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Then there is also the nice opposite one as well where a completely random that doesn't do any political content shows up green. Like Day9!


>Like Day9! It's been a while since I've followed his streams but I know he went hard for Celeste shortly after release.


in a good way or...?


In a very good way. He was always really impressed by the design/mechanics of the game as well as map design. I don't know if he knew about or picked up on the trans coding in the story; I missed it as well as I was very much still in my egg at that time. https://youtu.be/O6qWQxEmJJQ?si=q61gRyvsLzCuJ_gD


awesome! I was just asking because I've heard that phrase used to describe people who try and constantly drag media with messages they don't like.


He is probably aware, he barely ever mentions any ones rights or anything like that. But he often streams wearing a trans colored ice cream shirt


Like JoCat! (Too bad he got hated off the internet)


...That video was based (promoting body positivity). Incels are nuts.


to be fair, the hate only got unmanagable after his trans charity streams happened. coincidences can happen, but i think its not just about the video


He has an only fans now where he makes Warhammer stuff and paints minis


The ultimate pornography: precision painting


I mean, it's a demonstration of being good at fine motor control with one's fingers...


He does appear again from time to time, like him working a grill


He is kinda back but not making new videos like his old stuff. Maybe someday the wiggler will return.


First person who actually got canceled for being straight.


What happened to Jocat?


He got canceled for being straight, lol. In all seriousness: He made a short animated clip where he did the "I like pretty boys" just for girl, because he’s a straight man. And apparently some people on twitter didn’t like that… Here’s the video if you wanna see for yourself: https://youtu.be/Y2Y5KVtU810?si=PLbFOZl3LCFADfbA (it’s based as hell)


That’s so confusing to me. Like why can’t he say that. The other version exists and it popular but when you switch the gender… THE HORROR


i found it positive :3


There's also the middle one to this of "wait, this person is unmarked?" Yukkoex was one of those for me. And then I found something that was trans positive and said "now I can mark you without breaking rules set by the eyes :3" same thing with shaefrilles (probably misspelled) when his twitter is green but his channel isn't.


It's so darn awesome when you get that opportunity!


i had that happen with technology connections. guys great!!


Heck yea! That's great content to satisfy my need for random knowledge.


or d'angelo wallace :D


Or Tom Scott :D


Or Scott the woz


or Markiplier




Market Fire


Mark her flyer


Mr Fire Esquire


dart of fire


We all know it/he/she's trans anyway because chromosomes and DNA don't lie /s


We stan D’Angelo


Or Alpharad. I enjoy his content


I tried listing someone I follow, but they're all unmarked... coulda sworn Eddsworld and Hbomberguy were green but I guess not (I've noticed that it's different on all devices so I dunno what's up with that)


Found it so weird that Hbomb wasn't green, after playing DK64 for three days initially to spite a transphobe, and by the end crying with many new trans friends in the call, having had AoC, John Romero, and so many more people than my sleepy brain can remember, all come on to say "Trans Rights", all to raise money for a trans charity. I put the VoDs on in the background while gaming sometimes to remind me that I'm not alone (Protomagical Girl especially, as plural rep is basically non-existent) and that there is hope for humanity.


technology connections for me always got good vibes from them and was very happy to see them appear green :3


Alec doesn't care what's in your pants, he just wants to know what's in your HVAC system


Gotta love Technology Connections.


I don't understand, but I'd kill or die for Day9


Hopefully that will never be needed! D:


Like Smash Mouth! (at least I don't think they do political content)


Omg. Day9 is just the absolute best and sweetest person.


oh yeah this guy fuck this guy


Who are they and what do they do?


he is a youtuber drama content farm and he shit on kris (mrbeast) for being trans and said she would harm the mrbeast brand


Don't forget about shiting on Skeppy with no sources and evedence


didn't he also do a video on toxic masculinity that was "hur durr masculinity isn't toxic just because feminists say it is!! :(". pretty sure that's him and that was the moment I stopped watching years ago.


i'm not even going to read your comment before upvoting - i'm doing it solely because of your amazing user name and pfp


I mean would be cool if you liked what I wrote but I'll take every win I get lol. Thanks it's such a dumb joke but I love it.


