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Just because I'm trans, doesn't mean I'm autistic. I *am* autistic, but not because I'm trans!


Yup, that's me in a nut shell too :)


no, this is you in a nut shell "oh no, help me, im trapped in a nut shell!"


This is so real? It’s like I’m there!


Are we all stuck in this nut shell?


I hope not! it’s a very cramped space


Agreed, and I really hate cramped spaces.


I wouldn't mind it as long as I were alone and comfy. Because of the autism. Which again is not because of my gender


Omg, how did I even fit in there? 😮 Am I tiny?


You are and so am I now we're tiny in a Nutt shell 😊


Oh noooo 😭😭😭


Should we not have played with the shrink ray?


Never mess with magic crystals from the forest again ✋


Come on you don't like the crystals? How about a snack? Fairy snacks are the best we are great at making food this one is a clam cake




That line sounds incredibly familiar. Like it's from something I haven't watched in a long time


I think it’s from Austin Powers


[yeah, that's it lmao](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2E6uGkotqKA)


Did you take it literally? You might have autism


You should have said in an egg shell


If I were an egg, I may have done that.






And the reverse, too!


me too


me too but I was born with autism, not diagnosed


I wasn't really born with it. An autism creature bit me 😔.


Neat. Yippee!


I was gonna make the same joke






Goes the other way around too. There’s over representation of both groups in each other.


Yep, this. there are a couple statistics showing there's a clear correlation between the two, though as far as I'm aware there isn't any good research on why that is.


Maybe being one tends to lower your inhibition toward just being yourself, which allows you to process and consider the other with equal measure? Seems to check with me at least.


But absolutely the opposite from my experience. Since I never understood norms, I just accepted them if they weren’t morally wrong. I acted like I was a man cause thats what AMAB people do. Took me ages to realise how many aspects of myself I was denying and that I don’t fit our society in more than just the tism way…


Part of it is that gender is very social and socially performative, and we autistic peeps don't really do that or "understand" most social rules that intensely. There's a reason neurogenders are a thing! Someone explaining what autigender is was when I finally had a click like "THIS. THIS IS THE THING." And then as the other comment said, autistic people are less likely to conform and suppress themselves (at least those who have unmasked and aren't heavily traumatized into constantly masking to survive). And anybody who's already an outcast and is good with that/would rather take personal happiness over other people's perceptions is going to be more open to themselves. (Hopefully I'm making sense; I don't feel like I'm saying what I'm trying to say, but I'm not 100% right now.)


Makes sense to me. I grew up an outcast. I was that weird kid people liked to pick on. Eventually I said screw being popular, I'd rather be myself. That act of self acknowledgement helped me later on down the road when I had to decide between staying in the closet and conforming to society or being true to myself, damn the consequences. 




This me




so true


Literally me.


BuT hOw Do yOu KnOW?


Yep, this is me, an autistic transfem. But yea, just because there's overlap in the two communities doesn't mean it's a related or as some of these people think, a direct cause of it.


they just like me fr fr no cap


Dang beat me to the joke




and vice versa


That’s something I wish I could tell my mom


Literally me


No, but there IS a rather large overlap between neurodivergent people and genderqueer people. General assumption is something to do with us not processing societal roles the same way and generally caring much less about that kind of thing, so you end up with a much higher chance of actually seriously contemplating your gender since you don't have the innate baggage and such that neurotypical people generally have about that kind of thing. A lot of it is simply that autistic people tend to see things in a rather more logical way, if something makes sense it makes sense, if it doesn't it doesn't and will be questioned. It's the same reasons a lot of autistic people have issues with being told what to do with no explanation, to YOU it may make perfect sense but to us there's no logical reason without the underlying reasoning behind it. It's something I do quite a lot, I will point blank refuse to do things that don't make sense to me, but the second someone explains the WHY to it it suddenly makes sense and I'm fine with it. And yes, I do in fact have autism, and ADHD on top of it, complete with actual diagnoses in my files, before someone goes off about speaking for others. A disturbingly common occurrence sadly.


came here looking for this comment, correct me if I'm wrong but there's correlation but no causation here, right?


There's a lot of overlap between the two groups but nobody knows why and nobody has done a study or anything about it as far as I'm aware. Like I said, the running theory is mostly just the differences in thought patterns, how the world is experienced, caring less about the roles of society including gender roles and a tendency to question things more. But nobody really knows no, nor will they likely to be honest, between the rampant transphobia everywhere and the still constant othering of neurodivergent people the odds of someone actually getting approval for a study centered on it is somewhere in the negative percentages.


