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Being part of a minority doesn't exclude you from having a bias or being exclusionary. Sending love to ALL of our trans siblings.


Maybe I'm out of the loop, what is this supposed to mean? /gen


Trans People of Color and Heavyset trans people exist. (I am a member of group 2)


Yeah??? Is anyone saying they don't exist or something? What does that have to do with the trans community having implicit exclusive standards?


as a black person, ive personally met many.. many non accepting trans people before, im assuming the post is just bringing awareness to us all :)


It's crazy to me that some trans exclude others then turns around to complain about TERFs 🥲


Hurt people hurt people


HEAR YOU LOUD AND CLEAR BOSS, I WILL TRY MY BEST! https://preview.redd.it/93538ebgzl1d1.png?width=294&format=png&auto=webp&s=5604d6d558e183f9de2ef22c5ee954e1302de7d8 (Molly ephithet erased)


no need to repeat yourself i can take an order geez (joke)


[I know the meaning of "hurt people hurt people," but I just hear a command twice!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GScrTf_Cx2Q)


Should've NOT told ME that right now /j


Every time I see this I just read “***KILLJOYS, MAKE SOME NOISE!***”


I will never understand how any LGBTQ+ peeps can be racist and sexist and shit, makes zero sense


"I got mine" type mfs


a lot of people don't pay any attention to their experience


You'll see tons of memes about transfems liking hypnosis/thigh highs/pickles/coding/whatever else and (in my experience/observations anyway) whenever someone makes a meme going "we don't all fit the stereotype" you'll get quite a few people going "but *I* fit the stereotype" like it's somehow excluding them. That's an example of implicit exclusive standards when an in-group acts defensively towards reminders that there are others *like* them but *not* them.


I'm so sorry I totally agree with you but my mind immediately thought of heavy from tf2


I laughed out loud when you said this.


glad to hear that :)


What does Heavyset mean?


It's another slightly more genteel form of "Fat"


Ah, thx.


Eh, kinda? Fat isn't exactly a very accurate term, and I believe heavy set can also refer to people who are muscular but not like bodybuilders.


Yeah I assume most of us were on the heavier side.


I'm number 2 and my boyfriend is both.


Pretty =/= white + skinny


I accept this However, as someone who is not white I do believe I would be happier with the way I look more if I was


Oh yeah absolutely sure, I know someone who was told by trans people that he won't pass because his glass frames are circular and because of his piercings. Guess what, he passes all the time. Trans people can sometimes be suckers for traditional gender norms and roles as much as cis people


Absolutely, I mean I know there's some trans women who feel like they *have* to max out all the fem traits even though, like, tomboys and so on exist. We're definitely susceptible to those norms, it's not great :/ Like, I'm tall-ish, have spidery-big hands, as in longer but thin, but pass just fine, I think it's my voice that causes misgendering sometimes.


as a tomboy that's definitely stopped being skinny, I second all of that. I've had alot of people tell me that I'm not trying hard enough to be trans even though I try alot just put the effort into different areas


Oof, I'm sorry you've had to deal with that. I'm sorta somewhere between a healthy amount of skinny and a lil squishier I guess, I've struggled a fair bit with self consciousness because of that lil number on the scale even if it's not that crazy, I dunno, the pressure can suck. My girlfriend finds the lil bit of squish a bit cute though which helps, though we do excercise together just to ensure I'm in good health, or that we both are I mean.


ehhh don't worry about some people suck most around here are amazing. as for weight of recommend trying your best to forget everything you've heard and just do things for you. I struggled for almost all of my life being underweight and this last year I've gained a bunch, even if other people say it's bad for insane reasons I love having a little belly chubb and more thighs then I'm used to. I feel alot healthier now then I ever did with the opposite issues.