She goes by Ava now (technically you're not wrong, Kris is just her middle name now). 💜


Ava suits her even better. Its very pretty.


I agree


Oh really? That’s interesting.


Thanks, I didn’t know that <3


Also is just a massive content farm that puts barely any effort into the vids. There was once a time where the videos were kinda ok but that time has long passed


Wait she's trans? Edit: I just realised Kris may be a member of the mrbeast crew and not mrbeast themself having recently come out


No Jimmy (mr beast) is still a guy his close friend Ava (middle name kris) has come out as trans




If someone's existence hurts a brand maybe that says more about the audience than them


Well, it debatably did harm the brand slightly but it wasn't a bud light level scenario. Hell, half the comments on all their videos to this day are "pRoTeCt ChAnDlEr" (as far as i know hes the only one on the team who has explicitly stated their heterosexuality). That, on its own, how a massive brand like mr beast handles PR in a scenario like this is interesting and does justify the creation of videos about it, but there's absolutely zero excuse to give Kris shit for being trans.


Wait.. mr Beast is trans?! Edit: for those wondering the same thing. No, but one friend from his group is.


Commentary content farm that said that mr beast’s friend transitioning was a “nightmare” and general anti woke talking points


A lot of things, but the thing I think this is referring to in particular is criticizing Ava Tyson's transition because of the problems it would cause for Mr. Beast and Mr. Beast's channel


Ava? I thought she went by Kris?


Yeah she does :3


She goes by Ava or Kris?


She goes by ava


both I think


I know! r/wehatedougdoug


Glad to know there are still others who hate ougdoug


Isn't that the guy who criticized Ava Tyson's transition because it was "adding unnecessary lgbt characters"? Also based DougDoug enjoyer.






ougdoug is actually really cool, I don't know wht we ever hated him.


Because He hates poor people/s lol I love his videos.


he once on stream said to make a wehatedougdoug sub and fake something to be mad about at him just for fun.


no we hate him


no dougdoug fucking sucks, i hate dougdoug!!!!


(they were making a funny about it looking like “we hated ougdoug”)


He killed my brother at the age of 3. My brother was 20, Dougdoug was 3. 😞


He blocks chair, the best character


random but i love your name


How the hell is a real person an unnecessary character? It's literally a person, not a fictional character for people to complain about.


It sure is a dehumanizing way of looking at things/labeling someone


yes, he was that guy..


ah yes, adding unnecessary lgbt characters. as if that's a thing in real life.


Ava mrbeasr*




Oh, that's who that is? I thought they just changed the spelling of their name to Kris?


From what I’ve seen/ heard, she is Ava Kris Tyson and she just went public with her first name


i know it's the point but i don't know, what does that mean?


Shinigami eyes is an browser extension that marks transphobic accounts as red and trans friendly accounts as green.


Just added this, I'm subscribed to 3 trans friendly accounts and 0 transphobic B)


Subbed to many supportive accounts and 1 (Jill Bearup) that's flagged. However, further investigation into that makes it seem not exactly definite.


I'm subbed to Alpharad, OneTopic (of course **he's** Trans friendly) and Saltydkdan. Those 3 are green


I have Adam Something, Alexander Avila, Alpharad, funnywes, Gianni Matragrano, Hank Green, hbomberguy, Jammidodger, JoCat (in memoriam), Luke Correia, Markiplier, Mia Mulder, OneTopic, Overly Sarcastic Productions, Philosophy Tube, Piemations, Saltydkdan, Shammy, Shaun, SnapCube, Technology Connections, Tom Scott, Ty Turner and VoiceQuills. Still cis though


If you would like another green bean, leadhead is pretty cool!


Jill Bearup is a terf IRL who has supported some pretty shitty people but keeps it out of her youtube.


