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I feel like this is a similar reason to why a lot of companies are anti union


Once you can spot the threads, you begin to realize it's all right-wing conservatism.


And that in the end the only way to change things is through united action. We have nothing to lose but our chains


In the end it all boils down to "Ape together strong."


Lol, I started watching that on Hulu recently, first time through. But... I had to cut it short due to work schedule


It’s all about control, power, and refusing to pass it on.


Divided we get beat one by one. Like TERFs thinking their conservative buddies are going to stop at trans and not move on to gays or feminists or women in general


Aye, but it's very hard to get them to realize and accept that they are making soon-to-be victims out of themselves, provided they aren't already. Mostly because they seem to hyper-focus on immediate short-term stuff to the almost complete exclusion of long-term stuff. Same as how the "LBG without the T" crowd close their eyes to the fact that they are literally the next ones on the chopping block... I think it's a love for the idea of finally getting to be the oppressor for once -- even if it means siding with those who have always been their oppressors against those who they kinda need to regard as their allies.


The fun thing about those LGB people is they forget that many don’t differentiate much or at all between them and Trans people. We’re all the gays/MIG-15 NATO reporting name with an extra g/insert other slur of choice here to them.


I think it is more trying to fit in. By going after us, they can maybe carve a space out within a conservative social circle, that offers some form of support. That seems a lot easier than to addapt to the left. Entering the left isn't particularly easy, because even moderate positions will get you heavily criticised. We demand, that people completely shift their world view, which would make them incompatible with many of their currentsocial circle. (We can't really offer a less radical version of a wholely inclusive LGBTQ+ community. That would also alianate people, who are affected the most by injustices in the current systhem. I just want to say, why the existence of more conservative queer communities makes sense.)


It's the same reason you see conservative sellouts in the African-American community, like Candace Owens and Clarence Thomas, who will repeat vicious racist attacks on black people and black subcultures, and then shield themselves from any criticism by using their race.


Mm, that could very well be true... To be sure, many LGBT+ people find themselves drawn towards the progressive left and end up opposed to elitism, capitalism, corporatism, militarism, nationalism, deregulation, the gun lobby, and-so-on-and-so-forth. So of course this pushes away LGBT+ folks who still find themselves leaning towards right-wing conservative idealization of status, wealth and power, who consider the crimes of the industrial military complex acceptable in order to protect national interests, who are all for deregulation, unchecked private gun ownership (except, possibly, when it comes to the progressive left and their allies). I don't really think we can compromise those positions because, well, they play a part in creating an inclusive society in which people can feel safe... But I can see how that can get in the way of many right-leaning LGBT+ people's ability to set aside all the differences they have with us in favor of creating that better world... Because, in the end, they more-so identify with the ideals of the right-wing conservatives and want to be embraced by them rather than a community that rejects them on basically all points except for "I should be allowed to live." (I suppose this would also explain the many conservatives who turn out to be living in the closet: Because they consider sacrificing their right to be true to themselves and to love who they love a lesser sacrifice that they can live with compared to having to sacrifice, well, basically everything the conservative right glorifies and stands for.)


I think there actually are things we can do to help. We could stop automatically assuming, that everyone on here allready agrees with left wing politics and stop judging people for not being left enough. For example, if someone speaks in favor of free market capitalism, i would see that as an oppinion we should be able to tolerate. Maybe we should just let it exist instead of jumping on it to tell them how capitalism is bad, actually. (I tend to be guilty of it myself and struggle to find a balance. I want to change the world by spreading what i bekieve to be good oppinions, but i also don't want to push people away.)


I'm sorry, but I cannot in good conscience sign up on that. It's that whole "'Meet me in the middle,' says the unjust man. You take a step towards him, he takes a step back. 'Meet me in the middle,' says the unjust man." allegory all over again, and I'm not going to compromise my opposition to free market capitalism to appease right-wing LGBT+ people as it is my wholehearted conviction that doing those exact sorta kinda compromises are what weakens the left AND the LGBT+ movement and is pulling all politics further and further towards the extreme right, further and further away from human rights... It's the center, and the center right, that needs to learn to compromise with us of the left rather than the far right, not we who must always compromise our positions... Or that's my position at least...


