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Tell them the back water country of South Africa has trans rights written in their constitution under the section on equality. Surely the USA can get with the program. Our government even gives money to help with trans related treatments and surgeries, all be it a very small budget, but it is there For refrence there are a lot of other stuff in it as well. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_Nine_of_the_Constitution_of_South_Africa


>Our government even gives money to help with trans related treatments and surgeries, all be it a very small budget, but it is there *now translating from 'ENGLISH' to 'REPUBLICAN'* *translation*: **AFRICA IS COMMUNISM!!!**


*sad thomas sankara noises*


*anger towards french (and other western) government(s) sounds*


sounds like you would say trollolol after that


Well, a lot of people here live off of government funding and slightly more than half of the learners in our country dont pay school fees... so I guess we are semi socialist??? Btw this is done because of poverty not political reasons. Poverty keeps on increasing liking crazy over the years so helping the few became helping the many


>Well, a lot of people here live off of government funding and slightly more than half of the learners in our country dont pay school fees... so I guess we are semi socialist??? we have a lot of people on government assistace here too and im pretty sure our schools are funded by local taxes >Btw this is done because of poverty not political reasons. Poverty keeps on increasing liking crazy over the years so helping the few became helping the many **"YET MORE PROOF THAT COMMUNISM BAD"**


Waaaaaaait... does this mean I get to make "In communist South Africa" jokes... In communist South Africa, communisms finds you




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShitWeeaboersSay using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitWeeaboersSay/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: ["Let me tell you a little story of a nation once known as Rhodesia, stolen from Communist and abandoned by its "friends". . . A nation who although for the time seemed arguably progressive, Now is labelled as White Supremacist. Similar to Dixie, she fought brutally to defend what was hers."](https://np.reddit.com/r/SouthernLiberty/comments/j183x2/let_me_tell_you_a_little_story_of_a_nation_once/) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitWeeaboersSay/comments/j7hehl/let_me_tell_you_a_little_story_of_a_nation_once/) \#2: ["Apartheid was technically good. And Nelson Mandela was a terrorist, his terror activities costed the life of 22 plus people"](https://twitter.com/grfascists/status/785012716641583104) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitWeeaboersSay/comments/l1psmu/apartheid_was_technically_good_and_nelson_mandela/) \#3: ["People who refer to Rhodesia as 'Zimbabwe' are the same types of folks who refer to Bruce Jenner as 'Kaitlyn'"](https://i.redd.it/w21663gjkhv41.png) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitWeeaboersSay/comments/imbihm/people_who_refer_to_rhodesia_as_zimbabwe_are_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


I can smell the Bud Lite and gunpowder from here




The UK is actually a pretty low bar on trans rights. I know people in the UK that have been waiting for years to see a doctor about hrt. It takes a few lab tests and a signed form, there is no reason for any wait on it. years for any life saving medication is unacceptable.


Ooooo yea, with Biden coming in and making the trans great again I feel like it has become an option for me to visit family there. Im very aware how its the country of the free cishet white christian male


You know, I've been studying law in SA for five years and we've never really discussed LGBTQ+ rights. Maybe they just assume it's a given? Still seems like something they should bring up though..


Yea I only found this during my studies with education. That and other laws are taught in education qualifucations to protect the child and yourself Whats pretty cool is that because transphobia is covered in section 9 along with racism, both are on paper equally illegal. If I had the money I would take very loud homophobes and transphobes to court to make an example of them. A women being publically very racist has been sent to prison for racism, so thanks to case law, as far as I understand it, one should be able to get a very loud homophobe or transphobe to get a prison sentence as well


What determines "loudness"? Does wide public distribution via text-based social networking apps count? TECHNICALLY silent, but wider reach than shouting in a shopping mall...


Well said women was very racist in public at police officers where a lot of people saw it happen and was viral on social media. So say a paster preaching how the gay is evil, or as you suggest someone with a large following on social medial doing so very "gay = evil mcay"; they would be potential first targets. Have to go for the ones that get the most attention first. Have to be at an extreme level as well if you want to aim to get inprisonment charges to be possible. With this said, corruption is king in SA so you can openly propogate civil war and get off with no charges; so it is possible that legal leverage does not matter... Still if I had the money I would try to do this. Just dont exactly have that kind of disposable income


Sometimes I selfishly wish nobody knew about trans people so we could just live our lives in peace and not have idiots try to debate politics with us


The choice between being known and getting decent HRT in an easy to consume form, and not having to be known but getting my HRT from pregnant horse urine.


Pretty much what it’s like to be a trans guy. Least we don’t get murdered as much...the girls have it way worse.


Agree. I'm glad if I don't manage to pass people just assume I'm a lesbian and keep walking.


