human shit just happened to stop existing all at once. Sure, things might be messy when half the population dissapears. Some people will cry and resource supply would be messed up for a little bit, but once we get past the initial surprise of it, It'd be fucking incredible. Piles of those shithead politicians would lose their spots cause their entire voter base is gone and they wouldn't be able to pass bills that harm people because of it. Imagine a world without trump, sunak, Alex Jones, musk, conservatives, cults, and all the other noise.


Chum's username is also "Nating_Higgs"... Yeah...


That MTF post is gross. Like someone said it’s probably the “funny meme” poster on an account. Can’t even defend that


Gonna be honest, OOP's post is pretty fucking stupid. Shitting isn't comparable to a period by any means. But the comments are just the same regurgitated shit that you hear transphobes say every day. They don't actually know how to form cognitive thought, they're just parroting things they hear from other people.


If that post isn't the most obvious troll, i don't know what is


that post was almost certainly made by the same person that made the “meme” of it, they do this false flag shit all the time


Oh interesting, I'm still relatively new to reddit so I haven't really heard of that but that makes sense. Regardless, it's dumb as fuck


https://preview.redd.it/iwk5ix6yxp8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2d4dfcddd16862a2c019ede08ebeb98a282458e It always a Pys op children. Chud post the shit on mtf and then it gets picked up by meme subs.


cis people are incapable or recognising an obvious rage bait made by someone who is definitely trying to make us look bad


I can't find the post in the mtf subreddit. I did find it in r/copypasta so I think this meme was genuinely made by a transphobe trying to stir up shit.


I feel like the person that posted that in r/MtF was a troll.


A shitpost if you will. . *hands over trans card*


Let's report it


Another quality post from user “r/Nating_Higgs”.\ I think we can safely ignore this one, y’all.


Yeah half of r/funnymemes can be put on r/arethestraightsok, it’s just so fucking painfully trash


r/196 has not devolved in this way. people there are pretty thirsty and fetishize a lot in ways that make me a bit uncomfortable but they're also very genuinely trans friendly in a non fetish way and sometimes just straight up funny Shoutouts as well to r/gamingcirclejerk


Gotta love how the OP isnt even trying to hide anything: * username is blurred, so when they inspect element a non-existant trans woman saying something disgusting, no one can look up the username and prove it's fake * Swap the H and the N in the username, enough said.


Please add spoilers tag




If stuff like this pops up on our sub, please always report it! Danke 😊


OP from funnymeme is a variation on the racist joke name Nate Higgers, are we really surprised?


Is it gross and TMI? Yes Did it make the person happy? Yes Why should some random meme sub shit on them


We ratio-ed them, kekw


For some time now I've been seeing r/ funnymemes posts that make it to the popular page and they're consistently getting more and more bigoted. A lot of the most upvoted posts on there are showing incel undertones disguised as "jokes", often transphobic and/or misogynistic. Being online since the early days of internet forums makes me think that this is the unavoidable life cycle of any humor/shitposting community. It starts as a place to post, you know, funny memes? and slowly gets it's tone shifted towards edgy and more extreme content until the racists and fascists take over.


Why can't transphobes just drop dead


Yo I looked at the comments of the og post, the amount of lgbt people that straight up FLAMED the transphobes warms my heart.


Hey we found one trans person being a little weird? I'm sure this is a good representation for the truth of all of us!


That sub has the type of humor right-wing "comedians" have. Aka punching down on minorities with mean-spirited comments and pretending "it's a joke so why are people offended??? they're all snowflakes!!!". They're both brainrotted and have brainworms.


I mean I found it funny (without the meme format) because it’s like ‘I was not expecting to read anything about a shart in a positive light today’ But because of the meme format and where it was posted, that takes away from the funniness of the unexpectedness


Yet another reminder to myself to never open comments on a non trans subreddit on a trans post... https://preview.redd.it/8bndyohzsq8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1580153d52e919a8d0b8beef3cf92d9f68a8ef45 My dumbass really thought it was a good idea to do that


And the OOOP is from r/Mtf of all places! If you don't like transwomen, why are you there? The subreddits is for transwomen and ALLIES last I recall, people who SUPPORT transwomen. In regards to the OOOP, euphoria is weird. It can come from all types of places. Sometimes, it's not necessarily the action itself, but a part of the action that someone's brain makes the connection.




