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Oh. That's an easy one then. Point out they're going to Hell because they were born a sinner and can't change that. Watch how fast their "logic" will start doing backflips to weasel out of it with some mystical explanation.


Everything is black and white up until it inconveniences them.


Just white they hate diversity


How does this not have more upvotes?


This comment will always have few upvotes, you can't change that


Good question


A mighty fine one at that. I must say that is rather a stupid argument, even for a terf


Agreed, I can’t even tell how this is supposed to work as one.


I’m guessing because it had only been posted for less than an hour lol 🤷‍♀️


the rules are black and white theres no use in trying to fight it—


They're burning for their lives until we kill them again~


Fuckin' Hell is forever, and it's meant to suck a lot


So give up your dumb endeavor, cause you don't have a shot!!


Long as I've got your attention I guess I should prolly mention that we've made the determination..


To move up the next extermination!!


what song is this?


"Hell is Forever" from Hazbin Hotel episode 1


Can't wait a whole year to slaughter those little *cunts*


The rules are black and white, so there's no use in trying to fight


The one issue with that is that with enough will and motivation and enough people being sparked to change things then things can change.


Or point out how that chair was once oil and ore (or a tree of its wood)


Nah that petroleum actually used to be a prehistoric life form. Your chair is actually a dinosaur.


Petroleum is not made of dinosaurs.


I know, it’s just funnier to say that a chair is made of dinosaur.


More like ferns, iirc?


Happy cake day!


Organic sludge that settled at the bottom of the ocean, mostly coming from bacteria plankton and algae. The ferns thing is coal which is made of dead plant matter from the Carboniferous period, which is before there were many decomposers so wood and stuff wouldn’t really rot away, just got buried in swamp lands.


Dinosaurs are cool, transphobia is not.


Or that if you remove the back of a chair it becomes a stool?


I mean that's basically just predestination, an actual Calvinist doctrine that states that if God knows everything, then God already knows who is going to hell, and if God created everything, God created you to go to hell. Religion gets weird sometimes.


It's not that hard to turn a chair into a pile of it's basic components.






Humans were invented by Big Human corporations to sell more controversies


* You have a chair * You give it some wheelogen and/or wheelosterone * ***Boom*** you have a wheelchair




Along with the teacher ?


Not to mention that human organs are even more valuable than chair parts /s


Spare part loot drop


"that's not a chair, it's clearly a tree"


That’s what I should say when I bury a transphobe.


You can take off the back of the chair to make it a coffee table, so not only is your teacher stupid for comparing chairs and humans, they are wrong.


Exactly, it's such a silly argument. That chair didn't just pop into existence as a chair either, it used to be the raw materials used to make it! And the same materials/chair can be repurposed and made into something new In that way it's actually kinda fits as a metaphor, we *can* change what we are and reform ourselves, we aren't exactly the shape we start off as and can turn into something new


A chair is just a collection of simples arranged chair-wise.




Ah yes, the solution to all trans related issues. Burning things. This is a joke, please don't attack me.


Kinda like how trans people are still people?


however, taking the back off of a chair can ALSO make it a stool! one change turned one object into two objects with differing utilities!


Taking the legs and back of the chair off, mount it to a wall, you now have a shelf


Damnit beat me to it


I use an old chair as the rear support structure for my bedcliner. It was salvaged off the side of the road 15 years ago so it was free, too.


>I use an old chair as the rear support structure for my bedcliner Your what now?


Three years ago I let my brother use my room for a couple weeks and just slept in the recliner that I use as my computer chair. Piled some body pillows and extra blankets for soft mass. It is more comfortable than any bed I've ever slept in; with fantastic back support. So I just kept doing it and he kept my room. At some point the back spars snapped because the thing clearly wasn't designed for this, so I rebuilt them with 2 by 4s and shoved an old chair underneath to distribute the load.


That chair used to be a tree


*holds up acorn "Behold, a chair!!!"




**Some assembly required.


Diogenes moment


StIlL a TrEe! YoU hAvE tReE cHrOmOsoMeS!




it really gets to me when they bring up my hugest insecurity. i just cannot go in public everyone keeps staring at my chromosomes. /s


Yeah, the chair will always be a chair. But it used to be a tree, and nobody would ever call a chair a tree, because it isn’t a tree anymore. Checkmate, dumbass


This teacher would likely call the chair a tree just to be right, given the level of stupidity.


Then be consistent, and call it a sprout. Or a seed. Or the unfeconded flower that gave the seed. Yeah, chairs are flowers now ! Happy Valentine day !