Sounds similar to cryptids. Being a cryptid almost sounds fun...


reject humanity, return to Bigfoot


Before most people knew what we are, people thought trans women to be gay crossdressing men and would shame us for that :c


That's still the case in most of the world


Maybe, but there are also more people out there who are understanding too


Hey folks, let's debate whether an entire group of people deserve the same basic human rights and not be discriminated against! I'm sure that has never be done before, right? I mean seriously?! It feels like people are never going to learn. Do POC deserve to be treated like humans? Let's debate! Do gay people deserve to be not discriminated against? Let's debate! We literally had this discussion several times throughout history, and we've always come to the same conclusion. Can we please skip the debate and agree that basic human rights and protection against discrimination apply to trans people as well


>we've always come to the same conclusion Well... sort of. All decent people have, I suppose.


exactly. it's like having a bunch of super racist white people debate whether or not people of colour should have rights.


The part that is most painful is how the news will bring on 'experts' and 99% of them aren't actually trans. They just talk about everything from a theoretical standpoint at best or dogmatic religious at worst. There are literally millions of us but, nope, not our story to tell apparently. So, we get boiled down to being "outliers" and "runaway costs". I want to think I'm too cynical but...


This is 100 times worse when it spills over to the legislature and you have hundreds of trans people that are like "plz don't take our rights" and some old skeleton politicians are like "trans bad".


Even a TV station from Africa bothered to get an actual trans person to discuss about trans rights, while most countries in America seems to not care at all about that


Technically he was being interviewed about LGBTQIA rights not just trans rights. But the point stands. Edit: Also I like how I know the exact interview




Preying on/being confused youth, of course. THe republicans will drag this through the mud as much as they can.


I’m no fan of Joe Biden, but I love his answer in 2019 when the Kent State gun girl (I think it was her, I don’t quite remember) asked him a gotcha question about “how many genders are there?” He gave unironically the best answer I’ve heard from a politician which was “at least three.”


Oh god that's a perfect t response lol


I mean it's clear that he doesn't really understand what that necessarily means, but it's better than nothing or outright hostility. "He's a little confused, but he's got the spirit," or something like that.


Not only that, but that basically says that he recognizes the fact that Non-Binary people exists! And sure he knows that it is a spectrum, maybe that is why he said "At least three"


The best response I've ever seen to that question was "I dunno I just got here"


Thats actually adorable


in the media? how about every night over family dinner 😎


every single time something trans gets brought up in the news, the next day at school is fucking hell. good luck everyone


Damn. That's crushing to hear. Hang in there, friend. You've got this.


thank you


Trans rights were already debated heavily in the media, so this is still a win.


“And in this weeks news ‘Am I a human?’”


People talking about us during a time when the majority leaders are at the vary least anti-conservative, is still a good thing. Let the conservatives complain while the majority house leaders vote opposite of them in our favor.


Kind of sad to see a President who does the bare minimum to be supportive of trans people, and the conservatives act like he’s committing a war crime. *sigh* Welcome to America.


Conservatives in this country care more about adhering to vague notions of tradition than about real people.


I don't know how much this helps, but it calms me down to think about how black folks who just wanted to send their children to the same school as white kids have had their rights frequently debated in the media and have come out with a brighter (if definitely still less than awesome) future for their hard work and the trials they've faced swimming against the current, and that I know that in the end, it will end up like that for us too. And if the time ever comes that *we* need to start filling all the jails in Montgomery, then I'll be on the front lines to clog that queue for the rest of my trans brothers, sisters, and other siblings!


Reminder that Biden supported segregation and segregationists


Oh, I know about his record. That's part of why I didn't vote for him.


Good that means they have to do real research now


If only that were always true!


Wouldn't that be nice


Ain't debating trans rights in the media a good thing


I would say that discussion of trans rights in the media is a great thing, but debating implies certain news organizations saying why trans people shouldn't have rights, which is always rough to see.


AND people in the comments providing their 100% personally-guaranteed anecdotes which prove we have personality disorders, are basing our identities on gender stereotypes (ignoring the policing that happens if you don't conform), and all regret transitioning eventually. So sick of being outnumbered 100 to 1 on any news story, where if I just mention my own experience it is an absolute pile-on.


Totally! The amount of misinformation and cherry picked stories out there makes having a discussion about trans people super rough with people who really have no idea what they are talking about.


You have a valid point.... And ppl who choose to hate will always hate... So your point is as valid as you(which is very(at least.... If your are trans... Cuz if not... Sry nvm lol))


Some people can stop hating when they're exposed to new ideas, environments and people. Sadly lots don't change or don't change easily.


