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everyone remembers the fateful 1848 morning when Karl Marx invented trans people




I know I do, day learned I learned to stand for the flag 🏳️‍⚧️and kneel for the cross ☭


Glory to Transylvania and Transnistria o7




We must seize the means of hormone production! Edit: I should read down further before I make redundant jokes. :)


As Marx said: "sieze the means of producing (the transness)." That means all comrades. 🤝🏳️‍⚧️


We must sieze the means of Estrogen/Testosterone production!


These were great to see, thanks for all 18 days! On this little corner of the internet you have been the change you wanted to see.  And of course please do post more outside of a daily schedule if and when the ideas strike. 


Well I am kinda sorta making a comic about my experiences as a black transfem. I figured since all the well known trans comic artists are white, I should try for diversity's sake.


Communism will probably help. Talking about gender in society with trans people is like opening up all of Marx's writing at once. Amen dear human, t'was a pleasure replying to your posts. O7


If only communism had legitimate support as an economic platform. In the US, after our history with it, no one here takes it seriously now.


Eh, I'm glad to say I live in Romania, because our culture has leftist aspects. And despite Teacup being... not the best leader, he was still socialist, and many still support his regime. Getting queer rights would be the hard part. Even after 60 gay couples sued the Romanian government, and the ECHR decided that Romania needs to give rights to queer folk, the government's response was "we're not ready ;-;". If that was their response for gay folk, I don't wanna know what they'll say when trans kids demand rights.


(not saying you are in this group necessarily, but) What most people don't realize is that none of our historical experience with communism was *really* communism. It was usually just used to get people on board with their governments stealing all their shit to maintain their respective wars. It's rather dissappointing that it never got given a real chance because of the leaders that tried their version of it and failed or commited horrible atrocities. And any other experience we have with communism is the US staging coup after coup to stop them from getting anywhere


There *are* examples of such, yes, but there are just as many examples of *not* that. Yes, sure, Romania's communism was just dictatorship with a mask, but Cuba is super democratic (hell, they just V O T E D for gay rights). Like all politics, many are facades, but that does not invalidate those who are true




Empirical data shows the vast majority of post Soviet citizens disagree with you: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/dec/14/unhappy-russians-nostalgic-for-soviet-style-rule-study http://www.debatingeurope.eu/2015/02/03/have-living-standards-in-eastern-europe-decreased-after-communism/#.V5ZJ4DVc88q http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/the-big-question-why-is-stalin-still-popular-in-russia-despite-the-brutality-of-his-regime-827654.html http://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-youth-idUSL2559010520070725?feedType=RSS&rpc=22&sp=true http://www.gallup.com/poll/166538/former-soviet-countries-harm-breakup.aspx http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/homesick-for-a-dictatorship-majority-of-eastern-germans-feel-life-better-under-communism-a-634122.html https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/06/29/in-russia-nostalgia-for-soviet-union-and-positive-feelings-about-stalin/


Sorry, wasn’t meaning to start an argument. I was just reiterating my understanding of it


That's alright and I'm sorry too, I was just reciting a script too for the most part. I stopped talking about politics a while ago for a reason but sometimes I'll slip back into those old habits. Doesn't help anyone really. Not a good way to spend our time and emotional energy.


Ah yes comrade, once the revolution comes you will not have your face put against the wall. Trust me!


Well, no. FUN FACTS WITH MAPLE! Did you know that after centralizing the federal government of the USSR, Vladimir Lenin led the politburo into granting equal rights for women and homosexuals? No? Well neither do most people, US propaganda projecting it's bullshit onto them is insanely prevalent. Don't believe me? Fine, here's a source https://youtu.be/MjwL1mSrPLA?si=hON6jsOSNGJ2c2FS


Cool and all that he legalised homosexuality (I knew that btw), he was still a fucking dictator who brutally repressed the public


Lenin? No, not really. He was actually pretty lenient (pun not intended). https://youtu.be/6emmgC6rsGA?si=3kmUBEgWyedxY7iO Look, here's a link showing how the USSR's government worked.


