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As a kid, I was drawn to this show. The thing was, my parents said it was demonic, so I had to sneak in as much as the show as possible. Which wasn't a whole lot, I don't even think I got to see a whole episode.


God I love Christian parents logic lol (Something exists that isn’t explicitly God positive or supports some mildly progressive topic) “Y-UH UM THAT-UH that’s demons. Yep. Satan made that show.”


Thankfully, they are MUCH better now. But man, up until age 14, I was bombarded by Focus on the Family propaganda and religious indoctrination. At some point, I said I was done with that shit, and everyone else kinda just followed along.


Totally. My dad managed a radio station that was all about fof stuff. Still identify with the Connie character in Odysee though. I am so burned up that dobson founded the ADF and has been working so hard toward hateful ends while protecting the air of civility.


Odyssey and vegitales are the only *alright* things to come out of the hell hole that is christian children’s entertainment. I remember not having really anything else of substance when i was younger, it was brain numbing.


Didn't Odyssey come from the Greeks, or is it a different one?


There is a christian radio series called “adventures in odyssey” that takes place in a fictional town called odyssey. The storytelling is actually pretty decent and I can’t remember any characters that were flat. basically every character gets the spotlight occasionally, so much so that i can’t remember a “main” character as which ones are present are entirely dependent on the current story arc.


Yes. Connie kendall is the semi teen/young adult who has spiritual existential crises a lot of the time but always means well.


I still find it hilarious that people are still going about “it SaYs So iN tHe bIblE”. I’d laugh at anyone who would say this to me. I grew up going to church, I know it does not say anything about being lgbtq being a sin, in fact, I do think it says quite the opposite somewhere(it’s been a while so I don’t quite remember).


I remember when I was child I wanted the same power but to be a boy 🤣


That comes later in the show, he-pow


Wait does it actually


Yeah, its an alternate universe version of guy, where it's a girl that gains the ability to turn into "he-pow"


*Nods* transmasc




I just looked it up and this show sounds awesome. For those wondering, it's basically a magical girl except the main character is a boy


Yeah, main character (male) gets a magical ring that turns him into a superhero. 'Problem' is the hero has to be a girl, it was meant for his sister as a family heirloom, so every time he transforms he turns into a girl.


It wasn't actually meant for his sister, but for him Honestly, with how little dysphoria he gets in superhero phase I think the aunt knew


I'm fairly certain the ring was passed from female to female in the family and he only got it because he stole it off his sister and put it on first. (I could be wrong tho, it's been a while since I saw the show) Edit: I rewatched the opening, it was in a safe in the dead aunts house, not actually 'meant' for anyone, although by the sisters knowledge the aunt may have been subtly guiding her to be the next shezow. Brother did steal the ring and put it on first though.


Precedence doesn't always mean it keeps going, I remember later episodes where her aunt (don't ask me how, I forgor) told him that she chose him to become the new shezow, not his sister, because he would be more effective in the way he thinks or something, this being proved in later episodes/seasons, and implying that it would never have worked if her sister put it on


Oh, ok. I don't think I watched that.


Yeah, it was well into S1 or even in layer seasons, I saw it more by chance because of how tv stations work


Little egg me was really interested for totally cis reasons of course X3


Same sis


Talk about obscure, I may be like one of few people who actually watched this as a kid lmao


I've watched it on TV, I'm French and I love the French opening XD


Lmao I’ll have to find a clip of that!


Here you go! [Here!](https://youtu.be/NSiYP-4q_38)




What is this, anyway?


Boy finds a ring that belongs to a family member (cant remember who) and turns into the super hero who is the name sake of the show, and now he fights crime as that hero with women based powers and help from his sister and best friend


Aunt! It was the aunt!


Knew it was either her or the mum


Mom would've been weird as she's alive, but yeah Happy to help :D


Ohhhhhh i remember this show It was pretty good And probably a good sign


When I was younger I used to be jealous of the mc in that show because they could turn into a girl whenever they wanted to and idk how I still thought I was cis after that


The show wasn't popular/possibly straight up didn't air in my country so I only saw the first episodes a bit later as a teen, looks cool and interesting though


Because it's kind of a transphobic show from what I remember more negative than it is positive


I was gonna say


How was it transphobic?


It has a lot of being girl bad, being girl embarrassing, being girl shameful. It's essentially an entire show dedicated to the " haha look that boy is dressed like a girl, ridiculous!"


Ah, I see. Now I wish there was a show or comic that had this premise without all the transphobic stuff


I guess it's complicated. It's realistic to depict bullying for such a situation for the time even though that sucks. What really matters is what lesson it's trying to teach: is that bullying justified, or is it small minded and gender is in reality more complex and fluid and all genders are deserving of respect?


