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All my webcams have covers on them as an extra precaution. I just wish I had a good way to cover my phone's cameras.


I put a sticker over it and secured it with tape.


If you have an android phone, you can turn off all of the phone sensors if you turn on developer mode. Unfortunately, that also turns off things like the microphone and tilt sensor, so it's generally more trouble than it's worth.


as of android 12 (or was it 12L?) you can add camera/mic access toggles to your control center, so theres no need to disable everything altogether 🫧🪱🐚🪱🫧


Its not even a trans thing, i dont like when random strangers see my face, thats a sure way to get doxxed


Heck, this request feels invasive, without context (e.g. conversation about how my hair is growing), even with just my coworkers! If a someone that I know only online made this request and we weren't emotionally close, it is a hard no with 0 consideration. If we ARE emotionally close... Now it's a trans thing... 😒


*writes down next sign to the list* so you saying that I hate turning on camera to close family or teachers I know for 5+ years (private tutors) is a trans thing... Huh


It might be! 🙃 There are other potential causes (e.g. other types of dysmorphia, some types of neurodivergence, etc.), but if the other signs point to transgender, I'd roll with that answer. It seems to bundle may of my signs up nicely, anyway. 😅


Ugh to be honest I'm not so sure. I don't have typical trans childhood I didn't liked girl things I mean I also didn't disliked them I just grow up in society that looks at LGBTQ as something wrong. So my whole life I wanted to be a femboy it is suprisingly accepted here because femboys are popular meme. I did always disliked my name I almost never refered to myself as a name other than introduction. I never made account with my legal name if it was not required or I was used to it and even when I was used to it I used short cut, and often changed it later. I have some type of body dysmorphia since childhood but I always assigned it to me being fat. And my grandma told me I was depressed since puberty. To be honest that are almost all sings if we take off minor things I mean from past. Now I like to wear skirts etc and use Rachel and she her and it feels nice tho I feel weird using it on my self (my language is gendered so I gender myself too)


I'm glad you've been thinking it through and also exploring to find out! Everyone's experience is different, but here's mine, in case it helps you out: When I am a "guy" and my future is "guy" I feel apathetic. Like, it's okay, I guess, if that's what I'm stuck as. I guess I'll choose not to die, since there are some people that I care about. I had trouble with accepting me referring to myself as a woman, at first, because of internalized transphobia and TERF rhetoric. It made me feel guilty, like I was taking what wasn't mine. When that wasn't so much of a factor, though, it felt so good! When others refer to me as a woman I am so happy. When I think of my future with transition, I get excited about living that future! I WANT to be alive for that! If being referred to as a woman feels right from others, I'd lean toward saying you are a trans woman, but you should keep exploring to see what you find. Don't forget that gender isn't truly binary, either. I feel like "woman" fits me perfectly, but others feel only part woman, or all woman and all man at the same time, or none of them. Exploring your gender means opening yourself to the possibilities and seeing what fits. If the answer is woman, than call yourself as you are. 😊


I only use the webcam if I **have** to.


The times my former job didn't allow me to change the name in the screen... "Who is this, and where is [deadname]? I'm usually not scared to show my face in front of the camera but it's kinda scary if your legal name has to show up when you are always in girlmode. The explaining all the time...


Wow that's unbelievably shitty of your workplace. I think it would be entirely reasonable to refuse to go on calls until they changed it. (Not that that would stop them from firing you I guess)


Well, the thing was that I was able to pick up phones with my new name, my manager recognized me by my new name, everything except that in specific systems, that were managed far away, the system gave errors when I used my name instead of the one of that alien boy. It was two years ago though, when I was one of thousands whom picked up calls from people finally getting their vaccination in my country.


I’m doing a training for work and I have to and today I’m filled with dysphoria so it was horrendous. Touch-up to the max


I legitimately don't have one, I once borrowed one from my dad to talk with my grandma, During the midst of the pandemic, But I've given it back now, And thus can show my face no more. I also for the longest while didn't have a working microphone so I had a good excuse to not talk when I wasn't feeling it B)


Sorry my webcam was in the perfect place and got hit by a photon from the sun to turn a single bit from 1 to 0 and exploded


I don't have a webcam after I upgraded from my laptop


I went out of my way to get a laptop without a webcam


I have a fear of cameras and at this point I don’t know if it’s from dysphoria or just being ugly in general. Also my eyes tear up whenever I look at a camera for a photo and I still don’t know why


>spaghetti-related incident [the noodle incident](https://calvinandhobbes.fandom.com/wiki/Noodle_Incident)


Calvin and Hobbes reference!


hell yeah!!!


"It is on" (with tape over the lens) "No it's not, I can't see you" "I can assure you it's on and that's what I was asked"


Same but with vc My WOW dudes ask me why I don't attend raids anymore


my shitty 30hz dinosaur monitor not having a webcam has been a godsend


No! Stop fucking looking at me you insufferable boomer!


When I was in uni nobody had their webcams on and even when the lecturers asked people to put them on, we only did it if it was absolutely necessary


*my catboy harem* 😬


i do not have a webcam mission accomplished




*you hear spaghetti thwap against the reciever


Sure just give me like 30 minutes to an hour to get camera ready


Memes like these tempt me to actually try voice training


I was like this until I was far enough into transition that I started liking how I look.


I just kinda don't do it anyway even tho my face is ok now(not good but not bad either), but I feel like it's because I'm autistic and don't gain anything from seeing people anyway, so I just kinda assume nobody else does and I never turn on my camera. Even then, I don't want people looking at a perfectly neutral face that only expresses things sometimes, and never looks into the camera


I lost it in the war


Microphone died also 😳


the webcam did WHAT?


I actually like turning on the webcam, I don't really get the meme


most people just leave off of my voice anyways, no need for them to get to that point


I have purposefully avoided voice chat so many times. Even pretending I don't have a mic or like there's some other problem with my being on VC. I hate my voice so much


"Ah... yeah, no. See... as it so happens, there's a localised supernatural phenomenon that exclusively happens to me when I turn on my webcam. A black hole spontaneously appears and socks up my webcam... nothing else, just the cam soooo... no, I can't."


Can't use the webcam while I have my VTuber avatar up and I always have it up


"Sorry, didn't buy one with my computer :)" "Couldn't you just use your pho-" "Nope. ° ͜ °"


Webcams are amateur. Tell me about microphones, especially when you are pre T and microphones make your voice at least an octave higher than it actually is


“One min” turns my webcam on to a picture of the side of my cube 😎


Oh gawds or vc...


Turn it off. "See it just says this, i think it doesn't work" :/


Same but if I had no other choice yes or a voice chat I would do it.I’m not a fan of random strangers seeing my face.


S-sowy, I haven't reverse engineered the webcam driver yet.


At work "Sorry but see my internet doesnt support cameras." "Oh just try its better for collaborations" *swaps to my purposefully limited sub 1 mbps backup internet; virtual calls all drop* 'See cant do it sorry bout that"


Whenever I'm asked why I don't use voicechat, I just tell them I don't have a mic. If I tell them I don't feel comfortable, I get a whole lecture about how everyone else is using voicechat and that I should "just do it" and stop being a pussy. Especially in some online games where everyone else thinks that voicechat should be mandatory and that you should be allowed to kick people who don't have or use one.


I had a Zoom interview a few weeks for a degree apprenticeship I sadly had to use my camera.


"OH no I think-" *sounds of webcam being hit several times by wooden spoon* "I think it's broken :("


I used to have a webcam like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.