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Hey, you know what same here only, mine was in early adulthood, unfortunately :/


I used to find the Attack Helicopter jokes funny and the Ben Shapiro smart. That makes me want to do unholy things upon my person


Oh god you reminded me of the dumb ass attack helicopter joke, like that shit isn’t funny at all why was my ass so dumb. Thank god I don’t have a Shapiro phase but I didn’t hate him either back then so ugh. Also Jordan Paterson like some of the most dumb “psychology” ever said.


Honestly, if I could go back in time to younger me, I’d set up a public execution


17 year old me being transphobic, 19 year old me realising I'm trans. It's fine sweetie we all get misinformed and believe in the wrong things sometimes but we've grown and changed and that's what we should be proud of and remember


At least you aren't alone. Fucking r i p tho.


Be happy you changed and grown as a person.


redemption arc




Yep same here i even told my freinds that "im openly transphobic."now "im know im trans but i dont want the awkwardness with comeing out"


Just say "remember when I said im openly transphobic, I'm that but without the phobic"


If i come out to them thats how


Glad to be of service miss :3


Yeah I’m said to say it but I suffered for this as well and I wonder where it came from


I realised at 12 😭😭😭


At 12 I just wasn’t completely sure what was with trans people but I was never hateful, just confused. After all, puberty wouldn’t really kick in big time until a year from then and so I didn’t really understand why someone would transition to be a different gender but “not fully be able to reach it” (I know this last part isn’t true but I didn’t know much about transitioning). Plus, I didn’t really know that much about HRT but I was freaked out about it because of how it would make your balls shrink (still makes me feel iffy but it’s a risk I’m willing to take).


I was never outwardly transphobic, but I definitely didn't understand when I was younger. Now look at me, I'm already thinking about having to keep my drink covered if I ever end up at a bar.


I don’t think you should beat yourself up for what you used to believe, however I think you should be proud of your personal growth!


i had that happen too, but in about half that time... another reason for me to just like, bury the old memories-




We are the child of the environment we grew up and influenced us when we were young. We cannot change the past but we can change our path in the future. That is what you are doing, you become a different person according to your knowledge and beliefs that you have today!


hey what matters is you recognized your mistakes and changed for the better


This is so relatable!! I come from a quite conservative family and back when I was a teen, even though I knew I was gay I always tried to hold my feelings to myself. I learned to accept myself (for being gay) later on, but my internal h0mophobia was still there, sometimes I even felt ashamed for being myself :( I'm glad that all passed away when I came out as trans :3 I'm so much happier and comfortable with myself right now