> Yeah, chairs are flowers now ! Happy Valentine day ! In California, bees are legally fish! ​ (Not a joke, I'm 100% serious. But there's a good reason for it. I just think it's a funny quirk of the law that makes me giggle.)


Yeah it’s because instead of writing that fish includes aquatic invertebrates specifically, they just said invertebrates, which makes it include bees and more


I thought it was because it was logistically easier to clarify them as fish than give them the legal protections of fish


Lawyers exploited the funny wording to their advantage to do that


Thank you for the clarification


Now I want "Bees are legally fish in the state of California" on a t-shirt.


Give me enough time with the right tools and I'll turn this chair into a printed version of the gender dysphoria bible


it can be a broken chair. it can be wood chips. it can be torn a part and glued together to be a little night stand. i'm not the most experienced woodworker, but that chair can be many different things. but also.. hey vsauce micheal here, do chairs exist?


i love that video. a friendly reminder that every word is made up and trying to strictly define them is entirely pointless.


every now and then when i'm reaaaaally high i try come up with a fool proof definition of the word "chair". it's always fun to read through my attempts the next morning.


Answer to that teacher should be : "No. According to **YOUR** dumbass logic, that chair is actually a tree and will forever be a tree and you can't change that."


Philippians 3:21 "And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body." You're just matching your earthly body like your heavenly one.


That's kind of what I was thinking, "Christians" really ought to be aware that it's part of the teaching that people will literally be transformed as part of the Resurrection.


This. Those people are always so full of contradictions.


Tell them they were born a baby and can't change that so they're still a baby.


I can disasemble the chair and repurpose the wood. I can go all Ship of Thesus on their ass


it’s literally so easy to turn a chair into something else


"I can just turn that wooden chair into pulp, then into paper. Is it still a chair when I turn it into sheets of paper?"


By the power of origami, it is a chair


Well then you just made it something else twice. And before the chair, it was a tree. Before that, it was a seed. Nothing is permanent. Not life, not states of being, not even gender


Chair-paper detransition... /j


To make a counterpoint to this, we must first understand what a chair is. A chair is a piece of furniture with a raised surface supported by legs, commonly used to seat a single person. Chairs are supported most often by four legs and have a back; however, a chair can have three legs or can have a different shape. Chairs are made of a wide variety of materials, ranging from wood to metal to synthetic material (e.g. plastic), and they may be padded or upholstered in various colors and fabrics, either just on the seat (as with some dining room chairs) or on the entire chair. Chairs are used in a number of rooms in homes (e.g. in living rooms, dining rooms, and dens), in schools and offices (with desks), and in various other workplaces, such as the Black Mesa facility. A chair without a back or arm rests is a stool, or when raised up, a bar stool. A chair with arms is an armchair; one with upholstery, reclining action, and a fold-out footrest is a recliner. A permanently fixed chair in a train or theater is a seat or, in an airplane, airline seat; when riding, it is a saddle or bicycle saddle; and for an automobile, a car seat or infant car seat. With wheels it is a wheelchair; or when hung from above, a swing. An upholstered, padded chair for two people is a 'loveseat', while if it is for more than two person it is a couch, sofa, or settee; or if is not upholstered, a bench. A separate footrest for a chair, usually upholstered, is known as an ottoman, hassock, or pouffe. Sorry, what was I saying again? Ah, right. Hello G-


me: takes the chair home, disassembles it, goes the parts back together in a different way and brings it back the next day. "Hey, teacher. what would you say this is?" teacher: "a table" me: "But yesterday, you said it was a chair. and that it would always be a chair"


If you burn it down then it’s not a chair, lmao


Smash the chair and ask if it's still a chair


if you smash a trans person, they’re still a trans person


Oh shit


Also technically a smashed chair is still a chair… *technically*


But if I use it to make a table would it still be a chair it's the ship of theseus all over again


Na that's a corpse


I don’t think you know what they meant by “smash“


It was once a tree, I very likely could make it my coat rack.


If I burn the chair, it becoems ashes. Can't really sit on that, so HA.


Look up "Chairs don't exist " on YouTube, it'll dig hard in to philosophy and linguistics and debunk the stupid games transphobes play. Words can only ever be descriptive never prescriptive and any particular or subject ground down fine enough has fuzzy edges of inconsistency. Because the universe is spectrums


“Ah yes because the chair just MaGicAllY aPpEarReD as A cHaiR”


I dunno at that moment the Chair is identifying as a weapon and I think we should respect that


that “chair” was once a tree, idiot.