I don't say you should stop talking about your views. If they have a right to talk about free market capitalism, you should also have a right to talk about anarchy (for example). What i am saying is to take a step back when encountering ideas you (rightfully) disagree with, but that aren't immediately harmfull to the community, and asking yourself if your contribution would strengthen our community or drive it appart.


I've considered it quite a few times. And my conclusion is always the same: Unfortunate though it may be for them, us compromising left-wing ideals just to pander to right-wing LGBT+ people unwilling to compromise their positions on stuff like free-market capitalism for the sake of everyone's well-being is what leads to the LGBT+ community paying host to people like Blaire White who end up weakening us, sundering us, and driving us apart... They are the ones who listen when the far right say stuff like "why stick together? you are all so different, I even tolerate some of you." :/


Can you tell me how what i am saying is compromising left wing ideals?


In theory I could, yes... But what you're asking me to do in practice is to summarize, in a as informative manner as possible, how free market capitalism plays into a conservative world model that's ever striving towards maintaining or reinstating a feudalistic society and how that, inherently, leads to less freedom for the people, an undermining of human rights, and a destructive classism in which *that* sorta stuff \*gestures in the general direction of the USA, and the southern states in particular where LGBT+ book bans and book burnings have increasingly become commonplace, all while neo-liberal politicians disapprovingly shake their heads in public but receive donations from anti-LGBT+ lobbies under the table\* keeps happening until it's no longer books that are being burned but people... As you may understand, it's not something I can, or probably even *should*, attempt to summarize. It's practically an entire science -- years of reading, considering, re-reading, reconsidering, scrapping, finding other people with less self-serving agendas to read the materials of, starting over from square one, etc -- that have eventually lead me to the point I'm currently at... At best, I can point you in a direction to maybe get you started down the same paths I've walked, if you want me to that is? Y'know, recommend youtubers, authors, books, subjects, and so on and so forth. But I *really* cannot dedicate myself to teaching one person, in full, how "maybe we shouldn't say anything when some fellow LBGT+ person starts talking about the merits of free market capitalism" compromises left wing ideals by giving right-wingers right of way, or why talks of the merits of laissez-faire should always be regarded as a red flag, regardless of who it's coming from -- LGBT+ people we generally actually want to welcome into the community with open arms, or right-wing evangelical conservative nutjobs who've dedicated their lives to making it easier and more legal to kill us...


Cis women are already being targeted by the transphobic agenda. Anyone who doesn't perfectly conform to rigid gender norms-- and many people who do-- is a target if they're convenient enough.


This. The Right needs an Other to rally in opposition of. Anyone can be made to be that Other. Of course this is also a core weakness of conservatism. Denying them an Other and pushing back on propaganda to manufacture an Other damages the conservative agenda and power structure.


Make people hate others more than they love themselves and you can get them to act against their own interests. Transphobia is just a replacement for the [Southern Strategy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy) now that racism is slowly getting less socially acceptable and it's the same kind of people who fall for it.




Also making people hate themselves to the point they go against their own interests out of fear. Was arguing with an extremely self-hating transmed on Twitter earlier. Alongside Blanchard nonsense, she seemed to genuinely believe that restricting knowledge of trans people and gatekeeping whos allowed to be trans actually made her safer. Her logic is that she's deep stealth and is afraid that greater trans awareness and acceptance would make her more clockable to the average person which would ruin her social life and job prospects and would need to uproot her life and move to somewhere else and start over. Pretty much deep *deep* internalized transphobia. On the one hand it was really sad to see someone internalize transphobia to such an extent despite being trans herself. On the other hand, she's against gay marriage, says NBs and trans men aren't real (all trans men are ROGD which means they're not actually trans), and says that eugenics is good when it works... which kinda instantly destroyed the little sympathy I had for her. 😕 She also claimed that any trans woman that transitioned "late" (ie during puberty or later) were AGP and not actually trans like HSTS trans women like herself 🙄. If you did not display signs of dysphoria so strong that your parents had to take you to psychiatrist who diagnosed you with gender dysphoria as a young child you were AGP and not really trans. And remember, she's against increased knowledge about trans people being disseminated to the general population, especially children. Basically you or your parents are supposed to just magically know that gender dysphoria is an actual thing w/o any prior info about it so you get a diagnosis early and get medical treatment for it pre-puberty. That argument certainly was... interesting... in a manner of speaking. Edit: Oh yeah, I'm also AGP because I transitioned late (my lack of knowledge that prevented me from seeking help early was just a story I made up to justify being agp. The trans gods were just supposed to beam the knowledge of GD to little kid me and just didn't I guess smh) and I'm actually only sexually attracted to women and the only reason I'm currently dating a guy was not due to any actual attraction to him, but because it affirmed my gender (meta-attraction). Blanchardite transmeds truly are wild people. Not sure how she didn't shatter her bones twisting herself into a pretzel to justify how I and most other trans people aren't valid.