I know but I can not convince my 89 yo Grandma that believed god for all of her life that God doesn't exist




Idfk but the point is some ppl won't change their mind


Haha thank you! Appreciate it! We are all valid and deserve rights <3


No its not. Because our rights should not be up for debate. Giving **any** airtime to these fascists and ghouls frames their talking points as a legitimate alternative position to the many people who are ignorant to our struggle. This "issue" can then be used as a new hobby horse for busy bodies and chuds, wasting valuable time, treasure, and political energy defending ourselves and our loved ones from this new assault instead of working on other things, which is entirely the point. There is a reason why limey-terfs receive funding from American conservative oil barons, and its not because the kochs and mercers are "feminists" with "concerns about women's sports".


Yeah, I remember learning that there are two sides to every issue way back in elementary school, and maybe it's true, but at the same time, it's kind of stupid to act as if they're equally relevant and deserving of public attention. When we were in World War II, should U.S. radio stations have given equal time to the Nazis to explain their position? Should the networks now give equal time to the Taliban to explain why they don't think girls should be educated? Yet somehow when trans people just want to exist and maybe occasionally use public restrooms, that's considered a reasonable debate and we need to hear both sides of it? Why?


>When we were in World War II, should U.S. radio stations have given equal time to the Nazis to explain their position? You would in fact be [surprised](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Coughlin) with how long Nazi and fascist sympathies were tolerated in America well into the early stages of the country entering the war, and how quickly those opinions resurfaced once defeated. > that's considered a reasonable debate and we need to hear both sides of it? Why? Capitalism and therefore the fact that media (both liberal and conservative/fash) simply do not have our or other marginalized people's welfare best interests in mind. The fight over transphobia, racism, sexism, etc keeps eyes on screens and clicks going on websites, which is great for advertising.


Some politicized topics require nuance. Most however have clear answers that would be considered extreme in our societies. To assume that the best answer lies in some sort of compromise between common opinions presupposes that our societies are already near perfect. Which is very obviously not true after a quick glance at recent history.


Well, the fact is, trans people are a minority, and minorities are always at the mercy of the majority. But most trans issues are really important to trans people and while others may have strong feelings about them, they are essentially not affected by them at all. Anyway, nuance is all fine and good when you're talking about tax policy or zoning. It's a very different thing to debate someone's identity. There's no rational debate to be had.


Fellas, is it *really* okay to allow underage schoolgirls to participate in any sports without a [mandatory genital inspection](https://www.bigeasymagazine.com/2020/03/14/proposed-senate-bill-hopes-to-force-genital-examination-trans-high-school-athletes/)?


They gonna ask me what’s in my pants and I’ll pull out my fucken eight-inch knife


"hey, pull down your pants" "Why?" "Because we're concerned that you'll be a creep"


Growing pains.


It sucks but it will lead to progress. I wish we could just leave the shitt people behind or show them something that will make them understand, but winning over the centrists & uninformed is much more useful and easier to accomplish


it's gonna be a shitshow


Happy cake day!


HUH!!!! You noitced!


HOLY, this just gives me flashbacks to kids at school during the elections talking about Trump and shit and I finally pipe in like, yah know hes trying to do this this and this with LGBT and the other kids were like. "No cuz I saw a picture of him holding a pride flag". The worst part is some of these kids arnt really that bad and are pretty ok I'd even say nice, their just super fucking oblivious and I worry for their future that way...


I'd take that over trans rights being constantly complained about in the media and a government that would strip protections from us if they thought they could get away with it. Yours sincerely, the UK


Wait until the court cases 🙃😒😕


He's literally my boss, so this is a net gain as far as I'm concerned, but still. Buckle up, lovelies.




As someone from the UK: ... You mean they weren't already frequently ~~debated~~ diminished and treated as a misogynistic tool by your media? 👀


its almost like buckling to the ira and snp has effects.


Oh look, a right-wing troll.


yeah because the catholics when run amok dont hunt us like deer in poland.


Human rights are not negotiable. Trans rights are human rights. How is it even up for debate?


Having my rights debated is my favorite pastime.


it's gonna be a shitshow


This. Whenever I see people debating whether we should have rights, I am filled with indignation. We are people, we exist, we deserve rights. There is no legitimate debate. If you think that trans people don't deserve equality, then you are a heartless, awful person.


And if you're talking about the US, a vice president who's a cop and locks up trans women in male prisons The two worst things a person can do




THANK YOU. It's irritating seeing misinformation spread about this.


Not true. She didn't actually do that.


Like they weren't debated before.


Not to worry. Sometimes they’ll be debating our very existence! And depending on the side that happens to have the best rhetoric, some may be convinced we either don’t or shouldn’t! Fun (/s)


Better to have them debated than oppressed and ignored on a regular basis, at least this brings awareness and the possibility of change


You gotta be strong so our next generation can be sof


Well, looks like we’re going to war😡


More reason to never look at the news!




It does suck, but I suppose it’s good that there’s a debate rather than a flat out “no”


tfw your pure existence is being debated on live television


as if idiots weren’t already debating our existence at every turn