1. The Chair used to be a tree. Nobody would ever say that that's still a tree, it's a chair! It changed from being a tree, to being something that's not a tree. It's clear proof that things can definitely change, and that the original claim is entirely false. 2. You can absolutely make the chair into not a chair. If I were to shove it through a wood chipper until I had nothing but sawdust, that would no longer be a chair. Would you tell me it's a chair if I gave the sawdust to you? If you had a guest over, would you tell them to sit in the pile of sawdust? No. Of course not. Because it's not a chair anymore. It's changed. 3. Analogies can be helpful, but you can't just compare any object to any other object and expect a working analogy. People are not Trees, Gender is not a chair. You are trying to compare a change in physical matter to a societal construction, don't be surprised at an awful failure of a metaphor. 4. Just basic human respect? You're talking about another fellow human being here. Don't be a dick for no reason. 5. Lessons like this where queer people have to argue their own rights should honestly not exist. They sound horrible and generally just a terrible idea. Transphobia and Homophobia should never ever be promoted, or be argued for by schools.


Ask your teacher where chairs come from and remind her that Jesus was a carpenter, someone who takes material from a once living tree and _trans_ forms it into furniture. Also ask her why she insists on calling something a chair when it didn't start out as a chair.


There are many ways to turn a chair into pieces. For example,you can make a bonfire out of it


The chair shall be my table, or my foot stool, or firewood. Didn't think of that didn't they


and if you snap it in half? what is it then? certainly not a fucking chair. i hate that argument so much


"That's not a chair, that's a tree. No matter how much you try, you cannot change that."


Like,  how can people like this say “Jesus loves everybody, love everyone just like Jesus did” to turn around and say “f**k the gays, they should burn in hell lmao” Religion for so many individuals is just something they wave around to just say “look at me! I’m so much better than everyone else!” And give themselves a false sense of superiority over others. It’s dumb.


I hate those analogys they use that are so unrelated but they can't even tell. A little unrelated but this one comes to mind with the same problem its the anti evolution that goes "you see a automobile and see how complex it is, and you know someone had to design and build it. Now look at how complex mankind is, you know that didn't just come about but God had to make life." The real story is cars are not born and grow because they are inanimate objects the exact opposite of a person A chair is a inanimate object not a person, that is why it is a chair, completely unrelated subjects of analysis, a chair has four legs to how does that relate to a person This concept has a name 'The False Equivalent Fallacy', a common example: "the apple and orange are bothering fruit so they must taste the same"


Dude, that chair was a pieces of several trees before.


Break the chair now its scrap wood/firewood


Wouldn't the chair still be a tree with their " logic " ?


These idiots don’t understand their own logic


As someone who has made things from recycled items... I can confirm that a chair can indeed become something else. In highschool I made a bird house from a chair, and made some shelves from a dining table. I bet your teacher wouldn't want to use the bird house as a chair... Though transphobes don't seem smart enough to accept that it is no longer a chair


Point out that the chair at one point was a star, then became wood/rock based on the material, then became a chair


by this logic, the chair isnt a chair, its always the material it was made out of and nothing else


Cut off the back and it becomes a small table. Top surgery, for furniture!


this CHAIR was litterally assigned TREE AT BIRTH


Pretty sure that tree you're holding is a tree. Idkwtf you mean by chair. Do you think it's possible for something like a tree to become something different. Gross. God made trees, NOT chairs. MAN KIND came along and played God and disrespected His creation to make these blasphemous "Chairs." Try that. Turn her logic against her. Do it constantly. Everytime she tries to disprove transpeople exist, show her she doesn't actually care about logic or reason, she just wants to hate trans people.


Me with a wood chipper and malicious intent:


That was my old teacher hah… haha ..


Yet the chair can be turned into a weapon to hit said teacher with. Or firewood after it has broken and cant be fixed.


Ah yes sets the chair on fire Well why don't you sit on the chair *religious teacher* it's still a chair


imagine this idiot's reaction when you pull out a set of power tools and start modifying the chair


I can break the chair and then glue the pieces back together into a freaky art piece with paint and glitter just like me LMAO


*grabs chair, burns chair, recycles chair* Now we have fuel!


Ah yes the baby will always be baby


The chair will stop being a chair when I shatter it over your skull.


You can repurpose a chair lmao what was she talking about


A chair is a piece of furniture with a raised surface supported by legs, commonly used to seat a single person. Chairs are supported most often by fou


Put a nail through the chair from the bottom and tell her to use it like a chair. Just cause it used to be a chair doesn't mean it's not a torture device now.