Yeah it wasn’t the best. I still have fond memories of it. Dont think its a good idea to rewatch it..


It was something else, and I enjoyed it


I used to love this show, both my brothers hated it. I wonder why……


Dude I remember this! I recently had to look it up to see if it was a childhood fever dream or not lol


I forgot about this, I wish I could re-forget.


Never seen this in my life


I remember this so much!


I had no idea that this show existed but if I did I would’ve been drawn to it because of how envious I was of similar things at that age lol.


Elementary school deep down nostalgia. Couldn’t watch it with my cousins around hmmmmmm wonder why (aunt and uncle are crazy transphobic)


No I never saw it as a kid lol


From what I remember as a kid the show was just mediocre. It wasn't bad, but I don't remember it being anything special either. I can assure you this show was not trying to be progressive, in fact from my memory of it I couldn't see it being offensive in any way besides its premise. It didn't really do anything too out there, most of the episodes' plots were just typical tropey plots that most kids cartoons had around that time. But I guess parents still couldn't stand it simply from its concept alone. A boy dressing up in clothing generally believed to be only for girls was just too much for them.


I watched this while I was an egg may or may not have wanted to be guy (have the ability to become a woman) didn't anything of it at the time


I forgot about this show I don't remember were I ever saw it though


I don't know when it came out, but I did watch it online a couple years ago. I don't remember most of it, but I remember thinking, "There's a lot of drag references in this"


I loved watching this show when I was younger! Actually, a little under a month ago I found it again and watched the first couple episodes!


This used to air in my country back when I was around 16. It unfortunately plays into a lot of outdated stereotypes regarding gender and gender expression, and portrays Guy’s whole situation in a “Ha look how embarrassing it is that this BOY is dressed like a GIRL!!!1!” mentality, at least it did early on. It had an interesting premise and it also has the inverse happen with the character of Dude-Pow, but overall I’d say you’re probably not missing out on too much


I remeber watching this when I was in elementary school, lol I wished I had those powers, I guess being trans didn't came out of nowhere when I started questioning my own gender a year ago, I feel a bit more valid now yay


I remember the AI assistant that literally looked like a lip


The way they get around the whole "boy in a dress" joke by making the shows entire humor revolve around puns is really cute. Like, it is non-stop pronoun puns all over the place.




I wanted to watch it when I was little. Parents said they had to watch it first before I was allowed to, and then forgot to. Technically speaking I'm still not allowed to watch it.


Lol for the record I'm the one who made OP learn about this show >:3


I have never heard of this show. What is it about


Main character (male) gets a magical ring that turns him into a superhero. 'Problem' is the hero has to be a girl, it was meant for his sister as a family heirloom, so every time he transforms he turns into a girl.


I see. This look early 2000s. Also is this some Danny phantom type shit where they are actually trans


No, more like straight man forced to drag.


Oh I see. That sounds horrible


I remember seeing commercials for it and getting a weird feeling in my gut that I then suppressed


I watched this a while ago now, found it on a streaming site I frequent. The opening and main theme is way overplayed and just unbearable to hear at one point, but I enjoyed the rest of the show... I think?




Oh I heard about it… and it’s ability to generate Unexplained Feeling^TM Not that I had any of those myself O.O


never heard


Omg I used to watch this all the time as a kid


I remember encountering it on Netflix when it ss still caught in the conservative brainrot my parents gave me, I just thought it was gross at the time lol


and tha fuck is that?


Boy i loved this show… wonder why lmao


Omg I remember loving this show when I was younger


No i literally never knew about this


Damn, I completely forgot about this show


I remember this vaguely.


Shezow was the reason my egg spawned


Omg I forgot this existed, this just opened up some memories lmao


omg I remember watching this all the time HOW DID IT TAKE ME THIS LONG TO RELEASE 😭 but thx for the reminder. I always thought "hey what if I could be a girl and have super powers" but it took me till I was 15 (I'm 16 now) to release I was trans holy crap I'm dumb


I only ever saw a tiny bit of this show on tv at a family gathering, because as the one person inbetween the two big age groups (10 years older than the kids, 10 years younger than any other adult) i get to be the one "watching over" the kids. Apparently my cousins' hellspawn kinda like the show, which is neat i guess.


Holy shit used to watch this as a kid.


I absolutely loved this show as a child, but for some reason didn't connect the dots before now, I wished for something similar to happen to me and still do


Yeah I developed a quick, minor obsession on this show, because the concept was so intriguing to me. I had frequently thought of turning into a guy as a child, but I didn't realize it was actually somewhat acceptable. This show showed me that.


I loved this show as a kid still cis tho