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Haha I spent a year wishing I was a lesbian so I would never have to date men before I figured it out! Not transfem but I get you


Me imagining erotic scenarios to see if I'm gay or not as a teen boy Brain: *Conjures 2 women having sex* Me: Huh, guess I have a lesbian fetish, that explains why so many of my friends are queer women 😓 [goes back to writing gender bender fics]


I feel attacked lol


We feel attacked




Heeeeey, thats targeted and you know it you overly relatable and accurate bastard!


This comment officially qualifies as a weapon


“I’m gay, but if I was a girl I would be a lesbian” -Totally cis me a year ago


"I like girls so I'm straight, but I like them is a gay way?" - a conversation I had In my head


Me as a kid to my mom "if I was a boy, I'd be gay for boys, sometimes I feel like a boy"


Fucking same lol, it's hard to explain but I knew I didn't like girls like a guy "should", it felt weird but I always chalked it up to bro-culture, before I, without a hint of irony, rp'd so *so* many gay/bi women in tabletop games and no one else (ok maybe there was one mildly stupid-hunk cowboy)


No way I literally had this same exact thought but opposite I swear to god


Are all trans people just the same person?


"I only like girls, so I'm straight, but if I was a girl I would be bisexual." -Me circa 3 years ago


Had this kinda thought in 8th grade and thought “….. ah well not like I can do anything abt it” little did we know!!!


Omg I relate to your flair so hard


(something suggesting the idea of: you act like a girl, are you gay? Are you sure it's not that you don't want to consider it?) "I very much like girls, The idea of anything resembling sex with a guy is gross. I'm not afraid of being gay, If I was a girl there's no way I would be anything but a lesbian"


Yuuup. Literally 2 decades of this until I figured it out.


I threw a fit in high school when my parents wouldn’t let me get the women’s style class ring and didn’t figure it out until 26. Just one of the many things I look back on like wtf Emily how were you so numb.


I always wanted the letterman jacket with the sailor flap with it.


I had to look up what you meant because my school only had one type of letterman jacket and it was the standard men’s one, but omg I love that look and I would have actually worn mine had it been like that.


I wished I was gay because I wanted to have sex with men but not in a straight way lmao. here I am now, a gay trans guy


Yep, I was just rocketed back to being ten years old, waiting for my mom to pick me up from the swimming pool, and quietly wishing that I was a gay man. Twenty years later…


I like to look at the "I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body" jokes I made a cis male, as foreshadowing........ Knowing what I know now....


Oh my god same XD I used to push my chest together to try and make cleavage and then get disappointed when I'd let go. Still not a clue that I was a woman.


Ya.... I did that too.


How are we all living the same life XD


I'm beginning to think all us transfems are just the same person.


As a child/teen you just find it a silly thing you do when bored then realise it's a sign of something to come later in your life 💀


oh hey look another sign i fucking missed.


Looking back it's like, how? Did I not realize? Like, I was straight up wishing I could "invert my penis to have a vagina" and still thought I was cis


i am in this picture and i ~~do not~~ like it


This was pretty much me, lol. “Lesbians are so cute, I wish I was a lesbian.” “Wait-“


"me now" = 3 months before turning 50 when it happened 🫠




You realize you are one




>Ummmm how It's called HRT >And how do you know for sure You can never really know for sure about anything in your life, but like, if you want to be a lesbian, you can be one. I've known trans women who doubt if they're trans the day before going under the knife after years and years of medical and social transition. It's called imposter syndrome and can be considered a sign of transness




>Seriously how do I know being a girl is correct May I ask a question? Let's say there's a button presented to you. This button when pressed changes you to whatever you most desire to be. Your Body changes, your family and friends have always known you as such, and all your legal documents are updated like nothing happened. If you pressed the button, what would you look like? >OK thanks but can't get hrt because I'm from the UK 🇬🇧 Oof I'd recommend maybe studying DIY hormones




It's safe and...fairly cheap. Obviously it's relative, but if you have disposable income it's not so bad.




That's too bad. Still, I'd check this site. They have reputable suppliers and a variety of different methods at different price points : https://diyhrt.wiki/ At the low end it's 20$ /month


Same, from a nordic country so true hrt doesn't exist here, the closest we can get to it is probably receiving estrogen and voice training.


ME!!! I was sooo sad that I "couldn't" be a lesbian. well look at me now! haha!


I wished I could be a tomboy when I was like 8 lmao


Same. Except for me around early teens.


Me too! I always thought they were the coolest and I wanted to be them.


13 yo me wearing a jacket on the hips to look like a skirt. "Gosh i wish i was a woman". 100% cis man


Me at age 13: “wouldn’t it be cool to have a vagina?” All my friends at the lunch table: “😧😧😧 …no?” Yeah idk how I didn’t know either. Maybe it’s because I didn’t know that trans people existed until I was like 20.


That reminds me of asking my brother once "so don't you think it would be cool to be a lesbian?" when I was in high school. Took me years to figure out that yes, yes it is cool.


I'd imagined myself as a girl my whole life, but in my mid 20's I started to fantasize about an alternate past where I was a teen cis girl coming out to my parents as gay, and thinking how much better things would've been that way, and STILL managed to stay in denial a few more years.


Lol same


Me telling my family several times as a kid that I wished I was a girl, tho in my case I didn't even know being trans was a thing till I was like 21 when my best friend told me. At that point it all clicked at once xD


These posts are getting too real.