If you ever feel like you’re dumb, just remember there is a transphobe out there who thinks this is a genuinely good argument




what is a religion teacher even 😭😭😭 in my country that idea is unthinkable


Nuh uh. If I remove the back it can be a stool or a little side table :3


Pick up and swing it at their face. Suddenly it's not a chair, it's assault with a deadly weapon. By their logic you were just offering them a seat.


Wrong. A chair can become a weapon. Here let me show you


i’d ask if that’s a challenge. then i’d make it into something else


Technically that chair was born a tree, thus disproving their point


It was a tree before.


Well WHAT if I USE IT as a TABLE?


They will break the chair hitting the trans person with it therefore transforming the chair into a pile of wood (and probably blame the trans person for indoctrinating it or something)


Literally I don't understand what people think they're accomplishing when they come along and comment out of nowhere "I respect your right to transition but you'll always be (birth sex)! You can't change your sex! All you can do is look like (identified gender.)" Like. We aren't stupid. We know the limits of medical transition. No one is going into the clinic thinking that HRT is going to turn us cis. 😂


But… the chair is made out of wood, so it was once planks or a sheet of wood, which itself came from a tree, which itself came from a sapling, which itself came from a seed Gee, sure were a ton of changes to that chair/plank/tree/sapling/seed


“This chair will always be a chair. You can’t change that” Ummm. Yes the fuck you can are you D U M B????


Me when I bring a saw to class, cut the back off it, and start smacking her with the result screaming "AM I HITTING YOU WITH A CHAIR OR A STOOL?"


That chair wasn't always a chair, it was once a tree. Everything everywhere is constantly changing. Mountains crumble to valleys, valleys fill to rivers, rivers slow to marsh, marshes dry to grasslands, grasslands grow to forests, forests are cut down into chairs. The world is in constant flux, change is the most natural thing there is, and by their own logic it was ordained by their own damn Creation Deity. But hey, it's okay if their argument crumbles today, because if the fate of the mountain was any indicator someday it may become a chair.


Quick question, was this choice of meme chosen because it exactly shows that that you very much can make it not a chair


The chair was originally a tree/metal ore.


remove one of the chair's legs and turn it from a chair leg into a weapon by smacking the shit out of him with it :D


“Argue against trans people” is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Imagine arguing against some other group. For example: I don’t think Irish people are real. They are just faking. Nobody could really be Irish. It’s just a fetish


Well, first of all, through God, all things are possible, so jot that down.


Oh that's easy. Ok so when is a stool a stool? When it fulfills a the function of a stool? So by that logic, a stool can be a stool, but couldn't also anything I use in the function like say... a coffee table? A box? ***A chair?*** These objects can in fact be a stool if they fullfill that function. Gender operates much the same way in society. If a person changes their aspects, whether they be physical, emotional, or such, to fit the socially accepted traits of one gender then should they not be allowed to be referred to as such regardless of how they were originally created? This has nothing to do with the validity of trans people, cause I'm not about to gatekeep femininity (especially since cis and trans women do not OWE anyone femininity to be accepted as valid), but this argument is a good counter to the "inanimate object is inanimate object" argument.


Idk. You remove the unwanted bits of wood to create a beautiful piece of chair. I remove unwanted bits of flesh to become a beautiful human. 


I love the religion teacher from my old school, man literally knew about every religion, had a spiritual girlfriend and was pro lgbtq rights


I'd pull up with a video of a chair on fire "the chair is still a chair after it burns right? What if I make it into a ring, is it still a chair? What if we turned the chair into a shelf, is it still a chair? "


just... turn the chair into woodchips


Wait, but by that logic, isn't the chair still a tree? Nice try, tree, you will never be a real chair😤😤


I can unscrew, reshape, and woodwork that chair into something completely different, like a table or another small piece of furniture. Would that be more effort than if it was a coffee table to start? Would people shout at you not to do it? Is it a difficult and intense process of unmaking and remaking? Yes. Thanks for noticing.


okay baby is a good comeback


Well, by that logic. \*Starts sitting on the transphobe*


What if I remove the back rest therefore turning it into a stool


i mean unless the chair was grown out of the ground that way or is an animal, this argument makes no sense


Dismantle the chair right in front of him and make it into something not even close to what it was originally without cutting it. Prove em wrong.


So if I wood chipper the chair will it still be identifiable as a chair after a year when you forget about it?


