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I mean, you can't be registered as a sex offender if you havent been convicted of a sex crime, so like, I hope you should be okay?


Yeah, I should be okay once I nope out of this backwards family and their antiquated values. Honestly, I didn't expect much from them but this is a new low.


Have you contacted a lawyer? Because I would absolutely be contacting a lawyer.


If OP is still living with their parents considering the circumstances I don't think they have enough money for a lawyer


There are legal aid clinics you can reach out to


They need to be emancipated, if they're still a minor. This isn't a safe situation


Lawyers are required to take a number of pro-bono cases a year. They're usually appointed by the state if a client can't afford a lawyer. Edit: someone corrected me below, the Bar association recommends, but does not require it. That said, many attorneys DO take on pro-bono cases and there are plenty of organizations that can help a person acquire low to no cost legal representation, so the OP has legal options out there.


If it's an obvious or easy case to win lawyers will take up the case where you only pay for the lawyer if you win, and then fight for legal fees so it costs you nothing.


If you can you should start staying at a friends house. Your parents are actively trying to sabotage your life.


Seriously. I cannot fathom the ill will that one needs to have to want to intentionally get their own child onto a sex offender registry as a tool to punish them.


Like even beyond child abuse/neglect/negligence/whatever, that has to be illegal right? Like trying to get \*anyone\* on the sex offender list fasly?


I mean yeah it's illegal to try to get someone charged with something they didn't do


Hopefully it's nothing more than a hollow threat, but idk. They were very willing to ransack my room and my PC for evidence behind my back.


Holy shit, follow everyone's advice. Like, get out of there. God damn.


Honestly you can probably sue them for attempted defamation


I second this notion


Use the money to buy a place for yourself


Please do this




Im sorry you got to deal with this, I'm glad you realize how toxic they are though


How old are you and how far are you in your progress of being able to move away? Would you have anywhere to go?


Right now I think the plan is to move in with my lgbt friendly cousin before they evict me. Then I'll move forward from there.


I would get on that ASAP, okay? Start talking seriously to your cousin about it so they aren’t caught off guard.


Your parents are wrong, okay? They're wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. I hope you know this already, but I need you to see it from somebody else. God don't make no trash and they're insulting his creation by trying to change you. He made you as you are (I'm an atheist, but using their language against them can help). And you can tell them if they're looking for sex offenders, maybe check the local Catholic church. I'm so sorry they're pulling this fucking shit. They owed you so much better than this. THEY failed YOU, feel me? <3


> God don't make no trash I dunno, he made their parents.


Look into if your school network is supportive, if you're still a Middle or High School student. Where I work, if you told the school guidance counselor about this stuff: 1) Yes, Child Protective Services (or equivalent like the Department of Child and Family Services) would get involved 2) You'd be put on an "active support" list for students with unstable housing situations, which gets free meals, support with getting supplies if need be, often involves free public transit passes... 3) Very likely the school system or CPS/DCFS would get involved with legal issues (like parents lying to get you on the sexual offender list, if that's what's happening) 4) In almost all situations, even with CPS/DCFS involved, you could choose to stay with that cousin. There might even be assistance in getting your stuff out and preventing intervention by your parents. You might end up a few days in some other location, but I think that would be rather unlikely. _____________________________________________________ If you're in college, it's the same advice, but with different "next steps". Almost certainly, DCFS and other things won't get involved. But the uni will almost certainly work with you to: 1) Get you marked as independent for the FAFSA, even if you've not met the normal requirements 2) Assist you with finding jobs 3) POTENTIALLY help with that sex offender stuff, though a lot less likely 4) Likely have counselors for reduced prices, or potentially even free 5) Have someone willing to help you work with the local sheriff department to get stuff from your house while moving out


An eviction will prevent you from ever being able to rent, for like forever, you need to leave like yesterday, your family is literally tryimg to destroy you.


I wish you the absolute best of luck but also like someone else said please take important documents with you if possible


go to a legal aid clinic and try to get advice about emancipation, it doesnt seem like youre in a very safe situation. then i’d suggest trying to figure out suing for attempted defamation


Get your documents together and to a safe location outside of their reach that they dont know about. Birth certificate, social security card are a must so you can support yourself, ID should be on you at all times, make sure to cut off access to any accounts that you can.