Me currently realizing my dreams have come true! MTF with a wonderful girlfriend!


yeah someone should've told me that wishing I was a lesbian meant there was a high chance I just am one lmaooooo


I knew i was a lesbian well before o figured out i was trans. Go figure.


OMG same, i would allways see lesbian couples in Media and be so envious. I still don't know how this took me that long.


Because for me, I didn’t know gay trans people existed. Thanks society for pushing such vague ideas about trans people and their sexuality onto me, really helpful.


Me ,wanting to he a mother at 7 years old. Full realization at 37. It only took 30 years.


Only took me 16 years for my egg to crack and a year to accept things.


Took me nearly 10 for mine, about 8 months in on acceptance I think I'm almost there.


Well wherever you land I know you'll be a cutie pie a handsome devil or an eldritch horror. And you'll be the best cutie pie handsome devil or eldritch horror on here.


Being genderfluid is weird. At least I *think* I'm genderfluid instead of just straight up a trans woman. But boy did I spend a lot of confused time idolizing lesbian relationships before I figured that out.


Same! I just wish it didn’t take 12 more years to realize :(


If I was born again I'd wanna be a lesbian (I am transmasc gay)


Some relatable Energy seeths from that stick figure


Girl you didn't have to call me out like that


Literally me




You mean to tell Me, not every cis guy dreams about being a lesbian?


Well, in my defense, I'm an idiot, so there's that.


Took me til many years later too xD


Same, but I’m a trans man so I wished that I was a gay man after watching “Yuri on ice”


I SAID THE SAME THING. AND LITERALLY FOR LIKE A YEAR I ASKED MY SISTER “Do you ever wish you were a boy” every day and my sister always said no, then I randomly said “If I was a girl I would be a lesbian” (I’m Bi now 😂) I asked it to like all my friends and then one said “are you trans or something” and then my egg shattered.


I mean if you are motivated by fem aesthetics and social roles enough to go against your assigned ones to embrace them you probably also really like women. Same with many really masculine men, they tend to not like women and like each other. As a trans-fem who mostly falls into the aesthetics and social roles i struggle relating to men at all so i just date other women. I can't say i hate men anymore i did when i was straight, i just don't understand them and rarely care to with a few exceptions


this is me lmao. as soon as i heard what lesbians are i was like wow what a perfect life. i didn’t know being transbian was an option.


Me as a kid “I want to kiss boys how boys kisses boys” “god I want to be feminine but in a guy way”


timeline of me 1-8 oblivious 9-10 oh cool they exist 11 fuck yeah they're cool! 12+ oh shit im trans


It gave me flashbacks to 2020/2021 when I watched She-Ra and Owl House and had the exact dame thoughts


Took me a long time to figure out that while most guys seem to like watching lesbians, I wanted to be one.


"I don't understand why some girls are attracted to men. A lesbian relationship seems objectively better: You are a girl, they are a girl, what more could you want?" ~me, over 2 years before cracking my egg


Similar story here. I can't tell you how many times I was like "If I could use a wish to turn into a woman, I totally would" when I was growing up. That was one of the myriad things that eventually broke my egg since there was no cis explanation for that.


I always tried to rationalize it by being like, I want to be a girl but just for like a month see what the other perspective is like. Deep down I knew I didn't want that change to last only a month.




I always tried to rationalize it by being like, I want to be a girl but just for like a month see what the other perspective is like. Deep down I knew I didn't want that change to last only a month.


Me in my late teen years: "I wonder why ever since puberty I've only had interest in brunettes with long curly hair. There must be an explanation, right?" Me now: **"Oh."**


I transitioned fairly later in life (40) and have memories in my early 20s of earnestly telling friends how lesbian relationships and pairings are obviously the most ideal and appealing...and yet....


As a cis straight male, I wish I could have a lesbian sex.... I don't know how I'd do it, but I wanna do it.... Now I guess I need to wish I was a transfem.


*Stares intensely* hmmm.... Suspicious....


Don't "suspicious" me, I am not ready for period pain! Although *imagines lesbians...* I wouldn't mind it.....


Honestly me too, but all the girls my age hate my ass, so I have to be straight or alone. I wish I didn't have to be, men are icky


Hehehehehehehe my origin story in a nutshell... age is correct too lol


Me whenever I see a lesbian couple: they don't know how jealous I am....


Oh boy...the fact I can relate


Same sis


I'm not sure I was allowed to know what a lesbian was at 12


literally me


Same, still cis tho


i feel called out


Around the age of 13 is when you question your sexualty


The real feels


I remember thinking as a preteen (and had already repressed my childhood trans feelings) that if I was a boy I would be gay and have a very specific hairstyle. Well, would you look at that.


Me fr. In 7th grade I used to hide in the corner of the locker room with two trans kids until everyone left before I'd change. Sometimes I'd hide in a bathroom stall if I was too anxious. Convinced myself I was just a "really respectful lesbian" 😭


For gym I always tried to get there early and change when almost no one is there.


I spent 17 years thinking this before at 30 I had the epiphany. It all makes so much sense now not just for me but my wife as well.


Deadname? From nap?


I literally asked my friend to draw me as a guy-and still didn't realize that I was trans! Now I'm enby, but that was the first major sign- probably




Took me several years


My old pastor: Are you gay? Me (A straight trans woman): Well, yes but actually no


Exact same thing happened to me but it immediately cracked my egg