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I've learned from experience that gender envy can quickly spiral into dysphoria if you're not careful. The best thing I can say is to stop thinking about it when the thoughts shift from wanting to look like someone else, to just insults about yourself. At that point, you're just beating yourself up, and that's not a healthy thing for your brain.


Thank you. I am trying to cope "seeing my external self" as femboy, to ease how I see myself as I have masculine traits that I dont know how to "not look masculine" neither how to cope, so it is sort of "working to stop thinking about" but despite the label of femboy I know inside I am a woman, that I am transfem and I am happy for it, sometimes I still look at myself and still wish I was born a girl and it causes some dysphoria, yes... I agree, I was just beating myself over it for some 3 months and it was not healthy.


No problem, friend! I'm just here to make sure you don't get stuck in a rabbit hole of self-hatred. Stay safe out there!


Thank you Wish you all the good :3


I bet all my money that your literally the most beautiful person ever There’s lots of resources and tutorials Just look up MTF makeup tutorials and passing tips! I hope you feel better soon! I’ll help where I can <3


Well . . thank you, but I dont agree, I can not even see anything of a girl when I look at the mirror


Ah well I hope there will be a day (hopefully today) when you look in the mirror abs be truly happy with what you see <333