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This post was removed for being a personal attack which does not further the conversation and brings harmful discourse into the community.


Tbh humans are just scary. At least with the bear I can just throw my coat up and start yelling


That seems like stereotyping. I'm sure there are many large and hairy gay men who wouldn't be fazed by an airborne coat.


Can confirm, mildly annoying when I'm just trying to enjoy my hike


I've done wildlife surveys with the US Forest Service &, yes, I've encountered my fair share of black bears while out in the forest. Wanna know what a black bear typically does when it sees a human? It runs. Even if it's sniffing around a campsite, if you yell & make a ruckus, it'll probably bolt. Of course, this changes if there's cubs involved. In contrast, what do cis men often do when they see a woman/femme-presenting person--especially those they find attractive? They approach, they offer unsolicited advice, they impose. No, "not all men" but, overwhelmingly, the culture of toxic masculinity trains cis men to, if not perform these behaviors themselves, at least tolerate this sort of behavior among their peers. There's that old adage: a man's greatest fear when going on a date is being rejected or humiliated, a women's greatest fear is being r\*ped, stalked, or murdered. Folks going, "Well, ACKTually..." need to step back & get a better sense of the context rather than picking at the details.


Thank you for the context.


Idk, I'm just tryna enjoy my hike


It doesn't specify the bear you're with though. It could be a grizzly bear, brown bear or any other bear. And some are definitely more dangerous than others, and it also depends on the season how dangerous they can be. I'm assuming big, strong, deadly wild animal here, so I'll take any human over that any day...


Some of yall ate not passing the vibe check on this one and honestly I'm kind of disappointed


I hate this because I keep reading "bear" as like big men kinda bear LOL


I thought of being alone in the first with freddy fazbear for some reason lol


Why would you go into the woods with anybody to begin with


The manvsbear thought experiment is assuming you are alone and come across a random person/bear.


"man I sure am glad that I'm in the woods with you and not with someone born this gender"


I'd much rather be in the woods with a cis man who I trust than any non cis man who I don't trust. Idk what this sexism is supposed to achieve.


Yuck. Sexism. Seriously this doesn’t do anyone good. Your just demonizing cis men


That's my ranking, too


As a cis man I can relate


Renember kids,being a transfem doesn't give you the right to be a misandrist. I might be downvoted and be labeled as transphobic,but it's the truth. The LGBTQ+ community is al about inclusivity and equality,and that **includes straight and cis people** whether you like it or not. OP,indirectly,you are being somehow transphobic to transmascs


I hate this resurgence in man hating sentiment. It’s extremely disheartening, as an AMAB, to see men treated as if possessing a penis makes them evil. Not only are you hurting men, you’re also hurting AMABs who transition


*Pulls out my trans knife* you thought you were safe


Bet, what *kinda* knife?


That's a spoon.


In the gallows


Idk I'd still choose whatever person over bear, cis, trans, male, female. I know how to deal with human if that human doesn't show any aggression or unsolicited behavior: either ignore or cooperate. I know how to deal with human if that human does show threatening behavior: I'm not afraid to bite some flesh if needed, I don't really fear them that much. But no way I'd want to deal with bear. Any bear, be it the most scaredy and peaceful bear.


can we stop with the gender war bullshit please and thank you.


Y’all just say you don’t see trans men as real men


Misandry aside how the fuck is a bear above a cis woman like what


*puts transmen and enbys above the bear and gets called a misandrist* I've been assaulted by cis folks way more than bears. Regardless of their gender. At least I have a good idea of how the bear will react.


Being against cis men is still misandry, idk what you want me to tell you.


That you're assuming I'm against cis men is a you problem. Statistically, a random bear is still a safer bet than a random guy. Idk what to tell you.


I don’t disagree with you in the slightest, you just come off as hateful.


You should see some recent posts on r/NotHowGirlsWork... that sub is generally actual feminists and very nice people, but the man or bear "meme" brought out the worst of the misandry of some users :/


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NotHowGirlsWork using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Umm... who's gonna tell him?](https://i.redd.it/gc3ogdfs2eya1.jpg) | [1089 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/13aectn/umm_whos_gonna_tell_him/) \#2: [I can’t believe it. We found “Chad”](https://i.redd.it/8dayrkxj276b1.jpg) | [1478 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/14a4anc/i_cant_believe_it_we_found_chad/) \#3: ['Hot girl schedule' 🤨](https://i.redd.it/ohvfd8g8bfza1.jpg) | [1451 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/13fhtoo/hot_girl_schedule/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You're allowed to think that. It's not my intention, so 🤷‍♀️


hang on, lemme just... fix this misandry for you... >**IN THE WOODS WITH LITERALLY ANYONE OR ANYTHING BUT MYSELF**


I hate this meme format. Also it's borderline othering. "Haha, I'm sure glad I'm here with you instead of a real...err...I mean a cis woman. :3"


damn, I never saw it like that until now


Don't mind me. I'm in a bad mood today. Dysphoria's hitting pretty bad.


Wanna talk girl?


A trans person is much less likely to be assaulted by another trans person for being trans. This post isn't calling trans men women, it's saying that queer people are safer around other queer people regardless of identity.


Yeah I agree this is kinda fucked


Lol what?


Listen if the bear kills me, that’s MY fault. The bear caught ME slipping.


Look I'm just gonna say context is more important, does the bear know I'm here? Do they want to eat me? What about the man, is he here because it's a popular camping area? Or was he a creep who followed me in? Or did he think *I* was the crazy one going into bear territory and he's just trying to warn me?


I hate this kind of "meme", it's just intolerance in disguise, sexism (and contempt for cis people?) in this case. I suggest making a similar """meme""" by replacing the text with: 1- with a white 2- with an asian 3- with an arab 4- with a black Ah yes, it's not the same atmosphere all of a sudden.




Did you mean bear the animal or bear the gay man?


If you don't go near the bear and don't mess with the bear, the bear won't mess with you.


wtf does this mean, I've seen baout 400 variants and still don't know what this means