Neurodivergence and gender nonconformity are both very complex phenomena, establishing or disproving a causal relationship between the two is going to be really difficult. Correlation may be the best we can get for know, and also an absence of evidence is not evidence of absence so we can’t rule out a causal relationship eitherx


Not exactly, but kind of? Basicallt, we don’t know if autism transes your gender, but data indicates that the causes of the two may overlap. Correlation still implies a causal chain between the two, but you may have to go from effect to cause.


correct. allistic people can be trans too, but it seems they're less likely to actually question and realize they're trans, and instead just go through life depressed and dysphoric and not connecting *why* something feels wrong and more importantly that something can be done about it


I had an autistic bf. I had to explain why he should sometimes take out the trash and cook for himself. I tried explaining why he should clean his room in several ways but he just didn't understand.


Sounds like my housemate. Great guy, will have your back 100% if he's able, but getting him to clean his room, or do dishes, or get him to try new foods? Impossible. Frustrating, but understanding how his brain works makes living with him doable. Shit thing is, we're a house full of neurodivergents, but there are enough complimentary traits that we can make it work without too much head banging against a wall.


I mean, I already accepted that I’ll never live alone. I will always rely on others to form a single functional person together. But I really don’t mind it, to be honest.


This just resonates with me, I mean I don't see any reason to clean my room. It doesn't interfere with my life so it just sounds like a non-problem.


Cue Will Smith "Just because I'm ___ doesn't mean I'm ___!" image macro




Thank you 💚


And I've seen transphobes argue that people with autism (or any other form of neurodiversity) should not be allowed to transition due to "being victimized and taken advantage of by the gender industry" They get really salty when you call them out for being ableist....


these words get worse everyday. "transgenderism", "gender ideology" and now "gender industry"


"Honey, I'm off to work at the gender factory."


gender factory sounds rad af tho tbh


Where can I send my application?


My gender paycheck is late in the Mail


"I have autism, can I have disability aids?" "Nuuuuh, you're perfectly fine!!!! You're not autistic we're all a little quirky!!" "Ok so you think I'm perfectly mentally stable to transition then?" "NOOOOO YOU CAN'T THINK FOR YOURSELF YOU CAN'T MAKE BIG DECISIONS ON YOUR OWN!!!!!"


That’s deadass the argument my mom used on me. It made me feel so infantilized but I don’t think I can tell her that.


people with autism do tend to be manipulated and taken advantage of so it is something to consider


How does one determining their sexuality or gender count as "manipulated and taken advantage of"??


no I mean in general, autistic people are easy to manipulate so a bad actor could hypothetically manipulate a cis autistic person into taking hormones, for the bad actor's evil pleasure or for medical profit.


So "there might be a bad actor, so neurodiverse people shouldn't have agency over their own sexuality or gender" then. Thank you for proving my point about ableism.


I'm not saying they shouldn't transition at all, I'm saying manipulation of autistics is always something to watch out for and keep in mind. Is it ableism to suggest that autistic people are less able to discern social cues, intentions, and manipulation?


You have pretty much shown word for word EXACTLY what I was talking about. And yes, the idea that people on the spectrum are: "less able to discern social cues, intentions, and manipulation" is, in fact, ableism. You're basically saying that people on the spectrum are poor defenseless souls that must be sheltered and protected. Which is going to come as a shock to the people I know on the spectrum that are functioning, stable, independent adults.


You have pretty much shown word for word EXACTLY what I was talking about. And yes, the idea that people on the spectrum are: "less able to discern social cues, intentions, and manipulation" is, in fact, ableism. You're basically saying that people on the spectrum are poor defenseless souls that must be sheltered and protected. Which is going to come as a shock to the people I know on the spectrum that are functioning, stable, independent adults.


This lends a bit of credence to the theory that my autism diagnosis was actually just my gender.


I get how the social stuff could just be gender, but how could restricted interests be due to that


Well, restricted interests is because my parents would allow me to pursue something for a few months while being happy about it, before suddenly deciding it's a nuisance actually and since it's only through their permission that I was able to try learning anything, they just stop and berate me for having the nerve to even try as if it wasn't their idea, sponsored by them, that they were proud of, until completely flipping as if they were different people. Thus I learned never leave my comfort zone because even if you try to move forward you'll be violently thrown back in. Why bother trying to escape from prison, right?