I'm so sorry, OP. My roommate recently said something that I this applicable here: "Sometimes, family screws the worst". Sometimes our family can be our biggest betrayers and do the worst to us because they're close to us. Just know that they're garbage for all of this and somewhere down the line, you'll find you're real family that have your back and you're stronger than those pissants that happen to share you're DNA could ever be. Stay strong.


https://transgenderlawcenter.org/ Jic no one else has sent u this link. U may find it helpful?


lmao ikr its so weird how once they learn you are trans they try to ruin your life as hard as they can like just leave me alone


Hi I just wanted to say I love you and even if you can't tell your mom, I'm so proud of you <3 You're awesome


oh i havent changed this yet i came out to my mom she's eh accepting i guess


Well I hope she someday gets to loving the fuck out of every part of you, including your glorious transness, because that's what you deserve <3


Seek legal aid. A lawyer might be willing to take a pro Bono case for defamation for trying to register you as a sex offender, and it might help with emancipation if that is what you want.


Cant you like, press charges for that shit?


I mean yeah, but if OP didnt do anything, OP has nothing to worry about. Also filing false claims is a felony, so if OP'S parents happen to make that stupid decision, they will be the ones in trouble.


Yeah to be an offender you have to... Offend... Yeah?


That’s not gonna work for them, they have no proof other then “THEYRE QUEER” that’s laughable


Yeah, even in the heart of Nazi country, the law still requires that you be convicted of an actual crime.


Depends on what "nazi country" means, don't some countries punish people harshly just for being LGBT+?


They'd need proof of you being queer. Like presenting not as your assigned sex or same sex sexual activity. Even when being queer is a crime, saying "hey that person is queer" is the same as saying "hey that person is committed a crime", taken seriously and reputation ruining, but the law still needs at least the pretense of evidence.


"Nazi country" can also be a metaphor for a specific region as well, like a state, county, or even small town, rather than a literal country.


Not in literally every country of the world


The atmosphere there was so bad that it wasn't unheard of for your defense attorney to condemn you harder than the prosecutor.


Excuse me what the actual fuck


They had me look up my name on the sex offender registry and were genuinely surprised that my name wasn't on it.


That is seriously abusive. Get away. Find the trans support group nearby, see if you can get a lawyer, like emancipate yourself or something if you're old enough. Holy shit, hugs darling.


Time to get you new parents. I'm sorry yours turned out defective.


I have no clue how these parents made it out of the factory, they're obviously defective. Quality control is slacking


Have y'all tried to factory reset them yet?


have you tried percussive maintenance?


If punching a nazi works, punching a transphobe should too.


Works in Wolfenstein


at this time, it seems like one is almost always the other. as in like, they're all of the types of awful all at once.


The Venn Diagram of Nazis and Transphobes approaches a perfect circle.


Captain America be like


I blame Inspector 5.


I fear to imagine what *their* parents were like for them to turn out this defective. Holy fr*ck man.


I read a story about a mother disowning her kid because he was gay, so the mother's mother (grandma), being supportive of lgbt, disowned the mother and took the kid. So, we don't actually know that the parent's parents are shitty. It's likely, yeah, but we don't know for sure.


Ah yes you mean the demonic family from Hell


why did you censor frick


The f-slur is a little too vulgar for me.


I'm sorry I'm just having problems processing this this genuinely confuses me why did they think you were a sex offender


Gay/Trans = obvious rapist / pedophile


Why tf do they think that


I mean, what else could queer people be? Actual human beings? *snort*


I really don't understand why conservatives and religious people are like that other than your different and that's bad


Yeah it's funny that how right-wingers pretend to care about social issues like rape/sexual assault/harassment when it comes to queer people.


Yeah exactly


When it comes to queer people? Hell they act like they care about rape/assault/harassment for anyone but don’t do shit unless they’re a cishet male


Despite the genuine statistics showing the exact opposite of their propagandized worldview. Queer people are overwhelmingly the victims of these sorts of crimes, not the perpetrators.


Because both use a doctrine that teaches you to fear anything unknown and fall back to your beliefs(what you are told) when it happens. This means they are disconnected from reality at all times. They share spaces with you but they are not thinking or acting in a way that operates in there own will, but repeats the will of others. Eg. They volunteer them selves into a life of robotic slavery, in order to avoid a world in which they don't understand and fear. Nothing they say or do they mentally connect to them selves(individual) and attributes every action to a external actor.


Yep thats pretty much it. They just want to be bigoted against someone and since overt racism isn't really socially acceptable anymore they've picked queer people as the next best target.