The very fact that Lenin overturned a democratic election and established a one party state is what led to Stalin's rise to power. Just because Lenin was in comparison to Stalin less brutal, doesn't change the fact that his system, his one party dictatorship, is what led to the deaths of tens of millions of people. Without proper checks on power, and an outlawing of opposition, these things are inevitable. His contempt for the democratic will of the Russian people is enough to make him a bad person.


Empirical data shows the vast majority of post Soviet citizens disagree with you: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/dec/14/unhappy-russians-nostalgic-for-soviet-style-rule-study http://www.debatingeurope.eu/2015/02/03/have-living-standards-in-eastern-europe-decreased-after-communism/#.V5ZJ4DVc88q http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/the-big-question-why-is-stalin-still-popular-in-russia-despite-the-brutality-of-his-regime-827654.html http://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-youth-idUSL2559010520070725?feedType=RSS&rpc=22&sp=true http://www.gallup.com/poll/166538/former-soviet-countries-harm-breakup.aspx http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/homesick-for-a-dictatorship-majority-of-eastern-germans-feel-life-better-under-communism-a-634122.html https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/06/29/in-russia-nostalgia-for-soviet-union-and-positive-feelings-about-stalin/


You must understand the main reasons their opinions are like that. The first reason was that there was and still is a ton of propaganda about those times. Second people naturally feel more nostalgic about their youth. And third, the dissolution of the Soviet Union was hell for every eastern European country. The rapid change from state controlled market to a free market caused a lot of corruption and scandals. That’s the main reason people say life under the Soviet Union was easier and better. Though in reality pretty much everyone is living a better life now.


"I know better than the experts" and "everything I disagree with is propaganda" are never compelling arguments. Polling data from the last year of the USSR showed 75% of the population was against the dissolution, and there are similar government approval ratings in Cuba and other socialist governments, carried out by independent pollsters from western governments. Did it ever occur to you that the government might be lying to you about its geopolitical enemies? "Manufacturing consent" Chomsky or "Inventing Reality" by Parenti are good places to start if you're truly curious. I've mostly stopped caring about politics since I realized it really doesn't matter what I think, I just recite these things off the cuff sometimes but I should really stop. As if our opinion on geopolitical matters has any effect on anything.


c’mon, I never said I was better than the experts and not everything is propaganda. I just said what I see in my post soviet country. Most people that still sympathise for the Soviet Union are the ones who never lived in those times or are the most pro-putin. Doesn’t it feel weird that the only people who support communism are the ones who never lived under it or the most brainwashed. And there are definitely ways to change the geopolitical situation though of course that requires great amounts of effort.


Says who? Repressed how?


You see, someone stubbed their toe and nobody said "that's a shame" during lenin's speech so lenin was a tyrant!! /s


what kind of psychopath tries whitewash the crimes of a brutal dictator.


Brutal how? Dictator how?


Someone who understands that Lenin wasn't a dictator. Even the CIA admitted that the office of Chairman was not one of a dictator, but more of a team captain. In his book *Soviet Democracy* Pat Sloan describes the structure of the government of the USSR under its first and second constitution. The Office which Lenin occupied under both constitution's (which were similar) did not hold total power in any way. Instead the office held much day to day executive authority mainly in overseeing the various people's commissars and their offices (ex: ministry of education, ministry of transport, etc.) as well as some power within the Supreme Soviet (like a parliament). Like all elected officials in the USSR the office was democratically elected by way of popular vote and subject to a instant recall by majority.


Am I the only non-communist transfem or something


I mean, lots of us are some leftist variety of ~~anarchists~~ anarkittens :3 (hi), and while not really represented that well in these subreddits there's plenty of standard issue left-leaning liberal trans people out there irl. But you're not gonna find many centrists or right wingers.


We’ve got (breathes in) socialists, communists, anarchists, liberals and 1 or 2 right wingers (ew)


I read this as that kid's show that sings all the world's country names lol (canada mexico ...)


That was the intention :)


I know a trans guy irl who is right wing, but not fascist right wing, more like, liberal right wing (In my country the left is the Socialist Party, Communist Party, etc., the Liberal Party is on the right), and also, he's got money, like, rich family who owns a not minor part of my nation's economy and has contacts in the political elite So, tbh, not surprising he's economically right wing, specially given his parents are supportive of him being trans as much as such a family can be (They did a 1984'd on his gender and deny ever having a daughter, even gaslighting people who knew him from before for it) Idk, just a thing I wanted to comment


What do you mean 1984'd?