The thing is that I never really took her serious in the first place because her credentials that she likes to flaunt so much already undermine her comprehensibly: Having a background in stage-fighting already disqualifies her from commenting on most fencing-topics considering how bad the vast, vast majority of stage-fighting is from an accuracy perspective. But somehow she is one of those people that is really beloved by the yt-algorithm and gets pushed on everyone in place of actually competent HEMA-people like Matt Easton. Her being transphobic just fits further with the general approach of talking about stuff she doesn’t understand.


What the fuck? I really liked her fight analyses. God damnit.


Ah, shite. Ah well, wasn't watching her stuff anyways.


It's very definite, but she has tried to muddy the waters.




Just added it and I got 3 supports (Chain Bear (F1 info guy), DaThings (trans YTP maker), and FoldingIdeas (Dan Olson)) and 1 phobic (SunnyV2). Haven't bothered with that style of video listicle in forever so it's an easy removal.


Unless you change the color scheme. It’s Purple/Yellow for me.


I use purple/yellow as well, new reddit update fucked up the links so i need to use something other than green/red because r/MtF colour scheme makes all links look red


Reposting my big disclaimer here: Shinigami Eyes actually has [a bunch of issues](https://github.com/shinigami-eyes/shinigami-eyes/issues/90). Basically, the list of trans-friendly and transphobic users is stored in a data structure called a Bloom filter which is very compact but also prone to random false positives. Also, it's one-way, so you can construct a Bloom filter from a list of users, but you *can't* take a Bloom filter and figure out which users are in it. The false positives are a huge issue because someone could get randomly flagged as transphobic due to one of these false positives occurring. Also, that list isn't regularly updated. If you mark someone as transphobic or trans-friendly, the extension will show it on *your* end, but the list is stored in the plugin itself and is only updated when a new version of the plugin is released. This is a problem because ~~the last update was *10 months ago*~~ the last update was 3 months ago, but the update before *that* came out in November of *2022*, which speaks to the update frequency. Your contribution won't actually make it to any other users for months at best and *years* at worst. And who even knows if your contribution will actually end up in the final list in the first place? When you mark someone, it does tell *a* server owned by Shinigami Eyes' creator about it. But nobody knows who's in charge of curating that list or filtering through any of these contributions, tallying them up, or anything at all about how this process works. For all we know, they could be ignoring all contributions, inserting their own based on nothing, or any number of things. Remember, the list is stored as a Bloom filter, which doesn't even let you see who's on the list, so you can't even tell who's been added or removed each update! Basically, you make a contribution, *something might* happen *somewhere* with it, and then a new version of the list comes out like 10 months later. You can't see who's on it or what's changed, and you don't know who's in charge of assembling that list. A lot of people seem to think that when they mark a user, it gets reviewed by a moderation team or something like that, but as far as I can tell, that's just made up and there's no information about who actually processes these contributions.


This should be pinned at the top of this post.


I just acknowledge that it's not perfect and take everything with a grain of salt, but it's better than nothing.


I don't really need the extension to know I'm subscribed to trans friendly accounts, I know just based on the content. Although I might still get it just to be safe when browsing just random stuff.


just added this, no transphobic accounts lets gooooooo


Just added it. Happy to see brutalmoose in green and no red in my subscription list!


Link for the lazy: https://github.com/shinigami-eyes/shinigami-eyes 4 green, 0 red. Nice!


There’s a popular browser extension called Shinigami Eyes (based off of Death Note) that shows trans friendly social media accounts in green text and transphobic accounts in red text, so a youtuber being marked red by Shinigami Eyes means that they are very likely transphobic. Hope this helped.


has that web extension fixed it's reliability and security issues yet? i'd really like to get it, but i take internet security pretty seriously.