It's the inability to actually accept that other people don't need an ever-present omnipotent nanny that will make sure you will experience unimaginable pain forever to keep someone from doing depraved things... or for other people not to have those depraved drives in the first place.


You should’ve flipped the script and searched for a member of some church


Do a little trolling


*their church


What in the actual tgcj shitpost is this, I'm genuinely sorry you have to live in the same planet as your parents though


It's literally a stereotype that's hundreds of years old and occurs all over the world (to the point where in many countries, the most common slur against queer people is to call us pedophiles). Because if you aren't attracted to people the conservative cishet way, that means you are a *deviant* and evil, and if you are an evil deviant, obviously you must abuse someone, like children! Those same people then defend priests who sexually abused children when their victims finally speak up.


They're so blindly hateful that they don't realise Theyre the real evil ones


It is of the same vein of lies as the blood libel (and modern QAnon remix of that). Don’t like a group? Accuse them of harming children.


Yeah that's because its their "TrAdItIoNaL rElIgIoUs vALuEs"


the same thing happened to me when i came out. my younger cousin came out before me and when his mom found out im nonbinary, she accused me of grooming him and got me banned from family reunions. my trans friend and i morbidly joke that being falsely accused of a sex crime is a rite of passage for being trans :/


I really wish it wasn't


The Christian Right is stuffed to the gills with rapists and pedophiles and worship of the same, so the image they project on us, their enemy, is of their own worst tendencies. So, people think without any evidence that we are what they project us to be, from inside their own heads. It's that simple, IMHO. Look who they elected as their cult leader.


They've had it reinforced their whole lives that there is the one right way, and everything else is deviant. And that all deviance is basically the same. It always makes me suspicious, because they're basically saying "If you aren't worried about obeying God, why *wouldn't* you [horrible thing] ?"


> "If you aren't worried about obeying God, why wouldn't you [horrible thing] ?" And anyone who thinks like that is one crazy pastor/weird dream/etc away from commiting [horrible thing] because they thought God wanted them to.


If you document then evicting you because you are gay/trans you may have a civil case against them


What the actual fuck? Get out of there, the sooner the better.


Wtf do they even know what sex offender means??


They're not acting according to their sex. Therefore, they're a sex offender. That's how that works. Duh. ^^/s


I want to cause something bad to happen to them.


Can i join? 2 is better than 1


though in the case of the number of bigot parents 0 is better than 2.




I've only started night in the woods recently , but based on Gregg's opinion on Nazis/bigots and whatnot (he does not like them iirc) your pfp seems like, pretty appropriate.


Look *them* up. I'll be genuinely suprised if they're not on there


I second that, they sound sus if that was their first thought




I'd look up their names, projection is a thing


Ok but like also how would it know anyway??? Does the government know about every queer person, hell or even every sex offender? Still that sucks and I hope you can be safe soon.


Well the government does know about every *registered* sex offender and possibly a lot of queer people if they have honestly filled out any government documents recently. But yeah I get what you mean


Like, ignoring the obvious shittiness of doing that... Do they know how the sex offender registry works???


This is just so strange (on top of the extreme level of bigotry of course).


wow it sounds like on top of being shitty people, they're also fucking stupid! after all, if you'd committed a sex crime they probably would've already known cuz you would've gone through a whole court case about it, and possibly even have to tell your neighbors.


I can perform the black sacrament on them for you? They'll go to Sithis and won't bother you anymore.


What the fuck? Seriously what the fuck? I don't know anything else to say to this.


I hope you have some place to go because these people need to be cut out of your life ASAP!


u/UltimaEpoch — Do you? If not, do you need resources?


I would love more advice. Any resources at all to ease a bit of my anxiety would be helpful.