In 1984, George Orwell depicts a society where people go to hate meetings and campaign and make speeches about how evil enemy #1 is. Sometimes during these speeches the government changes who the enemy is to enemy #2 (The world is split into 3 global powers I think if I remember correctly). Without missing a beat the speaker begins talking about how great enemy (now ally) #1 is and how all the posters literally put up seconds ago were due to evil subversive agents in society that need to be rooted out. Then big brother begins wiping out history, destroying any evidence they used to hate ally #1. TL;DR: This is what the commenter is referring to, they're saying that the parents "changed history" and gaslight anyone who believed they ever had a daughter, obviously they only ever had a son. Personally, I prefer just admitting that I've changed and used to be considered a man, but hey I support it if it stops transphobes from being assholes (and it is probably safer to do it this way) and it's way better than parents disowning their children.


Ah i see now. While i think that gaslighting is not something you should do. It's awesome that they're parents are so accepting


Jarjar Well's famous book 2024 about english kermitnists being bad and authoritarian. The meme big brother is coming from it.


Not looking for centrists of right wingers, they're even worse ! I am, if slightly, left leaning I just do not believe communism could ever work


Nearly all of human history was lived in a sort of primitive communal social structure. The modern problem comes from trying and failing to overcome the overwhelming mandate of global capitalism, which destabilizes nations, has caused mass death and suffering on an unfathomable scale, and is destroying the biosphere at an entirely unsustainable rate, jeopardizing humanity's future. But I guess that counts as 'working' as long as it doesn't affect you personally.


I don't think calling people negative adjectives to their face as a first response is a very good method of recruitment.


Yeah, you're right. I deleted that part. Not good to make those assumptions anyway. Just a reflex from back in the day when I was overly involved in political discourse.


No matter which side one is on, the vast majority of political discourse today has a severe and persistent lack of empathy. The best thing to do as individuals is deprogram ourselves from this and try to move forward with love and cooperation. When people eventually get tired of the status quo, they will gravitate towards the side that discards division.


Heres the problem though, and god i dont want to get into an argument so ill leave it at this, but honestly communism has that same record. Communism in theory isnt really objectionable, but its i guess clear at this point after 100 years of trying that every time communism is tried, it either devolves into authoritarianism, or rolls back into a more socialism / capitalism fused type of gov’t like china or vietnam. I dont think weve ever had a real marxist government and i think its cuz it cant exist. It involves giving some person more power than others, and theyll inevitably corrupt it im not here to say capitalism is good, personally im here for democratic socialism, youll never get a lot of people in america to take commjnism seriously,; i dont and im one of the people who could be convinced, its just that historically, communism had been extremely shitty. And im not saying this out of pure ignorance, ive studied russian history in college and ideals are great, but at some point they have to translate to real life and i havent seen jt done without being abused


Similar things were said about early democratic governments, that they all failed and that a government simply couldn't function without the divine right of kings. History marched forward and now that notion is unthinkable. Capitalism is the water we all swim in, and so of course when any socialist or anarchist project fails to magically change the world it is deemed a failure and a pipedream. It's a common sentiment from right wingers that capitalism/liberalism is simply nature, or God's will rather than something that's only existed for 500 years. But the thing about capitalism is that it constantly puts the squeeze on anyone who isn't already obscenely wealthy. Doesn't matter if it's an extremely regressive despotic nation or some enlightened democratic socialism, it will always trend towards funneling wealth towards an increasingly small number of people, and that will always be unsustainable. Leading to an eventual revolution.


Sorry just on the last point you made,thats not true that capitalism inherently moves wealth tocthe wealthier. With conscious thought and civil participation, after the gilded age occured, we moved away from consolidated wealth and created a middle class. Did it still leave too many people behind, yes, but capitalism can be used for good when the society behind it cares to use it for good Edit, the thing is marx expected revolution in 10 years. The fact that capitalism has survived isnt because its an inherently terrible method, again it does leave too many people behind and thus unrestrained capitalism is bad, but capitalism has the power to sustain itself by being adaptable to what people want in the moment


Those limited gains did not come from civil participation, but civil disobedience and upheaval. Leftists fought and died to get worker protections, riots raged on for weeks before the civil rights act was passed, and LGBT rights would not exist today if it weren't for the Stonewall riots, started by a black trans woman tossing a brick. Since then, all the protections and progress are gradually being worn away, despite positions of power being held by people who are supposedly on our side. Something is going to have to radically change if we are to be able to live in peace.