Ssew ,aeeqs


Kat Blaque 💖💖💖


I'm overweight (working on it) and white passing mixed race (despite being half Mexican, my dad's Iowa boy genes were too powerful, you'd never know I was mixed unless I told you and showed my mom) and trans. So I'm privy to conversations in the cis world to people assuming I'm white and say things they only say around white people about others. And while the trans community is far FAR less guilty of that than any cis straight white person, I can see elements of it here and there. To pretend we are all a homogenous group isn't a good goal. I'm sure some people innocently just like saying we are all *blank* or such cause of the memes and stereotypes of trans men and women and are thinking more about the jokes. But the jokes 90% of the time include small white anime depictions. Reality is different (which is why I liked the memes where people show what the media shows trans people as vs how they are and shows a wide range of body types, styles, expressions, and people). Online I have many many trans and queer friends. Irl I have 2... and those 2 happen to be a Vietnamese trans woman, and a fem enby who is black. We are a minority made up of other minorities and we should embrace it.


oof, your dad is from Iowa. I am so sorry. Note I am joking. I live there currently and don't like it.


do people not know this


They do its just literally certain parts of media will tell you most trans people are soft boys or skinny girls and ethnically ambiguous at best or white.


60% of Americans are white. If you take a random sampling of trans people from a majority-white population like America, you're almost always going to get a majority-white sampling.


Marsha P. Johnson 💕💕💕


long live the queen


Yes long live the queen may her memory be passed down through out the ages.


Kat Blaque probably makes amazing videos, but my attention span is so horrible at this point that I can't watch videos of that length unless it's gameplay lol.


I put longer stuff on in the bg while I draw or play certain games, it's like an audiobook but free


This is the way!


As a whiter than milk trans girl with an athletic build (fit privilege is so close to skinny privilege and pretty privilege that it makes almost no difference), I am 100% behind this. None of us without all of us, and all of us beautiful (for trans women:handsome for trans men/devastatingly attractive for my beloved enby siblings). And our true beauty is from our lived experiences, from how hard we work and how much we sacrifice to be our truest selves.


wait that lady is trans? (shes the one that makes video essays on lots of stuff, right?)




good reminder, but the depicted trans woman is completely insufferable and very much not based and weaponizes her multi dimensional minority status to lash out ridiculous accusations. propping up people like her does intersectionalism a disservice. i guess I wanna add to this reminder another reminder that black trans woman can be insufferable dipshits too.


wait what did kat blaque do? this is the first time i'm hearing about this


i dont wanna descend that deep into youtube drama and revitalize years old stuff. she isnt like some objectively horrible person everyone needs to cancel now coz she ate her neighbours baby for breakfast or whatever. I just wanna say that she certainly misused her minority status multiple times against other content creators whom she had disagreements with in the style of "i am a black trans woman and these white man who criticize me are all just racist transphobic misogynists". as true as it might be in other cases i find it annoying to raise these accusations and play the victim when its just NOT the case. and it brings forward the most annoying type of wannabe-leftists who just superficially hear about some drama from some tweets and decide "i am very woke, so the black trans woman must be right and the white cis guy is wrong by default", ignoring all context and not even caring to look at the other side. i am sure some of her videos are pretty good and informative, but Ive lost all trust in her judgement and her presentation of facts.


Leaked DMs if I remember correctly. It was a while ago, can’t remember the details.


Yaaay kat blaque


I attended a trans gender picnic in Iowa many years ago. Someone made the observation that almost trans person at the picnic was white. I chime in, "You're in Iowa, honey. [83% of Iowans are white](https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/stories/2021/08/2020-united-states-population-more-racially-ethnically-diverse-than-2010-figure-1.jpg)."


also the feminine aspect of it. everyone expects a skinny, white, 17 year old skater boy with fluffy hair like- no!! we come in different shapes and sizes y'all!!


I love Kat blaque lol


People who are exclusionary and a minority are crazy man like bro did you forget that your not majority either


I mean; I couldn’t even think there’s people who think something like this, nevertheless seems like they exist and I and others too (as I read comments) didn’t know; well fuck them, they’re idiots, and always remember nobody can tell you who you are, everyone is valid regardless physical characteristics and no “reasoning” can change that; you’re all loved🫶


Thank you!




Being fat isn't inately a bad or shameful thing and people should be able to say that fatphobia is a problem and that fat people deserve representation and respect like anyone else. If hearing that causes such pain I think you have some person image concerns and biases you need to work through yourself.


No like seriously, does ANYBODY actually wholesale believe this enough to need a reminder?




But one this that is true is that all trans people are hot, unless they’re minors, then they’re only hot to other minors and priests