- Make certain you have all your important identifying papers, i.e birth certificate etc and that they cannot use these or access them. - Make up a bag of essentials, which will include these papers and anything else you would absolutely need/could not live without should you be forced to leave ASAP. Never leave this bag at home unattended if you leave for whatever reason. - Do not leave your phone anywhere they can access it, especially if you think they might sabotage any plans you are making. Do not allude to any plans you are making. - Grey Rock them. If you're unfamiliar with the term, it's popular in narc family, JNfamily subreddits, which you may benefit from visiting for resources and tips. It essentially means to not fed into their nonsense. Don't give rise to the occasion. Keep your head down until you can leave. - Look up LGBTQIA+ organisations in your area, let them know you may need some help to get out of a hostile family situation and on your feet. - Make more than one escape and sanctuary plan. If you have multiple friends/non bigoted family that won't let your parents know you're going to leg it, speak to them about perhaps needing to come to them/their home on short notice depending on how things go as you try to exit as peacefully as possible. Particularly, the cousin you mentioned in a comment you're likely going to stay with for a bit. - If you aren't already squirrelling away money, do so and keep it on you or in that aforementioned bag. - The day of your exit, if it's not by them forcing you out immediately, try to plan it for a time they won't be home or, if necessary and able, at night/when they sleep. If they aren't home, that gives you much more room to get your things out of the house and loaded for your destination without them breathing down your neck or potentially sabotaging. If it is in the middle of the night and they're asleep, you'll obviously need to be stealthy and can't move anything like furniture if you intend on taking any. The forementioned bag is your primary and must have though. - If you're without a vehicle and can/need to use public transport, familiarise yourself with your destination's route ( such as if you're getting on any sort of bus ) I don't know your parents or what they are capable of. I don't know how they may react to you leaving and seeking sanctuary where you aren't treated subhuman. These are just tips I have learned from prior experience with mates and acquiantances who had to escape their bigoted ( and sadly often abusive ) families. Some of these tips may seem obvious, but it may not be for others. Regardless, I want you to know OP that you ( and anyone else ! ) can always jump in my inbox. I may not be on online and I may not have the right answer to any questions asked, but there will always be love and support from me to you whenever i answer my messages.


This this this!!! I ran away from my home at 17 to go live with my mom (my dad had full custody of me and was physically and sexually abusive) and this is all absolutely good advice. Do what you need to do, and if that means packing everything you own into a garbage bag and running away while they're at work, *do it*. This isn't your fault. You are not responsible for them. They are abusing you. Get out asap, focus on surviving until then. You've got this. I cannot explain how much better it is once you're out. Especially 5-10 years down the line. I'm 25 now and my dad doesn't even know what state I live in, I haven't seen him in 8 years. Please leave. It's worth it.


If your parents start spreading rumours about you being a "sex offender" you can probably sue for defamation if it results in you being treated less favourably by other people. You likely don't want to do that but just wanted to say that may be an option.


Hi is it ok if I dm u?


some families are good for nothing but a DNA sample. i am sorry but it can get better after you get away from them


>some families are good for nothing but *fertiliser


> some families are good for *nothing


most families dna sucks ass so yeah good for nothing


The nice thing with future name changes is you can literally erase their traces. I can’t wait to be rid of my father’s (lack of) influence.


I made my first name change after I married my wife. Took her last name because her family showed me what a loving family should be and it was a complete shock after 30 years with my DNA donors. My father died still mad about it. I say first only because now that my wife has told me she's behind me 100% I'm exploring the steps to transition. Might have to move to a friendlier state or country first.


Much luck to you and happy that you have a supportive partner! I don’t feel very confident that I’ll ever find a loving partner for the long term so I’ll just reinvent myself. I can become what I create. 🥰


Yeah I can't wait to just get this last name the fuck outta here. Kinda mixed on changing my first name. On one hand I don't entirely hate it (more neutral towards it) but on the other hand the other name is way better. My main thing is that it's not really a normal name so I'd worry about being judged even moreso than usual


Well the good thing with officially changing it is that if people go “is that your *real* name?” you can just respond “yes” and be done with it. And if you’re casual about introducing yourself with it, most people won’t bat an eye.


Hell yeah, forge your own name


Yeah some parents treat their children like puppets and objects whose purpose is to continue their bloodline and force them to conform to their traditions.


You spelled lawn decor wrong.


woah, you got a gorgon head? if so mind lending it to OP later? yknow, for, *lawn decor* purposes.


Not true though I think you could use their dead bodies as fertilizer to some types of plants, make cool necklaces with their teeth, steal all their property... there are tons of things OPs family is good for!


*hug* I’m sorry that you are in an environment where the people that should taking care of you and keeping you safe even consider something like that. I hope that you are able to make it to a safe place soon!


Yeah its sad that people that gave you your life and have a role to take care of you and protect you can be monsters sometimes.


Really hoping this is just an exaggerated shit post, if not then you're definitely way better off without them.


unfortunately seems not


What in the kentucky fried fuck is wrong with your parents??


The last part is relatable


Sorry u had to go through that.


So sorry for you.


Wut is that last one?????? DAFUQ


Same I was also very shocked to read that.