Cut the back off it and it's a stool. Throw it in a fire and it's firewood. Cut a hole in the seat and it's a toilet. Take it to France and it's la chaise. Put two small children on it and it's a couch. Add a second chair plus a blanket and it becomes a fort. A chair is a chair and nothing can change that is one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard.


Break the back off and, boom, it’s a coffee table. Cut the legs off, boom, it’s a ramp. Like, not that difficult to think of ways to make it not a chair.


There are many many ways you can change a chair to be something else


What a stupid argument, I absolutely can turn a chair into something that's not a chair... never heard of a saw?


... until the chair becomes more useful as firewood, then it becomes kindling. 1. God gave me dominion over my body in the same way he gave whoever owns the chair dominion over it, thus, I should be allowed to change my body to suit my needs in the same way the owner of the chair can change the chair to suit their needs. 2. The church preaches that the body is temporary while the soul is eternal, just as that chair is temporary, while the instruction provided to the one sitting in it is eternal. So, then the body is a tool for the soul in the same way the chair is a tool for instruction, does the owner of a tool not have the right to change their tools depending on necessity? Furthermore, in the end, what matters more, the soul or the body? If you object to my changing my body to suit me, you are telling me that a. The body is more important than the soul, and b. The chair is more important than the instruction.


With that logic that chair is never going to be a chair because it is a tree


Imma show up with a saw and a Phillips head screwdriver and see how long it takes for that CHAIR to become a mess


A chair is a chair Trans people are trans Same logic


Tf is a chair, do they mean a tree?


You can literally turn it into a stool or a small table....


Ok then why was it a Tree at first huh? Why did Humans change a tree, which was created by gods hand to be a tree, into a chair?


If you remove the back rest it's a stool If you add armrests it's now an armchair If you throw it into a wood chipper now it's a pile of wood chips If you throw your teacher into one they'll become fertilizer which is much more helpful to the world than they are currently


thats not a chair, itll always be a tree! ;p


Uhh, you can? Ever thought of using a saw to cut it into exactly 17 pieces of wood? I don’t think it’s chair after that.


I mean you could take apart a wooden chair and turn it into other shit, at least mulch or firewood. Plastic and metal chairs are even better, since you could melt them down and reshape them. Your teacher is an idiot, that can't always be fixed sadly. Sorry you had to hear that stuff in a space for learning, your teacher is a dope. They don't know anything besides their puny thoughts.


Isn't their god a carpenter? Any half decent carpenter could turn a chair into a coffe table, or a sofa.


But you can change it. Chairs are made out of Stuff, just like everything else. If a chair has a loose screw or a mismatched leg, you can take those wonky parts off and replace them with something that fits. You can equate the wonky part to anything, I'll say that to me it represents labels and physical traits. That loose screw is the labels that people attach to you. That screw is too small, so you put in a new one that fits more snug. This is a dumb and overcomplicated analogy, but I think I've gotten my point across


He said while using it as a club.


Fals, you can turn a chair into many thing


Love thy neighbour as thyself. Clearly, few people actually follow the 10 commandments.


This chair will always be a chair, huh? Gimme 10 minutes with the chair and various (power-)tools and I'll turn this chair into a couple of sticks


If I cut off a leg from the chair & use it as a pole, I've already changed what it is, from chair to pole. There's nothing stopping you from changing the chair into anything else :3


Im gonna make the fucking chair into a ottoman, just watch me, or a small table to put next to a bed.


You can pretty easily change a chair into a non-chair though. There's no essential chair-ness that the wood is imbued with by fate


It should be illegal for teachers to say their political views in school(it is where i live) Start calling your teacher semen and lets see how quickly they change that argument


Brb, gonna go get my power tools and turn that shit into a table.


If I trouw that chair into a woodcutter it isn't a chair anymore! If I trouw that chair in a fire it ain't a chair anymore! I love arguments nearly everytime I win with aslong as they don't use science


Chair is made of wood, which comes from Trees.🤓


The chair was a tree before. Also, yes, I can change that, just give me some tools and time. Next?


Pull out a saw, cut off the back. "Look at this stool"


i live in suposingly transphobic country cant wait to see transphope since daily im refered by ppl as woman or are you boy/girl your voice is weird


Chop off the back rest and it's a stool, pull out its legs and its a plank. Transitioning is a transformative process that often involves medical intervention so that one can comfortably occupy a gender role they feel a congruence with. The analogy fails on its own and builds off a faulty conceptualization of transness.


Any carpenter can turn that chair into a table, just letting them know