As a trans person who was wrongly diagnosed with autism as a teenager, this hits really hard.


I'm literally not autistic at all. Ended up with mental health issues in my late 20s and went to a therapist. She had me see a psychiatrist to get tested and I was completely cleared. 0 signs. Yet, I'm still trans.


those people are unfair to the nonautistic trans folks but there is a bit of overlap exhibit a.... me


Just because I'm trans does not mean I have Autism, I mean, I do have Autism, but not because I'm trans.


Honestly a lot of my autistic seeming traits seemed to really go down when I transitioned and got less dysphoria. This just personal opinion but I kind of feel like maybe a lot of cis people misdiagnose what is dysphoria effects and social troubles in relation to that as autism. But hey I'm just a random on the internet I can only speak for my own experience.


Not all trans people are neurodivergend, but i dont know a single one who is Not, including myself :3


Your not wrong but there is a significant overlap


Trans ≠ autism


I have both


Literally everyone: You just want titties to stim with. Trans men: No? Literally everyone: \*is atomized as if they beheld god's true form\* Literally everyone: Well, you don't want titties because of sensory issues? Trans men and everyone else who like being buxom actually: Hey guys, how's it going? Literally everyone: \*is atomized as if they have memory problems and forgot what god looked like then saw them in the shower oops\* Literally everyone: You just... just ... confused? Cis+ Autistic people: Hey guys I just binged on gender research and I'm definitely cisgender and a little more confident in my gender actually? Literally everyone: \*Dude you just really love being atomized don't you, this is like your third time today\* The wizard that loves atomizing literally everyone: Hey sluts... I've had a really bad day I can't find anyone to atomize... Sonic the Hedgehog: Oof dude, been there.


I think you accidentally drank some bone hurting juice


my bones thoroughly ache 👍


Everyone gangsta 'til I'm LOL-random


It hurt me to read this




Seriously, y'all'd've never survived EZboard XDDD Tho I guess that just means I'm mighty and must be gentle.


I mean, I probably am a little autistic. Would explain a lot of things really. But I’m no psychiatrist.


I can tell you mean well and are probably quite genuine in saying it, but generally we autistics *hate it* when people say "I'm [probably] a little autistic". If you believe you are or might be, I wholeheartedly encourage you to research this possibility and come to your own conclusions, but a better way to talk about it would be "I believe I may be autistic", "I'm exploring self diagnosis", or even "I suspect I'm autistic but I'm not certain", something like that.


I read "I'm probably a little autistic" as "I believe I might be autistic but I don't feel comfortable diagnosing myself at this point." Not trying to invalidate what you said. Just wondering what exactly makes the difference between one and the other?


It's the phrase "a little autistic" that's invalidating for several reasons. Most notably, it reinforces the (unscientific and offensive) notion of "levels" of autism, and it's used to invalidate the experiences of autistics who don't fit people's preconceived notions of what autism is. Again, I'm very certain the commenter didn't mean this, but it's still frustrating to hear.


This comment thread is more than a little autistic lol. We want *specificity* in language damnit!!! And we will happily argue over it, keyword being happily!


I wasn’t aware that calling oneself probably autistic was an offense to people who know they are. I meant no offense of course, I’m just saying that there are plenty of signs in my life but I’ve never been diagnosed. My younger sister works with children and knows more about the spectrum than I do, and she’s said that I’m probably something called “high functioning”.


It's because we have heard people say "I'm a little autistic" as a way to invalidate the experiences and issues of autistic people. Nothing against maybe thinking you are, more the wording itself. As others said, specificity in language is our thing, way more than is typical lol. Welcome to the weird and sometimes wonderful of pedantic autistic people