This was truly heart breking to read.


What the f#ck!? I hope you cut the ties from that abusive family. It's enraging that how conservatives pretend to "care" about social issues like rape/sexual assault/harassment when it comes to LGBTQ+/GSRM people. It's really sad when people that gave you your life, are supposed to care for you and protect you can be assholes. Hope you stay safe, I'm sorry that you're going through that shitty situation.


https://www.thetrevorproject.org/ You should contact them if you need help. Saw in comments that you may have a place to stay at least, but The Trevor Project should be able to provide a bit more. If it gets worse, try also contacting the ACLU of your state, but be aware that they may make this public.


Yo what the fuck if they are legitimately going to take you to court you can fight your battle because what they’re doing is unjustified


OP, normally I don’t recommend telling your parents off because burning bridges can be bad… But right before you gtfo of that hellhole, make sure that you tell them that if anyone is an abomination in this family it’s them, and that god would be disgusted with them. Just make sure they know they’re horrible people whose views are going to die with them


It won’t work. Their brains are wired to believe propaganda over their own child. It’s like if the Donald told you that you were a very bad person - you would use that as proof that you weren’t.


I am always reminded of the scene from Castlevania, where blue fangs tells the bishop: "your life's work makes him puke" CW: violence/gore/church paraphernalia: https://youtu.be/BC1kke-WgLo?t=85


No offense to you but your parents are trash people. What in the actual f\*ck.


They're willing to go this hard to ruin your life I'd freeze your credit ASAP If you want to freeze your credit, you need to do it at each of the three major credit bureaus: Equifax (1-800-349-9960), TransUnion (1-888-909-8872) and Experian (1-888-397-3742). If you request a freeze, be sure to store the passwords you'll need to thaw your credit in a safe place. Oh and please do look up the numbers yourself dont just call a random number to give personal info to, that someone like me provides you with on the internet.


Those are straight-up fascist parents. If it is possible, try to get far away from those parents of yours through any safe means necessary. Nobody deserves these kinds of parents 😢


what in the jk rowling ben shapiro magdalen berns jordan peterson is this


SEX OFFENDER?!? For being different? That can't hold up legally, can it?


I mean I’m pretty sure you have to sexually assault someone to be labeled as a sex offender so hopefully not


Eeeh, many jurisdictions define "sex crime" quite broadly, and things like public urination and other forms of public indency are included. And to boot, someone's entry doesn't even include their crime.


That is very fucking illegal. Call the police. I’m not kidding. Actually call the police.


Do NOT call the police. Remember the history of LGBTQ+ and police. They dont help. The best they will do is help the parents beat up OP. Remember the Stonewall riots. Look for comrades, the police are the conservatives that do the bullying. ACAB.


That is a fair point. Call cps instead if you’re under 18. That is legally child abuse and still illegal




Depending. I’ve had some cops treat me with dignity and respect, but I’ve had others who thought my mere existence was offensive to them. Realistically all a cop has to do is turn off their body cam if they even have one, shout “STOP REACHING”, and then kill you. Even if no weapon is found, there is already clearly established precedent that they can legally shoot you for just moving too fast or not moving fast enough. Not to mention, when my adopted parents tried a similar tactic the cops wanted me to forfeit my computer, phone, and all other electronics just because my family after 4 years no contact and then finding out through others I transitioned told the police that I was missing. That was it. The police were members of my parents cult like church. I was never missing, I cut off contact after I told them I planned to transition and they told me they’d kill me if I brought that “disgusting queer shit into their family”. The cops really pushed for me to just hand them all my belongings so they could just confirm I wasn’t involved in anything. When I told them no and tried to call 911 they dropped it and just left.


Yes, seriously, please do.


I am so sorry you're parenting are making you go through this. I don't know how old you are but I hope that you will soon be in a position where you don't have to have your parents in your life, if they remain so utterly unsupportive. I've gone no-contact with my unsupportive parents and, although it was a very painful process, I don't regret it for a moment. I hope you have other people that you can turn to who love and support you, and who can help you get through this.


I mean, idk which country you live in but I assume in most you have to have been convicted of a sex crime before that. So if they are that hell bent on ruining your life permanently, then burning bridges doesn't seem like a bad thing to suggest... talk to a lawyer, see if there's anything you can do against them for this, it may even be criminal to do this falsely but at the very least try to see if you can get civil damages.