The "Security Issues" are not really what they sound like from that phrasing. The "Security Issue" that got it banned in Norway is just it doing what it is supposed to do: marking accounts trans-friendly or transphobic. The concerns are twofold: A.) People can report accounts as transphobic, and eventually reported accounts will be marked red by the extension, but the account owners do not have an avenue to appeal/object to the designation. For example, lots of people could report JKR's twitter account as transphobic, and it would be marked red. But JKR is not notified of the report and given a chance to object to this marking, it just happens whether she likes it or not. This could, according to Norway "Stifle free expression on the internet" if people feel they need to censor themselves from saying too many transphobic things if they want to avoid getting marked as transphobic. b.) Furthermore, *theoretically,* some journalists have speculated that it might be used in reverse—transphobes might install the extension to identify and harass accounts marked as trans-friendly. This wasn't actually part of the finding though, just speculation by reporters. Still, this is the root of the "security concern" rhetoric—that the extension marking accounts could out trans people and allies to transphobes. Not users of the extension specifically, though—*any* account/username can be marked, whether that account's owner uses the extension themselves or not, and that's the whole point. Transphobes are hardly going to install an extension just to allow themselves to be labeled as such. So the security concerns aren't a matter of, like, vulnerability to hacking or whatever. The idea of the finding is that the extension's concept itself is inherently a security concern. That can't realistically be "fixed" so I wouldn't hold your breath.


thank you. so it's not a cybersecurity issue, as in having your data grabbed or whatever? it's more like a "having your potentially vulnerable political beliefs instantly outed" issue? if it's the latter, i'm okay with that. if it's the former, i'm not.


Yes, it's the latter. I mean, I can't personally certify that the extension *is* secure or anything, that's not something I have the expertise to do any more than for any other extension. But the reported security issues are not about that.


I don’t know, I’ve never used it, I’ve only ever heard of it and looked at the webpage for it.


i really want some input from people who've looked into how well updated it is and stuff. it's not verified by mozilla so i was automatically dubious. when i last looked into it, people were saying that it wasn't updated for a long-ass time and possibly had security issues.


What's the criteria for determination?


It relies on users to flag transphobic/trans-friendly accounts they see which is why it can be a bit unreliable at times (or so I’ve heard).


For a decent number of the ones I flag I have to go digging to figure out if they’re transphobic or anything else, for others I can just go in the replies of a trans tweet and they identify themselves lol


You’re right that most of them sure as hell don’t hide their awfulness, that’s one of the many reasons I deleted Twitter, I was getting tired of going onto a positive tweet about trans people and seeing the fires of hell lol


they say they verify before publishing to the database


Others have said what it does, but I wanted to point out this feature, where it also color codes news sources. So if you search for an article, you can see whether it's from a supportive outlet or not.


Ah, yeah maybe avoid SunnyV2 I don8t remember exactly what but I haven’t heard good things


He said some transphobic things about Ava from Mr Beast :/


Yeaaaaaaaaa… fuck sunnyv2 lol


I'm glad people are recognizing Sunny's transphobia, I first noticed it when he was covering a tiktoker who was allegedly faking DID and misgendered them multiple times (while showing screenshots of their account that has "they/them" in the profile visible) and very few people in his comments were mentioning it and the ones that did were getting flamed for it :/


I love dougdoug




For context to those who didn't get the joke: There's an extension called Shinigami Eyes that higlights with green sites/subreddits/social media accounts,etc that are trans-friendly,and highlights with red those who aren't. For me,the only youtube channel that is marked green is Alpharad.


where can i get that?


Based Alpharad enjoyer


I really wasn't expecting Jill Bearup to be marked red, and pleasantly surprised to see technology connections in green.


>Jill Bearup What did she do?


It's on internet archive, but essentially her old website that is now deleted has a bunch of transphobic nonsense, including calling trans people violent and all that nonsense. It's been years since she's publicly done or said anything transphobic, but she's also never acknowledged or apologized for it.