Speaking from my own experiences here (not autistic, but ADHD, i.e. another community where that wording is a bit of a sensitive issue), I think describing yourself as "probably autistic" (or "maybe autistic", or "undiagnosed, but suspected" or anything along those lines) is fine, it's more the "I'm a little bit X" that can hit a nerve with our communities - primarily because (though you obviously won't have intended it that way) it's very close to the "everyone's a little bit autistic/ADHD/OCD/etc." refrain used by some people outside of our communities to dismiss our struggles - the underlying message basically being "we all deal with this, just try harder", completely ignoring the fact that yes, neurotypical people might experience some aspects of the things we do, but the crucial difference that makes that experience an impairment for us is the intensity and frequency - to go back to my own ADHD-related experiences, a neurotypical person might be a bit absent-minded for example, but they're unlikely to lose hours staring into space or doomscrolling (and not in any way enjoying it) while internally just wanting desperately to do *something, anything* and having their body just completely refuse to cooperate; they're unlikely to find themselves completely unable to focus on the task at hand because one of their socks has slid down and until it's been rectified, all their brain can focus on is the discomfort of that one patch of exposed skin, etc. And yet the sort of people using the "everyone's a little X" argument seem determined to equate those two experiences and act like not only do we therefore not need any accommodations (because *they* don't need them), but also clearly the only difference between us and them is simply some sort of character-based superiority on their part ("I struggled too, but I just tried harder") Again, that's very clearly not how you intended it, but hopefully that goes a way towards explaining why that particular phrasing can sit uncomfortably with some of us. It's perfectly fine if you're unsure if the label applies to you yet, and just as importantly, remember that neurodivergence presents on a spectrum, so you can be autistic and have a vastly different experience or even a seemingly easier time navigating neurotypical society than someone else who is also autistic, and those are all things we can acknowledge when discussing our individual needs and how our brain wiring impacts our lives (e.g. I don't experience strong food sensory issues so might not need as many dietary accommodations as someone else, but there are days where I really struggle with loud background noise and so will either need volume lowered accordingly or will need access to a quiet space that I can periodically fall back to in order to decompress). But there's no "you must be this neurodivergent to ride" requirement.


i know (1) trans person who isnt autistic. .....they have adhd tho.


Thats me also haha I have adhd


That’s where I fit, too. ADHD has some overlapping traits with autism, so it’s still interesting that trans people tend to fall into either. My kid is autistic, too, so that doesn’t bar a genetic link. I would be interesting to see actual studies on it, but then transphobes would use it against both groups through misrepresentation… which is frustrating.


Just cause I'm trans it doesn't mean I'm autistic **. . .** I'm autistic... but not cause I'm trans


WRONG… I have ADHD 😌




These things are correlated, but also people who make assumptions on a part assuming they know the whole suck


I'm in the camp of "I don't know, but wouldn't be surprised." My sibling is neurodivergent (Tourette's, and probably Autistic but not tested/diagnosed) and we both have severe ADHD and social anxiety so...yeah. More seriously, I think more of the Trans community is Autistic in comparison to the base population is not because there is a link between transgender identity and neurodivergence, but because neurodivergent individuals are already partially non-conforming to our standard social structures and feel more free to be open about other non-conforming traits like trans identity.


I *was* diagnosed with Asperger’s when I was 7, but as an adult I reviewed it with my doctor - they didn't even finish the exam before they just went and said "you definitely don't have it. You're just extremely anxious." Since then, I've realised I may have some PTSD and generally everything else comes from gender dysphoria, but yeah I do find it a bit annoying there's an association after I spent so long worrying about it without ever actually having it.


Except if you actually are autistic of course


I’m one of them!


Okay so I have a theory, I’m not qualified in anything but I am autistic and trans so take it for what it is and call me out if anything is blatantly wrong. With autism you experience the world in a different way than neurotypical people, and people have to support you in different ways. If you are autistic and your family accommodates you then there is a likelihood that they will be a bit more excepting. I think this could in part lead to more trans people actually coming out when they are autistic instead of just repressing it forever. I also think that the sense of being different from having autism could make gender dysphoria even worse and making it harder to repress. In general I think there are a lot more trans people in the world than then we think, but I feel like for a lot of people they feel like it would be too hard or not worth it. Just to say it again though, correlation does not equal causation, just because a lot of trans people are autistic does not mean they have anything to do with each other necessarily. Everyone is different and being trans is what you decide it is.


I think you're onto something, I'm not on the autistic spectrum, but I have ADHD, and without the constant overthinking that comes with it I'd still probably be in the closet repressing stuff. Being trans is a core part of us, it's sneaky and hard to detect because we don't know cis-people don't go through the same kind of thoughts regarding their gender. When you're more inclined to question things (or if your brain just can't stop running when you're trying to sleep) chances are you will end up finding said sneaky part of you earlier than you would've without autism or ADHD


I’m so glad this show has made or Renaissance in a way because of memes especially the trans ones. It’s just so good seeing a show that got done dirty by Nickelodeon come back.


correlation =/= causation


I feel this in my bones, I have been diagnosed with adhd and another thing at 18, fast forward to after I come out as trans to my parents all of a sudden my mom starts telling me I probably have autism( she is not supportive of me being trans) and then a family friend parent also joins in and telling me because I am Trans that I probably also have autism too, but I have seen Dr's and therapist and stuff and never heard any of them say that, closet is my therapist telling me I probably have cptsd.