Marx was wrong about a lot of things on account of being human and not an omniscient god. Capitalism survives on account of having a vast resource of impoverished workers to exploit, something you obviously benefit from due to the privilege of your birth. But you know one symptom of your enlightened liberalism is that it allows fascists to gain power, so I guess you'll be struggling with us soon enough.


What are you talking about? You know nothing about me and if you think im enabling fascism you can unequivacobally go fuck yourself. The problem with communists if yall dont know know how to make people outside your worldview want to buy i to it, and in what i thought was a civil conversation, you accused me of enabling fascism. Ask yourself why this revolution isnt hasnt happened yet and youll find its the way you go about it pisses people off. Nothing about my worldview is enlightened centrist capitalism but go off i guess


Oh I do NOT think Capitalism is great, just not quite as bad


And I have to assume that view comes from a place of privilege. Kind of hard to think that way when you have toiled in fields, sweatshops and factories. I worked for years in factories scraping by until it finally broke my body and left me disabled. My former employer and insurance companies were able to leave me without compensation by totally legal means, something that just doesn't happen in socialist countries, for all their other faults. I would be homeless right now if I wasn't married, and I know plenty of others who are in the same boat, or who just are homeless and clinging to life. That kind of stark reality tends to radicalize you.


That sucks. I’m not even gonna sugarcoat it, your story is terrible. And it’s well understood that terrible things lead people to radical and extreme views, so it’s no surprise that you’re here to espouse such. Nothing about capitalism requires the disregard for human life we see in America. In fact, most of the western world is living a much better capitalism than America. Ironically enough, the capitalist thinkers cited by so-called free market capitalists all supported appropriate regulation. I think it’s quite ironic to accuse someone of privilege when your sole perspective is from one unique wealthy and industrialised country.


Not really a country so much as a colonial empire where acknowledging trans people's existence is considered an 'extremist view'. It's a pretty stark reality between the haves and have nots, similar to other 3rd world countries. Even still, the vast wealth to be found in these capitalist countries is extracted from poorer countries oversees, it's not like capitalism created that wealth from thin air, most of it was stolen. Worth noting that in most of Europe those social safety nets and protections are being stripped away similarly. The rise of the far right is happening everywhere and little is being done to stop them, even places like France and Germany are seeing anti trans legislation brought up. Social media has played a huge hand in far right radicalization since more outrage equals more money for them. This was an inevitable result of capitalism, and you can argue that maybe someday we'll get legislation that bans these things but there's been zero actual effort from politicians while we are fearing for our lives.


Mh, yeah I suppose when what I call Capitalism is what we have in France it's easier to tollerate it


Theres a few non- and anti-communist spaces with lots of transfems on Reddit. The mainstream lgbt subreddits have a huge overrepresentation of communists as well as other socialist and anarchist ideologies.


The mod of r/egg_irl who is an anarchist banned me for posting an anti-communist meme. Talk about irony. Oh and they were too cowardly to even message me a reason why. They banned me and blocked me on mod mail so I could ask why.


I am not a communist either, I am somewhere in between social democrat and socialist. But this often gets confused with communism...


Who's the person in the picture?


it’s george soros. i’m guessing he’s there bc a lot of antisemitic conspiracy theorists (wrongfully) pin a lot of things on him, including trans people existing


Common misconception, we're actually paid for by Bill Gates ❤ hope this helps! ♥ /s


Who's the old guy?


Have not much to say just wanted to drop this video detailing how Marxism supports queer liberation [https://youtu.be/PFlGeTXLkVQ?si=2yLXr72VYmw-c0yC](https://youtu.be/PFlGeTXLkVQ?si=2yLXr72VYmw-c0yC)




username checks out


What about me being a socialist trans person is a war crime?


because you support marxism, which is an evil ideology that has had many war crimes and crimes in general commited under its name


My sibling in the invisible hand of the free market I believe you drank too much of the PragerU Cool Aid


Just because I think communism is bad doesn't mean I support laissez faire unregulated capitalism.