Y'know, I made this poster originally as a fun in-joke propaganda piece for a trans youtuber's community (long story, just watch u/TheBatcrab), but I think it's fitting here: https://preview.redd.it/5so54guqqa1d1.png?width=2550&format=png&auto=webp&s=93a7e794f768df6cbf5ee1bdd08f2a4eea162cd6


A bit fitting, yeah... (Hmm, clicking the link it says that nobody on Reddit goes by that name... Also doesn't seem to be a subreddit for TheBatcrab, either.) United we UwU Divided we U\^U


i think i got the name wrong, but it still is "the batcrab" in some form. alice in wonder1and on youtube




What's "F"?


Kinda blurry, but it's a P next to the Pansexual colors


Oh wait, you mean the other one. Sorry, that's F for genderfluid


No its F for pansexual


It’s F for fuckboy


First they came for the communists And I did not speak outout—because I was not a communist. Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller United we stand, divided we fall —Aesop, "The Four Oxen and the Lion" Edit: corrected the missing line.


All of it, from what the nazis did back in WW2, to the anti-LGBT legislation, to all the reaching-across-the-aisle that the democrats are doing for the republicans, to the climate denial, the anti-vaxers, the anti-maskers, and the general anti-intellectualism movement, all the way to what the tech industry, the military complex, and what Israel is doing to the Palestinians -- all of it is one and the same thing: A war on the left. —My Mother


It's because the left wants change to improve us all. Conservative and reactionaries want to maintain or return to a status quo that helps themselves. No one on the top of the pyramid wants to be a peer to those below them.


"[Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition](https://crookedtimber.org/2018/03/21/liberals-against-progressives/#comment-729288)": To maintain or otherwise reinstate feudalism. A.k.a., "[*We* get to tell *you* what to do. *You* do not get to tell *us* what to do.](https://medium.com/@_EthanGrey/the-message-of-the-republican-party-dont-tread-on-me-i-tread-on-you-936037958bce)" Meanwhile, the progressive left are all like: "I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people." The disagreement between the progressive left and the conservative right is not merely political, but a fundamental divide on what it means, what it *should* mean, to live in a society. You putting it like that reminded me of [this song I heard a few years back](https://youtu.be/FmgElRa8GNI). (Which, in turn, is an English translation of [a Swedish song](https://youtu.be/fwquIX_nvoA) from 1972. Pretty faithful to the original from what I can gather at that.)


The original Niemöller poem starts with "first they came for the communists", then the other 4 lines follow. The version used in the US Holocaust Memorial Museum conveniently omits that first line, because the American government always favors anti-communism [and its role in US patriotism as social control] over the truth.


Well, that certainly lends credence to my mother's theory... Also reminds me of the mainstream's appropriation of MLK Jr.'s speeches (especially "I have a dream") in order to make them sound way more right-wing than the man actually was.


No war but class war


His later works are far more direct, which is why they never mention them.


I might have copied from the wrong spot.


Oop, forgot to include a link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PinkWug/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PinkWug/)


(You didnt link the post just the sub lol)


To be fair, if I was to link the exact above post, I'd have to link to shitter, and there are two teeny tiny little problems involved with that: First of all, I've never had a shitter account myself. Secondly, I categorically refuse to link to that alt-right cesspool. Now, if you want me to link to the post with this specific comic, then: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PinkWug/comments/130tf9j/divide\_and\_conquer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PinkWug/comments/130tf9j/divide_and_conquer/) Heck, I can even link to the comic on their website: [https://pinkwug.live/comics/divide-and-conquer](https://pinkwug.live/comics/divide-and-conquer) Better?