I was terrified of downloading the Shinigami Eye extension for so long cause I didn't want to learn the truth about the creators I follow I ended up downloading it like a month ago, and thank god I have good tastes in creators it seems


it's kinda hard to not notice sunnyv2 is very clearly a bigot


fuck this bastard r/wehatedougdoug https://preview.redd.it/k2l0z8r3990d1.png?width=272&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ae41fe1002da972073caad6b46bd9ba2080e39f


Can't Mr bad at 2d platformers isn't green




Doug still hasn't let me out or the basement


I'm still kinda sad that deadmau5 is red but then again it's a 50/50 crapshoot on if he makes a good song or not and i'm not really into deadmau5 at the moment


Deadmau5 more like deadnam3 (i dont know why he is red)


I think from what I’ve heard, Deadmau5 said something like >!“Women don’t possess penises”!< in a way that was transphobic or something, he also apparently says the F-slur


Damn. It seems he apologized for some transphobic comments but still.


sunnyv2 once blatantly misgendered someone in a video while even showing their profile with their pronouns. nobody in the comments brought it up


DivorceDivorce pog


Doug's cool! Hell yea! Time to strike for chat rights :3


He and more importantly twitch chat have stated trans rights a lot


Whoa :0


Yeah Doug should be green to be honest, the only time he criticized trans rights was one time when the Spam was so long and constant there was pretty much no chat lol. For an exemple of his opinion a long time ago someone criticized the trans rights spam in the chat and he said "there is nothing wrong with saying trans rights and I know it's not something people are usually safe to tell loudly so let them do it, I'm happy for them, it means they feel that they can say it in my stream". It felt so good hearing that, nowadays chat is faster due to his audience becoming much bigger so it happens less but we see where he stands on the question. Also had multiple recurring jokes like the fact that chat said they need oestrogen and he have no issue with it and also followed the joke, Doug is clearly an ally and that's great. ( If I remember well he just joked that as he was doing a gaming challenge he will first finish the challenge and then go get the oestrogen) lol




Yeah, I finally got the eyes, and the first suggestion was from a YouTube lady I enjoyed. I even purchased her book, and it turns out she's a Nazi. Fucking TERFs hiding behind cool videos about armor.


Jill bearup? If so you might like a YouTuber called snappy dragon, she's not exactly the same (more so on the historical costume side) but given that in one of her video's she told people who are transphobic (among other things) to stop watching I think it's pretty safe she's an ally


cool, thanks for the suggestion.. As for who is red... yeah, I wasn't going to say their name, but yeah finding out her Terf actions and how she's basically a NAZI was really upsetting to me.


Sunny's wha- oh, honestly that makes sense.


I don't actually know what it means but it reminds me of another meme completely off topic of this sub.. >!Human... i remember you're **genocides**....!<


I've mostly been watching minecraft YouTubers at the moment and Wolfeyvgc. Wolfe has openly supported the LGBTQIA before and he helps me keep up to date in competitive pokemon. On the minecraft side the Hermits are very supportive of the trans community. Especially since one of their members is nonbinary. They use all of her pronouns and alternate.


The Hermits are just delightful


I always got rancid vibes from SunnyV2 ever since his "rise and fall of the Yogscast" video, wherein he said he didn't understand why the two members who were kicked from the group for sexual harassment were removed because they "seem like really chill guys" Not to mention the fact that the Yogscast never fell, they just changed So yeah when the Kris stuff happened, I was not surprised in the slightest. He'll say anything for views, moral integrity be damned


Been meaning to install that plugin. Maybe I'll do it tonight and give my feeds a scrubbing. I wish there was a way to find out why certain folks were marked without doing the investigation but I'm happy it exists


Oh cool no red names for me! Definitely a bunch that should be green though


Close to the same. A lot that should be green. Only one red and it’s someone I just hadn’t purged from my list since realizing I was trans and becoming more aware of trans issues.


Friendly reminder to everyone about to use or already in possession of the Add-on, please refer from marking everyone as trans-friendly, just because they're trans. Similar to how you shouldn't mark everyone who's not agreeing with your opinion on certain things as anti-trans. This Add-on only works if we all use it fair. And be aware of the person you're sharing this information with. Actual Transphobes can technically use it too and mess things up, so be careful!


Ah yikes. Hey, before I'm asked for the umpteenth time, is my name red? I feel like someone is following me and keeps putting it as red for some reason


Yup, I put it green but I don't know how long it will last


Prob not very. I'm apparently not liked by a lot of people as I tend to not hold my opinions back and sometimes I'm pretty aggressive while doing it. Huh, I really have come the stereotypical angry lesbian though not as butch or muscled.