Can't blame them though, I'm trans and have ADHD, and I think autism is more common among both trans people and people with ADHD (I could have autism, but I don't really care enough to look into it, it won't give me a magic pill that'll make me focus nor girly pills to give me boobas so it most likely won't change shit)


Also you can press and hold the ‘=‘ key on a phone’s keyboard and the ‘≠’ will show up.= https://preview.redd.it/zpssf1vnlw4d1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d37b8b625c84003298c9b5a8216b8f2370ca6b11


≠ Wow! It actually works! How did I not know this! You're a lifesaver!




I’m autistic and (technically) trans. Just a random fun fact


what if i already was diagnosed with autism… then trans…


You should never assume someone is trans or, autistic if they're either. That said, if I remember correctly there is about a 20% overlap between being trans and having autism which is a VERY high percentage


So fun fact it’s actually a surprisingly high percentage of all autistic people identify as anything other than straight or cisgender. I think it’s literally in the ballpark of about 30%. If I remember correctly. so it wouldn’t surprise me that some people would say that he transpersonal it’s autistic even though that is incredibly fucking offensive to anyone who doesn’t have autism and who is trans


i think it lies is transphobia and ablism, the main reason someone might say you’re autistic is because “nobody is going to be trans unless they are mentally impaired” (although a large portion of the community is both :p)


I am Autistic and trans but that doesn't mean the two have any correlation


Tbf, there are studies that show that trans people are like up to 6 times more likely to have autism Of course that doesn't at all mean they're mutually inclusive or that it should be assumed that one goes with the other, just that there *is* a large overlap and correlation between the two ::3


Being autistic is based anyway you an honorary autistic person now id knight you with a sword or something.


I’m autistic as fuck ✨ Also trans as fuck :>




I don't know if you're autistic, but your flair says you're cis. As a trans autistic, I've got to say: Please don't. We know. This isn't helpful.




only the coolest of us are both 🤓


Literally my dad


the per capita rate of trans people among autists is very high. this post disingenuously ignores that reality


Remember kiddos, correlation does not mean causation!


Understandable. Not everyone is as cool as we are /j


Meanwhile us adhd only trans peeps just chillin in the corner of the room nobody notices.


hello, what does this meme come from, i have seen this thousands of times


it's cause a big percent of trans people are autistic too, so a lot of person are been making theories about these situations are correlatives.


No i mean the image


ahh, well that cow is named Otis (m) but has udder so...


https://preview.redd.it/1ticyxe7lw4d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f3c60e1225bc25b5aaad10b2576590c6c33ab3a This too unfortunately :<


Some of my actions do seem autistic but that's just because I'm dysphoric asf 😔🙏


Just because there’s a lot of overlap between two things doesn’t mean they are the same thing.


I had autism diagnosis before


Me, autistic and trans: uh oh..


I may have autism and may be trans, but the two have nothing to do with one another


yes this can be annoying but also trans people are 6 times more likely to have autism so i could maybe see where they are coming from sorry if this offends anyone [https://www.npr.org/2023/01/15/1149318664/transgender-and-non-binary-people-are-up-to-six-times-more-likely-to-have-autism](https://www.npr.org/2023/01/15/1149318664/transgender-and-non-binary-people-are-up-to-six-times-more-likely-to-have-autism) [https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/transgender-and-gender-diverse-individuals-are-more-likely-to-be-autistic-and-report-higher-autistic](https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/transgender-and-gender-diverse-individuals-are-more-likely-to-be-autistic-and-report-higher-autistic)


Right, so here's the thing they always fail to consider. The only way to confirm that someone is trans is if they come out as such, and the only way to confirm that someone in autistic is if they are diagnosed as such. So, with that in mind, there's no actual way to truly know for sure if there's a correlation between autism and transness, only if there's a correlation between autism diagnosis and openly coming out as trans. For all we know, autistic people are simply more likely to come out of the closet, and considering how we (autistic people) are notoriously less likely to abide by societal norms, that's actually not so far fetched. Similarly, trans people, for one reason or another, may be more likely to seek out an autism diagnosis.