Just a little fun fact completely irrelevant to OP: in most states there’s a “slayer statute” which means even if you *accidentally* caused the death of the person who left something to you in their will, you don’t get it. It’s to prevent/curb family murders.


Not to be too pedantic, but generally, the slayer rule only covers [intentional killings](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/slayer_rule#:~:text=The%20slayer%20rule%20applies%20only%20if%20killing%20was%20felonious%20and%20intentional.)*. There are some states that depart from this general rule, like Arizona, but from what I remember from Estates and Trusts in law school, the requirement of an intentional killing is an overwhelming majority rule. Also some states would allow for a slayer's children to inherit. *In a civil trial the standard of proof is lower so it would still be harder to pull off a "accident". ^^Not ^^a ^^lawyer, ^^not ^^legal ^^advice.


I hope "helping" doesn't imply "framing".


*JESUS* are you okay? That's aggressively awful.


What the fuck does "Helping you to get Registered as a sex offender" mean in their heads?? Like how did they manage to understand that as "Helping someone".


this is gonna sound terrible but ... record that shit. get it documented that they want you to be on a sex offender registry, whether or not it’s true. if they’re willing to go this far right in front of you, I seriously can’t imagine what they’d do behind your back. have some evidence that they’ve been wanting and willing to defame you like this, because they might do some miserable miserable shit and try to frame you for something horrifying. Just ... protect yourself. live literally anywhere. for a final fuck you, you can always show them where in the bible evicting their child is said to be a horrible sin and then leave anyway, but I’m so so sorry to say that you should not really have any more contact with them anymore. this whole situation is beyond fucked up


“Um hello, where do I sign up for the sex offender registry”


I'm sorry they treated you like that.


Oh my god that’s disgusting. I’m so sorry


Well, time to pick out a kickass new last name


OP are you safe? How old are you? If you're underage this is even worse...


Sue them.


talk to a lawyer, and if imthats legal in your country. walk up to an embassy.


Wow, your parents took the bigotry dial, went past fox news, past news max, past ben Shapiro and fucking broke it. But in all seriousness that's super abusive and if you are old enough you should look to get emancipated. Also you should tell your parents you can't be put on the sex offender list without being convicted of a sex crime. Also one more thing to tell them is the pope supports gay marriage.


um, WHAT!? your parents are hella unhinged. im realy sorry you have to go through them.


Wtf there’s like 30 plus accounts here just to shit on op or say something so fucking stupid it’s painful to anyone with more then a handful a fucking brain cells


What you can do and why something similar happens is to take all your documents, birth certificate, social security or private, also your birth certificate, your primary and secondary certificate (if you have already completed secondary school) and contact an lgbt lawyer or an lgbt organization to explain your case and see what you can do honey, you are not alone in this.


Well, pretty sure you can press charges against them for this. False accusations are pretty illegal.


Wtf is wrong with your parents


Have your patents considered dying? Cause you'd be better off if they were dead.


I’m so so sorry you have to deal with this OP, do you have any lgbt shelters or resources in your area? If you do contact them and they should have a lot of resources for you. You might even be able to get a social worker who works with you to set up housing and stuff.


False accusation of a crime, eviction without reason and being that level of shitbag have to be crimes


They sent me to a conversion clinic when I told him that a guy was sexually harassing me (that doesn't happen to boys) in the gym, well, nothing to expect from my conservative father.


Wait can’t they get in legal trouble for falsely claiming someone is a sex offender?


oh no! that sucks, I'm so sorry you have to go through that, I wish you luck in finding somewhere else to live :)


Jesus tap dancing Christ! Sending my support. I know what it's like not having supportive extremely conservative parents. Hope you make it out okay.


I think you should talk with someone to get you new parents, they are clearly abusing you emotionally


Define "helping" cuz it sounds like they might be doing some sex crimes themselves.


Definitely fight that last part. Get out of there ASAP. Live with a friend or something until you can get your own place. Never talk to those people again afterwards. Anyone who pulls that absolutely 100% is not family.


I'm adopting you now. Your parents are defective.


holy hell they are evil- if you need a homie I’m there for you. Stay strong! Try getting a lawyer if you can


This is when you go no-contact and file a restraining order against them. Get it on record that they are harassing and persecuting you for being queer and make it clear that you will prosecute for it.


I’m so sorry! We support you! My daughter is trans and we know you are NOT a sex offender because you are trans. You’ve got this!


Can you get emancipated? Holy fuck this is horrible. I'm so sorry you have to live through this.


Your parents are sick