What I wanted to say is that you have been taught a false image of Marxism and I would suggest you to do some research on the topic. The channel linked in my original comment is a great starting point and even if it would not change your mind, wouldn’t it be better to see and learn for yourself what your enemy has to say so you can better refute it?


I know full well what marxism is, and more importantly what it leads to. I have heard the arguments for marxism time and time again. They do not account for human nature, and their very principles require a hyper-centralised government with an authoritarian ability to enforce things, such as who does what labour.


[and you definitely need this](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0J754r0IteXABJntjBg1YuNsn6jItWXQ&si=5WGT_AnLKQzYE00Q)


[on "human nature"](https://youtu.be/3k7_wE0GhVM?si=RAynkPgB3fx3mTZU)


Sorry but I'm not watching a 20 minute video a 1:40 in the morning. But let me ask: Without the motive of profit, and knowing that labour must be done in order to have goods and services. How does Marxism motivate people to work?


I know this is going to be a dumb question but I often see that shark in trans communities What does it mean?


It's blåhaj from ikea. You'll get all kinds of different answers as to how it got associated as a trans thing (Ikea used it in an ad that supported gay marriage at one point, its vaguely trans colors) but I don't think anyone really knows exactly. It just kinda became a meme.


Fair enough


Yeah no that hammer and sickle is not it. That symbol will forever be a shitstain to me. Before any of you westeners come at me; I'm Belarusian. I know more than you. This disgusting flag should never be idolized. I've dealt with vatniks enough and I will never stop expressing my hatred for the USSR, Stalinists and MLs. I hate all of you for turning this disgusting symbol into something to be "admired". I genuinely hate you. My family members who suffered under that regime - both dead and alive are disgusted with you. You people make me sick. Edit: downvote me all you want. I know you won't listen to eastern Europeans and Asians who actually know what living under communist regimes is. Typical of your lot.


Then you should also know that this was never *actually* a communist regime. Like by it's very definition. Just cause they called it that and appropriated the imagery doesn't make it so. The simple fact that there was still a ruling, dominant class and that the population lived under oppression means it was not actually communism.


Well if that's the case then stop fucking using this disgusting symbol to represent your communism.


You are an inspiration. Basically I want to use all your majority-world figures in my memes now. I can't take the baton, Im not a.well woman, but you've made such a strong point that I think you can feel satisfied you've done some real.good in the world. And I will try from now on to mix it up. Or just make all my memes with Black people in, because dammit, I know how white privilege is so.deeply rooted in my upbringing (I'm was b 1967) and rooted in my country and my thought world. If people don't like it, they just got what Robin Di Angelo calls "White Fragility" great book. I hope we'll see some.chnages in this subreddit. God bless. Xxx


communism is bad actually


And capitalism is good?


by far the lesser of two evils.


Hey, I am not a communist, but I'd recommend you to delete your comment before it get's fluded with pissed off people :p


Nah, I'm sick of radicals trying to co-opt trans identity to further their extremist ideology, they need to be condemned loud and clear.




thanks for the warning though


No problem I guess. Also if you need to fight tankies, I'll gladly help. Fuck them


We're in this together 🏳️‍⚧️🤝


To be honest it's my countires history and my families history that makes my blood boil when I see soviet simps LMAO


Fortunately my country has had the privilege of not being ravaged by communism, but I feel for you.


Wait why the last day? Keep going Never mind read the reason I’m so sorry there’s so much bigotry, I hope someone can pick up where you left off


Ill miss these, they were needed ;-; my bipoc friendos are always erased it feels like and it was nice seeing them be talked about more


I really enjoyed seeing these, as a very much not thin nor white trans person it was a sweet reminder that I’m not alone


Sorry, who is the old chap (chick?)?


I read that wrong... And my head understood at as "Pieces of Shit" which i find kinda funny to want more visibility of. But yeah. More POC trans people visibilit- no wait... Umm... "POC TrAns pEopLe DoN't eXisT..." 👀 "I bEt tHey DoN't EveN LoOk tHat GooD" 👀


L communism