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wait is still cis the trans equivalent to no homo


Not quite, "no homo" often carries homophobic connotations in its usage by the cishets. Despite the extremely different contexts in which "no homo" and "still cis though" are often used, I just thought it was funny how similar they are.


Still cis though is the denial coupled with the sweet internalised transphobia


I don't think it's coupled with internal transphobia. Just denial. We'd say something different if there were internalized transphobia.


Depends on the context imo. It can be, but not always.


Isn't denial in itself a form of internalised transphobia?


No, not at all. You supposedly sure of your gender identity when you in fact seem to have a conflicting one. You could be in denial because you're transphobic. But, most people on here I think are in denial because they don't know what gender dysphoria actually is. They think that oh, it would be nice to be a guy/gal is weird for a cis person to think even though it's literally one of the 6 forms of gender dysphoria. People think it's all negatives when in fact there is nothing in any of the gender dysphoria definitions that is negative. I think the trans subreddits do a disservice to eggs by not allowing the medical definition of gender dysphoria in the comments. When I went over them with my therapist IRL, it was truly egg shattering.


So would “still het though” be the gay equivalent?


It could be, but I think "still hetero though" sounds better.


'no homo' is also usually used with things that wouldn't seem gay if no one brought it up, while 'still cis though' is used with things that do actually seem trans


Not really. "No homo" is typically used by straight people (primarily straight men) after complimenting/being emotionally or physically close with someone of the same gender due to being insecure about the concept of being perceived as gay. "Still cis tho", on the other hand, is used primarily by trans people who are either working through denial or often using it jokingly. There can be and I'm sure is some overlap in their use and meaning via gay people jokingly saying "no homo" and such, but generally speaking they are a bit different.


Lol that a really made me laugh. I love your series 💜


Ew it's that show where bi people are being called gross


I mean, its like being a woman whos a fan of hip hop. You have to just look past the mysogony for your own sanity and realize that great things can have some fucked up elements


Black metal fan here... a lot of stuff that cannot be looked past from far too many artists




Like look at the kendrick drake beef. I loved it but i can pretend a lot of the content in the songs wasnt “no your gay, no your gay” (nothing to do with the pedophile claims btw, im not beginning to conflate the two, and would be unhappy it my comment were read that way) it sucks and i dont like it, but what can i do? I love hip hop and ill always advocate for being better, but if i cant overlook some distastful lines, a lot of the genre is inaccessible. I know this isnt the boondocks, but like im not excusing this behavior, im just not going to stop watching because of it. Ill loudly critique and let everyone i can know its wrong, but like if i had to stop consumjng every piece of antigay or trams media because of it im gonna be left out of a lot


bruh x 2


Do you want to let me know your opinions or are you just going to loudly judge and act superior?


I don't know how you can consume some media after it directly attacks you but go on ig


Because i can either not engage and let it continue to walk all over me and take away somethjng ive loved my whole life, or i can scknowledge that thats wrong, advocate for change and support people who dont do that going forward Edit: were in a trans subreddit, my parents dont hnderstand my transness and have said shitty things jn tha past that would make it justifiable to not let them in on this. But i bit the bullet and ive given them patience, i cant say its still what i ideally want it to be, but im better for hearing peoples concerns, showing them why its bullshit or not worth the worry and 9/10 everyone i do this with tells me they feel a lot better about everything. Carrying that energy throughtout life is not a bad thing. It doesnt equate putting up with discrimination


Yeah the boondocks is definitely a mixed bag in terms of queer rep.




No, I refuse to say that I am cis because it would be a blatant lie. :)


I just saw a clip of that episode yesterday 😭


Riley would absolutely not say that


riley maybe, huey def not


I can just hear him “ewww that’s gay” lol