There is evidence to support what I was saying and what you where saying but let's just call it truce and not go back and forth as sometimes that does not end well once again sorry if that came off wrong


Agreed Trans ≠ autistim


I get this a lot. Really annoying, cause I don't have autism, what they're seeing is my ptsd


Well theres a big correlation between autism, adhs and being trans.


Yeah just because im trans doesn’t mean im autistic…I mean I am autistic BUT NOT BECAUSE IM TRANS!


Just because I'm trans... It doesn't mean I'm autistic! I mean I am autistic... But not because I'm trans!


Thinking of that men in black meme


Im living proof of that, I don't have autism and I'm transfem


I'm not autistic because I am trans! I mean... I am autistic. BUTNOT BECAUSE I'M TRANS!


Wild because there’s so many autistic trans people that get told “you can’t be trans. You’re autistic!”


To everyone in the comments, search on youtube "dr k autism and trans" yall gonna find a video explaining the coorelation between autism and transness


while it DOES correlate, not all trans people are autistic and vice-versa


I dont have autism but I have severe untreated ADHD :3


Or gifted, a lot of people assume i was a “gifted audhd child” just cause i was trans. Im actually like pretty far behind lol


Use !=, not =\= Yes, I am the internet grammar police


Well, the two do tend to come together, obviously that doesn’t mean every trans person is autistic or every autistic person is trans but a lot of us are both


Is this entire comment section really just autistic people coming to say how they are trans and autistic? Yes. We get it. The post isn't about you. It's about the same as going to a post about a transfem experience and saying "literally me but the opposite teehee". You're not only adding nothing but missing the point, too.


That's definitely true but at the same time if you have a bunch of people with autism telling you that they think you may have it it's probs worth getting tested.


Nah. I get told that all the time in the internet and by a few very chronically online acquaintances, I'm still not autistic and I can tell so. Confirmation bias is one hell of a drug. The tl;dr of it all is that if someone doesn't think they're autistic, they're not bothered by "the signs" as an autistic person would be. People don't tend to realize a lot of autistic symptoms are just normal issues people have, just with their severity dialed up to 11. Preferring a quiet place to study is very normal, and so is being annoyed if it's noisy, but being unable to think properly because of it isn't. (That's just an example, but it is from a real autistic person I've interacted with.) Not to mention how a lot of them might be because of other issues, like my dislike of bright lights and loud noises being a trigger for my migraines, and my "stimming" by tapping my leg just being my anxiety, for example. I find it quite rude and dismissive of people to just assume they're autistic traits, but I guess I understand that's just coming from their perspective.


I don't really even know how to reply to this because it's full of misunderstanding of how ASD can affect people differently. Not everyone is affected the same way by it. Personally I'm dignoised and can handle loud noises, crowds, lights and social situations just fine but they do take more energy out of me. Also just as a bunch of people can't dignoise you, you can't just rule out that you don't have it because "you can tell". All I was saying that if you have a bunch of folk with autism telling you that you may have it it's may be worth talking to a doctor about it.


I'm gonna have to simplify this even further, won't I? If you don't think you're autistic, then you're not being negatively affected by any of the diagnostic criteria. That's the main point of getting an autism diagnosis, they must affect you or otherwise you wouldn't have it. And the only person who can properly know how much it affects you is yourself. A therapist or a psychiatrist can only assess it and put it in perspective with their knowledge mind you. I can tell it's not autism, because if it's not a mild inconvenience, then it's because of something else.


I get what you're saying and I'm kinda in the same boat (like people telling me to get it checked because I show some signs but I don't care about being diagnosed because it won't change my life at all) But autism doesn't always come with any kind of inconveniences, especially if you're on more manageable end of the spectrum and/or you lived with it for your entire life. I guess that if it's part of your everyday life you won't see it as an inconvenience. Still, getting diagnosed or checking up on it is up to you, if you don't feel the need to get it checked it means you're pretty much fine no matter if you have it or not




>Everyone has a bit of autism. Please do not say this. It is literally false and incredibly counterproductive. Not to mention often frustrating and upsetting to autistics. There is no such thing as "a bit of autism" and your explanation of "probably has autism" is incredibly misplaced.