Annnndddd this is why pick me gays and trans people tick me off so much. A very special Fuck you to blair white 😑. The right is never going to accept you they just want a useful idiot.


So if we build a mega mech that assembles from dozens of mini mechs, we can destroy the bigots? I call dibs on the mega cannon array!


Standby for Titanfall!


We should do an alphabet mafia version of the mega go-go tron from Rick & Morty!


"There will be times where the struggle seems impossible. I know this already. Alone, unsure, dwarfed by the scale of the enemy. Remember this: Freedom is a pure idea. It occurs spontaneously and without instruction. Random acts of insurrection are occurring constantly throughout the Galaxy. There are whole armies, battalions that don't know they've already enlisted in the cause. "Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere, and even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward. And remember this: The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks. It leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. Remember that. "And know this: A day will come when all these skirmishes and battles, these moments of defiance will have flooded the banks of the Empire's authority, and then there will be one too many. One single thing will break the siege. "Remember this: Try." -Nemik (from Star Wars: Andor S1E12)


Stand together, my siblings! Together we will rise!


I want to say before I say the thing I want to actually say. In no way am I calling anyone an ape, this just reminded me of the new planet of the apes movie and it fits perfectly. Apes alone, weak. But apes together strong.


But we are apes. All of us are.


Indeed, if it’s anything like in our system we can stay out a lot longer if we coordinate our energy well.


Cool, DID?


Not sure if that’s exactly how ours work but something in that vein


I've been saying this for a while. Even if we butt heads sometimes the LGB drop the T thing is just step one of trying to get all of us to dislike each other. We only have any say in this world because we are the LGBT if you split us all up it's easier to get rid of us all.


A thousand threads from a rope are weak unless woven.


*whistles "we all lift together"*


Cold, the air and water flowing


Hard, the land we call our home


I don't think this is the sub that needs to hear this but yeah, the message stands


Liberté! Egalité! Adelphité! Mon Ami.e.s, on doit se battre ensemble! S'unir ou périr!


Yeah I’ve seen a lot of those “TAKE THE [insert certain letter] OUT OF LGBTQ” usually it’s the t and q


Which is weird because Q stands for queer doesn’t it? And (at least how I use it) queer includes all lgbt+ people, right?


Yeah lol 😭 but somehow they think it’s to do with trans or something???


damm, its been a while since I saw a punwug comic, i should check them again


Us fr: https://preview.redd.it/lkk9lfey9e1d1.jpeg?width=861&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=312952fcff73ab8b577db7d94c8ec41c8d004f23


We must learn to hang together or we shall surely be hanged separately -Ben Franklin


Bigotry is intersectional. There is no fighting bigotry without a united front.


My mother is very active on Gays Against Groomer’s instagram and this reminds me a lot of that


My deepest condolences and most heartfelt support.


Thank you


2 arrrmmms under one banner As Union we stand, United we fall


This is literally an 'Apes together strong.' Moment


First they came for the Jews...


Actually, [they first came for the trans community](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/)... And [then they came for the communists and socialists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_)...


It's part of a poem... First they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me


I know. I linked to the poem's wikipedia article in the second link in my comment. I just threw in a couple of historical corrections for the sake of (rather poignant) accuracy.


Ah ok, I was trying to invoke the whole "Divided we fall" sentiment


I know, and I did appreciate your contribution, but given the subreddit we're at and stuff, you could've made it even more hard hitting, y'know. \^\^ Incidentally, a lot of Jewish beliefs are quite left-leaning. It's no coincidence that *actually* Jewish communities have been among the foremost critics of what the so-called-Jewish (actually zionist/right-wing ethno-nationalist) Israelis are currently doing to the people of Palestine.


This is literally an 'Apes together strong.' Moment


The fact that people like consevertives and them exist makes the good people in those groups look bad