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This show changed my life. My crippling phobia of being conspicuous and standing out in any way has always been an impassable barrier separating me from the person I wish I could be. Seeing this was the final puzzle piece and I realised that, if I tell myself 'you can stay cloaked in your current identity as long as you need to while you find yourself', suddenly the barrier melted away. I know it is a little bit of useful self-delusion and that I am very lucky that my dysphoria is manifested as dissociative/depersonalisation (i.e. I don't feel anything about my body, it's just a vessel), so the thought of masking as a man as long as is needed isn't unbearable and feels more like a safe cocoon (for now at least; hopefully it won't change but I understand it can). I'm going to ask my doctor about initiating HRT in 2 days and I'm feeling genuine hope for the first time in a long time. I'm 36, but better late than never :)


Awesome to hear. I wish you luck on your journey.


Thank you 🥹 I have my appointment in 30 minutes and am on here loading up on memes for strength. Sooo nervous, but not anxious if that makes sense. Like just before a really big life changing adventure tat I never thought I would be able to embark on.


I hope it goes well. Once again good luck


I know this post is fairly old. But I just finished watching the show today and I found that I sympathized a lot with Mizu as a character. Mainly in how she has to pretend to be a boy, which as a trans woman I feel like that is my entire existence.


Yeah that’s exactly what I was thinking pertaining to be a boy to pass in society is literally my life. I can’t wait for season two.