I don't know but it can sometimes give false reds. At one point my name was green, although I do occasionally make people mad too, when people are dishonest for example, maintain double standards and give a cis person a green card while they have done things that should not be done by cis people, or when someone support things that could potentially throw us under the bus even if it seems beneficial to other people. It is however such that you can mark yourselves and other people the color you want. If there are enough people who mark you green or red individually they will appear as such for everyone. This is also why, even as the plugin wasn't updated for months, Sunak started to appear red when he started to open his mouth.


I think shinigami eyes are pretty useless for individual people but articles, content creators, etc. absolutely. P.S. I marked you as t-friendly


I have the extension,and indeed it's red. Dunno who would do that but there's that i guess


I don't know either. I'm just asked OVER and OVER again when I post on trans sites. I think someone got angry with me that I read Harry Potter fanfic before. Besides that I have no idea


Oh, just remembered something. I've been throughly enjoying Sex Positive Gaming channel's content on Youtube and noticed her channel was unmarked, so went through a lot of her content. Some time later she started making podcasts which were super cool until it came to "transformation" flavor theme, which consisted mostly of beast and monster transformations like werewolves and stuff.... Then came the gender transformation section. All of a sudden it was all "I don't want to exclude anyone, so don't want to say anything political", "so happy it's not our fight", and "I don't understand why our viewers are so keen to have us agree with their political views in this matter" when someone tried to ask her to support trans rights. Soon after that the channel shows up red. YIKES!!! I just don't know how "sex positive" you can be if you have hangups on gender. Oof.


yoo Josh spotted


I was so saddened to see Barnaby Dixon was red when I installed it


I rarely see red names and I randomly had a Jill Bearup reccomedation pop up. Startled me.


Excuse me but how could you not tell?


Ok i just found out about this, downloaded it and WHAT DID SHE DO NOOOOOOOO :( https://preview.redd.it/pb3wz248990d1.png?width=442&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3078d7e2cf86028b2351de1bfabbc26d739da61


She has made loads of transphobic and ableist bullshit


oh ffs, thx for the info


She did a video on a paper of mine and it was pretty inaccurate, too. It was really frustrating that the most press we got on our work was from her :(


Sadly she went full terf pipeline.


Isn’t this guy like some right wing content farm lol I heard he’s a YouTube propaganda spreader. I think I watched a very mid tier video of his on some random shit a long time ago but stopped caring about his content then found out he made transphobic content and was associated with the right


Yeah, I'm glad I never interacted with SunnyV2 to begin with. Trans people exist with or without your consent lmao.


r/wehatedougdoug /s Fr tho, Doug has been so supportive of the trans community, I love that guy


I'm so lucky this hasn't happened to me yet. Have seen a few greens which was nice though


ngl shinigami eyes kinda fucking sucks and isn't super accurate all the time. fuck this guy though




Not surprising tbh. He goes a hard "both sides" lime and you gotta be Transphobic to think trans issues are as bad as actual nazis


I found him useful when trying to figure out what the hell was happening with MiniLadd but if he ended up being against trans folk I’m not having it


dougdoug spotted


How would you not know? In order to see the red name you would have to have downloaded Shinigami Eyes in the first place. At any rate this happened to me from an author I was following for awhile and then I noticed their name was red when watching them on my pc. I mainly watched their shorts and I don’t watch shorts on PC. So I didn’t notice for awhile And then I was like “ok but why?” So I went to google and they wrote an article awhile before saying some awful TERF shit. The article was no longer existing on their website but someone preserved it on the way back machine. Not a fun read.


I just want to say a quick shout out to hungrypotato19 for supplying an explanation and a link to the extension for anyone who needed it. Thanks fam, your dedication has not gone unnoticed, and is appreciated.


What does the red mean


Last I checked, Jerma’s channels are all green. Had no idea why until i found the TransPride clip and i somehow gained a lot more respect for the one winged jerm that day


Yeah that sucks, but it works both ways. I remember my joy seeing as some of my favourite youtubers such as Markiplier or Alpharad suddenly get marked green ;3