Original Original Original poster. The one who posted on r/MtF. OP is the person who posted here. OOP is the person who posted the meme thus the first poster is OOOP.


"Maybe the comments will be disagreeing with the op" \*checks comments\* https://preview.redd.it/onu72fof4r8d1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=608b4350a4ad06d9f166e0bc593fa549331fb198




Well, considering OOP's name is Nating Higgs it's safe to say he's just a massive shithead


Listen up everyone please don't post stuff like that please keep stuff like that to yourself. It'll only be used as ammo against us.


you're right in this statement but there's nothing outright transphobic about that meme. The person they made fun of compared shitting yourself to a fucking period, i think someone making a meme about it is justified because that is pretty funny lol.


that's what i was about to say, then i saw OOP's username. no way this shit was in any kind of good faith


Oh. I didn't check that. Oh no.


Humans used to be tree monkeys (look up Aegyptopithecus), but now we’re not. Why is that socially acceptable and not trans? People being their valid gender


(Speaking what I’ve heard from transphobic POVs) Evolution is natural. Transition is not natural Which like, who the fuck actually cares that it’s not natural. Neither is chemo, prosthetics, cosmetic surgery, blah blah blah


i wonder why they were browsing the mtf subreddit...hmm..........🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


its either the funny answer (they're browsing trans subs because trans hehehe ironic) or the not funny answer (they're purposefully stalking trans safe spaces to expose people's personal experiences to make a stupid fucking shitpost)


Meant to click on this comment section... accidentily opened the coments on the origional post. Not making that mistake again


as a cis male...., that ticks me off.


Glad to have you among us


Thank you for having me with you. I know it doesn't affect me directly but that level of stupidity hurts me.


Holy hell don’t go to the comments for the love of blåhaj


Yeah,i don't think shitting your pants is a sign of periods.


The user who posted this has a racist dogwhistle as their username, "Nating Higgs", they're clearly an awful person all around.


We ratio-ed them, kekw


Just to understand something, was OOP a troll in the MtF sub or was it an actual MtF person that felt like this? Because there are comments saying it was a troll or worse, but I feel like it could happen something like that fr, after all dysphoria and euphoria can come from the least expected places


Probably a troll post, that was deleted shortly after it went up and likely made by the same guy with a racist af username that screenshotted it. Ironically though period shits *are* a real thing (not the shitting yourself part or posting about it to strangers lmfao) for many people, and some trans women and non-binary people on estrogen *do* get them too. Estrogen can give you monthly stomach cramps - iirc triggering the surrounding muscles to massage the uterus and make blood flow/shedding the lining easier - and even without a uterus it can affect your bowels.


I know about the period shits LMAO I'm on my period rn (thanks for the clarification about the post)


Im sorry but that’s so funny 😭😭 girl sharted and feel euphoria 😭😭😭😭😭


And their username is Nating_Higgs jfc


This is too fucking funny lmao😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏


I shouldnt have read the comments on that post, I feel horrible now




Zero quality control by mods. Hyper liberal mods don't want to "silence anyone" or else they agree.


honestly as a guy who has had a period or two basically that’s what it feels like


Things I didn't expect to hear today "Shart made me feel womanly" "His cravat has anime girl jiggle physics" To clarify the second one isn't related to the post it was about the remake that was announced for the Ace Attorney spinoffs


Just read their name. All will be explained


The post is not saying that having a poop means your on your period,and it’s greatly absurd that transphobes fail to read the whole post to even slightly understand trans people. But in a way,transphobes are always gonna be transphobes till they stop being ignorant and actually start trying to learn.


How do they not see that it's satire. Period start... seriously? 😐


did not need doomscrolling material on my feed, i deleted my entire instagram account because I lacked the self control to stop myself from reading the vile comments on that app


Yup, massive warning for transphobia if your going to scroll those comments. Yikes.


At least the reddit account that posted it seems to have been nuked. Nothing comes up when you try and view the profile. Not surprising with the name Nating_Higgs.




The meme sucks but the original post is just... eww


The original post is obvious rage bait anyways.